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My Everything
My Everything
My Everything
Ebook224 pages3 hours

My Everything

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Elizabeth had a routine. Go to work. Go home. Eat, drink, sleep and do the bits in between. But the bits in between were your everyday kind of thing. It was her birthday and she had decided that it was time for a change. Change the image just a little and start going out. That was the plan. And then she met Jake. Right in her office. She didn’t even have to go far to meet anyone. Jake turned her insides over. He was all male! Jake was in the same position as Elizabeth. He needed to start living his life. He had already bought a few new items of clothing, had a hair cut, and smartened up. Now he had to get out there and start dating. He had been missing out on life in general for such a long time. Elizabeth really had made an impression. She was drop dead gorgeous! Everything about her appealed to him. And when he had touched her hand he could feel the little zing. Making him literally stand up and take notice! When he met Elizabeth again she was a changed woman!

Release dateFeb 17, 2014
My Everything

Bridgitte Lesley

Hello from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa!Having survived an attempt at being murdered, I have plunged myself in to my writing. After my gruesome ordeal, I live life from day to day. Appreciating every minute and moment. Yes, I have the scars from an axe being driven in to my head repeatedly. I suffer from PTSD and OCD. But, I am here to tell the tale. And I have a lot to tell!I am currently revamping my older titles and will be adding a few. In a nutshell, you will find a mix of romance, adventure, lots of witty banter and a happy ever after. All round, expect a feel-good read.Thank you for reading and for your support!Bridgitte

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    Book preview

    My Everything - Bridgitte Lesley

    My Everything


    Bridgitte Lesley

    Version 1

    Published by

    Bridgitte Lesley on Smashwords

    My Everything

    Copyright © 2011 Bridgitte Lesley

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are a production of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

    * * * * *

    My Everything

    * * * * *


    Elizabeth sat at her PC. She smiled as she read all her e-Mails. She leaned over and touched the petals on her flowers. Jess, her best friend, had sent her a bouquet for her birthday. Elizabeth smiled as she touched the red rose. It was beautiful. Elizabeth didn’t care too much for roses, but when they were in a mixed assortment of flowers they were pretty. She preferred flowers in a garden, not in a vase. But this was a special day.

    Elizabeth leaned her chin into her hand and smiled. Her mind wandered. Each of her friends had met someone. They were all either married, engaged or dating. It wasn’t easy for Elizabeth. She was so shy. She didn’t enjoy drinking. And men were not all swooning over her. Jess had left the country with her boyfriend Adolf and they were expecting their first baby in a few months. It was always nice to be remembered by her friends. Her diary was full of birthday reminders and she always made sure there was a little something for each of them on that special day.

    Elizabeth smiled. It was time to change her life and to take matters in to her own hands. She needed someone in her own life. Find someone of her own. Someone to love. Life was getting a little lonely. It was time for a change of image. And today was the day. Elizabeth had arranged the afternoon off with her boss Phil. She had huge plans. She would turn her life around today. Not tomorrow. Not over the weekend. But today. Elizabeth smiled as she shut down her PC. She opened her drawer and grabbed her handbag.

    She stood up and walked towards Phil’s office. Phil stepped out of his office.

    Elizabeth, meet my brother Jake. Jake Matthews. Jake this is Elizabeth Anderson. Phil turned to Jake.

    It’s Elizabeth’s birthday today. So I promised her the afternoon off. Jake nodded and took Elizabeth’s hand in his.

    Nice to meet you. And a happy birthday. Jake carefully studied Elizabeth’s features. She was beautiful. He scrutinised her. He was mesmerised by her beautiful big brown eyes. Elizabeth looked at Jake. She was so taken in by his good looks. The jet black hair. The almost black sultry brown eyes. His strong features. Elizabeth looked at him. He looked so much like a model or an actor. What everyone called an alpha male. He was a head taller than her, even though she wore heels. He had broad shoulders. He had lovely long fingers. Elizabeth suddenly looked down at her hand. She gently eased her hand out of his grip. Elizabeth blushed. She could almost not talk. She felt a peculiar emotion come over her. Her heart started to race and she felt little butterflies in her stomach.

    Nice to meet you Mister Matthews. Elizabeth blushed as she looked up at Phil.

    I’m on my way. I’ll see you on Monday. Phil nodded.

    Is my calendar clear? Elizabeth chuckled.

    Yes, you can have the afternoon off. Elizabeth waved as she walked off. Jake stared.

    As Elizabeth walked she smiled to herself. Jake Matthews. He was a dish. Elizabeth sighed. No one ever really looked at her. She felt very plain and ordinary. Her dress code was strictly business. No revealing cleavage. A normal straight skirt. And her boring black hair which was always the same. Hanging around her shoulders. The same every day. Boring, boring, boring!

    Jake walked out of the office with Phil.

    Is she married Phil? Phil smiled.

    No. Never dates. Never goes out. She’s pretty much a loner. I actually feel sorry for her. Jake nodded.

    Why do you feel sorry for her then? A beautiful woman like that. They strolled along and Phil smiled.

    Oh I don’t know. It’s just that she doesn’t do much with herself. She doesn’t live her life. She is living an older person’s life. Do you know what I mean? Not going out. Staying indoors. Reading. Sewing. Baking. She makes me so mad at times. She has friends but they are all married, or dating, so she never sees them anymore. Phil smiled.

    She’s special. You know, for my birthday, she baked me an awesome Black Forest cake. Told me to take it home and enjoy it with the family. It was not for work. Jake smiled.

    I rather fancy her. She’s beautiful. She’s natural. She can’t hide her beauty. Phil smiled.

    She is beautiful. Isn’t she? Jake nodded and smiled. Phil grinned.

    And what about you Jake? When are you going to start dating?

    Jake smiled.

    Haven’t you noticed my new image? The new me. The new haircut. My new suit. Hey I even have new shoes. I even bought new jeans. And tonight I am going down to the pub and I am going to pick someone up and take her home. See what it is like. Hell I need a night out. It’s been years. I have been living with Mum for too long. How many years was I at home tending to her? Now, I am not knocking her. I loved her. But with her passing it just makes it easier for me to get out. Phil nodded and put his arm around Jake.

    I know Jake. But I just couldn’t do it. Just visiting and seeing her fade away hurt too much. You knew what to do. You were the stronger one. Jake smiled.

    I know. And I really didn’t mind. But now I am going to live my life. Phil nodded.

    Are you going out on your own or with someone? Jake smiled.

    Hell, on my own. It’s not that difficult. Can you give me some really good pick up lines? Phil chuckled.

    You are not that kind of guy Jake. Jake smiled and nodded.

    Yeah, I know. Phil smiled as they strolled along.

    Can you get rid of all that facial fuzz that you seem to like? Jake grinned and stroked his beard.

    Maybe. They both chuckled.

    Elizabeth walked in to the hairdresser. She sat in the chair and had her hair washed. She walked over to the hairdressers chair, seated in front of the mirror.

    I want it short. I want to look like Demi Moore. Tell me when you are finished. The hairdresser stared at Elizabeth.

    Are you sure? Your hair is beautiful. So long. It’s so natural. The colour is wonderful. Elizabeth smiled.

    I am a plain Jane. Now do your magic and snip away. The hairdresser roared with laughter.

    You are no plain Jane. But when I finish with you, you are going to look like a sex siren. Are you ready for the metamorphosis? Elizabeth nodded. They both roared with laughter.

    Janet the hairdresser cut and cut and cut.

    Are you sure you want it as short as Demi Moore’s? Elizabeth nodded.

    Yes. Janet finished cutting and started blow waving and straightening. She smiled as she applied some wax.

    Now look up and tell me what you think. I notice you haven’t even looked. Elizabeth looked up. Her eyes grew huge.

    Oh my gosh! It’s absolutely beautiful! Janet smiled. Elizabeth smiled as she looked at the mirror.

    What make up am I going to use with this new style? Janet grinned.

    Got ten minutes? Elizabeth nodded. Janet dug into her make-up bag. She applied black eyeliner beneath Elizabeth’s eyes, and just above the lashes on the top lid. She applied the mascara. Janet lined Elizabeth’s mouth with lip liner and filled it in with a deep red.

    Don’t get a fright when you look. Take two minutes to look and then you can compare the old you to the new you. Okay? Elizabeth smiled and sighed.

    Was I that bad Janet? Janet chuckled.

    No, not that bad. But what you see now is nothing like the old you. Elizabeth turned and looked into the mirror.

    Janet? Janet grinned.

    So what do you think? Elizabeth stared then grinned.

    I think I look absolutely beautiful. Elizabeth blushed. Janet nodded.

    Now go shopping. Buy some exciting outfits. A few sexy things. Elizabeth grinned.

    Oh, I certainly will. Elizabeth got up, paid, and walked out.

    Elizabeth walked out and looked in the window at her reflection. She smiled. She rather preferred the new look. She walked along and made her way to the mall. Elizabeth smiled as a few men who stood together suddenly stopped talking and watched her walk past. Elizabeth smiled at them. They all nodded and smiled.


    Elizabeth walked into the first clothing store she spotted. She needed new underwear. The only thing that she had done in her life that was a little risqué was to wear G-strings. Not that anyone knew. Elizabeth looked around. She walked straight over to the underwear. Elizabeth picked up a black bra, a red one, cerise and a purple one. All with matching G-strings. She walked through to the changing room. She tried each bra on. She smiled as she looked. The new bra’s certainly did make a difference. They gave her a lot of lift, improved her cleavage, and enhanced her shape. Elizabeth nodded as she tried each one on and looked at herself in the mirror. She had chosen beautiful bra’s with a lot of lace. Very sexy. Elizabeth headed out of the change room. She went to the pantyhose and picked up three pairs of thigh highs in red, black and sheer. If she was going to buy underwear she would go all the way.

    She paid for her purchases and walked over to another shop. She needed a few blouses and a few pairs of jeans. She strolled into the shop. Elizabeth looked at a few blouses and selected a few really revealing styles. She walked over to the change room. She tried the first one. It showed a lot of cleavage but was very smart. It had buttons all the way down the front, with a collar and a little sleeve. It was black with a white trim.

    Elizabeth looked at herself in the mirror. She undid two more buttons. She quietly spoke to herself.

    Can I actually do this? I don’t want to look as if I want to get laid. But I do want someone to look at me. Elizabeth groaned. She looked up as there was a knock on the door. Elizabeth slowly opened the door. A young woman stood on the other side of the door. She looked at Elizabeth’s blouse. She practically grinned.

    Turn around. Elizabeth turned and looked in the mirror at the young lady. She turned back again. The young lady nodded.

    I think it is lovely. But make sure you wear a black bra beneath. And undo just one more button. She reached out and undid another button.

    That way if you move a little you can see a little more. But when you move back whoever was looking will wonder if they really saw anything. Just a little glimpse and then it is gone. I can’t tolerate people who flaunt. Less is more. Elizabeth grinned.

    I don’t want to look like a hussy. The young lady smiled.

    You don’t look anything like a hussy. You look lovely.

    She walked in to the change room and closed the door.

    Let’s see the others. Elizabeth grinned.

    You sure? She nodded. Elizabeth tried on a few more blouses. The young woman smiled.

    All of them, but not that yukky green or pale yellow. It does nothing for you. You need to wear bright colours with that lovely black hair of yours. Elizabeth nodded.

    Have you got ten minutes?

    What else are you looking for?

    Jeans. The young lady smiled.

    You wait here. What size are you?

    Thirty eight. The young lady smiled.

    Be right back. Elizabeth waited as she hung the blouses on hangers.

    The door opened again. The young lady walked in with an armful of jeans.

    Okay. Let’s start with these. Elizabeth took off her skirt and tried the first pair on.

    These are skin tight. I can’t wear these. They are almost like leggings. And they are hipsters. The young lady grinned.

    Get them on and let’s see what we can and can’t wear. Elizabeth did up the zip and the button. She looked in the mirror. She grinned.

    Oh my. The young woman nodded.

    Oh my is right. And from now on you wear a thirty six. Not a thirty eight. Why are you hiding? Elizabeth nodded.

    She tried on all of the different pairs of jeans. They chose four different pairs, including the skin tight jeans. Elizabeth grinned.

    My name is Elizabeth. Thank you. You have been an angel today.

    Beverley. And I would like to see you out and about in one of these outfits. Where are you heading to tonight? Elizabeth smiled.

    I don’t know. Beverley nodded.

    My husband and I, and a few friends of ours, meet at the pub down the road, at seven. The Old Inn. If you meet us there maybe I can introduce you to a few people. People who are not going to pounce. Decent people. Elizabeth nodded.

    I just want to go out and have some fun on my birthday. Not find a husband or anything. I just need some live music and to chat. Beverley nodded.

    And that you will have. Trust me.

    They both walked out. Elizabeth turned to Beverley.

    I don’t drink. Beverley grinned and chuckled.

    Neither do I. I get high on Soda Water or Passion Fruit and Lemonade. Elizabeth grinned.

    Seven? Beverley nodded. Elizabeth smiled.

    What do you do for a living Beverley? Beverley chuckled.

    I am a Wardrobe Co-ordinator. They both chuckled as they walked along. Beverley smiled.

    And all of those with stilettos. Black with any of them. Elizabeth nodded.

    Anything else? Beverley nodded.

    When you walk through that door I want you to look straight at the bar. With your head up and smiling. Don’t look around. I want you to look confident. I will be waiting for you. My husband will be with me. His name is Don. So if he kisses or hugs you don’t go into panic mode. You are going to look and feel as if you belong. Elizabeth stopped.

    Beverley, thank you. I don’t know why you are doing this. But thank you. Beverley grinned.

    I know what is like to be lonely. Sitting at home day in and day out. And I know what it is like to try and go out and meet people. On your own. It’s not fun. I’m just nudging you a little. And helping a little. I’ll see you at seven. Elizabeth grinned. Beverley smiled.

    And keep that make-up as it is. It suits you. Elizabeth beamed and nodded.

    See you later.

    The next stop was make-up. Elizabeth chose a shade of red lipstick the same as she wore. She picked up a tube of black mascara

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