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Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies
Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies
Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies
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Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies

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Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies is part two in the Hot and Steamy series. Indulge your intimate desires and take a pleasure ride with this book of erotic short stories. Discover how these singles and couples live out some of their wildest sexual fantasies. Adults only 18+

Release dateAug 16, 2010
Hot and Steamy: Sexual Fantasies

Darren G. Burton

I have been a writer for nearly 30 years. I've written numerous full length works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as many short stories and anthologies.

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    Hot and Steamy - Darren G. Burton

    Hot and Steamy

    Sexual Fantasies

    Darren G. Burton

    Published by Darren G. Burton at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2010 Darren G. Burton

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Author asserts the moral right to

    be identified as the author of this work

    Cover Design: Darren G. Burton

    Spice It Up

    I returned to the table with the round of drinks. A bourbon and coke for myself, beer for Jake and vodka, lime and soda for Sara. Giving me the full body scan as I arranged the drinks on the table, Sara broke into a broad smile. As I sat down, she placed a warm hand on my forearm and looked me right in the eyes.

    So what do you think? she asked, a twinkle of hope in her deep blue irises.

    Jake and Sara were married and had been spicing up their sex life lately by including other partners. We’d all been in contact via an adult dating site for the past few weeks and tonight had decided to get together for drinks to see if we all clicked and felt comfortable. Jake was straight and so was I, so there was no question about anything awkward there. This was all about having two men to pleasure Sara. Indulging in group activity was something I’d never done, but was always curious to try. So when Jake and Sara contacted me, my interest piqued.

    I nodded. I’m happy to try it. I sipped some bourbon. How about you two?

    Jake and Sara glanced at each other and communicated some unspoken message between them. Sara them focused her eyes on me again, nodded, then smiled. We’re definitely up for it. She took a large swallow from her glass of vodka. I’m getting tingles now just thinking about it.

    Why don’t you give Aden a small taste of what’s to come, Jake said to her.

    The entire time Sara hadn’t taken her eyes off me. She moved in close, her eyes half closing as she did so, and locked her soft lips on mine. Next thing I knew my mouth was wide open and filled completely with her wet and hungry tongue. We kissed passionately for several exquisite minutes. When Sara broke the embrace my cock was as hard as a slab of granite inside my jeans.

    Sara smiled lewdly. How was that?

    Can’t wait for the main course, I replied while clearing my throat.

    Jake downed his beer and got to his feet. His wife followed suit, finishing her vodka with a hurried gulp. I took a little more time polishing off my bourbon as I didn’t like to drink fast. When I’d drained my glass I got up, feeling quite loose and relaxed from three bourbons and a shot of tequila.

    Jake and Sara led the way in their car while I followed close behind in mine. Their waterfront home was only five minutes drive from the tavern. As they pulled into the driveway I pulled in behind them and trailed them into the house.

    It was open plan with a kitchen looking out over the pool and canal outside. Being the middle of winter I figured were weren’t going to play out there. Instead, Jake lit a fire in the fireplace to warm up the living room. There was a comfortable looking couch not far from the flames and, right in front of the fireplace was a plush red rug. An armchair sat opposite the couch on the other side of the fire. Jake and Sara took up positions on the couch while I slumped into the chair.

    So how’s this work? I asked naively.

    Sara looked at her husband, who raised an eyebrow. How do you mean? he asked.

    I shrugged. You guys have done this before and I haven’t. I guess I’m just trying to get my head around it all.

    Sara responded. Meaning, how does Jake enjoy seeing another man fuck his wife?


    It’s a turn on, Aden, Jake said easily. I know this sort of thing’s not for everyone, but we enjoy it. Sometimes a male joins us. Other times it’s a woman. Sometimes another couple. Sara and I have a very strong but open relationship.

    And we only ever play together, Sara put in. Never alone.

    I looked at Jake. So if I’m really enjoying fucking Sara, that’s not going to bother you? You’re not going to mind?

    Hell, no! Jake assured him. The more everyone enjoys themselves the better it is. He turned to Sara. Right, Honey?

    Absolutely. Sara’s eyes were on me, a faint smile curling the corner of her mouth. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Play with me as if I was your own woman.

    If you feel a bit uncomfortable at first, mate, said Jake, just sit back there and watch us for a while, and join in when you feel ready.

    I nodded. That sounds like a good idea.

    So I did. After emptying my pockets, removing my shirt and taking off my shoes, I settled back to watch the action unfold before me.

    Jake and Sara started off by kissing heatedly and caressing each other through their clothing. Sara was wearing a black skirt, white blouse and black stockings. As her husband’s hand roamed along her thigh, she parted her legs to expose not her underwear, but her lush naked pussy. Jake’s finger probed the fleshy lips of her cunt, stimulating her clit, then thrusting inside her. She broke the kiss and let out a moan of delight. Reaching for the buttons of his shirt she quickly undid them.

    As they got each other worked up, every now and then she glanced sideways at me, obviously enjoying my eyes on her as she prepared to get naked with her husband. My cock was throbbing with tremendous energy in my pants. The jeans were restricting my member, so I stood up and took them off, leaving me clad only in tight white boxer shorts. Jake and Sara were disrobing at the same time I removed my pants and I caught Sara’s grin as she eyed the bulge in my underwear.

    She realised I wasn’t quite ready to join in yet when I sat back down in my chair, so she returned her attention to her now naked husband.

    Jake stood there; tall, lean and muscular with his erect cock right in front of Sara’s face as she sat naked on the couch. Sara was curvaceous with small and petite breasts. She sat with her legs spread wide apart so I had an unimpeded view of her luscious cunt while she set to work on Jake’s cock. She stroked it with her left hand while caressing his shaven testicles with her right fingertips, all the while greedily sucking on the head of his shaft.

    I found myself wishing that it was my cock she had in her mouth right now. But I didn’t have to wish. She was there for the taking. All I had to do was strip off my underwear and make my way over to the couch.

    And so I did.

    Sara alternated between sucking her husband’s cock and mine. Jake had a larger piece than me, but I didn’t care. Sara seemed to be equally enjoying both.

    As Jake watched his wife’s mouth engulf my meat he said to me, Are you enjoying that, mate?

    God yeah!

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