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In Deep Water
In Deep Water
In Deep Water
Ebook89 pages57 minutes

In Deep Water

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About this ebook

Skinny-dipping to cool off in the Trinity River couldn’t cause any problem...could it?
Wading into the water, Carolyn Evans takes one step too far and finds herself neck¬-deep in the river and fighting for her life.

After saving Carolyn from drowning, Zack Goodman is trapped in an awkward situation when they’re both rescued by a steamboat and hauled on deck.
Naked and embarrassed, Carolyn is quick to save them from humiliation and claims they are married.

Will Zack release her from her claim of matrimony? Or will he teach her once words are spoken...they are not so easily retracted?

PublisherAnita Philmar
Release dateAug 20, 2013
In Deep Water

Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.Influenced by sci-fi programs, she enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genres, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.Naughty or Nice?Read her book and decide.

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    Book preview

    In Deep Water - Anita Philmar

    In Deep Water

    Naked Bluff, Texas series

    Book 3

    Blurb: Hot? Yes, Texas summers sizzle. Lured by the brilliant idea of dipping naked into the Trinity River, Carolyn Evans wades into the water and is captured by the swift moving current, putting her life in danger.

    Help! The cry sends Marcus Goodman, who’s on his way with a friend to the Gulf of Mexico to join the confederate army into the river to save the naked lady. The only problem is a passing steamboat has the same mission, placing him in a ticklish situation when they’re pulled aboard, and she claims they are married.

    Tempted by the adventurous opportunity and enthralled with the sexy woman, he holds her to the claim of matrimony. Will this end with a happy-ever-after union or a soul-crushing heartache?

    In Too Deep

    Blurb – Furious with her in-laws’ demands to marry her deceased husband’s brother, Sadie Pepperman heads for the Trinity River with a friend to escape the pressure of their unsolicited advice.

    Seeking an adventure, Callum Murphy and his friend, Marcus Goodman, are heading to the Gulf of Mexico to join the confederate army. Their quiet camp is interrupted by a lady’s scream. Spotting a woman in the swiftly moving water, Marcus jumps to the rescue, followed almost immediately by the rumble of wagon wheels along the dirt path, accompanied by a sexy lady calling for help.

    Attempting to save her friend, Sadie meets Callum and joins forces. Only to discover their friends are being hauled onto a steamship. Eager to get away from temptation, she turns to leave and twists her ankle. The agonizing pain leaves Sadie with the inability to walk. Needing help, she offers Callum a place to stay if he’ll help with her farm’s chores.

    Enamored with the lady, he discovers she has a few issues; crops to bring in from the fields, a sex starved brother-in-law, and a body which push the limits of his desire.

    Only one problem, however, worries him. Can he convince her to forget the other rascals in her life and give him a chance?

    More than Ready - 3rd book in the series

    Blurb: Depressed by his inability to honor his deceased brother by farming his land and wedding his wife, Kirk Pepperman is struggling with his bleak future.

    Perpetually cast as the girl next door, Mary Beth Owens knows her parents are arranging a marriage between Kirk and herself. Loving him wasn’t a problem, but if he couldn’t please her, then why bother?

    Can this couple forget the past and have a future together? 

    Texas Passion - 1st book in the series

    Blurb: Furious, Catherine Jensen refuses to allow her dream of marrying Trent McCall to fall into ruins because of an end-of-the-trail party. Not wanting him to sleep with a painted lady or two on the eve of their engagement, she arranges a seduction. But at what cost? Will it secure their future or ruin her squeaky-clean reputation?

    Excited to celebrate his success of completing a long cattle drive with a sexy lady, Trent is blindsided with the news of an arranged marriage between him and a girl he hasn’t seen in four years because she’d hightailed it to Boston. Now a city girl, she’d probably turn out to be just like his family’s deserting momma, who’d bailed when the going got tough.

    Pissed, his bad mood eases when he learns a special lady was meeting him at his hunting cabin. With the future uncertain, he figured a passion-filled night might lighten the load of his matrimonial chains.

    Naked Bluff, Texas Volume 1 includes all 4 stories.

    Book Rating: Know the heat level of my book by the peppers surrounding the title.

    Red Peppers – HOT

    Yellow – Spicy

    Green – Mild


    Special note: Anita is rewriting all her books.

    A new released every month.


    Anita Philmar Other Books

    Banished – Shapeshifter’s series –

    Banished Hero

    Banished Scoundrel

    Banished Witch

    Banished – Box Set (all 3)

    Black Dragon’s Series- Fantasy/Syfy

    Black Dragon’s Blood

    Black Dragon’s Moon

    Black Dragon’s Heart

    Black Dragon’s Box Set (all 3)

    Other Stories

    Fairy Fun - Fantasy

    Naked Rebel - Fantasy

    HotWired – Futuristic full-length novel

    Warrior in Me – Contemporary full-length novel

    Naked Bluff, Texas series (Western Historical)

    Texas Passion

    In Deep Water

    In Too Deep

    More Than Ready

    Deputy’s Bride

    Country Doctor’s Bride

    A Cowboy’s Pleasure

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Other Westerns:

    McKee’s Ghost – Historical

    Hot Prairie Nights – Historical

    New Releases

    To be determined...

    In Deep Water

    (Naked Bluff, Texas series)

    By Anita Philmar


    To all the people in the past who made life today so wonderful.

    Text copyright © 2013 Anita Philmar

    All Rights Reserved



    Anita Philmar

    Smashwords 2nd Edition

    * * * * * *

    Copyright August 2013

    by Anita Philmar

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    Kindle 2nd Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Frying under the hot Texas sun, Carolyn Evans tugged on her camisole, working to create a breath of cool air. All week she’d been stuck in a small schoolroom with more than a dozen kids. Ready to scream at having to maintain the prudish lifestyle of a schoolteacher when she longed to have just a smidgen of fun in her life, she’d planned a relaxing day to enjoy the soothing peace of nature with a friend, but the heat was a killer.

    Breathing in a calming breath, the light babbling sound of the river nearby sent her thoughts to the carefree days of her youth, where she had no responsibilities and enjoyed silly little adventures.

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