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All For Him (Dominant Man)
All For Him (Dominant Man)
All For Him (Dominant Man)
Ebook41 pages31 minutes

All For Him (Dominant Man)

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Emily is a 29-year-old, church-going virgin who still lives at home with her overbearing mother. However, although she may be physically pure; her thoughts are anything but innocent. She dreams of a man taking control and using her as his sex toy; making her his dirty slut. Being shy and passive makes it difficult to explore these thoughts until, one day, her boss invites her to his office...

PublisherMisty Meadows
Release dateNov 26, 2013
All For Him (Dominant Man)

Misty Meadows

Writer of erotica. If you would like to discover more about Misty Meadows' erotic stories you can visit this website or subscribe to her mailing list here

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    All For Him (Dominant Man) - Misty Meadows

    All For Him

    By Misty Meadows

    Copyright 2013 Misty Meadows

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Emily was writhing around on the bed, her fingers plunging into her pussy whilst she imagined herself being pounded by a variety of anonymous men, each taking their turn with her; thrusting their cocks deep inside causing her to scream, then pumping their seed all over her tits. She felt herself getting closer, her pussy walls finally contracting around her fingers; the intensity peaking before quickly subsiding. She removed her fingers that were covered in her own juices, and licked them clean before getting out of bed. It was nearly time for church and she wanted to be up and ready before her Mum started banging on the door.


    Emily was staring intently at the vicar. To everyone else she appeared to be a good girl – an honest, upstanding, god-fearing citizen – but she had long since learned how to zone out of his long, droning sermons. She went to church and lived with her controlling mother; she went to work, she went to church and she rarely stayed out late or got drunk. In fact, she had never even had a boyfriend. She was nearly thirty and she was still a virgin, but she didn’t consider herself to be a ‘good girl.’ Her thoughts were too dirty for that to be true, and yet she had never acted upon them.

    Emily fantasised about being used by lots of different men for their sexual pleasure, but she was too scared to put herself out there in such a way. She had led such a sheltered life and her mother had tried to keep her a child for as long as possible. Ostensibly, she was an adult, but she had a very immature way about her, and so it was hardly a surprise that she was bullied at work and viewed as an outcast by her peers. She was accepted by her churchgoing friends, but would they really accept her if they knew what she was really thinking?

    She was always eager to please and she wasn’t unattractive, although she gave off a more childish vibe than that of a sexual, sensual woman. What she really needed was an experienced man to take hold of her and tell her what to do. She longed for control; to be dominated and to serve a confident, sexy older man. There were plenty of older men at the church, but it was hard to imagine any of them wanting to have sex with her. Maybe she was destined to be a virgin forever, since it was so hard to meet a man, let alone to say ‘oh, by the way, I’m a virgin. However, I’m also a dirty, filthy slut in my

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