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Sex Outdoors
Sex Outdoors
Sex Outdoors
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Sex Outdoors

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About this ebook

Sex Outdoors in part one in a brand new series of erotic short story anthologies. Titillate your senses with these saucy tales of couples, threesomes and groups as they indulge their wildest sexual fantasies out in the open. Adults only 18+

Release dateNov 19, 2012
Sex Outdoors

Darren G. Burton

I have been a writer for nearly 30 years. I've written numerous full length works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as many short stories and anthologies.

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    Sex Outdoors - Darren G. Burton

    Sex Outdoors

    Darren G. Burton

    Published by Darren G. Burton at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 Darren G. Burton

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Author asserts the moral right to

    be identified as the author of this work

    Cover Design: Darren G. Burton

    Chapter One - Sexalot

    It was a perfect day. The weather was clear, barely a cloud present to mar the endless blue sky. Jack and his wife Bree sat out back in their comfortable suburban home drinking the first coffee of the day and luxuriating in the warmth of the morning.

    I’ve so been looking forward to this weekend, Bree said between sips from her mug. I’m tingling with excitement just thinking about it.

    Yes, Jack said and smiled. All the endless possibilities. He sipped some of his own coffee. I think it’s good that we haven’t really planned this. Just go with the flow and see where things lead.

    She nodded. I totally agree. Just drive and see where we end up each time.

    They had both just taken showers and were currently sitting there on the patio wearing nothing but light-weight bathrobes. Also on the table, apart from the coffees, were some plates of fruit, some yogurt, slices of buttered toast cut into triangles and orange juice. Jack helped himself to some toast, washed it down with a sip of juice, then nibbled on a few pieces of rock melon and banana. He chased the fruit down with more juice, then settled back with his coffee again.

    I hope you’re going to eat a little more than that for breakfast, his wife said. You’re going to need plenty of energy to get through the day.

    I realize that, he said with a grin. "I’ll have some more in a minute. You’d better eat up as well. I don’t plan on doing all the work."

    Bree ate two corners of toast, some fruit and yogurt and downed a full glass of juice. She sighed with satisfaction. There. Happy? An enquiring eyebrow was raised. Jack nodded and ate a bit more himself.

    Once breakfast and coffee was done and cleared away, the pair went into the master bedroom and the large walk-in robe to get changed. Because of what that planned to do, they both dressed very casually in clothing that was easily accessible and removable. Bree slipped into a g-string, over which she zipped up a little red cotton mini skirt. Without bothering to clip on a bra, she slipped into a white singlet top and slid her feet into rubber flip flops. Jack dressed equally as simply. In fact, he didn’t even bother with underwear. Just put on some striped shorts and a yellow muscle top. He also slipped into a pair of flip flops. They then grabbed a blanket, some towels, Jack’s wallet, Bree’s handbag and the keys to the convertible and they were off.

    To keep their love life spiced up a little, they’d come up with the idea of a weekend that was all about sex. The only catch was, to make it really interesting, all the sex had to take place outdoors and away from home. For Saturday’s session they planned to find a location for a fun morning romp, then relax and recover over a nice lunch somewhere, following that up with sex in the afternoon at a different location to the first. After that, they would return home, have a light dinner, change clothing and head out in search of a spot to fuck in the dark.

    Jack had a hard-on as they drove off down the road. The anticipation of what was to come made him literally salivate. They should really do things like this more often. Just the build-up alone was fun, let alone the actual act.

    My pussy’s really wet, Bree informed her husband as they headed out of town, the sun shining down on them and the wind in their hair.

    Jack licked his lips and glanced over at his wife. She had her legs parted and her panties pulled aside so he could see her glistening shaven snatch.

    God, that looks yum! he said. I can’t wait to eat it.

    She giggled like a teenager. Now I’m twice as wet as I was a moment ago.

    Slide a finger inside, he told her. She did and he took his eyes off the road momentarily for a good look. God, I need to fuck that!

    You’re getting me wetter every time you say something. We better find somewhere soon or I’ll go crazy with lust. Are you hard?

    God, yeah!

    Bree reached over and grabbed hold of his throbbing erection through the material of his shorts. She grinned promiscuously then.

    I have an idea. How about I go down on you while you find somewhere for us to stop and play?

    Now he grinned. No arguments here.

    Bree unsnapped her seatbelt and leaned over. She undid his pants, pulled down the zipper and exposed his cock. Her lips slid wetly over the head and she bobbed up and down, taking just the first two or three inches into her mouth.

    Fuck that feels good, Babe! Jack could barely concentrate on the driving for a moment. He accidentally swerved into the other lane. Just lucky it was a quiet road heading out into the country and not many cars were on it. Deep-throat me, he said, and she did, swallowing all seven and a half inches until her nose touched his balls. He groaned loudly, braked, pulled off to the side of the road and eased the car out of sight from passing traffic behind a grove of trees. He cut the motor, reclined the car seat and just enjoyed the exquisite sensation of his wife’s beautiful mouth wrapped tightly around his shaft.

    Bree continued to pleasure his penis for another few minutes, then they got out of the car and quickly stripped naked. The blanket was spread out over the bonnet and Bree sat up on the hood of the car, her legs spread for him, offering her pussy to him. Jack was ravenous and tongued her feverishly, drawing loud moans from his wife. He lashed her clit, sucked it and gently bit it, then plunged his tongue into her soaking wet cunt and slurped warm, sweet juice into his mouth. He swallowed the first mouthful and sucked some more from her honey pot.

    Acrylic nails raked through his short brown hair, scratching lightly at his scalp, encouraging him to devour her. She tasted fresh and utterly delicious, as she always did. Jack loved eating his wife. Always had, always would. Her pussy was totally addictive in so many ways and right now, with her spread-eagled on the bonnet of the car, he couldn’t get enough of her. With the amount of juice he was drinking he wouldn’t even need to eat lunch.

    His cock throbbed between his legs as he feasted, reminding him that it needed some action. Readily giving into the impulses and urges of his dick, Jack moved his juice-smothered face away from Bree’s cunt and replaced it with his hard shaft.

    He entered her slowly, an inch at a time, until his cock was all the way inside and her moist lips were kissing his balls. She was more wet than he could ever remember her being; and she was always nicely lubricated. Her arousal was peaking and it didn’t take too many strokes of his length to coax the first orgasm of the day out of her.

    Bree writhed around on the blanket and very nearly slid off the car. Jack had her under the thighs and pushed her back up, his cock never leaving her succulent cunt. He resumed thrusting until the last wave of her orgasm had passed. She lay there, breathing hard.

    Jack slipped out of her. Bree slid off the car and collapsed to the ground, taking his cock back into her mouth all in the one motion. She licked and sucked her own juices from his shaft, then lashed his sack with her tongue before plunging his length all the way down her throat again.

    She stood up. How do you want me?

    From behind, he replied without a moment’s hesitation. Bend over and lean on the car. She did, opening her

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