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The Battle of Nibley Green
The Battle of Nibley Green
The Battle of Nibley Green
Ebook43 pages26 minutes

The Battle of Nibley Green

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On a spring morning in 1470 the peace of Gloucestershire was shattered by the sounds of battle. The Wars of the Roses had come to this peaceful corner of southwestern England in spectacular and bloody fashion.

But the battle fought at Nibley Green had very little to do with the dispute between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. The fate of the throne was not at issue at Nibley Green, nor were the underlying social tensions between the ancient landed aristocracy and newly rich mercantile classes that lurked behind the dynastic dispute. No, the fight at Nibley Green might have been dressed up as a principled stand over support for the rightful king (whoever he was) but in reality it was a brutal affair fought to settle a local dispute between local aristocrats and local magnates.

Nibley Green has, perhaps rightly, been identified as the last of the private battles that had been such a feature of medieval England. As such it reveals much about late medieval socieety, and the ways in which men went about fighting battles in that bloody era.

Chapter 1 The Wars of the Roses
Chapter 2 Leaders at Nibley Green
Chapter 3 Men, Weapons and Tactics
Chapter 4 The Battle of Nibley Green
Chapter 5 Aftermath

About the Author
Leonard James is an author of military books. He comes from a military family that has fought in every major war since at least the Crimean War, and probably before that. His forebears were mostly cavalrymen, though his father served in the RAF. Leonard has made a particular study of battlefields in Britain, walking over dozens of them to get an eye for ground. He has also handled genuine and replica weapons to better understand the use of pre-modern weapons and the men who wielded them.

Gloucestershire, wars of the roses, edward iv, henry vi, earl of warwick, england, 15th century

Release dateMar 8, 2014
The Battle of Nibley Green

Leonard James

About the AuthorLeonard James is the son of an RAF veteran who fought in the Battle of Britain until wounded. Leonard grew up in a household dominated the RAF, and later married the daughter of an RAF squadron leader.

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    Book preview

    The Battle of Nibley Green - Leonard James

    Bretwalda Battles

    The Wars of the Roses

    The Battle of Nibley Green 1469

    by Leonard James


    Published by Bretwalda Books at Smashwords

    Website : Facebook : Twitter : Blog

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    First Published 2014

    Copyright © Bretwalda Books 2014

    Leonard James asserts his moral rights to be regarded as the author of this work.

    ISBN 978-1-909698-92-5




    Chapter 1 The Wars of the Roses

    Chapter 2 Leaders at Nibley Green

    Chapter 3 Men, Weapons and Tactics

    Chapter 4 The Battle of Nibley Green

    Chapter 5 Aftermath




    On a spring morning in 1470 the peace of Gloucestershire was shattered by the sounds of battle. The Wars of the Roses had come to this peaceful corner of southwestern England in spectacular and bloody fashion.

    But the battle fought at Nibley Green had very little to do with the dispute between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. The fate of the throne was not at issue at Nibley Green, nor were the underlying social tensions between the ancient landed aristocracy and newly rich mercantile classes that lurked behind the dynastic dispute. No, the fight at Nibley Green might have been dressed up as a principled stand over support for the rightful king (whoever he was) but in reality it was a brutal affair fought to settle a local dispute between local aristocrats and local magnates.

    Nibley Green has, perhaps rightly, been identified as the last of the private battles that had been such a feature of medieval England. As such it reveals much about late medieval society, and the ways in which men went about fighting

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