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A Ranger Named Rowdy: A Texas Ranger Tim Bannon Story - The Blizzard
A Ranger Named Rowdy: A Texas Ranger Tim Bannon Story - The Blizzard
A Ranger Named Rowdy: A Texas Ranger Tim Bannon Story - The Blizzard
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A Ranger Named Rowdy: A Texas Ranger Tim Bannon Story - The Blizzard

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Tim Bannon and a young Ranger, Tate Slocum, are sent to Sierra Blanca just before Christmas to stop a budding range war before it starts. Before their assignment is completed, they will find out a range war is the least of their problems. On their way home, their train is stranded by a ferocious blizzard. On board the train is a doctor bringing badly needed smallpox vaccine to the town of Toyah. With the train hopelessly stuck, the only chance for the vaccine to reach Toyah is for Tim, Tate, and a prisoner they've captured to ride twenty miles through the teeth of the storm. That ride may just be the toughest one Tim Bannon and his horse Rowdy will ever face.

Release dateFeb 9, 2014
A Ranger Named Rowdy: A Texas Ranger Tim Bannon Story - The Blizzard

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    A Ranger Named Rowdy - James J. Griffin

    A Ranger Named Rowdy

    A Tim Bannon Texas Ranger Christmas Story

    The Blizzard


    James J. Griffin


    Published by High Noon Press

    Copyright 2014 James J. Griffin

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to Smashwords and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. The

    names, characters, places, and incidents are products of

    the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and

    are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to

    persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or

    organizations is entirely coincidental.



    Melinda Bannon tried to ignore the commotion coming from her six year old son Billy’s bedroom. She instead forced herself to concentrate on the pies she was baking. After all, Billy was only playing with his dad, Melinda’s husband Texas Ranger Tim Bannon. With Tim away from home so much, any time he had with his family was precious. So what did it matter if they were tearing Billy’s room apart with their horseplay and wrestling? It could always be straightened out and put back together. And Christmas was coming soon. The holidays always put joy in Melinda’s heart.

    However, the sounds of her son’s and husband’s battling kept becoming louder, more intense.

    I got ya, Billy! she heard Tim exclaim. Ya give up?

    Yeah. Yeah, Dad, Billy said, gasping. Lemme up, will ya?

    There was a moment of silence, then the battle started again.

    Oof! Tim said. Take it a bit easy, Billy. My belly can’t take much more. You’re gettin’ way too heavy to be bouncin’ on it. You’re gonna squish all my guts out.

    Not until you admit I’m winnin’ this time, Dad! Billy retorted. That was followed by a horrendous crash. Melinda dropped the towel she held and hurried to Billy’s room. Tim and Billy were in the middle of the wreckage of Billy’s collapsed bed. Tim was lying on his back, with Billy sitting on his stomach. Both were sweat soaked and gasping for breath.

    Melinda stood in the doorway, glaring at them, her hands on her hips.

    William Bannon! Look at what you’ve done! And Timothy Bannon! You’re old enough to know better. At least Billy has an excuse, he’s just a boy. You’re a grown man. You should have more sense than to let your roughhousing ruin my house and destroy our furniture. Honestly, I don’t know what to do with you!

    Tim smiled up at her from flat on his back.

    I’ve got a couple of ideas, he said, his blue eyes glinting mischievously.

    Tim! Melinda blushed. Never you mind. Just get to work and fix this mess.

    All right, darlin’, Tim answered. He shoved Billy aside and stood up. We were just havin’ some fun. Don’t get all that many chances, with me bein’ gone so much. Bed slats gave way is all. We’ll have everything put back together in a jiffy.

    You’d better, Melinda warned. Supper will be ready soon. Once you clean up in here, it’ll be time for both of you to wash up.

    Melinda returned to the kitchen. A few moments later, instead of the sounds of Billy’s room being straightened up, she once again heard Billy and Tim wrestling, grunting and shouting as they struggled. She started to head back to Billy’s room, but stopped and sighed. Tim was right. He needed this time with his son. And there was no real damage done. The bed would be put back together, the room straightened up. With a smile playing across her face, Melinda slid the apple pies into the oven.


    Later that evening, with Billy long since sound asleep, Melinda and Tim were also preparing to retire for the night. They had said their evening prayers and Melinda had already slipped under the covers. She watched Tim as he undressed, then slid alongside her. He leaned over, kissed her, and whispered in her ear.

    Remember this afternoon, when you scolded me and Billy for breaking his bed?

    How could I forget that? You two certainly raised a ruckus. I thought the ceiling was going to fall in.

    Remember you said you didn’t know what to do with me, and I said I had a couple of ideas?

    I certainly do. Are you saying?

    That’s exactly what I’m saying. Tim crushed Melinda’s body to his. Let’s raise a ruckus of our own.

    "What if our bed breaks?"

    There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?


    Early the next morning Tim and Billy were outside, gathering a load of firewood for the stove. Tim stopped and turned at the sound of an approaching horse and rider. He watched until they came into view. A few moments later, a young Ranger, Tate Slocum, rode up and reined in his grulla gelding.

    Howdy, Tim, he called out. Hello, Billy.

    Howdy yourself, Tate, Tim answered. What brings you out here… as if I didn’t already know.

    That’s right. Captain Strong needs to see you quick as you can get to Headquarters. I reckon that means he’s got a job which can’t wait.

    Tim muttered a mild curse under his breath, soft enough so Billy couldn’t hear. I should have known. Christmas is comin’, and the Cap’n probably wants to send me chasin’ some renegades across most of Texas.

    Melinda had heard Tate’s approach and came onto the porch.

    Mornin’, Miz Bannon. Tate tipped his hat to her.

    Good morning, Tate. Did I hear you say Captain Strong has orders for Tim?

    You did indeed, ma’am. The Cap’n said it’s a real important assignment. Wants Tim at Headquarters right away.

    Well, there’s no assignment so important it can’t wait a few minutes so you can come inside and warm up.

    Uh-uh, ma’am. The Cap’n said I was to fetch Tim and get right back.

    Stuff and nonsense, Melinda answered. There’s hot coffee on the stove, and I just took biscuits out of the oven. I’ve got freshly churned butter and a crock of honey to go with those. You’ll get off your horse and come inside for some breakfast, Tate. You look half-frozen. You don’t want to catch your death. And those are my orders.

    No sense in arguin’ with her, Tate. You can’t win, Tim said, with a laugh. Turn Buddy into the corral and I’ll toss him some hay, then we’ll head inside.

    All right, Tate said. I have to admit, good hot coffee and warm biscuits sure sounds good.

    Then that’s settled, Melinda said. Billy, you come help me set the table while your father helps Tate care for his horse. Tim, I’ll pack some food for you and Tate to take along. If I know Captain Strong, you’ll be leaving straight out. Just have him get word to me where you’re headed.

    All right, Mom, Billy said. He picked up an armload of firewood and started for the house.

    C’mon, Tate, let’s get your horse settled, then we can eat, Tim ordered.


    Melinda insisted Tim and Tate not leave on empty stomachs, so her coffee and biscuits turned into the second full-blown breakfast of the day. By the time everyone finished ham, bacon, eggs, hotcakes, and of course the biscuits and honey, all washed down with plenty of hot, strong black coffee, with milk for Billy, over an hour had passed. It took Tim another thirty minutes to gather and pack the gear he would need for his trip, since he had no idea where he was heading nor how long he might be gone. He knew one thing, though. No matter what, he would be home for Christmas.

    Tate waited impatiently while Tim made his goodbyes. Tim kissed Billy and tousled his hair, then held Melinda in a long, lingering hug. He mounted, then leaned over in the saddle to give her yet another lengthy kiss. When Tate discreetly coughed, Tim finally, and reluctantly, ended their embrace.

    Reckon we’d better hit the trail, Rowdy, he said to his horse. Billy, you behave, and help your Mom as best you can. Honey, I’ll have Cap’n Strong get word to you on where I’m headed and when I should be home. And don’t fret. I’ll be just fine. And back in plenty of time for Christmas.

    All right, Tim. But be careful, Melinda urged. She didn’t need to add that despite Tim’s request, she would worry until he returned. She also knew when Tim was on the trail of renegades, he would pay no heed to her warning to be careful. Part of a Ranger’s job was to take whatever chances necessary to capture his quarry.

    Tippy’ll help Mom out too, Dad, Billy

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