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The First Ring Rainbow
The First Ring Rainbow
The First Ring Rainbow
Ebook95 pages51 minutes

The First Ring Rainbow

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1950’s Cold War tension. Anything can happen during the Atomic Summer. Amanda struggles with the era’s sexist restraints, her fugitive Russian Communist grandparents, and the appearance of a bizarre creature at Secret Pond. How are all these disturbing events related? Everything comes to light under the first ring rainbow.

Book 2, "Time Before Color TV" series

PublisherBrian Bakos
Release dateMay 5, 2013
The First Ring Rainbow

Brian Bakos

I like to write and travel. I'm from the Detroit area originally and try to see other places as often as possible. My most recent travels have been to China, Ecuador, and Belize. Am thinking of my next destination. It's wonderful how travel inspires the writing process. Attended Michigan State University and Alma College.Not much more than that. Anything else I have to say comes out in my books. If you really want to know more, please contact me through my website, May life bring you many blessings!

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    Book preview

    The First Ring Rainbow - Brian Bakos


    Book 2, Time Before Color TV series

    by Brian Bakos

    Copyright 2012 Brian Bakos / revised 10-2019

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to anyone else. If you want to share this book, please buy an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and obtain your own copy. Thanks for respecting the author’s hard work.

    Table of Contents

    Prelude: What Happened Before

    One: Atomic Summer

    Two: Tension on the Home Front

    Three: Dreadful Visit

    Four: Mysteries Unraveled


    Next Book in the Series

    Brian’s Other Books

    Prelude: What Happened Before

    How Raspberry Jam Got Invented gives some interesting background information that can help you to enjoy this story more. Click the link to obtain a copy.

    If you’d rather just dive in and read, that’s okay, too.

    One: Atomic Summer


    Have you ever seen a ring rainbow? Not the usual sort with its ends on the ground, but a perfect circle in the sky. The first one in South Allendale appeared during the Atomic Summer when all sorts of bad things seemed likely to happen.

    1. Mystery in the Sky

    Something weird flashes high above as I float on my back beneath the hot sky. It spins into view a second, vanishes, then returns. I grab the pool ladder and stand up.

    What’s that?

    Melissa pauses in her lap across the pool. Where?

    I point straight up, shading my eyes against the blinding sun. It’s a swirl, like a bathtub drain funnel. Don’t you see it?

    Melissa adjusts her sunglasses and looks up. No, I don’t. How long have you had this ‘seeing things’ problem?

    Of course, it’s gone now, but that was a rude thing for Melissa to say! I feel like telling her to get the heck out of my pool. Yeah, she’d probably like that – then she can go back to her fancy, air-conditioned house and feel superior all by herself.

    "There was something up there, but it’s gone now."

    Uh huh, Melissa says in that back-handed dig way she has.

    She fiddles with her sunglasses some more. They are bright pink with polka dots and swept into points on the edges cat eye style. They’re the latest thing, she’s told me, and everybody wants a pair. Well, someone else can have mine.

    I’m hotter now than when I got in, Melissa gripes. Put in some fresh water.

    She’s really getting to me today. Wouldn’t this be a good time to start the fight? No, the others haven’t arrived yet.

    I look doubtfully toward the garden hose curled up by the house. There’s a water emergency on. The police are ticketing anybody they see filling pools or watering lawns.

    There aren’t any cops around now, are there? Melissa says.

    Well… no.

    Don’t be such a chicken, then.

    Maybe I can get away with it. I’m plenty uncomfortable in the stale water myself. Besides, I’m no chicken! I start climbing out, but then I see the ‘Eye in the Fence’ and change my mind pretty quick.

    No way. I slip back down the ladder. If we get a ticket, I’ll be grounded all summer.

    All right!

    Melissa swims away, all huffy. That’s just too bad. She doesn’t have a nut-ball neighbor like Mrs. Kraft to worry about.

    I can see a slice of Mrs. Kraft’s eyeball staring through a crack in the high wooden fence. She’ll call the police the moment I turn on the hose. She’s the type who minds everybody else’s business because her own isn’t worth much.

    I wave at the fence. Hello, Mrs. Kraft!

    The eye disappears.

    I float on my back again, watching the fierce, cloudless sky. Such a wide open space! I wish I could fly up to where it’s cool, into absolute freedom.

    Dad used to be a jet fighter pilot. He knows what the world is like up there. When I told him I’d like

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