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Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors
Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors
Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors
Ebook42 pages32 minutes

Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors

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About this ebook

I am the author of eight books -- three paperbacks and eight ebooks. Overall I have been successful in getting my books published and sold. However, I have made mistakes and learned some valuable lessons along the way. This book is far from a complete resource on how to write, publish and market your books. The purpose of my book is to share with you my insights and experiences based on my mistakes and lessons learned. In doing so, my hope is to save you time and money and make your publishing experience less onerous, more enjoyable and hopefully profitable. For example, do you know that in many countries there is a national organization that collects fees from organizations (e.g. schools, government) for the right to copy published works? These fees are then passed on to the registered authors/publishers. Note: The operating processes and eligibility requirements of these organizations vary from country to country.

Release dateJan 17, 2014
Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors

Roger Ellerton

Roger is passionate about helping others get what they desire in life. As a longtime successful businessman, university professor, NLP trainer/coach, public speaker, author and parent, he has first-hand experience with the personal/professional balancing act required in these busy times. He is a former tenured faculty member at the University of New Brunswick, an executive in the Canadian federal government, a certified management consultant (CMC) and he has been listed in the International Who's Who in Education. Roger believes that each of us can achieve the success we desire by developing our authentic selves, mastering internal and external congruence and taking charge of our lives. He is the safe, helpful person next door whom everyone should have access to. He is a certified NLP trainer and has been delivering NLP and personal growth seminars and coaching services since 1996. Participants often remark how much fun it is being in his classes, how clearly he presents the material and how ready and willing he is to answer their questions and provide insights they have long been searching for. For over twenty years, Roger has been a student of personal development methodologies. He continues to transform his own life while assisting others from all walks of life and all ages to learn, to address challenges at work and at home and to get more of what they desire in life. He is the father of four, an avid gardener and nature lover and he enjoys lending a hand to others. He is the author of several books: "Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You", "Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: 5 Step Action Plan", Parents' Handbook: NLP and Common Sense Guide for Family Well-Being", "NLP Techniques Anyone Can Use" and of over fifty articles on NLP. Roger received his BSc. and MSc. from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and his PhD from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Roger is the founder and managing partner of Renewal Technologies Inc. For more information on his seminars, coaching and consulting services, visit

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    Self-Publishing Your Book - Roger Ellerton

    Self-Publishing Your Book

    A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors

    Copyright 2014 Roger Ellerton. All rights reserved.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The information in this book is not intended as a substitute for business, financial or other consulting or coaching. The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability resulting from actions advocated or discussed in this book.

    Ellerton, Roger R. W.

    Self-Publishing Your Book

    A Guide for First-Time and DIY Authors

    ISBN: 978-0-9918645-3-9

    1. Reference

    2. Book Publishing

    First Edition ver. 1.0

    Cover design and book layout by Roger Ellerton

    Published by Renewal Technologies Inc. ( at Smashwords

    Discover other titles by Roger Ellerton at

    Table of Contents


    1. Publishing Your Book

    2. Where to Self-Publish

    3. Fonts for your Book Cover And Interior

    4. Title and Copyright Page

    5. ISBN

    6. Edit Your Book

    7. Finding Book Writing and Publishing Resources

    8. DRM

    9. Marketing

    10. Foreign Language Rights

    11. Miscellaneous

    12. About the Author: Roger Ellerton PhD, CMC

    13. Other Books by Roger Ellerton


    In my youth, I never thought being an author was possible. In high school, I dreaded any assignment that involved writing. I barely passed high school English and was fortunate to gain admission to university. At university, I gravitated to the pure sciences to avoid having to write anything substantial. After graduation (with a PhD), I was a tenured University Professor in Statistics. So all I had to do was put a few words between mathematical formulae.

    Eventually I moved on from academia and became a certified management consultant. The firm that I joined insisted that all new staff take an in-house course on business writing. This gave me a whole different perspective on how to clearly present my ideas and it has served me very well ever since.

    My books are

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