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LOVE, ...sexually
LOVE, ...sexually
LOVE, ...sexually
Ebook42 pages43 minutes

LOVE, ...sexually

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About this ebook

What if human society lacked all social and sexual taboos? What if mankind lived their everyday lives according to their natural instincts? What if feelings were never considered a part of sexual encounters? What if the concept of "Love" was unheard of?

This story takes place in an alternative world, where animal-like behavior is the accepted social norm, but where two special people are about to find out that they’ve been missing out on something more...

Release dateFeb 23, 2014
LOVE, ...sexually

Simone Van Glower

In my younger days I never thought that erotic stories could get boring. I liked reading about sexual encounters, and I didn't mind their simple setup. Man + Woman = Sex, Woman + Woman = Sex, Man + Man = Sex. But as time passed, I wanted more! I wanted to know the characters, I wanted to know the settings and I wanted to appreciate the story as much as the explicit material. This is what ultimately led me to write and illustrate my own work, where the main focus is on the story, and the sexually explicit material is the icing on top. In the future I intend to continue on this path, so look forward to further novels and fun, sexy drawings down the line!

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    LOVE, ...sexually - Simone Van Glower

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