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Strong Lovers
Strong Lovers
Strong Lovers
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Strong Lovers

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Lilith St. James stood an impressive six feet tall in her stocking feet. No one had ever seen her in anything but four inch stilettos...ever. Her height was not the only thing that was not lacking. There was nothing small about the middle aged woman. She was just on the other side of voluptuous, but not quite fat, think big-boned, or thick.
She was pissed. She was beyond pissed - she was furious. It wouldn’t have been so bad but she was also a mother in mourning. Her children: grown, ruthless, heartless, murdering men, who were the center of her universe, were dead.
Elaina, Christian and Malachi relationship has been both the thing of fairy tales and nightmares. A year has passed since Manny killed Carlos and Wesley killed Benjamin. Thirteen adults and two children make up the people that have grown into family and they’re getting ready to spend nine days on vacation. Happiness doesn’t last long and the horrors that have plagued the trio continue when Carlos and Benjamin’s mother looks to avenge the death of her children.

Release dateJun 12, 2013
Strong Lovers

Olivia Barrington-Leigh

Wife, mother, sister, lover...and one day, a damn fine storyteller.

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    Book preview

    Strong Lovers - Olivia Barrington-Leigh

    Strong Lovers

    Lovers Series

    Book Three

    Olivia Barrington-Leigh

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013


    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Chapter One

    He circumvented the alarm and downed the power and communication lines before entering darkness and silence that held hands like old friends. John made his way through the hallways of a mansion so big he needed a damn map to navigate it. Three people made up the family that lived here. Why the hell they needed twenty four thousand square feet was anyone’s guess.

    The client was the little missus, and the master of said residence was getting touchy feely with his sixteen year old stepdaughter. The woman found out, sent her daughter to boarding school halfway across the globe, and hired John to take his ass out. He’d never met any of these people, but his file was thorough. In the month John followed his mark, the man had already made a trip to that fancy boarding school, and the photos back in his hotel sure as shit didn’t show the man forcing himself on the girl. He didn’t even think about telling his client about what he’d found out. He was sickened by it. He didn’t give a damn how the relationship had come about; someone should have had a little loyalty to the woman who hired him. John suspected the woman would take over once her husband was out of the way. More power to her. She may have come in with her eyes shut, but they were wide open now. He’d never spoken to the woman personally but he’d seen her from afar a few times, and the woman could be quite...aggressive. She ruled over the bodyguards and staff like a damn dictator. The client looked more like a sister to her daughter than a mother. She’d been young when she married her very wealthy husband. John bet she couldn’t believe her good fortune in snagging the man. She was working in a diner when he found her. The courtship had been brief, within three months she had already moved into his estate and within six she was Mrs. Jonathon Langston. That was ten years ago.

    Jonathon Marshall Langston was a drug and weapons dealer, whose hobbies included: golf, water polo and sleeping with children. John didn’t know how long it took Naomi Langston to find out about the things that were going on right under her nose, but according to his sources, sixteen was a little old for Johnny boy, and word on the street was the girl was welcoming dear old dad into her bedroom. The photos from the man’s visit to his stepdaughter corroborated the story. Was this a case of an old man taking advantage of a young girl? Had he spent years manipulating his way into her heart before taking her bed? Or had what started out as abuse, ended up turning into some strange and bizarre love for the girl—maybe even the man? Cell phone records showed the girl calling her stepfather’s phone—the second one—the one little wifey had no idea about. It was a love triangle too sick and twisted to think about too hard.

    The carpet was ankle deep. John didn’t make a sound as he walked towards the bedroom door. It wouldn’t have made a difference if it was hardwood or tile, John wouldn’t have made a sound anyway. He was good at what he did. He’d been doing it a long time. He opened the bedroom door and the only light was the moonlight coming in through the glass of the French doors and floor-to-ceiling windows. The moonlight made everything monotone.

    The room was as big as John’s entire apartment. John always wondered why people had bedrooms big enough to have living room furniture in it. Did they entertain in it? The large bed sat opposite the door and there was a full size overstuffed sofa and two straight back chairs to the left of it. A low coffee table and a smaller table in the middle of the two chairs completed the sitting area. There was a large desk and chair on the opposite wall and twin armoires big enough to fit Mini Coopers in on the wall opposite the bed. The bedside tables had two overstuffed chairs on either side of them. And you still had enough room to park a couple of full sized sedans in the room. Good God, who needed this kind of room?

    John didn’t bother closing the door. He wasn’t planning on being long. The woman wanted it to look like natural causes. Smart. John had a feeling that maybe mom was a little suspicious of the blossoming relationship between husband and daughter. Maybe started to think she was going to be replaced when the girl was of age. Didn’t matter, the woman didn’t want to be suspected of foul play and good old Johnny had heart problems. Tomorrow morning it’d look like a heart attack, and Naomi Langston was conveniently away visiting her daughter.

    There were two bodies in the bed. The girl sleeping next to Jonathon Langston was so small her slight body disappeared under the thick folds of the comforter on the bed, but John knew she was there. He’d watched her being dropped off earlier today. She looked young, a runaway John thought, but she could have been a very young looking adult for all he knew. It didn’t matter, she wasn’t his concern. She was going to wake up next to a very dead trick in the morning. That was, if she slept through the next couple of minutes. He thought that she would. She was pretty wasted and probably more passed out than sleeping. Whatever she was, John needed her to stay that way until his job was done. The missus didn’t just want her husband dead; she wanted him to know why he was dying. John saw bright things in her future if she should decide to take over the man’s business. She was one cold-hearted bitch.

    He removed the gun from its holster and woke Jonathon up with the sound of the hammer being pulled back. He had to hand it to the man, he was quick. John would have loved to have stopped the man by bashing his face in with the butt of his gun, but he couldn’t leave any signs of a struggle. Instead he pressed the muzzle of the gun firmly into his chest.

    Don’t move.

    The man stopped immediately. How the hell did you get in my house?

    John sighed, Through the front door. Now get up.

    Jonathon looked over at the girl lying next to him, or tried to. She really was tiny.

    She’s knocked out and won’t remember a thing in the morning, he said. I’m not going to ask you again. The next sound you’re going to hear is a gunshot if you don’t get your ass out of the bed.

    John gave the man some room to swing his legs out of the bed. He was naked. Over there, he said, nodding his head to one of the chairs.

    I don’t know how much you’re getting paid, but I’ll triple it.

    Have a seat, John said.

    This was a good enough reason not to have a sitting area in your bedroom; made it too easy for an assassin to get comfortable right up in your personal space.

    Jonathon sat down and put his hands on the armrest. He looked comfortable and calm. Good, it would make John’s job a lot easier. Although the calm may not hold, people tend to get jumpy when they realize they’re about to meet their maker. John took a needle out of his pocket.

    We can do this one of two ways. I can shoot you, John said, holding up the needle, Or I can shoot you, he said, moving the gun from the man’s chest and pointing it at his head. Either way is fine with me.

    Quadruple it, Jonathon Langston said.

    He was looking a little nervous but not scared...yet. John gave him brownie points for bravery. Too bad he was in the negative from the pedophilia.

    I’m going to inject you with this and you’re going to go to sleep.

    Instantly the man sitting in the chair relaxed. John knew he would. The man had gone from thinking he was going to die; to thinking he was being kidnapped. Good for John, not so much for Jonathon. He didn’t waste time, he moved quickly, throwing his forearm across Jonathon Langston chest, high at shoulder level.

    This is from the little missus for fucking her baby, John hissed in his ear as he pressed the plunger.

    John watched the realization of what was really happening widen Jonathon Langston eyes right before his body started to convulse. It took him three minutes to die. John picked up the body and put it back in the bed. He left the room, reconnected everything and made his way across the yard.

    The bag he’d left was still in the same spot in the wooded area that surrounded the house. He buried the syringe before taking off the mask and black jacket he wore. The backpack had three changes of clothes and his wallet in it. He stuffed the jacket in the bag and replaced it with a flannel shirt and shouldered the bag. He walked out the way he came in. His car was still in the same place. Once it’d been towed. He had to walk about ten miles before he reached a phone. That had really fucking sucked. It made for a good story though. Wesley brought it up every time he got drunk.

    He threw the bag in the trunk after getting the keys from one of the outside pockets, and got in the car. He drove off without a second thought of the fucked up Langston family. He was headed to his own family of sorts. The assignment had postponed the start of his vacation. As far as he was concerned that was reason enough to kill the bastard. John turned on the radio. It was three in the morning where he was headed. No reason to call and wake anyone. He’d be there by ten.


    I couldn’t breathe. My mouth was opened and air passed no further than my tongue. My head was pushed firmly in the mattress and the soft silk of black sheets caressed my skin. My stormy lover’s hand was around my throat, the other was by my head, holding the top of his body off me. The lower half of my body was elevated thanks to the foam wedge. I don’t think it’s possible for Malachi to get any deeper inside me.

    God girl, you feel so fucking good, Malachi growled, as he rocked his hips back and forth. I was getting light headed but who gave two shits when you felt that good. I wrapped my legs higher; around his back instead of loose around his thighs, and the slight change in position was all I needed. I couldn’t scream, but my body told Malachi what he needed to know. While my body quaked, he pulled out and rolled me onto my stomach, then entered me from behind.

    Fuck baby, you’re going to make me come.

    Malachi hands were firmly on my rear pulling the cheeks of my ass apart so he could see where he entered me. He jerked my hips back and folded his massive body around my back.

    I’m coming Malachi, I panted. The words stoked an already intense fire in my sun.

    Harder, I said, digging my feet into the mattress as I tried to hold my position. It was a lost cause. I weighed a hundred and thirty pounds, Malachi two hundred and fifty pounds of solid muscle.

    Dammit Elaina, Malachi cursed, as I squeezed my sex around his hammering cock.

    I opened my legs wider and reached between them to touch the dick that was pushing and pulling inside me. I dragged my fingers through the lips of my sex and brought them to Malachi’s mouth. He sucked and licked them greedily, almost taking my whole hand into his mouth.


    The lone word was all that made it, when the first wave of my orgasm washed over me. This one he let me enjoy. His slow rolling hips prolonging the pleasure, but we weren’t finished yet.

    He pushed me from him and I turned over on my back, knees up and legs open wide, but he had different plans.

    Malachi was a god among men. His body was meant to be worshiped. Thick ropes of veins stood out on his forearms, his broad shoulders and chest look made to carry the world on and perfect six pack abs that looked chiseled. Between his gloriously thick thighs, standing straight up at attention and reaching his bellybutton was the largest dick I have ever had the pleasure of fucking. The massive shaft was as heavily veined as his arms and legs. It jumped with each beat of his heart and I licked my lips when I sat up.

    Malachi watched me crawl to him. He eyes dark, his breathing hard and fast, and his body shiny with sweat. He was motionless and so damn intimidating, a man his size always is. His hands rested on his thighs and his stare was commanding. I knew what he wanted. I’d better or things could get rough—rougher.

    I licked his shaft from base to head making him draw in a hissing breath. I smiled. I opened my mouth and slide my lips just past the bulbous head of his dick and stop.

    Don’t fuck around Elaina, I’m too close, he warned me.

    I smiled again. I liked rough.

    I wrapped my hand around his shaft and squeezed tightly as I stroked him, never putting more than the head of his dick in my mouth. Malachi grabbed my hair and pushed my head while rising off the bed. He was on his knees and he’d brought me with him with the handful of hair he fisted. He filled my mouth with one quick jerk of his hips. His hips rocking as he pushed his dick to the back of my throat. My gag reflex was getting a workout as he fucked my mouth.

    I love your fucking mouth Elaina, he said.

    I loved Malachi’s mouth. His explicit words worked me into a fucking frenzy that rivaled...him. He pulled my hair, freeing my greedy lips from his cock, bringing my body up and around until his chest was at my back.

    Ass, he growled.

    I reached behind me and grabbed his dick and pulled it in long hard strokes. Malachi held my head to kiss me. Deep hard thrusts of his tongue in a kiss that owned me. It was like every other aspect of our joining. I belonged to him. Sex was only one way he reminded me of this simple truth. In all ways I was his to do with as he pleased. And I so wanted to please him. He fingered me from behind while he kissed me and my breath caught when they moved and he pushed them into my ass.

    Relax Elaina!

    I’ve had two orgasms almost back to back, and my body felt like it had an electric current running through it, I took a deep shuttering breath and tried to obey. Malachi hadn’t waited, he didn’t stop, his hips rocked back and forth until he was buried to the hilt. He fucked my ass in quick shallow thrust. Each stroke pleasured fire.

    Whose ass is this baby? he asked against my ear in a low voice.

    Our body was covered with sweat and slid against one another as he fucked me. His hand slid easy in its travels down my body, before his fingers found my clit. My body started to shake, already about to explode into another life altering orgasm.

    Yours, I answered too breathless to elaborate.

    I wanted to tell him that it’s all his. Every over sensitive, achy, jerky, shaky, inch of my body belonged to my sun. I moaned when his dick slid free from my body and sighed when he covered my body with his, settling between my thighs.

    I love you beautiful girl, he said rubbing tendrils of hair that was stuck to my sweaty face and neck.

    I was ecstatic when the head of his dick pushed inside me. Malachi made love to me, each stroke tortuously slow. Each quick thrust at the end pressed the tip of his dick on my cervix. This was for me, this slow love making; only his hands reminded me of how he would prefer to take me.

    You feel so good, I moaned as I rock my hips a little faster. He allowed it. Sometimes he didn’t.

    Shut up, he said through gritted teeth.

    Can you feel how much I want you, I whispered in his ear before biting the lobe. I clenched the walls of my sex. He wasn’t the only one with a greedy need. I loved this man with every fiber of my being.

    Elaina, he warned me; his strokes getting faster. I brought my other leg up, holding it behind the knee and rotated my hips up.

    Fuck Elaina, he said roughly.

    Fuck me Malachi.

    I barely had the i out before Malachi grabbed my legs and threw them over his forearms, spreading me wide and thrust his hips forward burying the full length of his dick inside me. The frenzied hammering tried to push me away from him but he pulled me back, digging his hands into my thighs.

    You feel that Elaina? What you do to me baby. I love your pussy.

    I opened my mouth to release the scream building in my chest. He caught it in a kiss moments before he gave me his own.


    I stretched one arm above my head as I poured coffee. My hair was still wet from the shower I’d taken. It was Saturday and Christian had gone to work. Malachi had put in work in the bedroom. My scalp hurt, my nipples are swollen, my body is bruised and I ached. There was no way I was going to the damn gym today. Malachi had given me all the workout I could handle for one day.

    Hey girl, Brittney said coming into the kitchen.

    I turned and smiled at the tiny raven haired vixen. Good morning B. I said, getting a second mug out of the cabinet. Is Wesley and V up yet?

    We had a full house. Wesley arrived last week and Brittney and Veronica have become fixtures in our home since his arrival. It was still early, only eight in the morning. We’d stayed up late and had way too much to drink. I was surprise to see her downstairs so bright and early. I wondered if it had anything to do with the arrival of the last of our group. John would be here later today.

    Yeah, she said. They’re playing.

    I handed her the mug, not at all missing the look she was giving me. Brittney had been a partner welcomed in our bed until recently. To my surprise Malachi was the one to ban her from it. He’d really fucked up by having sex with his ex, Julia. It had almost broken me—and him. I’d forgiven him and life went back to normal after the birth of Tallulah, Christian and my daughter. In my time apart from Malachi, Brittney and I had gotten together once alone. It wasn’t a mistake, I’d never regretted it, but the ground rules were laid, from now on it was just the three of us.

    Leave my woman alone. Malachi said.

    He swatted Brittney hard on the ass as he passed her. He came straight for me and swept me into his arms. He pulled me close to his body and his erection pressed into my stomach. Malachi was making up for lost sex. I’d cut him off for about four months. I swear he was going to fuck me to death before he got his fill. He told me he’d missed my body like a drug.

    I can smell you on my skin, he whispered in my ear before pulling back and looking at me. He licked his lips, I can still taste you on my lips.

    Body aches and pains aside I could have fucked him on the kitchen floor. He kissed me on the corner of my mouth. Come back upstairs beautiful girl.

    Get away from me Malachi. I said, smiling at him. We have guests. I tried to push him away. I could have been trying to move a mountain, he didn’t budge an inch.

    The look in his eyes took my breath away. It always did. To know he wanted me so badly, needed me so fiercely, did a girl good. He possessed me mind, body and soul. His dominance was as exciting as it was erotic. The sound of his voice had the same affect on me as his hands on my skin. I hardly ever denied him.

    Get a room, Brittney said.

    We’re in one, Malachi countered. He was still looking at me, and I was fighting a losing battle when the doorbell rang. He pulled me tighter against his body for a second before letting me free.

    I looked out the sidelight next to the door and saw the last of our party. I yanked the door open and threw myself into the unsuspecting arms of John Chambers. He caught me easy. John was taller than Malachi and his build was solid, but he didn’t have the muscle

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