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The Syrian Saber
The Syrian Saber
The Syrian Saber
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The Syrian Saber

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In Book Three, The Syrian Saber, when Mohammed returns to the end of Book One, as can only be done in fiction, he chooses to walk through the second door into another time line. Although the year 2017 is the same, it is a different world. His ten years in a life of the other choosing is not in his memory banks. He is a changed man with unchanged aspirations in search of a new way with a new name. In his desire to give rise to a new world order, he enters into a contract with Lucifer, a fallen angel, to call upon spiritual forces of darkness in the hope that he can accomplish good. The Directory has a similar ambition while using the power of wealth.
The indigenous of Cape York Peninsula in Far North Queensland, Australia become the mission target for Harold and Sarah Warren, also born in 1980, who live in New York. Their work begins in 2013 in Mohammed’s first time line.

PublisherJack Gresham
Release dateFeb 14, 2014
The Syrian Saber

Jack Gresham

I grew up in the small community of South Miami, Florida (population 300; twenty-two miles from downtown Miami). I enjoyed the sparsely settled South Dade area with sunny beaches and camping out along Snapper Creek.In my early teens, I began my walk in the Christian faith with a commitment that has held fast throughout my life.I attended public schools in the local area and upon graduating from Ponce de Leon High School in 1949 matriculated at Georgia Tech in the School of Aeronautical Engineering.The Korean War brought to me a new calling. After two years of college, I qualified for cadet training in the USAF. After earning my wings, I spent three years in the Air Defense Command flying F86Ds out of McGuire AFB in New Jersey. My wife, Moena and two small children left the Air Force with me to return to the University of Miami and complete medical school.Internship for one year, four years in residency, and a six months fellowship in surgery of the hand completed my post-graduate medical education, followed by almost forty years in private practice as an orthopedic surgeon. Five memorable years in the middle of my medical career were spent in Saudi Arabia while our children labored through college years 1980-85.It was during those years, traveling around the globe once each year and making many side trips to other countries of interest that Moena and I experienced a wide variety of cultures and religions.After returning to the States and before retiring, I went on many medical mission trips to The Ukraine, Brazil, and Africa. It was at Kijabe Station, about seventy kilometers north of Nairobi, Kenya, sitting on the edge of the Rift Valley that I experienced the greatest cultural distances between indigenous tribes and modern medicine.It is my belief that people of all cultures need understanding and acceptance more than they need change.

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    The Syrian Saber - Jack Gresham


    This series of four books is classified as fiction, although it is embedded in a spiritual context that is the basis of faith by many. And faith cannot be classified as fiction! There is no specific time setting, but most events portrayed are in the present time. In reality, the time setting spans a panorama of history from the beginning to the end of time with small segments of elapsed time set amidst the fluidity of infinite dimensions in the expansive realm of eternity—past, present, and future.

    Seemingly unrelated events occur in these small segments of time. It is not until the end of the last book, when many questions may remain unanswered, does the reader realize that nothing of inconsequence occurs and the consciousness of immortals will not be denied any answers.

    It is difficult to give these four books a single generic classification. Most of the scenes are ordinary ones the reader might consider normal within the scope of daily life circumstances in the world where live today. They are meant to be interesting and, to some degree, provocative of introspection. Then there are those of serious thought about spiritual matters. And time travel cannot be anything but fiction except . . .

    Without doubt, there will be questions, the most common, Why? And if one lingers too long on this question in the reading of the books, it will be difficult to stay on path until the conclusion. My advice, Ask the question but do not struggle with the answer until you finish the last chapter of Book Four.



    Scattered references in Books One and Two have hinted about a realm beyond the physical, materialistic universe. But before we can dive into the deep, there must be a foundation on which to build perception. People of all religions and cultures generally accept the actuality of a transcendent Creator. When we go beyond that, beliefs become varied and difficult to grasp, frequently beyond our limited human perceptual capability—we cannot consider many such ideas with any degree of understanding. There is also the widely accepted concept of the striving of good versus evil, not only in individual human lives but also in the entire scope of Creation.

    How this can be, whether from within or without the person, is also a matter of great debate.

    Then we come to the question of the spirit life—that which is a part of the human estate as well as the belief that spiritual beings exist as personalities in the order of things throughout the Universe, even though man is confined to Earth, or a part of its life support that can be transported to places of exploration.

    Spirituality is a concept that often leaves us in limbo. Can a spirit force impact our lives in any meaningful way or for that matter impact the ethos of society, whether small or large? So many questions and so few answers that are universally believed—where is one to turn?

    Throughout this series are many episodes when conversations occur between people on Earth and spiritual beings, even with God. No claim is made those words have Divine Origin. Quite the opposite, they are words of the author, who has attempted to represent what he thinks God might say or intend for one of His Spiritual Host to say in the context of the given situation. And there are those words from malevolent spiritual beings that carry the same disclaimer. Some or even much of what is said may not conform to the reader’s spiritual or intellectual inclination. But it is offered with the hope some unknown possibility in life may, at a time in the future, be seen as a dreaded or even a cherished reality.

    We are not reluctant to ascribe these events to fiction (or myths) rather than to reality. However, life experiences often compel us to consider the possibility of their being more a reality than previously accepted. Whether one or the other, we can be assured that the truth will set us free.

    After Mohammed’s First Choice

    The Central Intelligence Agency will continue its covert operations in Baghdad as troop withdrawal is completed.

    The Directory will continue in its quest for a new world order until they receive an ultimatum from a strong leader of different aspirations.

    Terrorism will continue to impact the global picture but without the influence of Dark Shadow which will not be a part of the second timeline.

    There will be others known to Mohammed in his previous life. But all of them will be with him in his second path because of their own life choices and not from what Mohammed chose. Such would be the case of those with terrorist ambitions as well as those of other persuasions.

    Just as there are spirits of darkness—demons who seduce mortals with alluring temptations—there are Spirits of Light, angels who minister to mortals as agents of The One. There are two realms of the spirit world at odds with each other. As the dark side becomes preeminent in world events of magnitude, the intensity of spiritual warfare increases, while The Spirit of Light says to all, even those of evil intent, God loves you.

    There will be ten years (2017-2027) in both timelines, altogether different, to begin and end on the same dates. After the last day of the second choice timeline, it will be by the Hand of The One that from the two will continue a single course of human history.

    Long, Long Ago

    The Heavenly Court held session from time to time. God met with His archangels, the managers of the galaxies, to hear their reports. Lucifer was a prominent member of that group.

    God said to him, How are things going in the Milky Way, and what needs to be done for Earth?

    Lucifer replied, Earth is beautiful, but something is lacking. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is needed. With sudden insight, he almost shouted, Life! We need life on Earth. How, I do not know.

    God was in His reflective mode, thinking, Earth is My favorite place in the entire Universe. It will be the central point in the plan for Creation that will be sustained for all eternity. Now that I have put the seed of life in Lucifer’s mind, I must put what is needed to make it happen. He must discover the capability of My basic building block that will be designated by modern scientists as DNA.

    Though there will be many to claim its origin by evolution in nature, in the final analysis modern science will proclaim its origin from a transcendent Creator. And although other beings may find habitat in the galaxies across the Cosmos from the creative genius of Myself and the Heavenly Host, DNA will be found only on Earth.

    Lucifer was in a state of consternation. He knew he had stumbled onto a great concept. If only he could make it work. Slowly the cloud of unknowing faded. He looked at God and said, Perhaps there is something you could interject into Earth as a basic building block to initiate life and allow it to evolve.

    What do you think that might be?

    It was time for Lucifer to go into a reflective mode. It must be something unique, but with the capability to utilize in infinite possibilities what presently exists on Earth to give a great variety of expression.

    He stopped, unable to continue for lack of words. God was bemused, but continued to wait. Then with a spike of enthusiasm Lucifer said, I believe You can make it happen. I have only a vague concept of some type of structure containing the elements now present on Earth in a great variety of combinations, but I don’t have the understanding to go further.

    "You have gone a great distance for a beginner. I will take it from here. The basic building block will eventually be known as DNA. It will have the ability to evolve with time into infinite possibilities.

    I will scatter it across the far reaches of Earth, and we will see what happens. Talk with me again when you see some results.

    It was many years before Lucifer returned to the Heavenly Court. As he spoke with God about progress on Earth, there was a note of ambivalence God did not miss.

    "What’s the problem, Lucifer? Is not Earth abounding with life? Is there yet something missing?"

    Again, Lucifer did not know how to put his feelings into words. "Plants have grown to cover most of the earth. They subsist under the laws of nature provided by Your giving the Earth regular seasons and a wide range of climates. The big ones I have called trees, the smaller ones bushes, and those close to the ground grass. The ones living in water are of a sort unto themselves. Plants do have an intrinsic beauty, but there is no way to become attached to them—they have no personality. They survive for a span of time, enduring the seasons, and then, becoming withered with age, fall to the ground, or sink to the ocean floor and become dead. . .

    There is no social interaction or emotion, just surviving until. . .

    What do you think should be done about it?

    We need a higher level of life forms. Although they may pass through a span of time, only to die and return to the earth, they should have the capability of social interchange. How this can be made to happen is unknown to me, but there must be a way, and I believe You know it.

    God already knew what He would do. He wanted Lucifer to admit he could not do it.

    "The DNA originally given could never produce life above the level known as plants—that which grew out of the ground or in water. Now I will give Earth a more refined DNA for the next order of life, to be called animal.

    Starting with single-cell life, animals of the land, sea, and air will become creatures of beauty and great skill to live among the plants. Let them evolve over some years and then come again with a new report.

    The centuries rolled by until the Heavenly Court was again in session. Many archangels spoke of epic events in their galaxies. Lucifer said little; he was pensive as God considered him.

    "Lucifer, you have not had much to say. Is something troubling you?"

    I feel Earth has not yet reached its potential. Plants and animals are thriving. Some animals have evolved into social creatures; others are reclusive in a micro-culture of their own. Many have developed advanced learning skills. Some four-legged animals have even learned to stand erect and walk on their hind legs.

    So, what’s the problem? God knew, but He wanted Lucifer to hear himself say it.

    "I have thought long and hard on this question. Life, as it now stands, is locked into physical mortality, while we angels are locked into spiritual immortality.

    How can we ever come to know them and they come to know us? I don’t want to be just an observer; I want to participate in life with them, or with some mortal being that can interact with me.

    God paused to allow Lucifer to ponder his words before asking, Do you not have a possible remedy?

    Lucifer abruptly responded, No. But I am sure You know what must be and how it will happen.

    Again, God paused before replying. Go your way and continue your work. You will soon know my answer to your question by events not to be told before they happen. God perceived a cloud of doubt had entered Lucifer’s mind. I cannot confide in him my plans for Earth. He will soon know and then have the opportunity to respond as he chooses.

    * * * * *

    In turmoil, Lucifer left the Heavenly Court with feelings never experienced. Does God have the right answers for my concerns? I must find out if others feel the same way. For many years he labored under this burden while he traveled from galaxy to galaxy questioning other angels and gathering a following. When he had gained a number to his satisfaction, he was ready to make his move. The divisiveness bred into the Heavenly Host would not be easily assuaged.

    God was not idle while Lucifer consorted with those who would follow him in the coming confrontation. In an instant of time, He formed the First Peoples out of the earth as mortals. He imbued them with an immortal spiritual body, or soul, in concert with their physical body.

    Although their physical body would die and return to the earth, it would not be so for their spirit, which would return to Him to receive an immortal body. He also placed deep within their consciousness an element of reasoning, a concept of Him—a mind made of ethereal elements that would bridge the gap between mortality and spirituality.

    Before visiting the Heavenly Court again, Lucifer returned to Earth to find the new inhabitants. He thought, God has done this thing without my involvement. To his feeling of pride was added one of resentment.

    He purposed, There is no cause to delay the confrontation with God. I must prepare for a battle to decide who will rule Creation.

    He called his followers from within the galaxy as well as sympathetic archangel followers throughout the Cosmos to meet in the frozen North Polar Region of Earth, which he called the Icy Pinnacle.

    Here he had fashioned a dwelling space of thousands of sinuous tunnels connected with large gathering rooms. It was lifeless.

    There was no entry door, and those who chose to enter or leave would do so through portals affording passage only to spiritual beings. After their meeting, they left with a singular resolve for Lucifer to present to God.

    * * * * *

    He attended a gathering of the Heavenly Court, coming unannounced as he was privileged to do.

    "What do you have on your mind, Lucifer?"

    "I and other archangels with me have come to believe there is another way to manage Creation other than by Your Word alone.

    "We feel it is time to exercise the right of choice with which we were created. We want to be in charge rather than You, to do as You please and leave us out of the picture to do nothing but accept Your results.

    It’s time someone else received adoration and praises other than You for the accomplishments in Creation. In fact those who stand with me believe I deserve that position and we are willing to fight for it.

    The angels attending waited for a response.

    God did not wait for long. Gather your followers and I will gather Mine. Meet in the outer reaches of the Cosmos where you can have your fight. When it is finished, I will decide the matter.

    One-third of the Heavenly Host sided with Lucifer; two-thirds sided with God. It was a long and fierce battle, but that is another story.

    Lucifer and his followers were defeated, leaving residual hostility between the forces of good and the forces of evil—hostility unresolved to this date.

    It was God’s judgment, for the time being, that the vanquished rebels would be banished to Earth.

    He called Lucifer into His Presence. "You and your followers are banished to Earth. It was once a place of serenity and beauty to which was added My First Peoples.

    "While you battled my Loyal Host, the Earth was protected from damage. It is now the abode for you and your rebel demons with a cloud of judgment denying it the sun. The Earth will be in darkness and covered with a layer of ice from the poles to the equator, except for a small central girth, until it changes by My decree.

    "Only you can visit the Heavenly Court when you choose; only you will be able to assume the semblance of a man when you choose.

    Now go to your abode and see the beauty of renewed life by My Hand when I choose to speak."

    What God did not tell Lucifer was that His First Peoples, who thrived in the beauty of an untarnished Earth, would soon come to struggle with ravages of nature beyond their scope to understand.

    And during that time the Wanderers would come among them by Divine Provision to ensure their safety. But there would also be demons with which they must contend.

    * * * * *

    At the war’s end, the losing rebel angels came to Earth as a horde of demons. Lucifer as the leader of the rebels, the only one with the privilege of attending the Heavenly Court, assumed he would be their leader on Earth. But there were two other mighty demons who prayed to The One for the right of self-determination with those who would follow them.

    They were called to the Heavenly Court where The One presided.

    What is your plea?

    You have given Lucifer the power to assume the appearance of mortality. We would also beg the same advantage. We know he has powers we do not, but this one is necessary if we are to work in our banishment to prove ourselves worthy again.

    The Voice of Thunder spoke. How do you think you can prove yourselves worthy again?

    "We know the perverse nature of those called human who have been given the right of self-will and freedom of choice. Perhaps you have a plan to overcome this problem.

    "Even so, we would like to have the opportunity to gain allegiance of the humans and lead them in the right way to defeat the desire for self-gratification and live in peace.

    The second demon added, We do not wish to begin a war between the demons on Earth. That would benefit no one. Lucifer may pursue his ambitions and should leave us alone to do the same.

    The pause was of undetermined time. "I will not refuse your plea. The first who spoke will be known as the ‘Bearded Nomad’ and live with his followers beneath the mountains north of Jerusalem in a country eventually to be known as Syria.

    "The second who spoke will be known as the ‘Desert Denizen’ and live beneath the sands of the desert in Africa with his followers in a land eventually to be known as Egypt.

    "You will be under a cloak of invisibility—Lucifer will never know you exist until you become engaged in human affairs as is he.

    "Then you must deal with him as you can. Do as you wish with my people, but cause them no harm from your hands. This protection is granted you as long as you comply with My directions.

    "It will remain in force until Lucifer becomes involved with you, after which will come judgment.

    "I must warn you again of the original constraints for you as well as Lucifer. In your banishment, any interaction with mortals must not cause them physical harm or deprivation. You may tempt them to do as you might wish; you cannot force them by any means other than those who dedicate themselves to you in defiance of Me. And I will not grant you presence here again. That is given only to Lucifer."

    Back to 2013

    Part I – People Make a Difference

    Chapter One

    High Tide

    Involvement Expands

    In 2013, before the robbery of the New York Fed, the Directory was going about its business of creating a new world order.

    Daniel Barkley was making plans for an expanding ministry.

    Mohammed was embroiled in his mediation and consultant work for a peaceful jihad.

    The CIA was planning a changeover in Iraq to a covert operation.

    Harold Warren and Sarah Montgomery were successful stock brokers in a Wall Street brokerage firm in New York City.

    * * * * *

    People get settled into their way of life. They may attain all they wished for—at least most of it. Then, at the peak of their success, there comes a nagging concern that maybe they should have achieved or acquired more or something different. Perhaps something could be given for the needs of others rather than attained for self.

    How does a person become involved in the needs of others who may be far-removed and of no seeming consequence in the grand scheme of things? Is it by self-determined choices or is there a Higher Order of destiny to be achieved by the spiritually minded above what can be imagined by one who is locked into the materialistic?

    Sometimes there is a rude awakening. Sometimes a gradual enlightenment will shine into a person’s life and a new venture will unfold. Possibilities emerge. People learn they can make a difference and that it does matter what they choose to do.

    We must believe both self-determination and Higher Order destiny are at the roots of our choices. Is one way more desirable than the other?

    At least two people had an abrupt change in their life’s agenda that would proclaim that the latter is definitely to be desired. To Harold Warren and Sarah Montgomery would come the challenge to protect some of God’s First People, the three indigenous tribes of Cape York Peninsula in Far North Queensland, Australia, from the powerful of this world even as the Wanderers did during their Dreamtime of this present Ice Age.

    Harold Warren Heads West

    Harold was a native of New York and lived in the northern part of the state, an only child with loving parents. His father was president of a community bank and was prosperous but not extremely wealthy. Harold never knew of need for anything. He attended area public schools, where he excelled academically. He had no trouble being accepted into a prestigious Ivy League School. By the age of twenty-two, he had completed undergraduate and MBA courses with academic honors. He chose Wall Street over law school.

    During Harold’s years of college life, aside from his major in economics and business management, he minored in cultural anthropology. After graduation, he maintained contact with the university alumni activities.

    He especially enjoyed an open door to the office of Dr. Robert Windham, the Chairman of the Department of Cultural Anthropology and occasionally had lunch with him.

    Doctor Windham’s special interest was Native American history and folklore, especially the Apache tribes of New Mexico and Arizona.

    On one occasion at lunch, he explained a planned eleven-student study trip to the Chiricahua National Monument in southeast Arizona.

    "I have a couple of students I want to take with me but they lack the funds to make the trip. Would you be interested in sponsoring those two students for me? I estimate the cost will be around $2,000 each for the six-week tour.

    "We need accommodations, but there are no nearby inns or other lodgings, just provision for campers. However Faraway Ranch is at the entrance to the National Park. It’s primarily a tour stop and has no provisions for guests.

    It would be the ideal place to stay. And there is a stable nearby where we could keep the horses we need for exploration of the territory." His voice trailed off, as if he had new thoughts.

    Harold said, "I would be glad to sponsor the two students for you, and I have some friends in the National Park Service. Maybe I could give you a name and number to call. You can use my name as a reference.

    See if they can arrange something for the university and your study group. At Faraway Ranch, there should be a resource for renting a number of horses for the time you are there. I believe you can work something out on both counts.

    As they departed they agreed to stay in touch. Each thought something had been set in motion that would result in an accomplishment for which both would be proud.

    * * * * *

    Harold’s entire life had been spent in the northeast, with summer trips to the coasts of Maine and Eastern Canada. After employment, he settled into a well-structured life of the times with a Manhattan apartment and a BMW. He rode the subway to work each day, using the car for an occasional evening out or weekend visits with his parents. He ate breakfast at Starbuck’s, lunch in the office or the next door deli, and dinner occasionally at home or in one of his favorite restaurants.

    Harold was now twenty-nine years old. He had frequent dates as well as a fair number of extended relationships, but none with the possibility of marriage. His seven years of dedicated work at the firm focused on building a guarantee for a secure future and developing a long list of investors as clientele that would stay with him.

    He was successful by any standard. But he needed something different. Where could he go to find it, whatever it might be?

    He thought, This is a big world. There must be a place where I can go and find answers to some new questions that are plaguing me, however vague they may be. I must visit a travel agent.

    He made a few phone calls and surfed a bit on the web before deciding where he would begin.

    * * * * *

    The next Saturday morning, he was the first customer at the door of his selected travel agent when it was opened for business. The agent was eager to serve. What may I do to help you?

    My name is Harold Warren. I talked with you last week about some travel arrangements. I’ve been looking through some advertised tours but haven’t been able to decide which might be best for me.

    Well, it’s a big world. The agent waved his hand across a world map that covered the back wall of the office.

    Harold walked back to the map and scanned it from one side of the room to the other. I don’t believe I’m ready to travel beyond the States. He did pause and cast a fleeting glance to Australia, which seemed to stand alone in the lower left corner. I’ve been considering the Southwestern States, especially the areas of the Native American Nations. I’ve been told of a place called Faraway Ranch. What location do you think I would find most interesting?"

    The agent suggested he travel to southwest New Mexico and southeast Arizona, the home of the Chiricahua Apache Inde Nation. He would fly into Albuquerque; rent a car for a jaunt south on Interstate 25 then west on Interstate 10, through Lordsburg, and across the state line into Arizona. He would then travel west another fifty miles to Wilcox, Arizona, turn south on SR 186 for another thirty-six miles to the south and east into the Chiricahua National Monument and Faraway Ranch. Flying to Tucson would give him a much shorter road trip but that was not what he was looking for.

    He would leave in one week for a ten-day tour of the American Southwest. It was the same date of departure for Dr. Windham’s trip with his student group.

    * * * * *

    There was not much grass in front of the main building, a well-kept, two-story wooden structure. Two six-passenger Suburbans were parked in front of the main building but there was no other sign of life.

    Harold sat in his car in front of the entry for a few moments and tried to figure out why he was at this particular place at this particular time.

    He had stayed in contact with his professor friend, so his expected day of arrival was known to him. Actually, he arrived one day after the group from the university. He thought, There is quietness about this place I could get used to. It’s good to be here, but I have no wish to stay for long. And the intrigue of the unknown is compelling.

    He stepped out of the car and walked through the front door into a large open room with a smattering of chairs, coffee table, and a check-in desk beside the entry door.

    A framed map hung behind the desk. As he walked over to it, a thin middle-aged woman entered from a side door to stand behind the desk and said, smiling, You must be Harold Warren, my name is Mattie Pierson; please call me Mattie—welcome.

    After acknowledging the greeting, Harold stared at the large framed map depicting The Chiricahua Territorial Land of The United States and Northern Mexico. Mattie said nothing. She was willing to wait for the full impact of what the map might say to her guest.

    Harold’s attention was focused on nothing else other than the map. It seemed to hold him transfixed in thought with both wonderment and questions. He was prepared for the United States part, but Northern Mexico was a factor beyond the expected.

    He was lost in his thoughts of what might have been many years ago. He shook his head to bring himself back to the present with the map still hanging before him. He discarded thoughts of the part of Chiricahua Territory that extended into northern Mexico. He wondered, What did it mean to Indians of previous generations?

    Mattie said, "We’re glad you’ve chosen Faraway Ranch for your vacation. I have some pamphlets and magazines that tell of the local sites and a little historical review of the Apache Inde Nation.

    I know the professor is expecting you and will meet you at dinner. May I show you to your room?

    Thank you. It’s been a long drive from Albuquerque. I think I’ll settle in, rest a bit, and look over the material you’ve kindly provided. What time is dinner? There was a slight unmistakable tiredness in Harold’s voice that Mattie did not miss.

    Mattie Pierson had grown up and spent all of her life in and around Wilcox, Arizona, and the Chiricahua National Monument. There was not much about this part of the world she did not know.

    Most of the visitors to the Monument were families or retired couples. This was her first assignment for guests at Faraway Ranch who wanted something more than a tour stop, and she was looking forward to this new experience. She could not remember a university student group with their professor, in addition to a single young male who had scheduled an eight-day visit.

    She looked at Harold again without his awareness and wondered what his story was. She thought, What kind of influence do these people have to allow them a stay at Faraway Ranch? Accommodations have never been offered to

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