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Little Monsters
Little Monsters
Little Monsters
Ebook39 pages29 minutes

Little Monsters

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Even as Jane Austen lay dying, having anonymously published only four novels (two more would be published posthumously), a teenage girl was expanding a story she’d written as a bet into a tale that would be retold, adapted, and immortalized on film more often than all of Austen’s works combined. For while the 30-something Jane Austen served up romantic critiques of the mores of the 18th and early 19th century British society, the young Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley conceived the unnatural creation of life itself in Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus.But what did that novel do for her personal life? What did it do when she miscarried, when her married lover was unfaithful, when her half-sister and husband’s wife killed themselves, when she and her new husband had to flee to Italy only to lose their two children there to sickness and death? What did the tale of an unholy monster wreak in her then?There’s a reason this tale has not been told until now. Because Frankenstein wasn’t just a story she wrote. It was a plan.
Release dateFeb 27, 2014
Little Monsters

Terry Hayman

Raised in five different countries and currently living with his family in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Terry is a full-time writer and actor who accepts struggle, believes in goodness, and seeks truth always.

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    Little Monsters - Terry Hayman


    Terry Hayman

    Copyright © 2014 by Terry Hayman

    Published by Fiero Publishing, Smashwords Edition

    Cover and layout art elements copyright © 2013 by prometeus/Deposit Photos

    and © 2008 by clarita/morgueFile

    Cover and layout copyright © 2014 by Fiero Publishing

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real persons or incidents is purely coincidental. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.


    Terry Hayman

    "Dearest Jane, there is a madness in me not unlike that of the unfortunate Victor, of whom I’ve written. Not created, as my dear-and-despised husband, Percy, would have, but merely scratched down. For Victor Frankenstein brought me his wretched tale over the rain-slick cobblestones of the night. Behind my sleeping lids, yes, but with moans and lightning-flashed scenes so vivid that I knew it was not merely a dream but a full-blown vision. It was a truth that either had happened somewhere in the world or would soon. That he brought this vision to me meant that I would somehow be part of it."

    Jane Williams, sitting properly on a stone bench out behind the Shelleys’ rented seaside villa in the hamlet of San Terenzo, watched Mary expostulate as she clicked back and forth on the pink flagstones. The moonlight streamed down through the pine and tamarisk branches that lined the patio. A dull roar of the surf from the other side of the villa almost blurred out the voices of the women’s husbands laughing in the villa’s kitchen over shared drinks. And each time brilliant and beautiful Mary Shelley passed by Jane, the taller woman’s jasmine-and-rose perfume swept into Jane’s nostrils like a drug.

    It all made Jane’s heart swell with both an all-consuming love for this woman, and a fear of where Mary’s tale was leading. For though they had walked many a path together since Jane and Edward had met Mary and Percy in Pisa almost two years ago, though the two couples had shared houses and confidences and travels, Jane’s world was a simple one of music and devotion to Edward and her children. Mary’s mind, by contrast, was inherited from brilliant intellectuals. She

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