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Henry and Beezus
Henry and Beezus
Henry and Beezus
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Henry and Beezus

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Newbery Medal winner Beverly Cleary tells the story of a boy with a goal—and the girl who helps him achieve it.

Well-meaning Henry Huggins would do anything to get the bike of his dreams. But every idea he has keeps falling flat. Selling bubble gum on the playground gets him in trouble with his teacher. There’s the paper route, but Henry’s dog Ribsy nearly ruins that with his nose for mischief.

Even pesky little Ramona Quimby manages to get in the way of Henry’s chance at a bike. But it’s with the help of his best friend Beezus that there may be a way. After all—with a friend by your side, anything is possible.

Don't miss the beloved classic Henry Huggins books from Beverly Cleary. Boys and girls alike will be charmed instantly by an average boy whose life is turned upside down when he meets a lovable puppy with a nose for mischief. These are truly classics that stand the test of time and still leave readers 7-13 smiling.

Release dateOct 6, 2009

Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary is one of America's most beloved authors. As a child, she struggled with reading and writing. But by third grade, after spending much time in her public library in Portland, Oregon, she found her skills had greatly improved. Before long, her school librarian was saying that she should write children's books when she grew up. Instead she became a librarian. When a young boy asked her, "Where are the books about kids like us?" she remembered her teacher's encouragement and was inspired to write the books she'd longed to read but couldn't find when she was younger. She based her funny stories on her own neighborhood experiences and the sort of children she knew. And so, the Klickitat Street gang was born! Mrs. Cleary's books have earned her many prestigious awards, including the American Library Association's Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, presented to her in recognition of her lasting contribution to children's literature. Dear Mr. Henshaw won the Newbery Medal, and Ramona Quimby, Age 8 and Ramona and Her Father have been named Newbery Honor Books. Her characters, including Beezus and Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins, and Ralph, the motorcycle-riding mouse, have delighted children for generations.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh how we love Henry Huggins! My daughter (age 8) just adores these books! Our most recent read, Henry and Beezus didn't disappoint. Told in the same chapter style as the previous books, we start out with Henry and is dog getting into more trouble...this time with the neighbors and their roast and where Henry swears to his friends that he'll have a bike as nice as Scooter's. From there we follow Henry on a raccous, fun-filled set of adventures which involve him striking gum gold, untraining Ribsy to fetch the paper (hileraious), a dog and his parking ticket, an awesome and funny bike auction, and finally the boy who ate dog food! In this group of stories, Ramona and her sister are also key players in each adventure and they lend a nice touch to this particular set of stories. Will Henry get that spiffy red bike he's got his eye on? Will he ever save enough money...or will Ribsy and Ramona "help" him right out of his chance to get it? Since this story, like others in the series, was written in the 1950's, it has a dated "leave it to beaver" feel...but that's also a great deal of the charm. They are clean cut, the kid's respet their parents and take their problems to them...and whey they get in trouble, even though they somtiems lie...there is always discussion and rational solving of the issues. I like that and apparently so does my daughter. I give it an A+, another classic that is sure to keep right on pleasing kids for years to come!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was never as in love with Henry Huggins as I was with Ramona Quimby, but I still enjoyed this. A pleasant way to spend a hot afternoon!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Henry Huggins is determined to earn enough money to buy himself a bicycle. Along with the other advantages of his having a set of wheels, maybe it'll stop that older kid, Scooter, from needlessly showing his bike off so much. Although a neighbor of Henry's, Beezus Quimby, happens to be a girl, she just may be able to help Henry get a bike of his own in Henry and Beezus by author Beverly Cleary.I vaguely remember reading this book sometime during my childhood, back when I read other books about Henry and his dog, Ribsy. But I picked it up again since I've been revisiting the Ramona Quimby books, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.Nothing like reading a tale from the 1950s, where kids say things like "Gee whillikers!" and really mean it. And if I once found this book to be funny, it was even funnier to me this time around. No, not just because somebody says "Gee whillikers!" but because the humor in the story is truly on point. Henry has quite the adventures in his efforts to raise money, and Beezus and Ramona add much to the fun of it all (even though it may not all be "fun" for them, exactly.)There are a good bunch of reasons why Beverly Cleary was my favorite author as a child. A great story like this one is a good reason.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    More adventures with Henry and Ribsy. As the title indicates, Beezus plays a more prominent role in this book than in other Henry stories, getting involved in several of Henry's escapades. Like other Henry stories, this book has a central idea that threads its way through the smaller adventures that comprise each chapter. In this case, Henry desperately wants a bike, but his parents can't afford one for many more months. Henry knows he won't survive waiting that long. He tries to think of schemes for earning money quickly, but of course many of them backfire. Like when he finds the boxes of discarded bubble gum and begins to sell them at school. At first, Henry is sure he'll earn all the money he needs. Then the other kids start to be bored with chewing gum, so he hands out free samples, but then others want their money back since they could just get free samples instead, and it all ends up a big mess. Or the time when he wants to take over Scooter's paper route for the weekend, and realizes that since he trained Ribsy to fetch his parent's paper, his dog now fetches all the papers from his street.Henry's beginning to think he will not succeed in his mission to accrue money, especially after he enters a sweepstakes for the new shopping complex and wins ... gift certificates to the beauty salon. Then, in the last chapter, a miracle: some people actually want those useless vouchers he was going to throw in the trash. His mom, his aunt, Beezus, and many others pay Henry for his coupons for waves and beauty treatments. Astonished, Henry soon has almost enough money for the fancy red bike in the toy store window, and his parents provide the last few dollars. The story ends with Henry blissfully riding down the street on his new bike, his snap-on raccoon tail streaming in the wind, just like he had dreamed.Another heart-warming story surrounding Henry and his dog. The characters Cleary created are so attuned to a child's personality that I am continually impressed. Yes, the story does show its age, in regards to technology and family structures and other peripheral matters, but the heart of the book is timeless. Her Henry stories are about innocence, and curiosity, and friendship and family. The story is not amazing or innovative, but quietly enjoyable. I sometimes like reading stories that are simple adventures with low stakes, the type of hijinks I would have encountered when I was younger. It's good to let our kids be kids, and this book does just that. The humor is strong, the adventures are believable and easily resolved, and the ending is satisfying. Another quality book by an acclaimed writer for children.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    We're back with Henry Huggins, Beezus, her little sister Ramona, and Ribsy. Henry wants a bicycle, and keeps trying different schemes to earn enough money to buy one. Beezus tries to help, but surprisingly, it's 4 year old Ramona the Pest that helps the most! Fun read, good for all ages.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love Beverly Cleary. My mom read the books, then read gave her books to me to read and now I’m giving them to my son to read. I read this book out loud with my son. Even though he’s perfectly capable of reading by himself, he loves the snuggle time of reading with mama.This was a fun little book. Each chapter finds Henry trying a different tactic to earn enough money to buy himself a bicycle. Beezus helps him but definitely has a supporting role in the book – it isn’t really Henry and Beezus as best buddies like the title implies. Beezus always has her annoying little sister tagging along – a little preview of how ornery she’ll be in her own books.My son and I loved comparing life in the 50s when this book was first published to life today. For instance, Henry sells gum to his friends at two pieces for a penny. A bag of chips cost a dime. My son thought this astounding but he knew this was a REALLY long time ago because his mom wasn’t even born yet.I loved the wholesomeness of this book. That the kids in it were basically nice and said things like “jeepers”. No one was sassy to their parents like in so many middle-grade books today. This is a great book to read and discuss with your middle grade reader.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Henry Huggins' misadventures with his dog Ribsy and his neighbor Beezus continue.This is the second in the Henry Huggins series. My son is really enjoying these books. This one was pretty funny; we loved Ribsy collecting all the newspapers in the neighborhood and putting them on the porch. Cleary's clear writing is fun to read aloud as well, but as my son wants to continue with the series, I am encouraging him to read them independently, as there seem to be about a million of them and I'd like to read something else for a change.Read aloud to my 7-year-old in 2015.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Poor Henry really wants a bike. His parents can't afford to get him one, so he endeavors to earn the money, but something always goes wrong. He is to help a neighbor deliver papers, but his dog collects them and brings them all back, he tries to buy a bike at an auction, but can't get close enough to be heard. With the help of his neighbor Beezus and her little sister, he gets a bike, but -horrors!- it's a girl's bike! Wonderful story about a boy and his neighbors.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The chewing gum story made it so great and also Ribsy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a very clever story about a hard-working kid who finally got what he wanted in a most unusual way. I recommend this as a good book for young readers.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Yay! Such a good read!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A cute, simple, elementary level book about a boy struggling to get a new bicycle, with the help of his friend Beezus, and accompanied by the antics of his dog, Ribsy.Originally published in 1952, it holds up remarkably well.

Book preview

Henry and Beezus - Beverly Cleary



Henry Huggins stood by the front window of his square white house on Klickitat Street and wondered why Sunday afternoon seemed so much longer than any other part of the week. Mrs. Huggins was reading a magazine, and Mr. Huggins, puffing on his pipe, was reading the funnies in the Sunday Journal.

Henry’s dog, Ribsy, was asleep in the middle of the living room rug. As Henry looked at him, he suddenly sat up, scratched hard behind his left ear with his left hind foot, and flopped down again without even bothering to open his eyes.

Henry pressed his nose against the windowpane and looked out at Klickitat Street. The only person he saw was Scooter McCarthy, who was riding up and down the sidewalk on his bicycle.

I sure wish I had a bike, remarked Henry to his mother and father, as he watched Scooter.

I wish you did, too, agreed his mother, but with prices and taxes going up all the time, I’m afraid we can’t get you one this year.

Maybe things will be better next year, said Mr. Huggins, dropping the funnies and picking up the sport section.

Henry sighed. He wanted a bicycle now. He could see himself riding up and down Klickitat Street on a shiny red bike. He would wear his genuine Daniel Boone coonskin cap with the snap-on tail, only he wouldn’t wear the tail fastened to the hat. He would tie it to the handlebars so that it would wave in the breeze as he whizzed along.

Henry, said Mrs. Huggins, interrupting his thoughts, please don’t rub your nose against my clean window.

All right, Mom, said Henry. I sure wish something would happen around here sometime.

Why don’t you go over to Robert’s house? Maybe he can think of something to do, suggested Mrs. Huggins, as she turned a page of her magazine.

OK, agreed Henry. Robert’s mother said they couldn’t give the white mice rides on Robert’s electric train anymore, but maybe they could think of something else. Come on, Ribsy, said Henry.

Ribsy stood up and shook himself, scattering hair over the rug.

That dog, sighed Mrs. Huggins.

Henry thought he had better leave quickly. As he and Ribsy started down the front steps, Robert came around the corner.

What’s up, Doc? said Robert.

Hi, responded Henry.

My dad said maybe if I came over to your house, you could think of something to do, said Robert.

The boys sat down on the front steps. Here comes old Scooter, observed Robert. The two boys watched the older boy pumping down the street on his bicycle. He was whistling, and not only was he riding without touching the handlebars, he even had his hands in his pockets.

Hi, said Scooter casually, without stopping.

Big show-off, muttered Robert. I bet he takes that bike to bed with him.

He sure thinks he’s smart, agreed Henry. He’s been riding up and down all afternoon. Come on, let’s go around in the backyard, where we won’t have to watch old Scooter show off all day. Maybe we can find something to do back there.

Ribsy followed at the boys’ heels. Unfortunately, the backyard was no more interesting than the front. The only sign of life was next door. A large yellow cat was dozing on the Grumbies’ back steps, and there was smoke coming from the barbecue pit.

Robert looked thoughtful. Does Ribsy ever chase cats?

Not that old Fluffy. Henry, understanding what was on Robert’s mind, explained that Mrs. Grumbie sprinkled something called Doggie-B-Gone on her side of the rosebushes. Ribsy disliked the smell of it and was careful to stay on his side of the bushes.

Robert was disappointed. I thought Ribsy might . . .

No such luck, interrupted Henry, looking at his dog, who had settled himself by the back steps to continue his nap. Henry picked a blade of grass and started to blow through it when the squeak-slam of the Grumbies’ screen door made him look up. Jeepers! he whispered.

Stepping carefully over Fluffy, Mr. Hector Grumbie walked down the back steps. He was wearing a chef’s tall white hat and an immense white apron. What’s cooking? was written across the hat, and on the apron was printed a recipe for Bar X Ranch Bar-B-Q Sauce. Mr. Grumbie carried a tray full of bowls, jars, bottles, and what appeared to be bunches of dried weeds.

Is he really going to cook? whispered Robert.

Search me, answered Henry. The two boys edged closer to the rosebushes that divided the two yards.

Hello, Mr. Grumbie, said Henry.

Hello there, Henry. Mr. Grumbie crossed the lawn and set the tray on the edge of the barbecue pit in the corner of his yard. He peeled a small object, which he put into a bowl, sprinkled with salt, and mashed with a little wooden stick. Then he broke off pieces of the dried weeds and mashed them, too.

Henry and Robert exchanged puzzled looks.

Need any help, Mr. Grumbie? asked Henry.

No, thank you. Mr. Grumbie poured a few drops of something into the mixture.

Is that something that’s supposed to be good to eat? asked Robert. Mr. Grumbie didn’t answer.

What’s that stuff in the bowl? asked Henry.

Herbs and garlic, answered Mr. Grumbie. Now run along and play, boys. I’m busy.

Henry and Robert did not move.

Etta! called Mr. Grumbie to his wife. I forgot the vinegar. He coughed as a breeze blew smoke in his face.

I’ll go get it for you, offered Henry, but his neighbor ignored him.

Squeak-slam went the screen. Mrs. Grumbie stepped over Fluffy and walked across the yard with a bottle in her hand. Hector, can’t we take your friends out to dinner instead of going to all this trouble? she asked, as she fanned smoke out of her eyes.

This is no trouble at all. Mr. Grumbie added a few drops of vinegar to the mixture in the bowl.

Henry thought Mrs. Grumbie looked cross, as she said, Hector, why don’t you let me cook the meat in the house? It would be so much easier and then we could bring it outside to eat.

Now, Etta, I know what I’m doing. Mr. Grumbie poured a few drops from another bottle and mashed some more.

But I don’t like to see you spoil the flavor of a perfectly good piece of meat with all that seasoning. It would be different if you really knew how to cook. Mrs. Grumbie frowned, as she swatted at a bug circling over the sauce.

Mr. Grumbie frowned even more. Anyone who can read a recipe can cook.

Mrs. Grumbie’s face turned red, as she clapped the bug between her hands, and said sharply, Oh, is that so? What about the time you cut up tulip bulbs in the hamburgers because you thought they were onions?

That, said Mr. Grumbie, even more sharply, was different.

Mrs. Grumbie angrily fanned smoke with her apron. Just remember when we try to eat this mess you’re fixing that it wasn’t my idea. Even if the recipe is any good, the meat will probably be burned on the outside and raw inside. Smoke will get in our eyes and we’ll be eaten alive by mosquitoes and . . .

Mr. Grumbie interrupted. Etta, we won’t argue about it anymore. I invited my friends to a barbecue and we’re going to have a barbecue.

Henry and Robert were disappointed. They hoped the Grumbies would argue about it a lot more.

Then Mr. Grumbie looked at the recipe printed on his apron. Because he was looking down at it, the words were upside down for him. What does it say here? he asked, pointing to his stomach.

Henry and Robert could not help snickering.

Now, boys, run along and don’t bother us. We’re busy, said Mrs. Grumbie.

Come on, Robert. Henry turned away from the rosebushes. He felt uncomfortable around Mrs.

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