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The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation
The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation
The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation
Ebook231 pages2 hours

The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation

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An obese technical wiz is horribly embarrassed in front of his colleagues. A woman's world is shattered by her fiance's outlandish behavior. A comedian is mercilessly brutalized during a performance.

This is the story of three disparate souls who have each suffered horrific public humiliations. Through fate, their paths cross and intertwine in ways that will make you laugh, cry, and renew your spirit for overcoming obstacles and setbacks.

PublisherJeff Marson
Release dateAug 25, 2013
The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation

Jeff Marson

Jeff Marson is a writer, editor, public speaker, seminar organizer, and marketing communications leader. He relishes opportunities to observe intriguing people and to capture their life stories in ways that instill hope, courage, perseverance and inspiration into the lives of his readers. Jeff believes that miracles are constantly happening all around us; and that you just need to pay attention to see them. One of his favorite quotes (from the movie, Vanilla Sky) is: Every moment is a chance to turn it all around.

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    Book preview

    The Extraordinary Power of Humiliation - Jeff Marson


    The number of ways we can be humiliated is infinite. But whether occurring by accident or by someone’s orchestrations, our public embarrassments are especially difficult because they shatter either our image—or our anonymity.

    Humiliation, like a white hot poker in your hands, compels you to take action. Those actions can range from immediate retaliation to simply running away.

    This book tells the stories of several individuals who suffered very public and very devastating embarrassments. Initially, each of them tried running away and hibernating from a world they could no longer bear to face. Yet through fate, their paths crossed and intertwined in ways none of them foresaw, yielding results none of them ever imagined.

    Chapter 1

    Bob was a hard worker. In fact, he was an ideal employee. He evangelized his company’s mission, was an authority on its products, and provided a level of technical support that engendered customer loyalty. As a true team player, he selflessly assisted colleagues whenever called upon. He was painstakingly punctual to meetings, rarely took a sick day, and did whatever was needed to get the job done.

    He was also obese.

    Since his teens, Bob struggled with weight. Following a family pattern of compulsive behaviors, his particular dysfunction was escapism through food. Whether chomping down double bacon cheeseburgers with extra large fries, or devouring an entire 14" pizza, or consuming mountains of ice cream, Bob ate, and ate—and ate. Showing little inclination for sports or any kind of physical activity, his huge girth became as much a part of his identity as his brilliant analytical mind— and his penchant for comprehending advanced technical information.

    The butt of cruel fat jokes and pranks during his public school and college days, Bob’s only defense was to smile back at his tormentors, hoping this good-natured approach would ward off future attacks. Unfortunately, it didn’t.

    Tortured by emotional pain and shame, Bob used his imagination to find solace. The more he suffered abuse, the more he kept envisioning that, one day, his razor-sharp intelligence, quick wit, and boundless creativity would make him a star in whatever career he pursued. And that’s exactly what they did, right up to his arrival at Univar Technologies.

    Hired by Univar as a senior support specialist, Bob wasted no time validating the glowing references and accolades he’d received from past employers and industry peers. After inheriting simultaneous crises from three major accounts during his first month, he immediately swung into action. Using his technical wizardry and endearing personality, he miraculously transformed negative perceptions about Univar’s post sale support. In doing so, he helped his new employer retain over $8 million dollars of annual revenue!

    Eager to recognize Bob’s exceptional performance, the company decided to take him out to lunch, along with several of his departmental colleagues and some of the organization’s senior officers. Thus, on a bright Tuesday afternoon, the invitees and their hosts climbed into a caravan of company vans. Their destination was Venetian Delight, a restaurant renowned for its mouthwatering delicacies and sumptuous desserts.

    Arriving at the posh restaurant, the maître d’ led the group to a large rectangular table. Bob, like everyone else, sat down to begin the festivities. Unlike everyone else, his chair collapsed under his weight, emitting an audible cracking sound as it splintered into several pieces. With his coworkers, supervisors, and other patrons looking on in horror, Bob died inside.

    After the initial shock wore off, and after Bob confirmed he wasn’t injured, the waiter brought over another chair. This one looked sturdier than its predecessor. As the waiter tactfully slid the chair under Bob, Univar’s president did his best to divert attention away from the mishap. Employing the diplomacy and charm that had propelled him to his leadership role, he asked the group for ideas on where to hold the company’s next annual retreat. To his relief, the question prompted lively and animated exchanges around the table.

    Immediately after they’d returned from lunch, Bob informed his supervisor that he needed to run an errand, and that he’d be back at the office in 20 minutes. In truth, he needed time to collect himself from the colossal embarrassment that had occurred in front of those whose respect he had worked so hard to earn.

    At the end of his brief reprieve, Bob barely mustered the courage to reenter his work environment. In doing so, it didn’t take long for him to detect muffled conversations and laughter coming from behind cubicle walls. Overheard comments about obesity in America and concerns about the structural soundness of the company’s chairs removed all doubt as to what the office was buzzing about. Clearly, word was out about the lunchtime fiasco.

    Sitting at his workstation, Bob sank deeper into despair with each passing minute. With an ever-watchful eye on the clock, he kept begging for 5:00 pm to come around so that he could make his exit.

    Later, within the solitude of his apartment, Bob sat down on one of his kitchen chairs.

    Grateful it didn’t collapse like its restaurant counterpart, he buried his head in his hands and wept. Never knowing how to control his insatiable lust for food, he felt like a circus act. Now that his obesity had taken center stage at Univar, his livelihood was at stake. He felt helpless, bitter, and full of self-contempt.

    Bob’s first thought was suicide. It wasn’t the first time this option had presented itself. This time, however, the possibility of leaping off a bridge, slashing his wrists, or ingesting an entire bottle of sleeping pills seemed dangerously real—and imminent.

    While considering how best to end his life, thoughts of his weekly computer training class suddenly flashed into Bob’s troubled mind. With visions of bright-eyed students eagerly embracing his lessons, he tottered between ending and enduring his very painful existence.

    Chapter 2

    After donning her bridal gown, Melanie looked into the mirror with boundless joy. With her best friend Tina standing next to her, the two admired how the gown made her glow.

    I still can’t believe this is really happening, exclaimed an exuberant Melanie. Like I’ve told you before, Greg popping the marriage question came as a complete surprise, especially since he’s always evaded the subject. I guess being the playboy bachelor finally ran its course.

    Ever since that life-changing moment a month earlier, Melanie had been walking on air, as if living a dream. No longer burdened by the stresses of her job, or consumed with planning her next career move, she was happy. Taking delight in coupling her first name with Luden (Greg’s last name), she tingled all over every time she mouthed the words, Melanie Luden.

    Following her rapturous gown fitting, Melanie and Tina decided to have lunch at a new French café that had opened to five-star reviews. Featuring healthy French cuisine served in an ambiance designed to melt one’s cares away, Café Santé was the perfect way to add extra sparkle to this glorious day.

    While awaiting the arrival of their entrées, Melanie and Tina started brainstorming on wedding ideas, and who should be invited. As the two sister-like friends joked and laugh-ed, it seemed that life couldn’t be any sweeter.

    During a pause in their conversation, Melanie glanced around the café to admire the artwork adorning the walls, and to view the other patrons. Just then, she spotted two of her officemates, Cyd and Felicia, sitting a few tables away.

    Because of their reputation for being notorious gossips, Melanie minimized her contacts with Cyd and Felicia, speaking with them only when her work required her to do so. Consequently, when they realized Melanie was not interested in befriending them, the two women dismissed her as being as cold and standoffish.

    Putting aside her antipathy towards them, Melanie politely smiled and waved briefly at her officemates. In doing so, she noticed their outward astonishment at a scene unfolding across the room. They then looked back at Melanie, as if signaling her to observe the same thing they were witnessing. Melanie picked up on the cue, and followed their intense gaze. In doing so, her life came crashing down.

    Focusing on what had so entranced Cyd and Felicia, Melanie froze in disbelief. There, in a corner table 30 feet away, was her fiancé Greg and an attractive woman clad in a tight fitting, low-neck blouse. The two were laughing while Greg had his arm draped around the woman’s shoulder. A few moments later, they sipped from the same champagne glass and partook in a lingering kiss, oblivious to any onlookers.

    Tina, who was glancing in another direction, turned back to look at Melanie. Alarmed to see the ashen expression on her friend’s face, Tina asked, rhetorically, if something was wrong.

    Choking down tears, Melanie whispered to Tina, Let’s get out of here, RIGHT NOW.

    Dumbfounded by this radical turn of events, Tina obeyed her friend’s command, fearing something awful had just occurred. Before departing, she threw down two $20 bills on the table to cover the cost of the food they would never get to savor.

    When they reached the street, Melanie broke down sobbing, while clutching Tina’s arm for support. Instinctively, Tina guided her friend to a nearby bench and sat her down. She then pulled Melanie’s head to her shoulder, and stroked her hair.

    After a few minutes of nonstop weeping, Melanie finally calmed down enough to say, I…I saw Greg at the restaurant, drinking with and kissing some half-naked slut. She then resumed her crying.

    Aghast at this news, Tina felt helpless. Failing to find the right words, all she could manage was, Don’t worry about anything, sweetheart. I’m here for you, and we’ll get this whole thing figured out. In the meantime, I’ll call your boss and tell him you went home ill.

    After completing the call, Tina walked Melanie back to her apartment, and tucked her into bed. Concerned her inconsolable friend might do something drastic, she decided to remain in the apartment until Melanie was sound asleep. Two hours later, she let herself out, uncomfortable about Melanie’s desperate emotional state—and where it might lead to.

    Chapter 3

    Practicing the punch line to his latest joke for the 1,500th time, Fernando felt he’d finally nailed it. Timing was everything in the standup comedy business. In his years working the local comedy circuit, he’d seen perfectly good jokes obliterated by bad timing and inappropriate voice inflection. He decided that wasn’t going to happen to him, especially this evening.

    Being a standup comic had been Fernando’s consuming dream. Although he’d been a mediocre high school student who seemingly lacked any career ambitions, Fernando possessed one gift that gave him an identity: He’d always been able to make people laugh, wherever he went.

    With no interest in attending college after his high school days had ended, Fernando settled on a floor job at the neighborhood Target retail store. Spending his time stocking shelves, cleaning restrooms, and working the checkout lines, he kept nurturing his fantasy of becoming a professional comedian.

    Every week, Fernando made the rounds of local comedy clubs, jumping at every opportunity to participate in open mikes and amateur comedy events. Fashioning vignettes from everyday life, including the interactions he had at Target, Fernando made the mundane seem hilarious. To date, every one of the six performances had been a success, with audiences laughing mightily at his jokes, and club owners asking him to return as a warm-up act for their headline comedians.

    But Fernando had a weakness that was particularly deadly for comedians: He was sensitive to criticism. As much as he lived for the laughter and applause of his audiences, he dreaded a heckler getting up and ripping into him about his physical traits, or making ethnic slurs, or saying his jokes were lousy. Belying his amiable persona, he truly lived in terror, never knowing what he’d do if he were verbally attacked while onstage—or wherever he traveled.

    That evening, the Funny Bones comedy club was holding its weekly amateur night.

    Rehearsing all week and, especially, during his lunch and work breaks, Fernando was anxious, yet excited. Word was out that several talent scouts from a local stage production company would be attending. If he was a hit, Fernando could gain some valuable exposure and, perhaps, earn an opportunity to appear in a play, especially one that was a musical comedy (his favorite kind of entertainment).

    Chapter 4

    At the appointed hour, Fernando arrived at the club. While psyching himself up in the dressing room, he waited for the emcee to announce his name to the packed house.

    After hearing And now, ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to our next act, Fernando Loquasha, he walked confidently onto a stage set aglow by spotlights. Sipping from a plastic water bottle supplied by the club, he said, How do you do, everyone? I’m Fernando Loquasha, and I’m here to make you laugh your asses off—which should make going to the bathroom very interesting! In fact, we may even change this club’s name from Funny Bones to Funny Buns!

    Suddenly from the audience, a voice yelled, You don’t have to tell no jokes, pal. Your deformed face is enough to make anyone laugh their ass off, asshole! Stunned, Fernando followed the voice to its origins: A large, beefy man in a short-sleeved shirt, with multicolored tattoos running the length of his thick arms. To make matters worse, many in the crowd laughed at the heckler’s remark.

    The one thing Fernando feared most was now staring him in the face. Knowing he had to act quickly, he sheepishly said, Thanks for that. It’s always nice to be among friends. Fernando cringed at the timidity of his voice and the weakness of his retort.

    Is that the best you can do? yelled the beefy man in a mocking, challenging voice. Before Fernando could muster a response, another man stood up and shouted, Why don’t you go back to Mexico, Fernando, and grow some marijuana. Isn’t that what you illegals do best? On second thought, you probably enjoy collecting welfare here so that you can buy beer in your neighborhood bodega.

    With the audience now witnessing personal and racist bullying unfolding before their very eyes, Fernando perspired profusely. Dazed and confused by what was happening in front of 75 people, he struggled to remain onstage and to complete his performance.

    After gulping down more water, Fernando said, "Just for tonight, I left my beer and marijuana behind so I could tell you folks something really important. Earlier today, a female customer walked up to me on the sales floor, asking me where she could find mirrors. I said, ‘Mirrors? You must be in a reflective mood!’

    So, I led her over to our collection of mirrors. After seeing herself in various hand and full- length mirrors she quipped, ‘I’m trying to convince myself that I’m pretty, but these mirrors aren’t doing the trick. Do you have any mirrors that show someone’s inner beauty?’ To that, I replied, ‘Yes, but they’re called psychiatrists, and you can find them on Aisle 7. In fact, we’re having a sale on psychiatrists right now. You might say we’re shrinking the fees on our shrinks!’

    Fernando was relieved to hear over half the audience chuckle convincingly at his narrative. However, before he could launch into his next vignette, a woman shouted, "Say, Fernando, do you have any jokes about being an illegal immigrant, since that’s your

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