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The New Testament and the Jews
The New Testament and the Jews
The New Testament and the Jews
Ebook33 pages29 minutes

The New Testament and the Jews

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An expert on Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Bible, author Joseph Keysor seeks to counter the persistent accusation that Christians and Christianity are to blame for anti-semitism and the Holocaust in particular. Keysor puts the abuses by Christians of Jews over the centuries in context and explains how these abuses are, in fact, in defiance of Christianity itself, and not, as many claim, supported by the Bible.

Release dateFeb 10, 2014
The New Testament and the Jews

Joseph Keysor

Joseph Keysor is the author of "Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Bible" and an authority on Nazi ideology.

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    The New Testament and the Jews - Joseph Keysor

    The New Testament and the Jews

    by Joseph Keysor

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright Joseph Keysor 2014.

    All Rights Reserved

    Published by Athanatos Publishing.

    Cover by Julius Broqueza.





    The New Testament and the Jews

    For many centuries before Hitler, European Jewry suffered in varying degrees from religious antisemitism - and this tradition of Jew-hatred constantly comes up in attempts to explain the Holocaust. Nazi hatred and persecution are sometimes seen as merely logical continuations of what had gone on before. The Christians demonized Jews and killed them, or implied they should be killed, and the Nazis continued the process through to the end.

    Others accept the fact that Nazi antisemitism was different both in degree and in kind from previous forms of anti-Judaism. They understand that never before had anyone tried to carry out the systematic extermination of the entire Jewish people; that the random massacres and sporadic mob attacks of the Middle Ages were significantly different from the industrialized and bureaucratized mass murders of the Third Reich; that Nazi ideology was composed of ideas that first became noticeable in the nineteenth century.

    Even as some recognize obvious differences, however, they will still link Hitler’s hatred to the earlier religious antisemitism, asserting that it was Christianity that created the reservoir of hate that Hitler was then able to exploit for his own very different ends. This Christian Jew-hatred is often claimed to be directly from the New Testament, which supposedly demonizes Jews as Christ-killers, children of the devil, deservedly under God’s wrath. Thus, what is inconceivable to many ordinary Christians is now a common assertion in academic discussions of the Holocaust: that biblical Christianity, directly or indirectly, but always significantly, had something to do with the horrors of the Final Solution.

    The following quotation illustrates what is now a commonplace in Holocaust studies: in spite of undeniable

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