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Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn
Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn
Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn
Ebook29 pages20 minutes

Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn

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While exploring long-lost ruins, a famously busty adventuress accidentally releases a powerful genie, who must grant her five wishes. Can the young adventuress outwit the crafty, wish-twisting entity, and walk away with a fortune in gold? Or will the genie have the last laugh?

At over 7,000 words, this erotic adventure story is packed full of badly worded wishes, explosive breast expansions, treasure-induced orgasms, the world's largest chicken, unfortunately-timed wardrobe malfunctions, and so much more!

PublisherTabitha Kohls
Release dateFeb 19, 2014
Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn

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    Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn - Tabitha Kohls

    Laura Krauff and the Devious Djinn

    by Tabitha Kohls

    * * * * *

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Tabitha Kohls

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with other people, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without direct permission from the author.

    This ebook is a work of fiction and the characters are purely productions of the author's imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

    Adult Reading Material

    * * * * *

    The dark jungle undergrowth parted before her, as famed adventurer Laura Krauff swung her machete, slashing a path through the dense foliage. As usual, she had to stop every few swings, to readjust her bra.

    Engineered, my ass! She snarled, as her head-sized breasts popped free for the thousandth time that morning. She struggled to shove her bosom back into the tight spandex bra, and finally continued onward.

    Despite her never-ending breast-related difficulties, she couldn't help but feel a rising sense of exhilaration as she marched on through the jungle. After six months, she was finally back doing what she loved most; searching for ancient ruins and long lost treasure.

    For the past half-year, Laura had been trapped in her palatial mansion, desperately avoiding the Press and paparazzi. Her last adventure had involved exploring a forgotten corner of South America, seeking the legendary lost treasure of Pervertiti, a local fertility goddess.

    After weeks of fruitless searching, she had finally found the ruins of Pervertiti's lost temple on top of an uncharted plateau, but sadly there was no treasure. The ancient cult of Pervertiti had clearly emptied the temple out long ago, leaving behind only a single small amulet as a lasting tribute to the fertility goddess.

    Disheartened, Laura had left the

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