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Sex and the Double Standard
Sex and the Double Standard
Sex and the Double Standard
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Sex and the Double Standard

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Sex, how do we understand it? How is it effecting us in our environment? How will we be able to make decisions concerning it in our families when we live under a double standard?
Some are labeled child molesters in America and they are not. Some are having their children taken from them and then they die at the hands of Dept. of Children Services in their state. What are we living through?
In Amerika today many are aware of the double standard of life here. Prisons are where most of the poor men of Amerika live today or have lived in the past. For those with money life is a different deal than for the 90 % who are not listed in Forbes or other magazines. If you are a judge or one of the mayors of a big city or the president/CEO of a huge multinational then you have no worries about what you do in life. But for the rest of us one person can cause us havoc just by saying something to any one in any authority position what so ever. If you are a Catholic priest no worries molest all you want but if you are a preacher of any small organisation and some one says you said something about one of the children in your church, then you will be arrested and confined to jail. If you are a judge you are protected by your mason friends. If you are president then you can kill millions and have sex with as many women and children as you want without impunity. This is the reality of our world today! We are living a double standard.

Release dateAug 23, 2013
Sex and the Double Standard

Oscar -Oz Benson

Basically I have been a traveling poet and writer for most of my life since about 15 or so. I published my first book of poems entitled 'Who Are You?' in 2002. I wrote a children's book entitled, Brother Bear and I about the same time in 2003. To date I have published also a book on Chongqing as well as one on investing in the stock markets. In the future I will publish a humorous book entitled 'The Mystery of Medicine and How to Escape From It'. I have lived in many places in America, Mexico, Philippines and China. I have found that following the yellow brick road will lead you to the truth. What you do with the truth will change your life. Change is what the earth needs now. No MORE WAR !! Just as Orson Wells said 'war is peace', you always hear this from the US gov. But it is not true. War doesn't bring peace nor safety. War destroys those who would maintain their freedoms mostly. We have allowed the International Banking system and others to become too powerful and now we must rethink our existence in order to safeguard the future. We must vote with our money and our purchases. It has come to me as I have traveled that there is and has always been more than enough of every thing on this earth for all of us. I have walked the deserts of North America and the Washington Rain Forrest as well. I have gone down the Amazon in South America by boat and walked in its midst. I have visited the most crowded cities of the world, Mexico City, Mexico and Chongqing China. We all over the world in every school have been denied even the knowledge of how much there is and how we can protect it. There is a light which was produced by Edison and is still burning now over 100 years. When we build things that last such as this then our resources too will last and our earth will sustain its health and balance. There is renewable energy that can be produced in each and every home that is clean and only has the initial cost of construction. This was released world wide by a group called HopeGirl on project Avalon Forum. This business of letting the corporations run governments and politicians with their greedy ways for profit and only offering us outdated technologies in cars and energy only will eventually destroy our green and blue world. We need to all band together demanding change, seeking and teaching the ways to love our earth and care for it and for sure we need to take the care of it out of the hands of the monopolies that are indeed trying to destroy her. We no longer should allow them to harm her and go unpunished. People are not evil but monopolies run by evil profiteers are. I have attained a variety of experiences over the years. I began to work at about 9 years of age working with my brother in our family tomato selling business and then did many other things over the years. I have owned my own construction firm and done well in sales at times and marketing of many different products. I have been a licensed insurance producer and stock vendor. I served both in the Navy and National Guard. Over the last 20+ years I have studied nutrition and history extensively. I did special studies in religions and politics as well as economics. Not only have I studied these things but have also put lots of these studies to practical uses as well. Presently I am a professor of English in Chongqing University in China. I enjoy providing healthy foods to my family and friends and helping others to find a healthy way of life in counseling. Please don't hesitate to leave me a note on my website or drop me a line if you would like to discuss what I have put into my books. You my readers are greatly appreciated. Thanks, Please post a review of what you read. I appreciate it greatly. Oscar -Oz Benson

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    Book preview

    Sex and the Double Standard - Oscar -Oz Benson

    Sex and the Double Standard

    Given to, Compiled, written, edited and published by;

    Oscar -Oz Benson

    August 21, 2013

    On Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To all those who have become the sex slaves of the Elite.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 Sex and the Double Standard

    Chapter 2 Don’t Do That

    Chapter 3 Young Love, First Love

    Chapter 4 Right or Wrong

    Chapter 5 Loneliness is a Disease

    Chapter 6 You Are Mine

    Chapter 7 Double Standards Exist

    Chapter 8 What Actions Shall We Take?


    I personally have been watching

    from my small vantage position

    atop a great white pointed mountain

    looking out over the world

    as it moves and carries on

    so far far below.

    During my visits to the people there,

    I have never felt much peace.

    I have often seen such sad turmoil,

    anger, toil, problems and dis ease,

    killing, death, and wanton destruction

    all of which I am displeased.

    I would that people want to learn

    to love and accept others

    as the earth the rain of creation

    and those smallest ones

    who are loved and accepted

    just as they come

    from their blessed wombs

    by their mothers' dear sensation.



    The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum..

    ― Noam Chomsky,

    HYPERLINK The Common Good

    Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics at MIT retired, has been an ardent activist for over half a century. He has fought bravely and tirelessly for easing of the plights of man. He is not often seen on TV because the media controllers know that when he speaks people listen. So, if he is ever seen it is only be for a very few minutes. The media controllers know that it takes time for the people to gather enough information to actually understand an issue.

    You cannot make a good decision to change your mind about any issue if you don’t have enough information to consider. So, the media will never give him enough time to talk. It is sad that American people won’t take the time to read. He also has written more that eleven books. He is an kind man and desires to see change in the world.

    So as you read this book about sex please take time to mull over and muse upon the points illustrated here. Don’t just pass them quickly and continue on your way.

    Take time to smell the roses as life offers herself to you. You will not regret it in any wise.

    Remember that there is a common enemy of truth and freedom. That enemy is even at your door today.

    Sex and sexuality are some of the most powerful actions and emotions that are part of our humanity. They can be exploited to great extent but only if we don’t understand them well. Exploitation of almost every aspect of our lives is a constant in modern times.

    It takes some measurable time to develop rationale for decisions that we intend to make concerning sex or any part of our existence. We should take that time and use it well.

    Chapter 1

    Sex and the Double Standard

    Laws are like cobwebs, for if any trifling or powerless thing falls into them, they hold fast, but if a thing of any size falls into them it breaks the mesh and escapes —Anacharsis

    Taken from Chapter 12 From Hell. by Moore & Campbell

    Sex, seems to be for today’s society a taboo to discuss openly and freely in any depth or with any real passion. Nor is it acceptable to engage in open conversation about sex or to enjoy sex freely here in the USA. Further, it is a growing taboo in other places around the globe; except for leading politicians or executives and CEOs of only the largest international corporations. These men and women are in no wise unfettered, it would seem, because they do it all the time and often unbeknownst to the rest of the common people of the world. The engagement of sex for them, whether illicit or not however, can be and often is used as a means of control over these same leaders of our lives through blackmail and slander. But again I must say, for the poor and undereducated; it is a means of absolute control and punishable by jail, shame, condemnation, rejection, shunning and sometimes even death.

    During the Reagan and Bush Sr. years of presidency, there was a huge scandal which tried

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