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The Doll
The Doll
The Doll
Ebook70 pages55 minutes

The Doll

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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A young, busty con-artist uses a stolen drug serum to temporarily immobilize herself, all as part of a complex scheme to impersonate a department store mannequin, and rob a brand-new store on its opening night.

But will her disguise fool the crowds of gawking shoppers? And what if the experimental serum fails to wear off as planned? Will she find her temporary disguise has become a permanent new career? Will she be doomed to spend her days modeling skimpy lingerie, as bored and horny men ogle and grope her immobile body?

These questions, and more will be answered in this incredibly hot, new story by erotica author Tabitha Kohls! This 18,800 word long tale features detailed scenes of mannequin transformation, public exhibitionism, public humiliation, personal groping, humiliating outfits, rough anal sex, powerful vibrating sex toys, and even male crossdressing and feminization!

PublisherTabitha Kohls
Release dateMar 8, 2014
The Doll

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story! Would have loved a more in-depth/sexy ending. I'm def a fan of frozen/mistaken for a sexdoll genre.

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The Doll - Tabitha Kohls

The Doll

by Tabitha Kohls

Copyright 2014

Smashwords Edition

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This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with other people, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without direct permission from the author.

This ebook is a work of fiction and the characters are purely productions of the author's imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

Adult Reading Material

* * * * *

"Are you sure you really want to go through with this, Mandy? We can find another way..."

Mandy Quinn ran a delicate fingernail over the case's smooth plastic exterior, and sighed. Yes, Sam, I'm sure. Now, quick screwing around; we don't have much time before the department store opens, and I don't want to be late.

Sam stared through his thick glasses at his on-again, off-again girlfriend, and shrugged. He unlatched the case, and began to remove the complex pieces from the foam inner liner.

As Mandy slipped out of her clothes, letting them pool at her feet on the cold steel floor of the box truck, Sam said, I'm just not sure about this, that's all. I mean, what if you get caught--

For the last time! I won't get caught!! Dammit Sam, why do you always have to second-guess me?!

Mandy glared angrily at him, until he broke eye-contact. Smirking at her little victory, she resumed undressing.

Sam wanted to argue, but cut himself off just in time. He knew from bitter past experience there was little point in fighting with Mandy; she was used to getting what she wanted, and would never back down. Better to just shut up and help her get ready, than to risk the whole plan now.

He began assembling the syringe-gun from the case, and laying out the various vials of compounds he would need, while Mandy dropped her final garment to the floor of the truck.

They were parked just a few blocks down from the new department store, carefully concealed down a narrow back alleyway. Already the store's parking lot was filling up with cars, and long lines were forming at each entrance, just waiting for the Grand Opening to begin. The sales today were going to be truly epic.

Just as Mandy had planned.

Mandy ran a hand over her head, filling for any remaining stubble. She'd shaven just the night before, in preparation for today's operation. Well, how do I look?

Sam stared up at his sometimes-girlfriend, and always-boss. She was totally, utterly nude. Everywhere.

Um, n-not bad? He said hesitantly, a blush growing on his cheeks.

Mandy rolled her eyes, and tore open a package of epoxy. She rubbed one part of the two-part adhesive compound over her nipples, taking care to get her entire areola as well.

Sam can be such a dweeb sometimes, she thought to herself, as she smeared the other component of the resin into the inside of two small pieces of latex tape. She carefully placed the latex over her nipples, feeling the epoxy compound mix and activate.

She checking her reflection in a small mirror propped against a few boxes. As she had hoped, the smooth latex pieces totally hid her nipples, turning her already globular breasts into nearly perfect spheres.

While she waited for the epoxy compound to dry, she watched absently as Sam finished compiling the complicated syringe-gun.

Yep, he can be such a dweeb, but I have to admit, he can certainly be useful at times. God knows I couldn't have figured out how to work that thing so quickly.

She first acquired the gun while working at a research lab downtown as a temporary secretary, as part of an minor embezzling con she had been working. When that fell through, she had tried to make up for the failed job by making off with some of the bizarre devices the lab was developing.

Using her impressive, newly enhanced breasts to distract a young guard, she had deftly lifted his security badge off his uniform. The ID badge gave her easy access to the research lab's secure holding area, where she had grabbed the first expensive looking item she saw.

But once she was back at her apartment, and finally actually got a good look at her prize, she had been bewildered. The syringe-gun was a true piece of high-technology, with a dozen complex series of electronic valves and flow meters, and automatic dosage calculators already built-in.

For a small-time con-artist like herself, it might as well have come from Mars.

Thankfully, she knew just the guy to figure it out; her old boy-toy, and perpetual mark, Sam. She'd used her wiles to convince Sam to help her on earlier jobs, and his technology background made him a real asset on jobs like these.

A pity this has to be the end, though, Mandy mused. If her plan worked as well as she expected, she'd be a millionaire this time tomorrow. And she had no intention of keeping a geek like Sam hanging around, dragging her down. This was her chance for the big score. After tonight, she'd be a real player. A big shot. Not some run-of-the-mill, small-time hustler anymore. She could have any man she wanted; hell, she could date movie stars if she wished.

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