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Always Rescuing Me (Always #2)
Always Rescuing Me (Always #2)
Always Rescuing Me (Always #2)
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Always Rescuing Me (Always #2)

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***Warning content in book is sexual and graphic and may be viewed as cruel. For mature audiences***
As Jewel and Logan begin building their lives together, they are affronted with challenges from the past. Logan is met with an unwelcome reminder that he is not the only man that loves his precious Jewel. Logan must except this part of her past or risk losing her all together.

Nothing tests the strength of their relationship more than the new and old threats lingering over them. Jewel is still haunted from the memory of Dylan and the possibility of him getting his hands on her again. She has a difficult time learning to cope and except the protection which Logan offers her.

When Jewel begins drifting further away from everyone and everything. Logan has to find ways of protecting her from herself as well as prove to her that she'll always be safe.

PublisherSara Rae
Release dateFeb 13, 2014
Always Rescuing Me (Always #2)

Sara Rae

Years ago Sara and Rae were introduced and became friends instantly. Both feeling they had met each other before but neither knowing when. Sharing the same interests Sara began recommending books for Rae to read, discuss, and enjoy. Eventually, the two began mixing their creativity to form their first book, Always Dreaming of You. We love writing and being able to create new worlds, new people and new stories. We hope the readers love our books and characters as much as we enjoy crafting them.

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    Always Rescuing Me (Always #2) - Sara Rae




    Sara Rae


    Always Rescuing Me is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author(s).

    Published by Sara Rae

    First Edition:

    Copyright © 2014

    Sara2Rae at Smashwords

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction.

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    We would like to thank our husbands and families for being supportive and understanding when the house was dirty, the dishes were piling up and there weren't any clean clothes around.

    A special thank you to all the readers and Facebook fans. Without you writing books wouldn’t be any fun!

    To all the other authors who wrote fabulous books that inspired us to write our own.

    Also, we would like to thank you, the reader. We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.

    Lastly, Rae would like to thank Sara for recommending book after book for her to read and gain more creative juices. Without you, none of this would be possible.

    Table of Contents

    Cover page



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    About the Authors

    Chapter 1

    Hey baby, I am out of work now, meet me at The Club, Logan speaks with excitement in his voice.

    Yes, sir. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me. I can hear him chuckle on the other end.

    You'd better be wet and ready when you get there. I've been thinking about all the things I'll be doing to you. I love you, see you soon.

    Planning on changing a few things up, I bought some skimpy lingerie which is hiding beneath my sexy dark purple sequin cocktail dress. My long chestnut brown hair is down and slightly curled, doing a great job of covering any scars on my back that would normally be visible. My long legs look like they go on for miles with my black stilettos.

    When I bend over, my dress rides up and my sexy black lace thong is minutely visible. My heart begins to race when I think of how Logan will react. I go to the dresser before I leave and put an extra pair of panties in my purse, just to be on the safe side. Lastly, I grab the keys to Logan's truck and I skip out of the condo. My cars are still in the shop after being vandalized by Dylan's girlfriend.

    I get to the lobby of The Club and see Lily, the catty receptionist, behind the desk. Recoiling inwardly when I see her black shoulder length hair. I was hoping Dahlia was working today.

    When she looks up, her smile fades quickly and she rolls her dark eyes. In my mind, they match her soul. I debate if I want to confront her, ask her what her fucking problem is, but I decide to kill her with kindness.

    Good afternoon Lily, you look pretty today.

    She ignores me, picks up the phone and dials a number. I shake my head and mentally call her every name in the book.

    Be a bitch to me I don't care, you’re just jealous. I step through the door and allow my eyes to adjust to the deeper tones. The place is buzzing today, more people than usual. I look around for Logan and stiffen when I find him.

    Three seriously gorgeous girls are hounding him. They all have a hand on him somewhere. Bimbo one, strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail, has her grimy hand on one arm and the darker haired, bimbo number two, is caressing his other. The third bimbo is the one I want to strangle. She's rubbing his chest and playing with his tie, all while giving him seductive looks and coy smiles.

    Her short dark hair keeps falling in her face while she peeks up through hooded eyes and tries to pressure him. I'm deciding whether I want to see what he does, or if I want to save him from the skank bitches. I walk over to the bar and grab a drink before I make my decision.

    Logan saves me from having to choose. After I order a whiskey and water, I watch as he grabs his tie from bimbo number three's grasp. He shrugs and moves away from the other women and whispers something that shocks them all. I hear the gasps from half way across the room and the second woman even covers her mouth with her hand.

    The third skank takes a step forward, I attempt to zero in on her possible voice. She gestures around and I read her lips as she moves toward him sexually, I don't see her anywhere, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

    A million thoughts run through my head as I jump off my stool. I want to start a fight, I want to claim my prize and mark him as mine. Walking over to where the small group is standing, I don't go up to Logan, I don't smash the bitch’s faces in. I sexually saunter past the group, eyeing Logan with desire and temptation.

    When he sees me, my heart stops. Logan ignores the whores and admires my body. Trailing his eyes up and down my length a few times. After what feels like hours, he stops ogling me and pushes the bimbos out of his way. Taking three wide steps before sliding his arms around my waist and shoulders and devouring my lips.

    I explore his mouth with the same ferocity and moan when he pulls away. Gazing behind Logan, I notice all the women have their mouths open and gaping like goldfish. I flash them my gorgeous ring, Back off bitches, go find your own.

    Slut number three staggers back but eventually grabs the other two and leaves my hunk of a man alone. I turn back to Logan and throw my arms around his waist. If I went for his neck, my ass would be exposed.

    Logan laughs. Damn, you always take my breath away, he informs as he pushes a lock of hair behind my ear and kisses my nose.

    You do the same for me, especially when you wear this sexy as hell suit.

    Of course, he's dressed in my favorite charcoal suit with a navy blue shirt and gray and blue-striped tie. I play with his tie, What room are we going into? I gaze into his beautiful sea foam green eyes and give him a flirtatious smile. I hear his breath quiver.

    Logan grabs my hand and picks up a bag from the floor.

    We go into the one of the biggest rooms in the sex club; one with a bed. As we enter, he flips a couple switches. One turns a light next to the door red, letting everyone know this room is occupied. The second switch makes the clear glass door tint, rendering us unseen.

    Walking past me, he takes off his suit jacket and placing it on the bed next to the bag.

    Why are we always screened? I wouldn't mind having an audience, I state and become even more aroused just thinking about the possibility of having others watching us play or make love.

    Your body belongs to me, I don't want others to view it. No one is allowed to see what I do with what is mine. He growls and visually shivers, Just the thought of someone else seeing your body makes me homicidal.

    Logan shakes his head, clearly trying to get past the idea.

    I am too scared to remind him about the short time we were separated. He was trying to get me back and I was trying to move on. During that time, I had numerous sexual encounters with my ex-boyfriend Mark. Logan knows the main details but we never talk about it.

    He scans the ceiling, I love their new additions to the larger rooms. Following his gaze, I notice the grid system in the ceiling with cuffs hanging down. I feel the heat burning in my core and my inner muscles flex.

    That's what I want... I affirm staring at my new favorite part of The Club.

    Logan is tall enough to reach the cuffs. His warm hands grab my wrists and lifts my arms to see if he needs to adjust the height for my comfort. After doing what he needs, his focus is then on the bag on the bed.

    When he isn't watching, I quietly tiptoe to the door and flip the switch to make us visible. Turning quickly and confidently, I stride back behind him in case he turns around. My heart is racing and I'm more stirred than I was only moments ago. Knowing I just did something forbidden and ignoring Logan's remark as to why were always hidden, causes my blood to boil with need.

    Squatting down behind my gorgeous fiancé, I start slowly trailing my hands up his clothed legs to his ass as he is bent over unloading the goody bag. Logan stops moving as soon as I begin touching him. I rise and pull his shirt out of his pants to be able to have skin-on-skin contact, scratching up and down his back.

    My breathing increases and I sense a flush of moisture between my legs when I feel his tight warm skin against my fingertips. The bound muscles of his back and his broad shoulders aren't helping to control my urges.

    Logan straightens abruptly, turns and takes my mouth. We ravage each other’s, in a fervent need we both have. I move us so his back is to the door and begin unbuttoning his shirt, all while biting and sucking his lip. When I'm finally able to push his clothing off, my movements halt as I stare at his immaculate body. Lifting my hands, I begin tracing his abs and pecks with the tips of my fingers. Sweetly kissing his body, I love you. I'm so blessed to have you in my life.

    He grabs my shoulders and backs me away from him. He has a conflicted look on his face as if he's asking himself, vanilla or play? Then his mood shifts to one of hunger when he studies my body once more. In his deep Dom voice he commands, Turn around.

    Searching my back for the zipper, he finds it under my arm and slowly drags it down my body. I feel a warmth spread through me and am anxious to see how he's going to respond once he discovers my secret. Finishing with the zipper, he pushes his large hand under the fabric of my dress and stills instantly.

    "OH FUCK! Baby, what are you wearing under this dress?"

    Instead of verbally answering, I grab my straps, push them over my shoulders and down my arms. I hear his quick intake of breath as I allow my dress to flutter to the floor.

    Wrapping his arm around my stomach, he pulls me against his chest, my back to his front. Logan presses his thick cock against my lower back and groans into my ear. When I feel his hot, minty breath brush my skin, I can't help the moan that escapes me. I am unable to wait much longer.

    Turn around, he growls, mimicking his previous statement.

    I follow command and Logan bites his lower lip and hides a huge grin as he moves his eyes from my tall black heels, up my long silky legs and past my thighs.

    His inspection slows as he gets to my black lace thong and he licks his lips as he continues up my black lace, strapless, wired corset. My panting increases when I see the inferno in his eyes, he's barely able to keep his hands to himself as he surveys my body.

    Logan's eyes roll over my heavy, waiting breasts and stop at the diamond heart necklace on my chest. He gave it back to me last night after he had replaced the broken chain from when I ripped it off the last time we broke up.

    I instinctively grab it with my left hand and watch as his focus then goes to my engagement ring. A sexy devilish grin spreads across his face and makes my sex saturate further. I have to remember to breathe and try not to melt into a pool of liquid on the floor. He grabs my hand, kisses the ring and places it on the back of his neck. I put my other hand against his chiseled chest.

    After rubbing the lace on my back, Logan begins unhooking my corset. Kissing me gently at first, then slowly building into a hot, uncontrolled passion. He finally gets my bodice off and lets it fall to the floor between us.

    Logan continues to hold me with one arm while he runs his fingertips from my shoulder to my clavicle. Staring into my blue eyes as his tips turn into his hand and he slides from my chest to my breast. The heat of his hand feels like fire coursing through my body.

    He pinches my nipple hard and then bends and takes it in his mouth, sucking roughly, which makes my nipple tingle then burn. My eyes instinctively close as the burn radiates from my nipple through the rest of my body. Logan holds me tight and continues his assault on my other nipple.

    I briefly open my eyes and peek over his shoulder, noticing we have an audience. My breath shutters as I realize I forgot I flipped the switch. Logan slowly rises from his bent position and beholds me with curiosity.

    They haven't been able to see me at all, my body has been hidden behind Logan's. They've seen movement and my face as he took my breast in his mouth. Other than that, they’ve just see his naked back and occasionally one of my hands.

    Needing a distraction, I grab his thick cock through his pants and give him a slow caress with my palm. Logan rumbles as I unzip and lower his pants, slowly lowering my body with them. My legs are spread wide open around his stiff, still barely open legs and I balance myself as I grab his throbbing penis.

    I run my eyes up his delicious body and lick my lips when I get to his gaze. Leaning in, I place my lips around his soft tip. Sucking lightly, I run my tongue over his slit and the sensitive spot under his head. When I taste some pre-cum, I suck him into the back of my throat and slowly begin swirling my tongue around his thick, large shaft.

    As I continue my attack on his glorious dick, I rub his thighs and hips and massage his nice ass. Moaning, he slides his hands into my hair and squeezes a handful. Humming with delight, I feel him twitch in my mouth. I love feeling him almost explode, it sends a shiver through my body, knowing I can do this to him.

    Stop, he barks through gritted teeth. Logan pulls my hair back and I release him. Grabbing my shoulders, he stands me up straight, brings our bodies together and wraps his arm around my back. Kissing my chin and neck, he takes a step forward and pushes the back of my knees into the bed.

    After throwing everything on the bed to the floor, Logan slowly lowers our bodies down. Putting my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he crawls us to the middle of the bed. Once we're settled, he pulls away and grabs my thong straps, tearing one side and then the other. It falls open in defeat and he slides it out from under me.

    I need him in me before I lose my fucking mind. Writhing and moaning under him, Logan grabs himself and studies my body. Fuck, I am the luckiest man who has ever lived. He places himself at my entrance and thrusts roughly in. I arch my back as the burn rolls through the walls of my sex and down my spine. Screaming out his name, I grip balls of the sheets in each hand in an attempt to weaken my orgasm.

    He keeps his hands on my hips and slightly lifts me while he pounds relentlessly. I can't help the whimpers and moans that escape me. My body begins to take over and build from the stimulation.

    Unable to move, I watch him as he continuously views my naked body. When he gazes at where we're joined, I tighten my inner muscles. Logan grins and releases my hips, placing them back onto the mattress. He then lowers his chest on to mine and puts his weight on his arms.

    Taking my mouth he changes the pace and begins slowly but sweetly powering in and out of me. My hands move to his back as I scratch and drag my fingers across his skin. He rocks into me, lapping and kissing my throat. My eyes are closed and I focus on the way we are making love. A new warmth flows through me which causes my panting to slow with our movements.

    I roll my hips and his lips leave my skin, just long enough to say, I love you Jewel...You are the only thing in the world. I. Cannot. Live. With. Out. He finishes his sentence with rough long thrusts and my body is overwhelmingly on fire. My core tightens and with one last push, my orgasm rolls through and my body holds tightly to Logan, fearful of flying off into the universe.

    He pumps into me as his warm liquid coats my insides.

    I don't realize I’m biting into his shoulder until I have my breathing under control. We hold each other as we come down and I focus on feeling him convulse inside me, making me do the same around him. Logan’s face is buried into my neck and he begins kissing me again as he slowly pulls out.

    Eventually Logan backs away and grabs the edge of the sheet, tossing it over my body. Bending, still facing me, he pulls his boxers back up and grins as he straightens. Winking at me playfully before he spins and slowly saunters to the glass door. I watch as his back muscles ripple and his tight ass wiggles in those nice fitting boxer briefs as he moves.

    Logan flicks his wrists, shooing away the on-lookers and flips the switch by the door making us no longer visible. Turning, he begins stalking back to me, So, my sweet exhibitionist, how did it feel knowing people were watching?

    Giggling, I completely forgot about them the moment you touched me. When did you realize?

    He rips the sheet off me and throws it off to the side, As soon as you flipped it.

    Damn! I thought I was being sly. Now my love, your punishment...Off the bed, now, I do as I'm told. Stand under the cuffs and don't forget about our safe action, Logan speaks sternly and in his deep dominant voice.

    He secures my hands, facing the bed and tests the strength of the chains the cuffs are connected to. I watch as he bends his half naked body and picks up the items which he threw off the bed in the middle of our lovemaking.

    Logan grabs a bar and I note it has straps on either side. I realize it’s a spreader bar when I get a good look. Twisting in front of me, he straps the bar to my thighs right above my knees. My restraints are starting to infuriate me. I want to reach down and touch his bare arms, glide my hands through his hair and rub his muscular back.

    Hearing a few clicks, my legs are forced apart. Being this open and in his face makes me heat again. Logan's hands slide up my legs and when he gets to my pussy, he slowly massages my clit. I can't stop staring at him, watching his face while he touches my most intimate part and studies my eyes.

    He breathes in and licks his lips as he pushes his fingers through my folds. I gasp, and can't keep eye contact anymore. Closing my eyes, I bite my lip and moan as my legs go weak. The strain on my wrists, as the cuffs cut into me, sends me closer to my release.

    Suddenly, his warm lips begin sucking on my clit and I quiver at the feeling of being over stimulated. Circling my hips, I attempt to get his body closer to mine. I start to tighten and climb to my climax. A smile stretches across his face as he sucks one last time and he stops his onslaught.

    I sag and moan but the bite from my cuffs only heightens my desire to come.

    Logan moves back over to the bed and grabs a paddle. My eyes widen and a grin plasters on my face; this is going to be fun. He walks to my side and drags the paddle over my stomach, down my thighs and around to my bottom.

    There is a pause before, *whack* a little caress one cheek and then another, *whack*. I hear him chuckle when I moan a little, Are you enjoying this baby? he asks as he strokes the other cheek.

    I nod and the next *WHACK* is rougher.

    I flinch and jump as my whole body vibrates. *WHACK* there is a bite when the wood first touches my skin. Then oddly it turns into a burn and stinging pain. Not stinging in comparison to the whips, it’s more like being spanked with something more solid than a hand. *WHACK* the stinging is duller than a spank and the whips.

    Logan stops with the paddle and brings it back to the bed. Turning back to me, he attacks my lips and speaks between strokes of his tongue, I was going to whip you with the cat whip, but I can't wait any longer.

    He takes the cuffs off the track and leads me to the bed. Placing my still restrained hands in the center, effectively making me bend at the waist. Logan then steps behind me, lowers his boxers and pushes into me. I grip the sheets to keep from falling over as he hammers into me from behind.

    My nerves are already rapidly firing everywhere the paddle touched and when he thrusts a few times I almost unravel at the seams. Only a pound away from coming Logan pulls out, leaving me whimpering for him and begging for my orgasm again.

    Moving me so I'm standing again, he slides around to the front of me and places my cuffs back in the track. Once I am in position, Logan begins mapping my body with his hands, rubbing every inch. I have a hard time not looking at his sculptured muscles and his thickness between us.

    When he stops caressing my skin, he backs to the end of the bed and stares at me. Grabbing himself, he starts rapidly pumping his erection. Holy shit this is erotic. Watching Logan’s eyes darken and heat, observing his muscles shake and quiver as he gets closer to his release, makes me writhe against my restraints.

    Suddenly, he jolts to his feet and quickly steps to me while continuing his movements. Logan places his tip onto my belly and explodes onto me. FUCK! All I need is one touch, if he puts any pressure on my clit or even eludes he is going to thrust his fingers inside me, I'll lose it. Rolling my hips and tightening the muscles of my thighs and ass, I try to relieve the pressure.

    Nothing is helping me. If I focus on constricting my pussy muscles, the action might set me off. UGH!

    Logan drags his finger through his seed and brings it to my mouth. I suck roughly until his finger is clean and then give him the sexiest look. I beg him to let me come, pleading with my eyes, as I nip the tip of his finger.

    Your punishment for going against my wishes. Logan shakes his head and rubs the rest of his juices on my nipples and breasts. Then he turns, starts getting dressed and loading up the bag. Once he's finally clothed and the room is cleaned up, he saunters to me and undoes the bar allowing my thighs to close and possibly give me some relief.

    The only problem, I'm not as close as I once was and I can't get myself off. He releases my wrists, rubbing and kissing life back into my body. Then assists me into my corset and dress. I pull on my replacement panties with a smile, knowing I was prepared.

    After we have everything back in order he puts his jacket on and we switch the light to yellow as we leave the room, informing others that the room needs to be cleaned.

    Do you want to grab something to drink before we have to meet the realtor? he asks with a twinkle of adoration in his eye.

    I laugh, I had already ordered a drink when I got here. Then I had to relieve you of your whores and we escaped into a room.

    He throws his head back laughing.

    After our quick drinks, we leave Logan's truck at The Club and take the Chevrolet Corvette to our meeting.

    I miss my Lamborghini. The shop says they'll be done with the Cadillac in a couple of days, but the Lambo needed a lot of help. They had to special order parts, so it will be another week or so. I'm totally bummed I have to drive Logan's truck around. He doesn't care, he likes me in a large safe vehicle.

    I'm sorry baby. Are you excited to sign papers and get the keys to our new home? Logan inquires, already knowing the answer. I nod and place my hand on his upper thigh so he can continue shifting through the gears.

    Are you delighted to tell Dahlia and Roy about our big changes? They already know about our engagement, but they don't know about our new home. I turn and see his face morph from buoyant to something unreadable.

    I couldn't keep my mouth shut this morning when I got to work. They already know about the house, he beams so widely it is almost blinding. I can't be mad at him for being so enthusiastic.

    We get to the realtors office and I have butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I've purchased and sold multiple houses, but this is different. This home is going to be where we welcome our friends and family with open arms and open doors. Where we start our lives together. One day where we raise kids together. Maybe even where we grow old together. I sigh in complete bliss.

    Quickly, we sign papers and are floating on cloud nine when we get to our celebration dinner. Roy and Dahlia arrived just moments before we do, they wait for us so we all can be seated together.

    I hastily run up to Dahlia, observing her slim body in her little black dress and bright red heels, before I throw my arms around her and bounce up and down in excitement. Her long blonde hair is pinned over one shoulder and her hazel eyes are greener today, brightened by her dark red lipstick.

    The guys shake hands and I have to admit Roy looks good in his navy blue suit and tie. It darkens his normally light blue eyes and goes well with his dirty blonde locks.

    We are led through a beautifully decorated, very expensive restaurant to our seats. Furnished with dark wood floors, large square tables and a rose in an elegant vase on every table. We're seated by the wide stone fireplace and our animated conversations begin.

    It reminds me of the day after we got home from Los Angeles. After Logan brought me to his mother’s grave, he had called Roy and Dahlia and asked if they wanted to join us for dinner.

    The four of us went out to dinner and discussed Barney and our engagement. The questions asked were the same as the ones from dinner with my best friend Krista and her friend Gage in California, they wanted to know details. When? Where? Who is involved? Once the questions dimmed, I nudged Logan, informing him this was his chance to ask Roy, his best man, if he was ready for the job.

    "FUCK YEAH! Your bachelor party is going to be AMAZING!" Dahlia quickly elbowed Roy in the ribs as my head jerked to his direction.

    "OW! What?" he complained holding his side.

    I don't think Jewel wants to think of her soon-to-be husband in a strip club with a naked woman gyrating in his lap. She smiled, reading my mind perfectly. Her description did worse for my nerves than his statement did though.

    Dahlia realized it and busted out laughing almost immediately, I'm sorry, Jewel.

    Well considering I want you in my bridal party, you'll have to get together with Krista and make my bachelorette party just as exciting to prevent my mind from allowing those images back into my head. She and I both cackle together as Roy and Logan stiffen and look at each other.

    Well, maybe we don't have to do the strip club thing, Logan murmurs first and Roy nods in full agreement.

    Dahlia and I chuckle again, harder...

    Earth to Jewel...Are you there? Dahlia waves her hands in front of my face, pulling my mind back to the present. I asked if you are ecstatic to finally settle down into a home, closer to us by the way.

    I nod getting into our current conversation, Yes, I'm hoping Barney loves the yard. It's huge. And I have multiple upgrades I want to do before we move in.

    After we order our drinks and food, I begin the conversation which I'm most nervous about, So, Logan has told me briefly a few times that you guys want to start your own business? Is that true? I ask coyly looking over my glass of wine at Roy.

    Yeah, we've been saving up to get our kick-start funds, he states nonchalantly.

    Well considering Logan and I are moving in together and getting married and all... Everything I own, he also owns. I take a deep breath before continuing, trying not to push the topic but wanting them to seriously think about it. I want you guys to start your business, the longer you wait the longer it will take to achieve what you want. I need them to realize I support them one hundred percent.

    Logan's posture stiffens and I know I've over stepped my boundaries, but for once I don't care. Damn it Jewel, we don't want your help, Logan growls next to me.

    We don't need your money, how many times do you want me to say it, Roy's getting agitated as well, which is very odd to see. I glance at Dahlia for assistance.

    She grabs his arm, Roy, Jewel just wants to help, wants what is best for all of us. She has the biggest heart I've ever known. I think all she's wishing for right now is for you to just consider it as a possibility. Dahlia hit the nail on the head and thankfully knows how to calm him.

    "I will be a VERY silent partner...If you want to pay me back later, I don't care...I will even ask my financial advisor to take some of your profits and invest them, like his firm did for my grandfather and is currently doing for me...Just please don't turn this down...I see you guys going very far in life and I hope you won't over look this offer because of your pride."

    I turn to Logan and notice he's glaring at me. Placing my hand on Logan's leg to calm my nerves I finish the topic, Okay, I'm done, I won't talk about it anymore, you two just need to get together and please discuss this. I try not to sound like I'm begging but I don't succeed.

    Dahlia changes the subject to lighten the mood, Do you need any help moving into your new home?

    Not really. I've already contacted a moving company and informed them of my hopeful timeline. And I already have a contractor who is meeting me at the house tomorrow for my list of jobs. I'm determined to surprise Logan with the remodels so I don’t want him attending the meeting with the construction crew nor the movers.

    I've decided to add another two-car garage and I'm making the basement bedroom into our playroom. The garage I won't be able to hide but the playroom is easier. I'm planning on going to The Club and purchasing a few new items. I'll need help moving everything in, but I'll ask Dahlia and Roy for that later.

    So when do we all get to see the house? Roy asks and Logan glances at me in wonder.

    No one is allowed in until it is completed. I eye Logan, That includes you...I want to surprise you with everything. Although, if you want to meet me at the house tomorrow morning, before you go to work, you can carry me through the threshold, I proclaim to him with a beaming smile.

    You got it babe.

    Chapter 2

    I roll out of bed extremely early and get ready for a day full of construction and painting. Last night we got home and after our quick discussion about starting his business, Logan took care of me. I had way too much pent up sexual energy from his punishment earlier in the evening at The Club. He made up for it, I believe I came three more times before I fell asleep.

    Now though, I need to get ready for the contractor I'm meeting. I'm not the kind to just sit back and pay someone unless I have other obligations, but the things I need done I want completed properly. After cooking breakfast for the two of us and taking our precious Barney for a walk, I then leave for the day.

    We arrive at our new house at the same time. I quickly park the truck and jump out just as he slides out of his Corvette.

    Wait for me Jewels! he shouts running up the sidewalk.

    Logan scoops me into his arms and grabs the key out of my hand. To my confusion he spins around and starts striding in the opposite direction of the door. He puts me down between the Vette and the truck, I have someone coming over to help capture this moment. I can't have you walking into the house and ruining my plans. Logan cages me against the truck with his arms and lowers his mouth to mine. Our kiss is sweet and light but it still makes my pulse quicken and my breathing unsteady.

    Logan pulls away when he hears tires coasting down our new gravel driveway. Looking over my shoulder, I see Dahlia's car pull up and park behind Logan’s truck. She gets out with a huge camera in her hands, Good morning, you ready? Logan nods and picks me back up.

    Dahlia takes picture after picture of Logan unlocking and opening the front door, with me still cradled in his arms. She also captures a few of us in the kitchen, kissing while he continues to hold me tightly. My heart melts in my chest and I start panting, wanting him here and now.

    Dahlia notices my reaction, I am going to take some pictures of the house and the view of the back. We say our thanks and Logan shuts the door behind her as she exits our new home.

    Bringing us into the kitchen, he places me on the counter. I don't think I will ever be happier than I am now, Logan informs as he plays with my ponytail.

    I know how you feel. Smash my lips to his, I breathe him in. I don’t want to talk right now, I want his lips on me and his cock sunk deep inside me. I want to scream his name and pull his medium golden brown hair.

    He jerks away, I am going to be late for work.

    Tugging him closer, I don't care if he is late. Just another reason to own your own company. He shakes his head and doesn't comment back. Instead I begin kissing his chin up to his mouth. Logan groans his surrender, grabbing my yoga pants and pulling them down to my ankles.

    No panties future Mrs. Morris? I shake my head and continue kissing him. He strips off his pants and thrusts two thick fingers into me, testing to see if I’m lubricated. I am and as he continues jerking his fingers, it makes me wetter. Just before I whimper, Logan pulls out and sucks his fingers, Always so tasty.

    He positions himself and rams into me, giving me the filling feeling I love.

    Logan must have gotten my memo about wanting it quick and rough. He doesn't pause for a second, and I cry out only minutes after we begin. When I scream his name, he grumbles and erupts into me.

    After moments of cuddling and kissing sweetly, he backs out and replaces his pants. Thank you for the perfect morning, beautiful. See you at home when I get out.

    I climb off the counter, You got it, have a good day at work babe, I state before smacking his ass and pulling my pants up. We kiss good-bye at the door and as he turns to leave, I see Dahlia's car is still here. I go in search of her and find her on the dock at the river’s edge, taking shot after shot of the beautiful scenery.

    "This is such a stunning

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