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The Caspari Encounters Part Two: Intoxicated
The Caspari Encounters Part Two: Intoxicated
The Caspari Encounters Part Two: Intoxicated
Ebook23 pages19 minutes

The Caspari Encounters Part Two: Intoxicated

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When Samantha Vichy arrived for work in the morning, she was not at all prepared and not at all dressed for the assignment about to be thrust into her lap. Often neglecting her personal needs and languishing in her professional life, she is far from the model emissary of high society. Yet following the illness of a coworker, she finds herself serving as the impromptu hostess of a visiting intellectual, Nobel laureate Adrian Caspari. What begins as an intimidating professional encounter soon blossoms into much more as she comes to learn the true identity of a man half the world admires through the letters on a page. Will she make a fool of herself and jeopardize her career by being unable to restrain her sudden infatuation, or will the thrilling predicament reveal a greater potential for good than ill? Will their physical chemistry be allowed to run its course, or is this simply another case of the body wanting what the world won't allow? Continue the story with 'Intoxicated,' the second installment of 'The Caspari Encounters,' to experience the thrilling and often hot answers to these questions and more.

5,014 Words

Release dateSep 3, 2013
The Caspari Encounters Part Two: Intoxicated

Jessica Whitethread

Jessica Whitethread likes to think that the passing glances she catches from the other patrons of her favorite coffee shop don't determine just exactly the kind of things she writes, no matter how urgently she might be typing away. But then again, even if they do, Jessica's never been one to let a little humiliation get in the way of a good time. She has always loved reading and writing all kinds of fiction, but it's when her mind and body are free to run wild that she really has her fun. Whether getting knuckle-deep into the emotions and sensations of a good BDSM scene, flirting around with her country roots, or skinny-dipping in the ocean of love and romance, she will always feel blessed to live in a day and age that can appreciate a good fantasy and a deviant like her who loves to write them.

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    Book preview

    The Caspari Encounters Part Two - Jessica Whitethread

    The Caspari Encounters

    Part Two


    By Jessica Whitethread

    Copyright 2013 Jessica Whitethread

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    It must have been almost noon when the limo parked in front of the restaurant. It was a little bistro a few blocks off the main west town drag on a quiet avenue called NW Beaumont. I had always liked it, though it was not a place I could afford very often. The menu was short but without weakness and the food was always beautifully laid out on their heavy porcelain flatware. Because it was still April and the noon sun was not directly overhead, the facade stood dappled in shade from the oak trees along the opposite sidewalk.

    Adrian Caspari exited the limo first and turned to offer me a hand. I raised myself out of the low-set compartment and again I felt a tingle spider up my arm as I pressed lightly down into his gentle grip and my fingers traced across his wide palm. The jacket I left behind, crumpled on the seat where

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