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Isabella's Desire
Isabella's Desire
Isabella's Desire
Ebook64 pages58 minutes

Isabella's Desire

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Life seems strange, different, and crazy with a new girlfriend, but Piper only feels happier with each passing day. There will be trouble for their budding relationship, and falling outs with old friends, but her powerful bond with Isabella seems able to overcome everything. As their emotions intensify, their opposite personalities and perfect fit for each other become increasingly obvious, especially as Isabella begins to truly express her darker desires...

Content advisory: contains strong themes of domination and submission, first times between girls, and a long, salacious buildup and payoff.

This is Part 8 of "Steps to Submission", following Piper's descent into sexuality and depravity at the hands of her roommate.

PublisherLexie X
Release dateDec 24, 2013
Isabella's Desire

Lexie X

Lexie X is an author of erotic fiction interested mainly in first times, domination, and seduction. You can follow more erotic works by her at her blog at

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    Book preview

    Isabella's Desire - Lexie X

    Isabella's Desire

    A Kinky Virgin Lesbian Erotica

    By Lexie X

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Lexie X

    I love hearing from my readers!

    Follow more of my work at,

    or at my Smashwords author page.



    Twitter: @AuthorLexieX

    This is part 8 of Steps to Submission, following:

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Steps to Submission

    Training Piper

    Servicing Isabella

    Piper's Submission

    Loving Isabella

    Catching Isabella

    Piper's Play

    Piper's Awakening

    Isabella's Desire

    Piper's Craving

    Isabella's Game

    Loving Piper (coming soon!)

    For updates on new releases, follow me at my blog,!

    Also by Lexie X

    Serena's Submission




    Breaking Nicole

    The Locket

    Emma's Hypnosis

    Lydia's Hypnosis

    Gwen's Hypnosis

    Stand-alone Novellas

    Lynn's Craving

    My Roommate’s Girlfriend

    Seduction Games

    Sorority Seductions

    Tempting Jennifer


    Virgin Lesbians: Erotic First Time Stories

    Virgin Lesbians II: Erotic Stories of Seduction

    Virgin Lesbians III: Sapphic First Times

    Virgin Lesbians IV: Kinky First Times

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    About the Author

    Works by Lexie X

    Free Preview: The Fake Photoshoot


    Chapter 1

    With relief, Piper finally pulled to a stop, and then let the car go silent. Turning her gaze across the empty street and soggy buildings all around, it occurred to her that she'd only gotten such an amazingly close parking spot because few others had yet come back from Thanksgiving vacation. And, apparently, it had snowed while they'd been gone - snowed, and then half-melted, leaving campus dripping, slushy, and dismal.

    Her gaze came to rest on the passed-out girl in her passenger seat.

    Even makeup-less, mouth agape, and bundled up in a sweatshirt, the sleeping blonde seemed the most beautiful thing in the world. Piper watched her for a moment, her heart spinning, her head trying to make sense of her intense feelings for this… girl!… who was so gorgeous and graceful and smart and -

    Her eyes still closed, Isabella's mouth curled up in a knowing smile.

    Piper quickly turned her head.

    Were you looking at me? Isabella teased, sitting up slowly.

    Suppressing an embarrassed grin, Piper nodded across the street at their dorm building. We're home.

    Making a series of grumbling waking noises, Isabella stretched in her seat.

    Piper watched her with pressed lips, overcome by waves of a nameless emotion that urged her to attack this painfully cute thing before her… "I can't believe we're… that you're my girlfriend…"

    With a surprisingly warm smile, Isabella gave a slow nod. Guess we already know you're the gushy one.

    Giving a mock angry grumble, Piper opened the door and feigned storming out of her car.

    The afternoon air was pleasantly warm, but just as soggy as the world underneath it. Avoiding a large puddle by her tire, she went around to the trunk and began pulling out bags. Isabella joined her a moment later, picking up her bags after a yawn.

    It is pretty crazy, though, Isabella said quietly, looking around the familiar-but-empty environs. I don't feel any different, but this place feels so… She tried to find right word, but failed.

    I know what you mean, Piper replied, understanding anyway. Her face suddenly turned unhappy. Freaking hell!


    She didn't have time to explain.

    Seconds later, a familiar and frowning redhead approached, a backpack slung over her shoulder. "What is this?"

    Isabella took in a deep breath, completely caught off-guard. Hey Julie…

    Did you two… go home together? Or what? the redhead demanded, looking them both up and down.

    Piper offered, Isabella responded, quickly gathering her cool. I thought it'd be fun. It was a nice time.

    But you hate her, Julie insisted, her brow furrowed with anger. I sat here all week, bored out of my mind. We could have hung out. I'm like, oh, my best friend would be here if she could. But - She looked at

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