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Mystery Rises
Mystery Rises
Mystery Rises
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Mystery Rises

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After spending months apart due to an enforced separation, Samantha and Shadow are finally reunited. However, it is a reunion which may be short lived. As more secrets of the past are revealed, Samantha not only discovers her true heritage, but also how heavily intertwined it is with Shadow’s. Suddenly finding themselves on opposing sides of a feud which started long before either one of them was born, they struggle to remain together in a world which seems determined to keep them apart.

Neither one of them wants to enter the conflict started by their forefathers, but unfortunately, there may not be a choice. With Samantha’s true identity now known in the world of the angels, she has become a pawn in a deadly game of revenge. Desperate to hold on to the one person who truly matters to him, Shadow must find a way to protect Samantha... or risk losing her forever.

Release dateOct 11, 2013
Mystery Rises

Marilyn Phillips

Marilyn lives on the outskirts of Melbourne with her husband and two children. A fully qualified Secondary School Teacher, she spent thirteen years in the classroom before taking leave from her profession to become a stay-at-home mum.Since early childhood, she has been an avid reader. Growing up with books like, 'The Wishing Chair' and 'The Magic Faraway Tree', as some of her most treasured favourites, she has always had a fondness for fantasy and the mythical world. Moving into her teenage years, she developed a highly active imagination and often created stories which she liked to share with her friends. However, with a focus on her studies, she never seemed to find the time to commit those stories to paper.Now, many years later, inspired by authors such as Stephenie Meyer,Becca Fitzpatrick and Claudia Gray, Marilyn has finally fulfilled a lifelong dream to write and publish a novel of her own.For those of you who take the time, she hopes you enjoy reading it as much as she enjoyed writing it.

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    Book preview

    Mystery Rises - Marilyn Phillips

    Mystery Rises

    A Mystery Falls Novel


    Marilyn Phillips

    Copyright © 2013 Marilyn Phillips

    Cover Design by Marilyn Phillips

    Smashwords Edition


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be distributed or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from the author.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One


    To Richard, Brandon and Melissa

    Thank you for your unconditional love and everlasting patience.

    To my Book Blogging Friends and Readers

    Thank you for your amazing support, it is truly overwhelming

    Chapter One

    Looking out across the frozen lake, I watched through the window as soft silvery crystals drifted downwards to land on the already whitened landscape. The official start to winter had occurred three weeks earlier but the snow had begun to fall long before then. Blanketing everything as it fell from the sky—it had made the trip to the cabin difficult, but not impossible.

    To my surprise, the highway had been the most hazardous to navigate. Although kept clear by the constant use of snowplows, the surface of the blacktop had still been icy making progress slow. Anticipating that I would have to walk once I reached the track which led to the small dwelling in which I now stood, I had been pleasantly relieved to find that such an endeavour had not been necessary. That due to the thick canopy of the trees which bordered both sides of the narrow path in equal density, only a few inches of snow had managed to make it to the ground. Thankful that I did not have to complete my journey on foot and in the cold, I’d travelled the remaining distance with a sense of optimism. Maybe, just maybe, my hope to be reunited with Shadow sooner than expected might possibly be fulfilled.

    Returning to the warmth of the fire I’d prepared shortly after my arrival, I began to recall the train of thoughts which had led me to my decision to come to Shadow’s home and wait for an event, which in all likelihood, would not take place.

    Early this morning, standing in my own living room staring at the Christmas tree Claire and I had decorated with Uncle Mike’s help, I had allowed my mind to wander freely. Of course, it had taken less than a second before Shadow’s image had appeared in my thoughts. His deep blue eyes, his devilish grin, for the past two months they had haunted me... but not in a bad way... in the best way. Every time I pictured Shadow’s beautiful face, I was reminded of the deep and intense love I had for him. A love, which my father had convinced himself was not real, and given time, would fade.

    My dad—for six years I’d lived with the belief that he was dead, gone, lost to me forever. It was a belief which had proven to be incorrect. He was not gone, at least not completely. With the sudden and unexpected appearance of Shadow in my life, followed by an extraordinary series of revelations, I had not only discovered that angels exist, but that upon his untimely death, my father had transformed into one. It was a concept, which at first, I’d found difficult to accept. But then, after having witnessed Shadow in his angel form and realizing that it was possible, I had quickly grown accustomed to the idea.

    With my thoughts focused on my father, I recalled the moment I’d first seen him as an angel. It was at the cemetery. I had been there to attend my aunt’s funeral, and afterwards, Shadow had led me to my parents’ gravesite. At first I had not known why. But then, as my father had appeared before me shrouded in a soft white glow and with silver-gold wings extending from his back, I had understood. Shadow, knowing how much I missed my parents, had arranged for my dad and I too meet.

    Unfortunately, the reunion had not gone entirely as I had hoped. Although we were both overjoyed to see each other, the moment had been marred by my father’s reluctance to accept the relationship which had formed between Shadow and me. In his mind, angels and humans were not supposed to interact, not supposed to bond, not supposed to fall in love. He was convinced that Shadow and I did not belong together, and that given time apart, I would see that for myself.

    And so, after a week of deliberation, he had imposed a three month separation hoping that by the end, I would realize that the feelings I held for Shadow had been nothing more than a foolish teenage crush. And that having made that realization, I would then be prepared to move on, preferably with a human male who could give me everything an angel could not.

    How wrong could he be? My feelings were not due to simple infatuation. They were real. Tangible. The time apart had only succeeded in proving to me what I already knew to be true. I loved Shadow with all my heart. We belonged together. And no amount of time or distance was going to convince me otherwise.

    Finally returning my attention back to the shiny baubles hanging on the tree before me, I had not only recalled that it was Christmas Day, but also, that on Christmas, miracles sometimes happened. Wondering if maybe this was my time for a miracle, I had left the room with sense of hope and a desperate need to be at the cabin.

    In true Uncle Mike fashion, he had shown concern when I had informed him of my intention to travel through the snow to my current destination. However, aware of the deep love I held for Shadow, he did not try to stop me. He had simply instructed for me to take care, and not to be too disappointed if Shadow had not made it home for the holidays.

    Naturally, like everyone else in Mystery Falls, Uncle Mike and Claire had no idea that Shadow was an angel, or that my father had become a part of the angelic world. To them, my father was dead, buried, never to be seen again. And Shadow. To explain his sudden disappearance two months earlier, I had been forced to fabricate a lie—a lie which had involved a family that did not exist, and an emergency that Shadow had no choice but to respond to.

    Fortunately, everyone had accepted the vague explanation I had given. Everyone that is, apart from for Mia. Mia, my best friend and confidant had been harder to convince. She didn’t understand why, when Shadow and I had finally committed to a relationship, he had suddenly left. I could still hear her arguments as they reverberated around in my head. "What do you mean, ‘he’s gone’? Where did he go? Why? Couldn’t someone else take care of the family emergency? And what family... why are we only hearing of them now?" The questions had seemed almost endless, but eventually, mounting one lie on top of another, I had managed to persuade her that there was no one else who could take his place. That Shadow didn’t have a choice. He had to go.

    At the time, I had wondered to whom I was trying to offer the greater reassurance... Mia?—or myself?

    Lost in my musings as I stared into the flickering flames of the fire, I didn’t notice when the exterior door to the cabin opened. It was only when a cool breeze drifted across the room and touched the exposed skin of my forearms, that I became aware I was no longer alone. Immediately casting the past aside, I returned to the present and froze. Too afraid to look, too afraid not to, I felt my heart skip a beat before it began to thump wildly inside my chest. Was it possible that the miracle I’d been longing for had just come true? Was it possible that my father had finally realized the futility of his decision and allowed Shadow to return to me before the three months had expired?

    I wanted to turn around, but fear held me in my place. What if the person who had joined me was not Shadow? Would I survive the disappointment? And if they were a stranger and their intentions were anything but pure, what would I do then? How would I escape? Thinking that maybe I had been foolish to come to the cabin on my own without knowing for certain that Shadow would be here, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.


    Not the person I had been hoping to see, but most definitely a welcomed friend and not a foe, I turned and dashed across the room. Without pausing to consider my actions or how they might be received, I threw my arms around Hunter and hugged him tightly. Once, I would have been cautious in his presence, but not today. Today, he was the closest thing to Shadow I had, and any trepidation I might have felt dissolved in an instant.

    Startled by my reaction, it took a few seconds before he responded. Samantha, do you think you could loosen your hold on me just a little.

    Embarrassed by my own forwardness, I disentangled myself and took a step back. As a faint stain of pink appeared on my cheeks, I began to apologize. Um... sorry, I... I’m just so glad to see you.

    Wearing a smile which lit up his whole face, it was clear that Hunter was just as pleased to see me as I was to see him.

    I smiled back.

    Remembering that Hunter rarely travelled alone, I craned my neck around him in search of Celeste. The space behind him was empty. Casting my eyes back to his in disappointment, I asked, Where’s Celeste? Isn’t she with you?

    His grin altered slightly. Oh yeah, she’s with me.

    He stepped away from the open door, and a moment later, Celeste bounced into the room. Closing the distance between us, she wrapped her arms around me in an affectionate hug. Feeling tears of joy well up behind my eyes at seeing my friend, I reciprocated almost instantly. In the human world, Mia was undoubtedly my best friend. But in the angel world of which I now felt I was a part of, that role was filled by Celeste. With her, I could discuss things that Mia had no knowledge of, could never have any knowledge of.

    After several more seconds of holding me in her welcoming embrace, Celeste let go. With her eyes sparkling and a cheeky smile playing on her lips, she said, Hey Samantha. We thought we’d find you here.

    My decision to come to the cabin had been spontaneous. Wondering how they had made that prediction when I myself had only decided an hour earlier, I asked, You were expecting to find me here, why?

    Closing the door which still stood open, Hunter crossed to Celeste’s side. In an earnest tone, he replied, It’s Christmas Day. Where else would you be?

    He was right. It was Christmas Day. But that still didn’t explain how they knew I would be at the cabin and not at home celebrating with Uncle Mike and Claire.

    Taking note of my puzzled expression, Hunter launched into a more detailed explanation, Okay. Truth be known, Shadow predicted that you would come here. He thought that with it being Christmas, you might be looking for a miracle. Unfortunately, he couldn’t grant you the one you would be hoping for. So, since he couldn’t come himself, he asked us to come instead.

    It took a second for my brain to catch up. What? Wait a minute. Are you saying that Shadow knows you’re here?

    Hunter nodded. Yes.

    My heart was racing. My stomach was doing cartwheels. Hunter and Celeste had been with Shadow, and I was guessing, not that long ago. Barely able to contain my excitement, I stuttered, you’ve seen him?

    This time, it was Celeste who responded, Yes. We’ve seen him.

    When...? Where...? Unable to restrain myself, I all but shouted the questions at her.

    Celeste hesitated, like she was unsure if she should answer.

    It’s okay. You can tell her, Hunter voiced.

    Her hesitation lasted a moment longer. Then quietly, she replied, Last night, in London.

    Last night... in London... I repeated.

    Yes, Celeste confirmed.

    Moving to the sofa, I sunk down onto the surface and stared blindly at the floor. I knew that my father had banished Shadow to Europe, but up until now, I had not known the exact location. Finally learning of Shadow’s actual destination, I was filled with a mixture of relief and sadness—relief, because it was no longer a mystery to me... and sadness, because it was so far away.

    In the distance, I heard Celeste whisper quietly to Hunter before she came to sit down beside me. Placing her hand lightly on my arm, she gently asked, Are you okay?

    Yeah, I think so. I just need a minute.

    I understand.

    Thoughts swirled inside my head. Hunter and Celeste had been with Shadow not more than a day ago. They had spent time with him, spoken with him. Realizing that they had information which I could not obtain myself, I quietly asked, How is he?

    Celeste chewed nervously on her lower lip. Casting a quick glance at Hunter who had taken up residence on the opposite sofa, she said, He’s... fine.

    Her words said one thing, her tone, another. Immediately concerned for Shadow’s well-being and unable to hide my sudden anxiety, I snapped, "Fine, you don’t sound very sure."

    She shrugged. You know Shadow, it’s hard to tell.

    Sensing that she was hiding something, I turned to face her full on. In a harsh and demanding voice, I said, Celeste, what aren’t you telling me? Is Shadow all right... or not?

    Samantha, go easy, Hunter interjected.

    My eyes snapped to his face. Panicked by the thought that something might be seriously wrong with Shadow, I continued to speak harshly, Easy! How can I go easy when it’s obvious that Celeste is keeping something from me?

    He breathed out a heavy sigh.

    Scared by his long drawn out silence, I softened my tone and pleaded, "Hunter, if there is something wrong with Shadow... please, tell me. I need to know."

    Hunter’s return stare was intense as he wrestled with indecision. Finally, he said, On the outside, Shadow is trying to appear as if nothing is wrong, but on the inside, this separation is killing him.

    Taking his answer literally, I exclaimed, What! Shadow had once told me that if the bond formed between two angels was ever broken, then the angels concerned would weaken, and eventually, cease to exist. Interpreting Hunter’s words to mean that the bond between Shadow and I was breaking, and as a result, Shadow was facing his possible demise, I felt a sudden wave of dread wash over me.

    Undoubtedly observing the fearful expression which had formed on my face, Hunter grimaced. Sorry, I didn’t mean that literally. I just meant that when angles bond, it’s forever. Being apart, particularly for this long, it’s not natural. Not being able to sense you, to feel your presence, it’s extremely difficult for Shadow.

    Relieved that my thoughts were not reality, that Shadow’s existence was not in danger, I took a few calming breaths before I whispered, It’s difficult for me too.

    Yes. We know. And that’s partly why we’re here. To let you know that Shadow’s feelings for you have not faltered... that his love for you is still strong. And that as soon as he is allowed, he will return.

    Hunter’s words made my heart swell, and at the same time, they brought tears to my eyes. Reaching up to wipe away the lonely drop which had managed to escape, I said, So I guess this means that Shadow won’t be coming home for Christmas.

    Hunter’s expression softened. Shaking his head, he said, No, he won’t.

    Any remaining hope I’d harbored that Shadow might still appear before me on this special day, vanished. Realizing that I would have to endure another month without him in my life, more tears gathered. Cradling my face in my hands, I made no attempt to stop them from falling.

    Celeste’s arm circled around my shoulder. Encouraging me to lean into her, she whispered, Samantha, we have something for you. Something Shadow wanted us to give to you.

    Her words caught my attention. Using my sleeve to wipe some of the dampness from my cheeks, I raised my eyes to hers and sniffed, What?

    Her gaze shifted to Hunter. I think now would be a good time to give it to her.

    Hunter rocked forward in his seat. Yeah, I agree.

    Curious, I watched Hunter as he reached into the pocket of his jacket and withdrew a small black velvet box. Balancing it carefully on the palm of his hand, he held it out towards me and said, Merry Christmas Samantha.

    Leaning forward, I took the gift he offered. Holding it with trembling fingers, I stared down at the dark velvet surface and took a minute to ponder its significance. Shadow could not be here himself but he wanted me to know that I had not been forgotten—that on a day when we should be together, I was still very much on his mind, and most definitely in his heart.

    The tears threatened to return, but this time, I held them at bay. I didn’t want them to blur my vision when I looked into the box.

    Beside me, Celeste made no effort to hide her impatience. Samantha, please hurry and open it. The suspense is killing me.

    I slid a brief glance in her direction. Her excitement was obvious, and I wondered... did Celeste already know what lay inside? Had Shadow shown it to her, to Hunter? Would I be the last one to see it? Deciding that it didn’t matter, that none of those questions needed to be answered, I brought my focus back to the object in my hand.

    With my heart rate slightly elevated, I untied the fine thread of ribbon and cautiously lifted the lid to reveal the contents which lay inside. Although I had anticipated an item of jewelry, I was still surprised by what I found nestled in the bed of blue satin. For a moment, I stared down at the delicate gold bracelet. Then removing it from its place of rest, I held it up to examine the detail. Each link had been carefully shaped into that of a heart, and set at regular intervals between them, sat a pair of intricately crafted angel wings. It was by far, the most beautiful gift I had ever received.

    Do you like it? Celeste, who had been watching eagerly for my reaction, spoke first.

    Unable to take my eyes off the bracelet, I replied, Like it? I love it!

    Hunter relaxed back into his seat. Shadow will be glad to hear that, particularly since he had it made especially for you.

    My eyes darted to Hunter. Shadow had this made for me? I asked in astonishment.

    Yes. He designed it himself with very special orders that it was never to be copied. It’s one of a kind.

    I didn’t think I could be anymore amazed. Or love Shadow any more than I already did. But I was wrong. My love for him had just increased tenfold.

    Turning to Celeste, I held the bracelet out to her along with my wrist, and asked, Please, could you help me put it on?

    She smiled, Of course.

    Gazing down at the bracelet as it lay against my skin; I once again admired its beauty.

    You really do like it, don’t you, Celeste asked with a note of uncertainty in her voice, like she still wasn’t entirely convinced.

    Yes. It’s the best gift anyone has ever given to me. I will treasure it forever.


    Hunter drew my focus back to him. Yes?

    You can’t let anyone know where this came from. Mia, your family, they can’t know that Shadow was the one who gave it to you. To be honest, it would be best if they didn’t see it at all, at least not until he returns. However, since that is unlikely if you are wearing it, then you will need to think of a way to explain its existence without telling the truth.

    I grimaced. You mean... I need to tell another lie?



    Because... if your father finds out, then he will deem this as contact between Shadow and yourself. Having insisted that there should be absolutely no communication between the two of you during the three month separation he imposed, there’s no telling what he will do if he discovers that his orders what not followed precisely.

    Listening to Hunter’s words, the joy I felt at having received Shadow’s gift suddenly morphed into anger—anger, that once again, my father had somehow managed to interfere with my happiness.

    Hunter’s brows drew together in a frown. Samantha, we know the situation is not ideal, that you would prefer to tell the truth and not have to deceive your family and friends. But until your sentence is served, there is no other choice. It must appear that you and Shadow are completely isolated from one another.

    Closing my eyes, I placed the heel of my hands against the lids. Hunter was right. There was no choice. If my father found out that Shadow had sent me the bracelet, he would see it as a form of communication, and then... I didn’t want my thoughts to go any further. The possibilities of what my father might do, what punishment he might inflict, they were too abhorrent to consider in any detail.

    Opening my eyes, I allowed them to fall to the bracelet. It was perfect. Beyond special. But no one could know who had given it to me, how I’d acquired it, at least not yet. And until they could know the truth, I had no option but to keep it hidden.

    Holding my wrist out to Celeste, I commanded, Please take it off.

    She stared at me, surprise evident on her face. What?

    Hunter is right. If anyone sees this, they are going to ask questions about its origin. Questions I can’t answer without telling yet another lie. There has already been so much deceit in my life. I don’t want to add to it unnecessarily.

    Her expression changed to one of pity and sadness. Reaching up to undo the clasp, she said, I’m sorry. We came here to brighten your day, and instead, we only seem to have made it worse.

    I hadn’t meant to upset her. Or give the impression that I was not grateful for their efforts. Trying to make amends, I said, "No. You’re wrong. Your being here, Shadow’s gift, they have made this day very special. Celeste, you and Hunter are Shadow’s family, and having you here, it’s the next best thing to having him here. So please, don’t regret that you came. I certainly don’t."

    Having successfully removed the bracelet from my wrist, she held it out towards me. I’m glad you think so.

    Forcing a smile, I took the bracelet and returned it to its satin bed. Placing the box on the coffee table before me, I turned my attention to Hunter. When you next see Shadow or speak to him, will you please tell him how much his gift means to me, and that I will keep it safe until his return.

    Yes. I’ll tell him. Once again leaning forward in his seat, he balanced his forearms on his thighs and firmly added, Samantha, I know this has been just as hard on you as it has been on him, but it won’t last forever. And when this final month is over, the two of you will be reunited and then this separation will be no more than a bad memory.

    Recognizing that his words were meant to offer comfort, I said, Thanks.

    Any time. Rising to his feet, he altered his demeanor and boomed, "Now, it’s Christmas! So Celeste, go see if you can find something in the kitchen which will help us to celebrate while I attend to the fire."

    Ten minutes later, gazing at the logs which crackled loudly in the hearth as flames licked around them and filled the air with a cozy warmth, I sipped on a steaming mug of hot chocolate—the only thing Celeste had managed to prepare in the sparsely kept kitchen—and listened as Hunter and Celeste relayed stories of their most recent adventures.

    Naturally, my interest had been significantly amplified when their narrative had included Shadow, unfortunately though, there had not been too many of those. For reasons not given, Celeste and Hunter had been ordered by my father to keep their distance from Shadow. On occasion, Hunter and Celeste had chosen to ignore those orders. However, afraid that their incidental meetings might be discovered, they had kept their visits brief. The longest amount of time Celeste and Hunter had managed to spend in Shadow’s company without risking detection, were the last few days leading up to today.

    As dusk approached, it sadly became time for me to leave, and time for Celeste and Hunter to head back to the Sanctuary. Standing beside my car saying our farewells, I hugged each of them briefly before climbing inside. I hated goodbyes, so I made no attempt to prolong the inevitable.

    Pulling out onto the highway, I expected to feel sad that the day had ended. But surprisingly, I didn’t. Surprisingly, I felt happy... happier than I had been for the last two months. Because—even though the day had not gone as I had hoped, Celeste and Hunter’s presence, Shadow’s gift, they had somehow renewed my hope for the future—a future, which unknowingly, I had slowly begun to lose sight of.

    Chapter Two

    Where have you been? Mia shouted down the line.

    Trying hard not to react to her sharp tone, I answered, "What do you mean, where have I been?" It was not the first time Mia was angry because she had not been able to contact me. Ever since Shadow had entered my life, there had been times when I was out of reach, unavailable to her. I thought she would be used to it by now, but evidently, I was wrong.

    I’ve been trying to call you since yesterday afternoon, but hey, guess what? Your phone’s been off... again! she continued.

    I cringed. Yeah... I know. Shortly after having arrived at the cabin the previous day, I had turned off my cell with the thought that if Shadow did return, I didn’t want my reunion with him to be disturbed. Distracted by the events which had taken place while there, and then continuing to dwell on them long after I had returned home, I’d forgotten to reactivate it. It was only now, when I had attempted to call Mia myself, that I’d realized my error.

    You know? So it was deliberate? she huffed.



    This is where it became difficult. Knowing exactly how Mia would react when I informed her of where I had spent the previous day, and why, I was not looking forward to this discussion. Pondering my options, I considered telling a lie. The consideration lasted for less than a second. Remembering the recent promise I had made to myself to be less deceitful, I quickly discarded the thought and opted for the truth. Bracing myself for her reaction, I plainly said, I went to Shadow’s cabin.

    "What? Why? Is he back?" Her voice went through a range of emotions. Surprise... Curiosity... Excitement...

    Holding to the truth, I replied, No, he’s not back.

    Then... She paused. The unspoken question ‘why did you go?’ silently hung between us. Answering it out loud, Mia said, Oh, you were hoping?

    Yeah, I was hoping, I confirmed.

    She sighed, Sam, why do you do this to yourself. You must know by now that he’s not...

    "Don’t you say it... don’t you dare say it!" I shouted down the line before she could finish. For the past two weeks, Mia had tried to convince me to let go, to move on. In her mind, she believed that Shadow was gone and had no intention of returning. In turn, I had tried to persuade her otherwise. However, without being able to reveal the real reason for his disappearance, my attempts had been unsuccessful.

    Of course, being out of

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