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The Cop
The Cop
The Cop
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The Cop

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Donna White is one tough cop. Behind the badge, though, is a very sweet, sad, sensitive soul. Truly a woman alone, Donna is simply trying to navigate her way through life. Who is Donna? She is dedicated, determined, distinctive and deep. Donna’s rich and touching story is second in the Loving Her series.

Release dateOct 15, 2013
The Cop

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    The Cop - Lauren Shiro

    The Cop

    Loving Her, the series Book 2

    by Lauren Shiro

    Copyright 2013 Lauren Shiro

    Published by: Vanilla Heart Publishing on Smashwords

    Ebook Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to the retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Series Dedication

    I dedicate this entire group of stories in loving memory of my grandfather. My hero, my rock, my greatest fan. He always encouraged and supported my writing. It is because of him that these stories exist. I am forever indebted to him for all of his love and support. Rest in peace, RPK. You are greatly loved and missed.

    Book Dedication

    To my brother, Bryan. Someone I could always look up to. Someone whose actions I wanted to emulate. You are a gift to those who know you. I don’t say it enough, but I love you!

    The Cop

    Donna lay in bed. It had been a long, restless night. Knowing what today was consumed her every thought.

    One year had passed. One full year. Her parents had been dead for a year. Donna was only twenty three, and she was already an orphan. Though time had passed, her pain had not eased in the least.

    The phone rang, Donna rolled over. Her alarm clock said it was just a little after nine in the morning. She decided it was a decent time for someone to call, so she answered. Hullo?

    Heya kid. How you holding up? It was John. John and his wife Beth were good friends of Donna's, and her parents'. John and Beth had watched Donna grow up, and soon they would see her graduate from the police academy. They would, but her parents wouldn't.

    Got a pulse, John. Donna answered dryly.

    I'm sorry, Don. John sighed into the phone. Why don't you come over today? Beth will make something good for dinner.

    Donna was silent.

    Okay, so Beth is a phenomenal cook. Anything she makes would be good. All the more reason to come over. John insisted.

    I don't know, John. I just don't feel like gettin' outta bed.

    I know, Don. But we don't want you to be alone, either.

    I appreciate that, John. I do. I just – I don't know. How the fuck am I supposed to deal with this?!

    I don't know. But it's a hell of a lot easier to not deal with alone. Okay?

    Fine, John. I'll come over in a little while. Just don't expect me to be Little Mary Sunshine.

    No expectations here, Don. Just lots of love.

    Yeah, Donna choked back the tears and quickly hung up.

    Donna reluctantly rolled out of bed and got into the shower.

    After a brief but scalding hot shower, she stared at herself through the steamed mirror. At first, her face was blurred by the condensation. As time progressed, her face became increasingly clearer. She was definitely a good cross section of her parents.

    She had her mother’s curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her jaw line and tall, lean, muscular build were definitely from her father. She could see them both reflected back at her, almost as if they were standing right behind her.

    Damn it! Donna screamed at the mirror's reflection. Tears raced down Donna's cheeks. She couldn't escape it. The people she cherished and missed the most were staring right back at her.

    Donna knelt down in front of the grave, placing the bouquet of flowers gently down in front of the headstone. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. She said quietly. This sucks, ya know. Father’s Day without you. What’s the point? Her voice began to tremble. I mean, what’s a girl supposed to do on Father’s Day without her father? A tear began rolling down her cheek. And ya know, it’s not like this is getting any easier. Even after a year, it’s the same. It sucks, Dad. It just plain sucks. Emotion engulfed her. Why the fuck did you have to go and die anyway?! Donna reached her hand out and touched the top of the grave stone while she wept in silence. A light, misty rain lightly danced on her skin as she continued to cry in solitude and silence.

    After several taciturn moments, her cell phone gently vibrated in her pocket. Donna slid it out and answered. Hullo?

    Hey Don, it was John. Again.

    Hey John. Donna sniffled and wiped away the tears. What’s up?

    Well, we were wondering what you are up to. John asked. Are you coming over or what?

    Ummm… She sniffled again. I’m just visiting Mom and Dad’s graves. Her voice began to break again.

    That’s what I thought. John paused for a moment. Why don’t you come over, Don? You don’t need to be alone today.

    K. I’ll be there in a bit. Donna quickly hung up the phone. Sorry Dad. She wiped away one last tear. I’ll catch ya later. Love ya. She sat for just a moment longer with her eyes closed. She slowly pried her hand off the grave stone. She rose, glancing at her parents’ graves one last time. She

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