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Isabella's Game
Isabella's Game
Isabella's Game
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Isabella's Game

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About this ebook

Winter break is over, but the returns are not all happy. After a falling out with her family, Isabella seems to need her girlfriend more than ever. Piper finds herself supporting the blonde more deeply than she ever expected... and participating in a little game that just might make Isabella feel better.

Content advisory: contains strong themes of domination and submission, first times between girls, and a long, salacious buildup and payoff.

This is Part 10 of "Steps to Submission", following Piper's descent into sexuality and depravity at the hands of her roommate.

PublisherLexie X
Release dateFeb 21, 2014
Isabella's Game

Lexie X

Lexie X is an author of erotic fiction interested mainly in first times, domination, and seduction. You can follow more erotic works by her at her blog at

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    Book preview

    Isabella's Game - Lexie X

    Isabella's Game

    A Kinky Virgin Lesbian Erotica

    By Lexie X

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Lexie X

    I love hearing from my readers!

    Follow more of my work at,

    or at my Smashwords author page.



    Twitter: @AuthorLexieX

    This is part 10 of Steps to Submission, following:

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Isabella's Desire

    Piper's Craving

    Steps to Submission

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Isabella's Desire

    Piper's Craving

    Isabella's Game

    Loving Piper (coming soon!)

    For updates on new releases, follow me at my blog,!

    Also by Lexie X

    Serena's Submission




    Breaking Nicole

    The Locket

    Emma's Hypnosis

    Lydia's Hypnosis

    Gwen's Hypnosis

    Stand-alone Novellas

    Lynn's Craving

    My Roommate’s Girlfriend

    Seduction Games

    Sorority Seductions

    Tempting Jennifer


    Virgin Lesbians: Erotic First Time Stories

    Virgin Lesbians II: Erotic Stories of Seduction

    Virgin Lesbians III: Sapphic First Times

    Virgin Lesbians IV: Kinky First Times

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    About the Author

    Works by Lexie X

    Free Preview: Lynn's Craving


    Chapter 1

    Piper sat in her bulky white jacket, alternately biting her lip and fighting the chattering of her teeth. A scattered stream of returning college students passed her over the course of an hour, with varied mannerisms ranging from groggy and dismayed to lively and excited. She herself fell on the eager end of the spectrum as she sat watching the salt-encrusted cars moving along the nearby street, her anxious gaze constantly searching for the one that would deliver her Isabella.

    Waiting for someone? a familiar voice teased.

    Turning around on the butt-numbingly cold step, she found a gorgeous blonde girl leaning out from the dormitory door, her green eyes sparkling with vibrant anticipation.

    Hey! Piper practically shouted, leaping up to rush back into the warm building.

    Ignoring the several bag-laden students passing by in the hallway, Isabella pulled her forcefully close by her bulky jacket. Hey, the blonde said happily, looking her face up and down from a few inches away.

    Piper couldn't help but smile. Hey yourself, she whispered back, feeling like she was about to burst.

    Isabella purposely held her there for a long, torturous moment, teasing her girlfriend… until she herself couldn't wait anymore.

    Pulled tight and close, Piper sank into the deep, soft kiss, her heart melting into a chaotic mix of heat, excitement, and longing. The velvet lips on hers returned her need completely, and her girlfriend's sudden smile and light tongue teasing told her that they were absolutely on the same page. Fuck long distance, she breathed.

    Yeah, Isabella whispered back. Pure hell.

    Their locked gazes held for another ecstatic moment, until another passing group of students reminded them both that they were standing in the front hallway of a busy dorm.

    Looking around awkwardly, Piper gripped her girlfriend's hand. Wanna go home?

    Already beat you to it, Isabella replied, leading her back toward their shared room with a grin. I was wondering where the hell you were, until I realized you might be outside - waiting for me!

    I didn't see your parents' car, she said, rubbing her own chilled nose as they walked.

    Isabella grimaced. Yeah, about that…

    Together, they made the last turn and entered their room.

    Someone was already waiting inside - a woman, sitting idly on the edge of Isabella's bed.

    Piper stopped in place, caught off-guard. The word 'woman' was not exactly apt to describe the brunette - she was maybe four to seven years older than Isabella, certainly still in her twenties, but visibly more mature and confident than even a senior college student. Her shoulder-length brown hair somehow maintained a sleek, attractive sheen even in the dorm room's dingy light, and her face might have been carved out of marble for all its classic angles and smooth perfection. She had that rare mix of graceful, reserved beauty and engaged vitality that made her at once ridiculously intimidating and casually approachable.

    She smiled brightly, displaying dazzling rows of frustratingly perfect teeth.

    Worst of all, something about her features held a strong similarity with Isabella's spirit.

    Staring at that bright smile, that utterly feminine face, and those bright green eyes that shared unmistakable character with Isabella's, Piper immediately felt a twinge in her lower body.

    Um, this is my sister, Isabella said by way of introduction, seeming imperceptibly subdued.

    Hearing sudden alarm bells, and instinctively aware of the change in her girlfriend's energy, Piper immediately hardened up and looked away from the vision of ridiculous beauty. She thrust out a hand, only making eye contact again once she'd steeled herself against what felt like looking directly into the sun. Um, nice to meet you.

    You too, the brunette replied, her voice - of course! - the epitome of feminine confidence. I'm Laura.


    Laura shook her hand for a good moment. Well, I can see now why Izzie's stuck it out.

    Stuck it out? Piper looked to her girlfriend, still shaking her sister's hand without thinking about it.

    Um, yeah, my sister drove me, Isabella explained cautiously, her gaze flighty and subtly distant. Because my parents wouldn't.

    Piper finally let go of the brunette's hand, suddenly forgetting about her completely. Oh no - did something happen? she asked, immediately thinking of their public relationship status online.

    Isabella finally looked her in the eye. They saw.

    Was it bad? Piper asked, her worried, compassionate frown deepening.

    Yeah, came the reply, with no further elaboration.

    The three stood in awkward silence for a moment.

    I'm gonna stick around for a few days, Laura finally said. I don't feel like driving all the way back just yet. I can get a room at a hotel nearby -

    No, no, Piper found herself saying, wondering why Isabella was acting so strangely. You can… stay here. Use my bed.

    To her credit, Laura didn’t look around the room, nor did she ask

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