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The Mechanic
The Mechanic
The Mechanic
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The Mechanic

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Linda - her name means beautiful... After facing rejection from her parents because she is a lesbian, Linda didn’t feel beautiful... she felt lost and alone.

As a skilled mechanic, Linda built her business... Her love life was a different matter. Until Katie...

They survived the brutal beatings they received at the hands of Katie’s ultra-religious father. Together they survived, and together would face their future, and find hope and a joy neither expected.

Release dateNov 13, 2013
The Mechanic

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    The Mechanic - Lauren Shiro

    The Mechanic

    Loving Her, the series Book 3

    by Lauren Shiro

    Copyright 2013 Lauren Shiro

    Published by: Vanilla Heart Publishing on Smashwords

    Ebook Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to the retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    The Mechanic

    Loving Her, the series Book 3

    by Lauren Shiro

    Series Dedication

    I dedicate this entire group of stories in loving memory of my grandfather. My hero, my rock, my greatest fan. He always encouraged and supported my writing. It is because of him that these stories exist. I am forever indebted to him for all of his love and support. Rest in peace, RPK. You are greatly loved and missed.

    Book Dedication

    I dedicate this book to my mother. You are my best friend and confidant. You have loved and accepted me when I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for everything you’ve done. You’re a tremendous blessing to anyone and everyone who knows you. I love you!

    The Mechanic

    Linda and Jerry stood hunched over the old truck’s motor.

    Okay, tighten the wing nut on the cover of the air filter, Jerry said.

    Linda did as she was told. Okay, that’s as tight as it goes. She replied. Her voice was almost as deep as her brother’s.

    Okay, then you should be good to go. Jerry slowly unrolled himself from under the hood. Good job, sis.

    Thanks. Linda said as she, too, uncurled.

    Kids, time for dinner! Their mother called out from the back door.

    Coming! Linda and Jerry called back in unison.

    "So, are you gonna tell ‘em tonight?" Jerry asked. This had become his daily question.

    What?! No!

    Oh come on. You could be all like, ‘yeah so I’m gay. Could you pass the rolls, Dad?’

    Oh yeah. ‘Cause that would go over well. Linda replied. "If Mom had her way, I’d be wearing pink dresses every day in my mechanics classes!"

    If you get in second, I’m telling! Jerry said as he raced off.

    Realizing what her brother had just said, Linda shot off and ran as hard as she could to beat her brother back to the house.

    So how was school? Melanie addressed her two children.

    Okay. Both Linda and Jerry said in unison.

    Do you have any homework? She asked innocuously.

    Nah. Linda and Jerry both dismissed her question.

    But Linda does have something to tell you. Jerry winked at his sister.

    Linda’s face dropped. How could Jerry have set her up like this? She was mortified.

    What’s that, honey? Melanie asked.

    Oh! Uhhh… I… I just got… uhhh… an A on my English test. Linda glared at Jerry.

    Oh, that’s wonderful! Melanie said in delight.

    How are you two doing in your mechanics classes? Their father, Chuck, asked.

    Good, good. Both kids nodded their heads.

    "Linda seems to really be coming out as the best in her class." Jerry teased.

    Linda’s eyes were fixated on her brother

    That’s wonderful. Chuck said proudly.

    Linda, don’t you and Erica Wallace have a party or something coming up? A date of sorts? Jerry pushed even harder.

    Linda turned and told him to hush through her gritted teeth.

    Is that true, honey? Melanie asked.

    No. I can’t go. I have a history paper to write.

    That is so gay. Jerry retorted.

    Linda whipped around. Jerry! She shouted.

    Alright you two. What’s going on? Their father bellowed.

    Go on. Tell ‘em, sis.

    Linda took a deep breath. She looked back and forth at both of her parents. She started to fell nauseas and light headed.

    Is something wrong, honey? Melanie placed her hand on Linda’s arm.

    Linda swallowed hard. She tried to speak, but not even a sound came out.

    Honey? Melanie asked again.

    Oh come on! Jerry shouted. She’s gay, mom! Linda is gay. She’s been too afraid to tell you, but she’s gay. She likes girls.

    Melanie turned and looked at her. Is that true, honey?

    Tears cascaded down Linda’s cheeks like small waterfalls. Still unable to speak, Linda pushed her chair back and ran upstairs to her bedroom.

    Only a small, thin wall separated Linda from her parents. Tears still raced down her face, hours later. She cried silently while listening to her parents.

    Should we talk about this with her tomorrow or act like nothing ever happened? Melanie asked.

    I don’t know. Do you even think it’s true?

    Oh come on, Chuck. We both know it is. We’ve been speculating about this for years.

    We have, but maybe she’s just one of those straight girls with an edge to her.

    Perhaps. But I don’t think she would be nearly as upset as she was if that were true.

    Maybe she was upset because her brother humiliated her. Chuck said.

    I guess. I don’t know. I just wish she would have been able to tell us on her terms.

    Agreed. But it’s done. There’s nothing we can do about it now.

    Well, I will speak to him again in the morning.

    Alright then. Good night. Chuck’s voice was the last thing Linda heard.

    He told my parents last night. Linda whispered. She felt her eyes fill up with tears yet again.

    Tina leaned in. He did?! Her dark blue eyes were large as she watched Linda in horror.

    "It was so fucked up. He tried to hint at it, but neither of

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