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The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story
The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story
The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story
Ebook44 pages37 minutes

The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story

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Grant, Will, Mady, Garrett,and Leyton accidentally travel through time to see Grandma as a kid. Grandma's present house is on a magical node, which facilitates their time travel. They meet Grandma as a kid and even go Christmas fooling with her, but cannot reveal who they are because they "Must not disrupt the flow of time." Grayson helps cover the deed. This book was written about and for my grandchildren who have extensive vocabularies. Preteen with some big words. About 10,000 words.

Release dateFeb 23, 2014
The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story

Eunice Korczak

The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story, listed on Smashwords, was written for and about my grandchildren. They are the characters in the story.I wrote it for them for a Christmas present (in print format) a couple of years ago. The evening I gave them each a copy of the book, they spontaneously began reading it out loud and continued taking turns around the room until the entire book was read. No matter what I publish, no matter how many favorable reviews I may receive, no compliment will equal that!I have other completed children's books which I may publish. Right now, I'm focusing on The Six and the Magic Circles, which is another pre-teen book about the grandchildren. This one is an adventure story by request of the kids.They wanted adventure, magic, dragons, a griffin, super powers, and more. This book is more fun and more challenging than The Time Travelers. The kids have helped, though. They brainstormed with me and have had some fabulous ideas, many of which I'm implementing in the story.Unrelated works in progress include a humorous story about a grandma who becomes a politician after retirement; a story of a Gros Ventre girl captured by the Crow tribe who grows up to be a warrior chief; and an adult fantasy about a red pearl, a dog, and more. I'm also working on a couple of family books - a photo history of five generations and an anecdotal life journal.I live with my husband and two little Pomeranians in the Minnesota ice box, way up north by the Canadian border. It's a good place for a writer, since the weather encourages and, at times, demands remaining indoors.You met our six grandchildren in The Time Travelers - Grayson, Grant, Will, Mady, Garrett, and Leyton. They live quite a distance apart from us, so we see them far less often than we'd like. Writing about them makes me feel more in touch.Excerpts from various works in progress are posted on my blog -

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    The Time Travelers - Eunice Korczak

    The Time Travelers:

    A Christmas Story

    by Eunice Korczak

    Copyright 2014 Eunice Korczak

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover images courtesy of: Joleene Naylor, Iscatel, Canstock Photos

    Cover by Joleene Naylor

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    The Time Travelers






    And the big brother to them all


    Always in my heart

    Anywhere and anywhen they travel

    The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story

    The grandkids were visiting Grandma and Grandpa for the Christmas holiday. It was the day after Christmas. All the presents had been opened and explored, and they were looking for an interesting group activity when Grandma brought out a big box of Straws and Connectors to supplement those already in her games and things stash.

    Hah! Now they could build larger structures. Excitement boiled over. They expected this would be fun. But they didn’t expect high adventure.

    Look what Grandma got for us!


    Let’s start. What should we build?

    As Mady, Garrett, and Leyton clattered downstairs to the library, excited voices called over one another. Tower. Light house. Court house. Old west fort. Hogwarts School of Wizardry.

    So they set to work, ambitiously building a large structure in the downstairs library.


    Then Grandma walked through. Wow! she said. That’s impressive. What is it?

    Several voices piped up. A tower, said Garrett. A light house, said Mady. But Leyton said, Uh uh. It’s a fort. It didn’t seem to matter; everyone continued snapping straws and connectors together.

    Grandma smiled. Obviously team work did not require a common goal. Even when completed, each kid might see a different project, and sometimes, like magic, the very same structure could be one thing in the morning and a radically different thing in the afternoon.

    Hmm, said Grandma, It’s very nice. And she continued on to pop a load of towels into the washer.


    After Grandma left, the work slowed a bit as the children discussed a story Grandma had told them about Christmas when she was a kid.

    So do you think Grandma really did get only one toy and a winter coat for Christmas when she was little? asked Mady.

    Making a twisted face, Leyton asked, Yeah, but what did she get from Santa?

    Didn’t you listen? The coat and toy were from Santa, said Garrett.

    Uh uh. Santa doesn’t give just one toy! And Santa doesn’t give kids coats, said Leyton.

    Grandma said times were tough and the kids were glad to get good, warm coats, said Mady.

    Leyton pursed his lips and blew, making a buzzing sound. Well, I think Grandma was telling made-up stories again.

    Garrett thought about that for a minute, then said, Maybe. But there were no trolls or dragons or unicorns or anything in it.

    "Made-up stories don’t have to be about trolls

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