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Relationship with God: Putting it all Together Sessions 1-2
Relationship with God: Putting it all Together Sessions 1-2
Relationship with God: Putting it all Together Sessions 1-2
Ebook249 pages3 hours

Relationship with God: Putting it all Together Sessions 1-2

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Jesus describes the five basics required for progression towards God – love, truth, humility, faith, and will. He discusses the soul condition and soul progression of members of the audience, and how to overcome fear, which is the major impediment to soul growth.
Document source filename: 20130811 Relationship With God - Putting It All Together S1 To S2 (Combined).
This ebook is a transcript of two seminars by Jesus (AJ Miller) that took place on 10th and 11th August 2013 in Murgon, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Relationship with God series of talks.

Release dateFeb 11, 2014
Relationship with God: Putting it all Together Sessions 1-2

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    Relationship with God - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Relationship With God:

    Putting It All Together


    Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Sessions 1-2

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Divine Truth

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    This ebook is a transcript of two seminars by Jesus (AJ Miller) that took place on 10th and 11th August 2013 in Murgon, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Relationship with God series of talks. In these talks Jesus describes the five basics required for progression towards God – love, truth, humility, faith, and will. He discusses the soul condition and soul progression of members of the audience, and how to overcome fear, which is the major impediment to soul growth.

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    Jesus and Mary would like to remind you that any document produced by Divine Truth containing any information from Jesus, Mary or any other person includes only a portion of God's Truth that they have personally discovered.

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    Table of Contents

    Putting It All Together: Session 1 Part 1

    1. Introduction

    2. The five basics required for progression towards God

    2.1. God’s Love is an emotion that comes only from God

    2.2. Becoming at-one with the way that God loves

    2.3. Becoming at-one with God’s Absolute Truth

    2.4. Desiring to feel every emotion

    2.5. Faith that God is good and loves

    2.6. Using will in harmony with God’s Laws

    3. Soul progression by audience members

    3.1. An example of single women in the audience

    3.2. Placing fear as our god

    3.3. Percentages of the audience who have progressed

    4. Truth exposes fear

    5. Major areas of avoidance of fear

    5.1. Beliefs surrounding relationships

    5.2. Beliefs surrounding having a relationship with God and how we treat God’s Creations

    5.3. Increasing awareness of fear through truth

    5.4. Dealing with not wanting to know ourselves

    5.4.1. An example of wanting control

    5.4.2. An example of single women in the audience (continued)

    5.4.3. Feeling how much we don’t want to know ourselves

    6. Our fear creates a prison of our own making

    Putting It All Together: Session 1 Part 2

    7. Developing a desire to feel childhood fear as an adult

    7.1. Fear must be felt to grow towards God

    7.2. False beliefs surrounding feeling fear

    7.2.1. An example of childhood abuse

    7.3. Valuing fear blocks the five basics required to grow towards God

    7.4. Working through fear with or without God’s Assistance

    7.5. Our fear is carried with us everywhere

    7.6. We must be overwhelmed to grow

    8. Common emotional injuries in males in the audience

    8.1. The addiction of pleasing women

    8.2. Common fears in males in the audience pertaining to women

    8.3. Common addictions in the males in the audience that prevent a relationship with God

    9. The importance of self-examination of our true soul condition

    9.1. The example of single women in the audience (continued)

    9.2. Being loving and truthful to others

    9.3. Embracing the Divine Truth that we have heard

    10. Audience discussion about the feedback

    10.1. An example of a participant who blames herself

    10.1.1. Blame is a way to avoid emotions

    10.2. An example of a participant being afraid to speak up in the workplace

    10.3. A lack of humility in audience members

    11. God created our souls in a pristine state

    11.1. An analogy of having mud on our body

    11.2. Emotional injuries enter our soul but are not our pristine self

    11.3. Only we can control the state of our soul through the use of our will

    12. Closing words

    12.1. Spirit influence towards audience members

    12.2. Trusting God

    12.3. AJ explains his motivation for the feedback

    Putting It All Together: Session 2 Part 1

    13. Introduction

    14. An example of a participant not desiring truth

    14.1. God’s Law of Attraction constantly brings us truth

    14.1.1. An example of AJ’s passionfruit vine being eaten

    14.1.2. An example of Mary hurting herself when cooking

    14.2. Tying the five basics required for progression towards God with the Law of Attraction

    14.2.1. An example of a woman who falsely declared an insurance claim

    14.2.2. Embracing the Law of Attraction

    14.3. The Law of Cause and Effect shows us truth about our life

    14.3.1. An example of Mary ordering food in restaurants

    14.3.2. Focusing on the cause rather than the effect

    14.3.3. An example of plants being damaged by frost and animals

    14.3.4. An example of feeling love from audience members

    14.3.5. Focusing on the cause rather than the effect (continued)

    14.3.6. An example of AJ’s fruit trees

    14.3.7. An example of birds attacking AJ and Mary’s house

    15. An example of participants who are terrified of spirits

    15.1. The negative physical impact of fear

    15.2. Fear causes us to blame others and not love

    15.3. Recognising anger as an avoidance of fear

    16. An example of a participant who was feeling angry but is now afraid

    16.1. Anger covers addictions and fear

    16.2. The five basics required for progression towards God in the context of anger, addictions and fear

    16.2.1. Feeding our addictions is unloving and damaging

    16.3. Progressing from feeling anger and living in addictions to feeling fear

    16.4. Fear blocks the absorption of truth into the soul

    16.5. An example of AJ overcoming the fear of being himself in public

    16.6. Staying open to fear by focusing on love, truth, humility, faith and will

    16.6.1. AJ’s experience of releasing fear

    Putting It All Together: Session 2 Part 2

    17. The importance of focusing on fear

    18. An example of a participant who uses many strategies to avoid fear

    18.1. Self-pity, avoidance and commiseration

    18.2. Self-punishment and fear of violence

    18.3. Spirit influence and fear of external judgement

    18.4. Addictions

    18.5. Placing love, truth, humility, faith and will above fear

    18.6. Problems with seeking advice from others who have not worked through the same issue themselves

    18.7. Working through issues by examining what occurred when the issue started

    19. An example of a participant who had a relationship with an over-cloaked woman

    19.1. Addictions in the participant that were met by the spirit

    19.2. Tying in the five basics required for progression towards God with the addictions driving the relationship

    19.3. Issues of self-love make us suggestible to poor advice

    19.4. Problems with seeking advice from others who have not worked through the same issue themselves (continued)

    19.4.1. Receiving truth from God through God’s Laws

    20. Closing words

    Putting It All Together: Session 1 Part 1

    1. Introduction

    How are you today? Good? I’m not very good, not many people want to hear the truth. Welcome today. How many of you is this your first time? Just a few of you. And how many of you have only listened for the last six months or so on YouTube? Most of what I say today will not apply to you, so you're off the hook! (Laughter) When I say it won't apply to you, when I'm talking about the people in the audience, or the percentages of people who are doing this or that you're not included in that because obviously you've just heard the Divine Truth. We would like to welcome you along.

    So what I would like to discuss with you today is this subject that is part of the Relationship with God series of talks, and I want to call it Putting It All Together and this will be session 1.

    Now I want to say at the start of this discussion that many of you are going to walk away today and feel really upset. Some of you will want to be angry with me as a result of today's discussion. The reason why is I'm going to be very blunt with you as a group, particularly the group of people who have been listening for years now. I particularly want to be blunt with you because I feel that many of you are avoiding deep issues of truth in your personal life. And this is what is causing many of your current problems. So I want to discuss with you the reasons why these things are happening and what is really going on.

    To do that we want to look at how to put your relationship with God all together and then actually dissect where we are not doing it, to be honest about where we are not doing that, because if we are not honest about that, then of course you’ll spend another five years listening without really making any changes. And during that period of time you'll have a lot more spirit influence on you to conform to their way of life and their way of thinking and so forth, you'll have a lot of pressure from Earth and you'll feel very unhappy. And the reason why many of you actually have felt quite unhappy is because of this already. And the more you delay your own progression, the more unhappy you become in fact. And so what I want to do is frankly discuss with you what's going on.

    2. The five basics required for progression towards God

    To do that I want to remind you of the five basic things you need for progression towards God. What are they? Let's start with the most important one - what's that? A desire to love isn't it, really? Love. Would you put truth or humility as the next more important thing? I think I'd put truth myself - and here we're talking about God's Truth, not your own - because to me, it's only God's Truth that will set you free. It's impossible to be set free by your own truth. You can only be set free through actually coming to experience and feel God's Truth. So that's the next important thing.

    Obviously as many of you have pointed out, humility is so important in that process, and remember what the definition of humility is? In particular can you remember that it was the definition regarding emotion that we need to focus on? The willingness to feel every single thing you feel as it really is whether it feels good or bad. That is a part of humility but not the only parts of humility. Mary and I have done a five series interview called Interview with Jesus - Humility, which is available on the Internet, about all of the different parts of humility. I would advise many of you to have a look at that again, if you haven't had a look at it already. What would you say are the next two most important things that you need for your relationship with God? Faith and will. So these are the things we discussed with you last time, in Relationship with God - Faith & Prayer Session 4.

    Now many of you have a false concept of your own condition. For a few of you the false concept is that you think your condition is worse than it actually is. But for the majority of us we actually think our condition is better than it actually is. Now what I would like to do is be honest about your condition because if you are not honest about your own condition of love, how is it that you'll ever develop a true desire to change? You need to know where you are before you can know where you're aiming. But also you need to know where you're aiming before you'll take any action.

    So if we look at this issue of love, what are we aiming for? If we're on the Divine Love Path, if we're following this pathway that God has made to become at-one with God, what are we aiming for? It's quite obvious, isn't it? We're aiming for becoming at-one with God in love. What we're aiming for is becoming at-one with the way God loves.

    2.1. God’s Love is an emotion that comes only from God

    Participant: I touched on your stuff about three years ago, the emanation - is that what you're talking about? So that we're emanating God's Love, so the energy that God is providing to the universe comes through us?

    No it's not about the energy God's providing. So remember for most of the people here they would know that God actually provides lots of different forms of energy and love is one of those forms. And what I'm talking about here is in particular the feeling of love. God has feelings of love for all of God's Creations, including yourself, and that feeling of love can enter you and transform your soul to such an extent that you feel the way God loves, and you actually finish up loving the way God loves, with other people. But that's not energy, if you understand. [[00:26:29.09]

    Participant: It is a form of energy though.

    It's a form of energy but if you focus it as energy what you're going to finish up doing every single time is going away from that it's a feeling of love. So most people find what they do is they talk about energy a lot but they forget that it's emotional - love is an emotion, it's not just energy; it's a feeling in motion. It's an emotion. So what I'm suggesting to people is don't get stuck on the energy side of things, focus on the feeling side of things because that's the emotions, that's the energy in motion.

    Participant: It's still an energy though and it's God's Energy and it's emanating...

    To be honest with you, if you've come here to argue with me...

    Participant: No, no, no, I'm putting a point of view forward that might be different to yours.

    And to be frank with you, this is my seminar and my points of view will come forward.

    Participant: So shall I hold these to the break to be able to talk to...?

    No, you can ask tomorrow. We'll have a whole question and answer session tomorrow where you can ask questions. Today I want to focus on the material I want to cover. It's a free seminar that I've paid for to share my opinion with you. And I'm telling you that's it's not my opinion actually, it's God's, but that's up to you whether you want to determine that or not. But, as I've spoken to many people before about, if you focus on the thought of energy, you are always going to get away from the real feelings of love. Energy is very, very different because there's all forms of energy, including your entire body, is a form of energy. But that's not necessarily love. [00:28:06.05]

    Participant: So I can't say anything more until tomorrow?

    You can ask questions tomorrow, if you want to ask questions about different subjects that get me off this subject that I want to discuss because you want

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