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Hurricane Crimes
Hurricane Crimes
Hurricane Crimes
Ebook51 pages49 minutes

Hurricane Crimes

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After her car breaks down, Beth Kennedy is forced to stay in Florida, the target of Hurricane Sabrina. She stocks up supplies, boards up windows, and hunkers down to wait out the storm, but her plan unravels when she witnesses a car accident. Risking her life, she braves the winds to save the driver. Just when she believes they are safe, she finds out the man she saved could possibly be more dangerous than the severe weather. Donovan Goldwyn only wanted to hide from the police, but the hurricane shoved his car into a tree. Now he's trapped with a beautiful woman while the evidence that can prove his innocence to a brutal crime is out there for anyone to find. As Hurricane Sabrina wreaks havoc, Beth has no other choice but to trust Donovan to stay alive. But will she survive, or will she become another hurricane crime?
Release dateMar 5, 2014
Hurricane Crimes

Chrys Fey

Chrys Fey is the author of Hurricane Crimes, Book One in the Disaster Crimes series, as well as these releases from The Wild Rose Press: 30 Seconds, Ghost of Death, and Witch of Death. She is an administrator for the Insecure Writer's Support Group and has participated in the Blogging from April A to Z Challenge. When Fey was six years old, she realized she wanted to be a writer by watching her mother pursue publication. At the age of twelve, she started writing her first novel, which flourished into a series she later rewrote at seventeen. Fey lives in Florida and is always on the lookout for hurricanes. She has four adopted cats who keep her entertained with their antics, and three nephews who keep her entertained with their antics. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and through her blog, Write with Fey. She loves to get to know her readers!

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    Hurricane Crimes - Chrys Fey


    Hurricane Crimes


    Chrys Fey

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Hurricane Crimes

    COPYRIGHT © 2014 by Chrys Fey

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Kim Mendoza

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Crimson Rose Edition, 2014

    Digital ISBN 978-1-62830-171-7

    Published in the United States of America


    To all of my family and friends in Florida

    Beth was going to die.

    At least according to the nervous weatherman on her flickering television screen. An image of what was supposed to be Florida wavered in and out, except it was barely visible beneath the swirling mass of a Category 5 hurricane named Sabrina, which seemed to have a vendetta against the sunshine state. She never once sidled away from Florida but came head-on while gaining strength like a warrior preparing for battle.

    Before the first gust of wind swept over the land, the governor put Florida on a state of emergency. Authorities advised everyone to board up their houses and leave. If you didn’t, you were practically signing your death certificate.

    Beth Kennedy didn’t have family and had nowhere else to go for safety. Then her car decided to break down, leaving her stranded at home. Apparently, it was conspiring with Hurricane Sabrina for her demise. She boarded up all the windows; stocked up on batteries, bottled water, and canned goods; and was going to hunker down to wait out the storm. Anyone who planned to do this was either stupid or crazy, this again from the nervous weatherman. And she didn’t like it when someone called her stupid.

    Crazy? Perhaps. Stupid? No.

    Outside, gale force wind was punching the sides of her house as rain pelted the boards protecting the windows. The roof above her head groaned as if in pain. She doubted her fence would last much longer.

    She peeked out the window next to the front door, which was shaking violently in its frame. The street beyond was littered with debris, her neighborhood was empty, and the town she called home was ghostly. She was probably the only person in all of Florida who hadn’t left.

    Beth strained to see through the horizontal rain. At first, she thought she was seeing things, but there was no mistaking the blue car fighting against the fierce wind and rain. It was going too fast and swaying dangerously from side to side. She watched helplessly as it lost control and slammed into a tree a couple of houses down. The hood crumpled up like a crushed soda can.

    Her mouth dropped open in shock. She pressed her nose against the glass, searching for any sign of movement within the car. There was none.

    Without a second thought, she tugged on her raincoat, bothered with a few buttons, and then wrapped her hand around the cold doorknob. She could feel the violence outside vibrating through the metal.

    She took a deep breath to brace herself and wrenched the knob. The instant the door was cracked open a gust of wind shoved its way through, yanking the door out of her grasp and slamming it into the wall. She stumbled back when the wind collided into her chest, knocking free the breath she had sucked in seconds before. Her hands groped for the slick doorknob and she had to use all of her strength to wrestle

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