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Deadened: Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series
Deadened: Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series
Deadened: Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series
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Deadened: Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series

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Demon are descending on Atlanta, attacking women for no apparent reason. It’s up to Avery to find out why, but the answer hits a little closer to home than she would like. She’s forced to put aside her feelings for Jared and join with the Fallen once more to find a way to not only stop the Demon attacks on the people of Atlanta but to help protect herself. Only, Luke demands she finds out the truth about herself and why she was lied to for so many years, while Jared falls deeper into oblivion. When the Demon King himself comes calling, she finds out that some prices are worth the misery that accompanies them and some are not.

Contains bonus content. A preview of book three in the Avery Tywella Series, Deceived. Also contains an excerpt from Fable City, book one in The Fabled Series.

PublisherS. L. Gavyn
Release dateFeb 2, 2014
Deadened: Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series

S. L. Gavyn

S.L. Gavyn lives in Mobile, Alabama with her husband, three children, two dogs, two betta fish, one guinea pig, and a tree frog that hangs out in her bathroom shower. She tries to write fantasy novels that are funny, interesting and adventurous with just the right amount of romance worked in. You can find her blogging about her books and various other things at

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    Book preview

    Deadened - S. L. Gavyn


    Book Two of the Avery Tywella Series

    S. L. Gavyn

    Copyright 2014 S. L. Gavyn

    Discover more about S. L. Gavyn’s books at or like her on Facebook at or follow her on Twitter at

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any person (living or dead), business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2014 S. L. Gavyn

    Cover Design © 2018 S. L. Gavyn

    This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

    First edition: January 2014

    Available Books by S. L. Gavyn

    The Forged by Magic Series


    Iron Made

    Dragon’s Flame

    Ange Noir: A Forged by Magic Prequel Novella

    The Avery Tywella Series




    Craven: An Avery Tywella Companion Novel



    The Fabled Series

    The Fabled

    Fable City

    Fabled Lost

    The Fallen–Fey Chronicles

    The Darkness

    The Cursed

    The Light

    The Broken

    The Driven


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Preview of Deceived


    As always, I’ll give a big thanks to my family for your support and understanding. I would also like to thank my friend Christine Harris for being my muse. I may not like all of your ideas, but they spark ones I do like and that’s worth a million bucks—No, not really. It’s a figure of speech. Look it up. I would also like to say sorry to her for getting her hopes up.

    Another big shout-out goes to Mary Smyly. Without your encouragement I don’t think I would have kept writing after the first trilogy, so thanks a bunch.


    I hate Demon blood. It stinks like something awful, and it’s the color of dung. And unfortunately, I was covered in it. The last Demon I killed decided he would rather I rip him to shreds by my katana than have me trap him in Hell for all eternity with my stiletto. I still managed to stab him, but that was after he flung his nasty blood all over me.

    I had just made it into my apartment and stripped my clothes off when my cell rang. Avery, I said.

    Ave, we gotta call about multiple Demon attacking a woman on Northside. The caller said they’re squatting in a warehouse nearby, Kansas said.

    I’m throwing on some clothes. Then I’ll meet you there.

    We’re at Dallas. A Demon attacked a woman in the club, and all other agents are busy as well. Is it a full moon? ’Cause I swear the Demon have gone crazy, chica. Maybe Atlanta’s their new hangout.

    Yeah, but the question is, ‘Why?’ I’ll check out this warehouse. If I need backup, I’ll call you.


    I dressed in record time, hopped in my car, and was on Northside in under ten minutes, which is pretty good given that it typically takes twenty to drive there from my place.

    I slowly cruised through the warehouse district. A lot of these warehouses had been converted into apartments over the last few years, but there were still quite a few that were either in regular use or abandoned. I passed a fairly new Charger parked in an abandoned lot and had to wonder who it could belong to. Most people wouldn’t leave their ride just sitting there in a neighborhood like this. I didn’t see a home close enough to make sense for it being there. I decided it was a mystery I wasn’t going to solve when I passed an obviously abandoned warehouse that had several makeshift lights on inside. I would have bet it was my Demon nest.

    I went past and parked in front of a building a few lots down. I pulled my hoodie and my sheath on and made sure my other blades were in place before getting out and jogging back to the warehouse. Even though it was already early November, the temps were still in the nineties during the day and were only dropping to low eighties at night. It was as though the Demon had brought Hell with them because it usually isn’t this hot this late into the year.

    I stopped next to the side door, wiped my hands on my jeans to get the sweat off of them, and pulled out my katana and stiletto. I checked the knob and found it locked. I had taken a few steps back, preparing to kick it in, when the door opened and a Demon started to run out. I stabbed him in the chest with my stiletto before reciting the ritual that would bind him to Hell. He disappeared, and three more made it past me before I grabbed another and trapped him in Hell too.

    Another one ran past. What the hell were they running from? I entered the door, and yet another Demon ran toward me. I took him out and turned to see at least a dozen more fighting in the middle of the room. I jogged into the horde and stopped in my tracks as I watched Zach put his hand to a Demon’s chest and his entire hand lit up bright white. Then the Demon was gone, and he was moving on to the next one. It was like nothing I’ve even seen before. One second the Demon was standing there, and then—poof—the light exploded, and it looks like star bits falling to earth. When I stab Demon with my stiletto and say the ritual, they just disappear, but according to Luke, the Demon they kill aren’t just sent back to Hell. They are actually obliterated. Gone. Wiped off the plane of existence.

    I stabbed the Demon in front of me in the back with my stiletto and he disappeared; then, I turned and saw Hash finish another Demon. I continued stabbing any Demon I could get my hands on until there were no more.

    I put my knife away, turned, and looked at the Fallen who had killed most of the Demon nesting here. I hadn’t seen any of them in over four months. After the night I killed Jael, no one had contacted me. Since things hadn’t ended too well with Jared, I really didn’t mind not seeing him. I thought at least Luke would have made some contact, but it was as if all the members of Darkened had fallen off the radar. They were still playing at Halo on the weekends, but Temmy said no one had spoken to her, and she never saw any of them before or after a show.

    Well, hello there, Avery. Fancy meeting you here, Zach said as he looked me up and down.

    Zach. Hash. I nodded to each in turn. What brought you here?

    Hash shrugged but didn’t say anything.

    Luke said a Demon attacked someone and showed us where he went. We were surprised to find so many and pleasantly surprised to see you, Zach said, continuing to look me over.

    You don’t want to mess with her, Zach. She’ll probably rip your heart out and eat it, Hash said.

    He looked the same as the last time I saw him—same black hair, same piercings, same makeup, even the same eat-shit-and-die look on his face. But the last I’d talked to him, we were cool. What was his problem?

    I don’t have a heart, Hash. You know that, Zach told him before looking back at me. I have another part that wouldn’t mind being inside you, though. He raised his brows once.

    No thanks, Zach. I turned to Hash since he was more likely to give me a straight answer. Does Luke know anything about the influx of Demon activity?

    Hash shrugged again. Why do you care what a Fallen knows?

    I care because it’s my job to find out why the hell there are so many Demon in town.

    Well, you can take your job and shove it.

    What the fuck is your problem, Hash?

    He moved closer until he was just inside my personal bubble.

    My problem is that you fucked over my friend. That fucker has done more for me than anyone else on this entire fucked-up plane, and you have him completely screwed up. He pointed toward his head with his forefinger and thumb extended and pretended to blow his brains out. The best thing you can do is just stay away from us Fallen. We obviously aren’t good enough for you anyway.

    "I have no idea what you are talking about. If this is about Jared, we were never together, and I told him on numerous occasions that I didn’t want to be with him. When I told him about my father, he left me—not the other way around."

    Hash looked like he wanted to punch me. You lied to him; then when he takes a moment to try to figure out why, you go and fuck someone else. And you’re blaming him? Like I said, just stay away from us. We were doing just fine until you came along.

    Fine. Whatever. Stay out of my way.

    I turned around and left the warehouse. Apparently, Jared had told them about my sleeping with Craven. When did my love life become public knowledge? To hell with it.

    I called my boss when I got back to my car.

    Yeah, he answered.

    Cop. It’s Avery. Has Al found out anything about the women who have been attacked?

    Women said they were injected with something, and the docs at the hospital took blood samples. No word back yet on what was in it. Al checked them but got nothing since they didn’t die.

    Did they say anything about the Demon’s intentions? I mean, what happened? Did the Demon just happen to be walking by and decide to inject them with something? That just doesn’t make sense. Maybe it was a roofie or something.

    That’s close to what’s in the reports. The Demon attacked unprovoked and just stabbed them with a syringe. The vics didn’t report feeling drugged. They were all violently sick but then said they felt good. Not drugged, just good.

    That’s crazy. Not that Demon activity isn’t usually crazy, but that’s out there, even for them.

    Cop grunted in agreement.

    All right. I’m going to patrol a bit since the others are busy. I’ll check in when I’m finished.

    Call for backup if you need it, Tywella.

    Will do, boss.

    I hung up and headed for Buckhead. It is the main entertainment area of Atlanta, and it happens to be where most of the Demon activity has been.

    A few hours later, I had managed to kill three Demon that I spotted trying to drag a woman into an alley. I was just starting my car to see what else I could find when my phone started ringing. I didn’t recognize the number.

    Hello, I said.

    Avery, it’s Luke.

    What the hell? Was I going to talk to all the Fallen in Atlanta tonight? Gods, I hoped not. I really didn’t want to talk to Jared. Sam’s the one I was least likely to talk to, though, since he never spoke in my presence. I didn’t know if he couldn’t or if he just didn’t want to. It really wasn’t my business. What’s up, Luke? I said, as if I didn’t already have my suspicions.

    I wanted to see if you could come by? I’m sure you’ve seen there has been an influx of Demon activity recently.

    Yeah, I’ve noticed. I think you should just tell me what you know over the phone. I ran into Hash earlier, and he seems to think it would be better if I keep my distance from the Fallen of Atlanta.

    He’s just trying to protect Jared.

    I think he’s right. After the way things ended, I don’t think it would be a good idea to start hanging around.

    You could just come by the house for a few after the show. I could show you what I’ve found out, and you and Jared could try to work things out.

    Yeah, that sounds like a really bad idea.

    Well, could you at least come by the club? I really do need to talk to you about the Demon.

    I sighed and looked at the time. It was already midnight on Friday night. The band must be on their break. I really don’t want to hang out after the show. I’ll come by tomorrow night before the show. Okay?

    You can’t come by tonight? We’ll be finished in another hour.

    Sorry, I have things to do.

    All right. I’ll talk to Hash before you come tomorrow so he doesn’t give you any grief.

    ’Kay. I’ll see you Luke.

    I really didn’t want to have to talk with Jared, but I knew Luke had been keeping up with the Demon activity. Maybe he could help me figure out what they’re after. I decided I’d keep hunting for Demon tonight, then talk to him tomorrow, and maybe I’d be able to come up with a game plan for taking out these insane Demon. If I was lucky, I could avoid Jared while I was at the club.

    Unfortunately, I’m seldom lucky.


    I arrived at HQ at six in the morning and felt like I was stuck in slow motion. I had been up until three o’clock hunting Demon and had just pulled up to my apartment building when I saw another couple of them standing on the street corner. These looked like they were straight out of Hell, and it was apparent that they didn’t visit this plane often. In the dark of the night, I could actually see that their eyes looked like tiny embers. I’ve personally never seen Demon with glowing eyes, but I read that in their original form their eyes glow with the flames of Hell. I wasn’t sure why their eyes were still burning last night in Human form, but it made it really easy to recognize them from my car.

    By the time I had chased them down, killed them, then dragged myself back to my apartment, I managed to get two hours of sleep before I needed to wake up and start again. If the Demon didn’t let up soon, I would have to start taking long naps during the day just to keep up.

    I walked in and went to my tiny office. I needed to find out if there was anything routine about these attacks. Usually even Demon have

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