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What's The Buzz?
What's The Buzz?
What's The Buzz?
Ebook38 pages33 minutes

What's The Buzz?

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Long before we decided to anoint ourselves masters of the planet earth, humble
insects filled the skies and covered the ground. As of today, it’s estimated that ten quintillion bugs share our world with us. In case you’re wondering, that’s a ten with eighteen zeroes behind it. If that makes you feel outnumbered the countdown has only begun. So get your calculators out, buy an extra fly swatter and stock up on the insect repellent. That humming buzz in the air
is coming your way fast.

PublisherSteve Nubie
Release dateDec 1, 2012
What's The Buzz?

Steve Nubie

About the author:Steve Nubie has been writing professionally for 38 years.He has 9 books ePublished including a time travel novel titled No Time Like the Present.A business book titled Navigating the Creative Process: 6 Steps to Creative success.An anecdotal cookbook titled Real Men Eat Meat.Dark Paths. A collection of short stories about the macabre, the supernatural and bad science.Justice. A short story about the disturbing truth behind innocent men and women in prison.What’s the Buzz? A story that explores the classic 1950’s monster movie concept with a contemporary twist.The Expert. An expert in demonic possession meets the exorcism dream-team.The Dare. A ghost story that continues to haunt a small town.The Moon Unit. Werewolves as good guys.These books are listed on and Search word: "Steve Nubie"He is also a member of the Yahoo Contributor Network and has posted numerous articles across a range of subjects. On two occasions he has been awarded the Yahoo Hot 500 award. He also teaches writing classes as an Adjunct Professor at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.In addition he has written and produced numerous Twilight Zone episodes for CBS Entertainment including:The Walkabouts which explores the surprising truth behind alien abductions. -2008.Another Place in Time which examines the concept of parallel universes. -2008Rest Stop. A surprising new twist on a massive alien invasion of the planet earth. -2009.The Nanobots. The chilling implications of nanotechnology. -2009.2012. What's really going to happen? -2010.Bigfoot in the Door. The origins and secrets of Sasquatch. -2010.He has also written audio dramas for the Fangoria Dreadtime stories series including:-A Fungus Among Us. The very real possibility that the next global pandemicmay be a primitive and insidious form of mold. -2011.-Here Come the Sludge. Armageddon meets the blob. -2012Screenplay -The Moon Unit. Werewolves as good guys. -2011Television Series: 18 episodes/Proposal. -Alberto y Lucia -2012Television Series: 13 episodes/Proposal. -Real Men Eat Meat -2012Nubie has also published numerous articles in magazines including:-Entrepreneur’s Business Start-Ups, May, 2000. Column. Naming Names.-Entrepreneur’s Business Start-Ups, September, 2000. Column. What’s Your Sign?-Silent Sports, July, 2000. Feature. Exploring the Illinois Prairie Path.-The Self Reliance Journal, March, 2001. Feature. The Survival Decision Kit.-Michigan Out-of-Doors, April, 2001. Feature. Hatching a Match.-Home-Business Magazine, December, 2005. Feature. Building a Brand Identity for Your Home- Based Business.•In addition he has generated more than 200 press releases across a range of subjects.•He has also written, produced and directed hundreds of television commercials, videos, wireless apps, radio commercials and print ads for numerous Fortune 500 companies.•He has a strong background in advertising and marketing across all media and disciplines from direct mail to new media and strategic planning.•He has traveled extensively on international assignments including two years in Asia based in Hong Kong and two years in Europe based in London, and has continually studied the unique characteristics of language, culture and belief systems around the world.Key links to subjects written by Steve Nubie: Nubie Google Searchhttp://www.stevenubieco.com

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    Book preview

    What's The Buzz? - Steve Nubie

    What’s the Buzz?


    Steve Nubie

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright2012 by Steve Nubie

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All Rights Reserved

    Discover other titles by Steve Nubie at

    Real Men Eat Meat

    Navigating the Creative Process: 6 Steps to Creative Success

    No Time Like the Present

    Dark Paths



    Chatter filled the cavernous room as a Senate Sub-committee reconvened. A large man with a black suit stood in front of the room and pounded his gavel three times.

    Let’s come to order and conclude this session. Please take your seats. General? We've given you the 15 minutes you requested. Now please answer the question.

    The General sat at an oak table with 3 microphones aimed towards his face. His dress uniform was covered with various medals, decorations and insignia. He glanced at a document and cleared his throat. Our intelligence indicates that a terrorist group is genetically modifying an organism for a systematic attack against Europe and the United States.

    A grey-haired Senator at the end of the long table of legislators interrupted the soldier's testimony. General, we hear this kind of thing every month. You and your various divisions are continually coming into this committee, asking for millions of dollars to find some new way to fight some emerging terrorist threat. Does this ever end?

    The General organized the stack of documents in front of him into a neat pile and looked over at the lawmaker. Senator. I wish I could say an end was in sight, but we have to trust our information and take the appropriate actions.

    The old Senator waved the General off dismissively. Right. Like the hundred-million for a new kind of bio-suit to stop not only bullets, but airborne disease and radiation. Or the two-hundred and fifty million for enclosed Humvees that could function underwater, and resist every form of armor-piercing attack. When does it end with you guys?

    The General took a deep breath. "It ends when we stop learning of new threats and can guarantee

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