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Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three
Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three
Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three
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Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three

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When James destroyed the Iron Mines at Sorna in a mammoth volcanic eruption after rescuing Miko from his enslavement, massive tsunamis wreaked havoc all along the Empire’s coastland. This brought the attention of certain powers within the Empire to bear.

Release dateMar 30, 2009
Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li: The Morcyth Saga Book Three

Brian S. Pratt

Born in Modesto, California, Brian graduated high school in 1985 and went into the Air Force where he trained as an Avionic Specialist on the F-117A Stealth Fighter.When his tour of duty ended, he tried his hand as a Pizza Hut delivery driver where he quickly rose to become General Manager of a delivery unit in Edmonds, WA and continued as such for several years.Then after a short stint driving a taxi, he spent two years teaching teenagers how to drive. (Not as stressful as one would imagine.) He now writes full time in Washington, USA.His published works include:The Morcyth Saga (7 Books)Travail of The Dark Mage (2 Books)Improbable Adventures of Scar and Potbelly (series)The Broken Key Trilogy (3 Books)Dungeon Crawler Adventures (2 Books)The Adventurer's Guild (2 Books)Ring of the Or'tux (Stand Alone)Box Sets:Worlds of Fantasy-Includes the complete first book in three of Brian S. Pratt's most popular series: "The Morcyth Saga" - "The Broken Key Trilogy" - "The Adventurer's Guild." Over 850 pages of epic fantasy entertainment.

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    Book preview

    Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li - Brian S. Pratt

    Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li

    Book Three of

    The Morcyth Saga

    Brian S. Pratt

    Copyright 2009, 2014 by Brian S. Pratt

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Or visit Brian S. Pratt’s Official Website

    The Fantasy Worlds of

    Brian S. Pratt

    The Morcyth Saga

    The Unsuspecting Mage

    Fires of Prophecy

    Warrior Priest of Dmon-Li

    Trail of the Gods

    The Star of Morcyth

    Shades of the Past

    The Mists of Sorrow*

    *(Conclusion of The Morcyth Saga)

    Travail of The Dark Mage

    Sequel to The Morcyth Saga

    1-Light in the Barren Lands

    2- Tides of Faith

    The Improbable Adventures


    Scar and Potbelly

    Ice Terraces of Crystal Crag*

    *Coming February 2014

    The Broken Key

    #1- Shepherd’s Quest

    #2-Hunter of the Horde

    #3-Quest’s End

    Qyaendri Adventures

    Ring of the Or’tux

    Dungeon Crawler Adventures



    The Adventurer’s Guild

    #1-Jaikus and Reneeke Join the Guild

    #2-Caravan to Kittikin*

    *coming March 2014

    For my Uncle, who supplied me with the computer upon which I wrote The Morcyth Saga. Also for my Aunt, who made my times at their farm ones of happiness and are among my fondest childhood memories.

    Chapter One

    James walked down one of the many hallways in the Ferdillon Estate, part of the great trading city of Corillian. Situated at the southern end of the island of Torence, Corillian boasted one of the largest shipping ports in these waters. Its trading houses shipped goods to all the known kingdoms, many had offices in every major city and capitol.

    He paused in front of a door he had entered many times over the past seven days, ever since they were brought there by Nate’s cousin after fleeing the destruction of the mines.

    Knocking, he waited until he heard a ‘come in’ from the other side before opening the door. Inside, he found Miko sitting in a chair next to Nate who laid in bed, recovering from the effects of the poison consumed when Black Tooth had tried to extract his revenge upon Miko. Miko had been poisoned as well, but hadn’t consumed as much and had suffered hardly any ill effects.

    When they arrived in Corillian, the captain immediately took Nate to the nearest temple where he arranged for a priest to purge the poison from his system. Once the poison had been neutralized, the priest had told them his internal damage was far reaching and that it would take a long time, if ever, for him to fully recover from the effects.

    Feeling better today? he asked Nate as he came and sat upon the edge of the bed.

    Some, he replied with a raspy voice. Still wracked by pain, he at least was able to hold down solids and could move around on his own for a short time.

    James turned to Miko, Jiron and I are ready to leave soon for Cardri.

    A pained look came over Miko. What about me?

    James glanced toward Nate before replying, Nate’s family had offered to let you remain here with them for as long as you desire.

    That’s right, Miko, Nate added. We’d be more than happy to have you.

    But… he said as he looked to Nate, pausing momentarily. Then he continued, As much as I appreciate the offer to stay, I wish to return to Cardri with James. He looked to James for his response.

    James glanced again to Nate and said, I thought we should at least give him the choice.

    Nate nodded in reply.

    Turning to Miko, James said, Then we leave in the morning. There’s a trader with whom Nate’s father had arranged to carry us with them as they make their way to Cardri. They have several stops before they get there, but said they should be docking at the capitol within a couple weeks.

    Tomorrow? he asked, sad to be leaving his friend so soon. He turned to Nate and said, I’m sorry to have to leave you.

    Nate lifted his hand and patted Miko on the knee, It’s okay, Miko. I understand. Remember, you always have a friend in me and if you’re ever in the area, I expect you to stop for a visit.

    Giving him a sad smile, Miko replied, I will. He turned to James, I’d like to stay here with Nate until we leave in the morning.

    Sure thing, James assured him. Now, I need to arrange a few things with Jiron before we go. Getting up from the bed, he went to the door. Looking back at Nate, he said, You get better.

    Nate smiled and replied, I will.

    Opening the door, he left the room and then closed it behind him. He proceeded down the hallway toward the room he shared with Jiron.

    On the way, he saw Essin coming toward him and he wore the livery of House Ferdillon. So, you’ve taken service with them, then?

    Smiling broadly, Essin replied, Yes, both Eril and I have. Eril was the other slave that had jumped aboard at the last minute when they fled the volcanic eruption which had consumed the slave mines. Nate put in a good word with his father on our behalf and they made us part of their servant staff. Not a glamorous position to be sure, but better than what we had a few weeks ago.

    Laughing, James nodded in agreement, You got that right. I wish nothing but the best for both of you.

    Thank you.

    I don’t know if I ever expressed my thanks for the fair treatment you gave Miko when he was part of your team in the mines.

    Well, I always believed that if you treat someone with respect and fairly, they’ll work harder for you.

    I’ve found that to be true, too.

    I must be off, Essin said. Can’t afford to make a bad impression with the master of the house.

    Good luck, Essin James said as he walked away.

    You too, James, Essin replied.

    Leaving Essin behind, he proceeded down the hallway and admired the tapestries on the way to the stairs leading down to where his room was located. Down the stairs, he turned to the right and came to his room which was the third doorway on the right. He found Jiron had already left, probably to find another serving girl to spend time with. Leaving the room, he continued down the hallway past his room in search of him. Jiron often took the serving girls to the inner atrium at the end of the hallway, where he said the plants helped to ‘get them in the mood.’

    The atrium was roughly forty feet by sixty with an open ceiling that allowed the sun, and at times the rain, to fall upon the many plants growing there. Three benches were placed along the cobblestone walkways that meandered their way amongst the plants. It was on one of those benches that he found Jiron sitting and talking with Nate’s sister, Miriam.

    …that’s when we took off and left the soldiers far behind, he said to her.

    James saw her sitting in rapt attention as he related another tale of their exploits. He had wooed several of the serving girls as well as Miriam, much to the chagrin of Nate’s mother. That’s partially the reason why they agreed to expedite their return to Cardri.

    Ahem, James said, clearing his throat to announce his presence.

    Turning to look over his shoulder, Jiron saw him standing at the entrance to the atrium and gave him a grin as he said, Hi James.

    James gave him a nod and then said to her, Good day, Miriam.

    She nodded in reply and gave him a shy smile as she said, Jiron was just telling me about your escape from Al-Kur. It’s amazing you both got out of there alive!

    Yeah, it was, he said. Luck was definitely on our side that day. Turning to Jiron he said, I told Miko we’re leaving and he’s decided to come with us.

    Thought he might, he said. Though if it wasn’t for Tersa needing me, he flashes Miriam a smile, I’d never leave.

    I must go, Miriam said abruptly as she got up from the bench and rushed past James as she hurried from the atrium.

    Wonder what made her… he began to say when he saw Miriam’s mother entering the atrium from the other direction.

    As she approached them, Jiron came to his feet and gave her a slight bow, Greetings, lady.

    Flirting with my daughter again, have you? she said with a none too happy expression.

    Just whiling away the time before we leave.

    I’ve spoken to Captain Caril, and he said all is set, she said. They will leave at first light.

    Good, exclaimed Jiron. Though I’ve enjoyed the hospitality of your house, I am anxious to return and rejoin my sister.

    Yes, chimed in James, you and your family have been most gracious in allowing us to stay with you.

    She turned a warm smile to James as she said, It is the least we can do for having our Nate back. I had given up all hope of ever seeing my son again.

    Miko will be going with us as well, he explained. I told him of your offer, but his mind is set to continue with us.

    That’s too bad, she said, Nate had grown very fond of him, he’s a good lad.

    Yes, he is, James agreed.

    She turned to leave but paused and turned back toward them, saying, We’re having a banquet tonight in your honor, to send you off properly. I took the liberty of arranging for suitable attire to be brought to your rooms later this afternoon.

    Thank you, lady, James said to her graciously.

    You’re welcome, she replied as she again turned and made her way from the atrium.

    James turned to Jiron and said, You should stay away from Miriam until we leave.

    I don’t intend to do anything with her, he assured him. Truth be told, she was the one who found me. I was sitting here relaxing when she showed up and started talking to me. Before I even knew it, she had me relating the tale of our escape from Al-Kur.

    Be that as it may, he said, we’re not out of here yet and an angry mother can delay our way back to Cardri.

    I’ll do my best to avoid being around her.

    James nodded in reply, That’ll be just fine.

    Wonder what ‘suitable attire’ is?

    Don’t know, James replied, but it’s usually stiff and uncomfortable.

    A groan escaped Jiron as he rolled his eyes.

    They returned to their room and as they neared their door, saw one of the servants leaving their room. The servant failed to notice them as he shut the door and walked down the hallway in the opposite direction.

    With trepidation, they opened the door and walked in. Lying on each bed was indeed a set of clothes; one had bright green tights with a darker green upper tunic. The other one had light brown tights with a dark brown upper tunic.

    They raced for the brown set and Jiron cried out in triumph as he got to them first. Ha ha ha, my peacock, he said, holding the brown set.

    Oh, shut up, replied James as he went and held up the other set. I hate green, he said miserably. He turned to Jiron and had an imploring look.

    No way, man, he said and then indicated the clothes James held. I’d rather go naked than wear that. He took off his clothes and put the new ones on. When he saw James hesitating, he asked in all seriousness, You don’t want to insult our hostess do you? Then a playful smile spread across his face.

    Resigned to his fate, he replied, No. He took off his clothes and first slipped on the bright green tights. When he had them on, he looked down at himself and realized they were truly tight and formed to his every curve down there leaving nothing to the imagination.

    Feeling naked, he pulled on the tunic which helped to cover his nether regions, though not as well as he would want. Despite being rather revealing, they were quite comfortable. Once dressed, he looked in the mirror. Aside from the fact he was green, the outfit looked pretty sharp on him.

    Jiron had his own set on as well and they looked at each other, nodding in admiration. Actually, James, he said when he saw him, it doesn’t look that bad once you have them on. He came over and joined him in front of the mirror.

    You look pretty good too.

    It’s still another hour till mealtime, Jiron said. What say we go and show off our new clothes to some of the serving girls?

    Smiling at his friend, he replied, You go ahead, I’m going to find Miko. He’s probably still sitting with Nate. I need to make sure he’s ready for the celebration.

    Alright, then.

    Going to the door, Jiron opened it and paused a moment as he said, See you there. Shutting the door behind him, he headed down the hallway to find one of the several serving girls he’d been ‘impressing’ since their arrival.

    Under his tunic, James strapped on his ‘slug’ belt. He really hasn’t felt safe anywhere since coming to this crazy world, and he always liked to be prepared. A couple days ago while they were sightseeing in the city, he found a store where he restocked his supply of slugs. Sitting over in the corner of their room was a box holding a hundred of them. When Miriam had found out why he wanted them, she bought him the box.

    Straightening his tunic so it better hid his belt of slugs, he left his room and made his way back up the stairs to Nate’s room. He knocked but received no answer. Knocking again, he waited but no reply was forthcoming. Opening the door a crack, he peeked in and discovered Nate and Miko were no longer there.

    Closing the door, he continued down the hallway toward where they put Miko. Being Nate’s friend had warranted him a room to himself next door. As he approached Miko’s room, he heard arguing inside and raised voices. Fearing the worst, he readied a slug and burst through the door.

    Standing in the middle of the room was Miko, bright red tights in hand and a stubborn look on his face. Nate sat in a chair and it seemed as if they had been arguing.

    James, Miko said holding the clothes out to him, do you realize what they expect me to wear? Turning to Nate, he said, If I have to wear this, then I’m not going!

    Miko, James said to him as he entered the room, we’re their guests. And if they want us to wear these things, then wear them we shall. It’s the least we can do for the hospitality we’ve received.

    But… he started to say and then stopped abruptly when he realized what James had on. Breaking into a laugh, he dropped his clothes and sat in a nearby chair. Man, would you look at you! he said, then started laughing.

    Turning a little red, James looked to Nate who said, You do look good, James. It’s what everyone will be wearing tonight at the celebration.

    Come on ‘Torchy’, James said to Miko as he came over and picked up the clothes from the floor. Handing them to him, he said, Put them on.

    Torchy? Miko asked when he calmed down. Why did you call me that?

    Pointing to the clothes he replied, Wearing that will make you look like a flaming candle. Nate broke into a smile at Miko’s expense when he heard that.

    Looking forlorn, Miko held the clothes and said to James with a slight whine in his voice, Do I have to?

    Yes, you do, he told him. Now stop bemoaning your circumstances and put them on. Our hosts are expecting it.

    Under James’ glare he got into his new clothes and sure enough, he looked like a flaming candle. When he looked to James for approval, he did his best to not smile.

    You look good.

    You sure? he asked as he looked down at himself, not entirely convinced. Glad my friends in Bearn aren’t here to see this.

    James glanced to Nate for support, who chimes in, Miko, you do look fine.

    Are you coming to the celebration? James asked Nate.

    Nodding, he replied, Yes. In a few minutes, my servant will arrive and help me into my attire for the evening. You fellows can go on ahead, I’m sure they won’t be upset if you’re a little early.

    Alright, agreed James. Are you going to need help returning to your room?

    Nate shook his head and held up his walking stick, I can make it that far on my own. Getting up, he leaned heavily upon his stick as he shuffled toward the door. Going to have to get used to this at some point.

    James held it open for him as he passed through, Thanks, he said as he went by. Once he was out, James shut the door and turned back to Miko, Relax, you do look nice.

    So do you, he replied. Sorry I laughed.

    Smiling, James said, Don’t worry about it, I do look somewhat funny in these clothes. I just hope we’re not the only ones to be wearing something like this.

    Me too.

    Shall we go?

    May as well get this over with, Miko sighed.

    Holding the door open, James said, After you, Torchy.

    Miko gave him an annoyed look and said, Would you stop calling me that?

    Okay, sorry, he apologized, not looking the least bit sorry.

    They left the room and headed downstairs to the banquet hall where they found the servants still putting up the last bits of decorations. Banners and flowers were everywhere, giving the room a festive and cheerful feel. Over to one side, a dozen musicians were setting up on a stage. James was intrigued by the different instruments they had. Shortly, heard the beginnings of them tuning their instruments, somewhat reminiscent of his own short stint in the school band. He’d played the trumpet.

    They saw their hostess, decked out in a flowing lavender dress and marshalling her servants like a general on the eve of battle. She continually barked orders and her ‘soldiers’ snapped to obey. Noticing them in their new clothes, she gave them a nod of approval before returning to the business of getting the hall ready in time.

    Miriam walked in through a door on the other side of the hall. A flowing blue dress with intricate embroidery about the chest and bodice, she made a striking figure. She motioned for them to follow her as she made her way to the main entrance. My, don’t we look fine, she said when they joined her.

    You too, milady, Miko said as he gave her a slight bow.

    Don’t ‘milady’ me, she said, flashing him a smile. This isn’t going to start for a while, why don’t we go outside for a bit? James, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.


    She’s a friend of mine and I’ve been telling her all about your exploits, the ones Jiron has been nice enough to share.

    Tongue suddenly going dry, his stomach made with the butterflies as he followed her down the hallway to the door leading outside. Meeting new people, especially of the female persuasion, had never been easy for him.

    When he passed through the door to the outside, he saw a girl standing off by herself under a nearby tree. She was a year or two younger than he and very lovely. Brown hair flowed past her shoulders and she wore a beautiful dress of blue with a stylish design stitched about the hem.

    As they approached, Miriam whispered to him, She’s the daughter of one of the shippers on the island, a family of high standing. When they came close, she made the introductions. James, she said, this is Meliana. Meliana, this is James, and Miko.

    She gave him a curtsy, Nice to meet you.

    When he stood tongue-tied for a moment, Miko elbowed him in the ribs which snapped him out of it. Uh, he said, his voice barely audible due to the dryness of his throat. He swallowed and then said, Pleasure to meet you too, Meliana.

    Miriam had told me so much about you, she said as she took his arm. They began to walk leisurely around the grounds. You must be very brave.

    Well… he started but then had to clear his throat to try to keep his voice from cracking. Well, I suppose so. But at the time I didn’t feel very brave, you just do what you have to.

    Ooh, she said as she gripped his arm tighter. I’d love to hear about it.

    What could he say that wouldn’t involve telling her about the magic? They walked for a moment before he began to describe the jail break back at Mountainside. While he spoke, she continued to ooh and aah at all the right times, making him feel very good. Nothing boosted a man’s ego more than a pretty girl hanging onto every word he had to say.

    Miko walked along behind him, disgusted at the whole sight.

    From atop the estate they heard a musical chime ring out. Miriam said, It’s time to go back to the hall, the banquet will be starting soon.

    As they returned to the hall, Meliana continued holding onto James’ arm. As they reached the front doors, a man stepped from within and stopped in front of them.

    Papa! Meliana exclaimed happily. This is James, the one I’ve been telling you about.

    Her father gave a small smile as he reached out a hand. Nice to meet you, young man.

    James took the hand and said, You too, sir.

    The father eyed James appraisingly and gave a barely perceptible nod. Turning to his daughter, he said, It’s time for us to take our place at the table.

    Nice to have met you, James, he said as he held his arm out for his daughter. She released James’ arm, much to his dismay, and hooked her arm through her father’s. He turned and led her into the banquet hall, a slight limp in his walk as if his leg bothered him.

    I think he liked you, Miriam told him.

    James just shrugged, Didn’t matter, we’re leaving in the morning anyway. He gazed at Meliana as she and her father entered the hall.

    Miko tugged his sleeve and asked, Shouldn’t we go in, too?

    Snapping out of his reverie, James said, Yeah, sure.

    Following Miriam into the hall, they were led up to the main table where the Ferdillons would sit. Nate was already there at the place of honor and he gestured for them to come and sit next to him.

    Miko took the seat immediately to his left while James sat next to Miko. Shortly, Jiron came in and made his way over to sit next to James. Did you find your admirers? James asked as he sat down.

    Giving him a big smile, he replied, Yes, two actually.

    The musicians off to the side began to play and their music gave the hall a gaiety it had lacked. The musicians were quite skillful, though perhaps not in Perrilin’s league. James found himself watching the musicians as they played the unfamiliar instruments, finding it all very intriguing.

    From a table further down the hall, James caught Meliana sneaking glances his way. When she noticed him looking at her, she gave him a large smile and a brief, unobtrusive wave. He nodded and smiled back to her before turning his attention to watch the other guests arrive.

    Many were dressed in similar attire to what he and the others wore, no longer making him feel quite so conspicuous. From the number of other men wearing similar garb, it truly did seem to be the current fashion trend.

    When the tables had mostly filled with guests, the doors to the side of the hall opened and Nate’s parents walked in. The band struck up a processional style tune as they entered and approached the head table where James and the others sat.

    The mother took her seat while the father continued standing. The band came to a halt and the hall became very quiet. Gazing around at the assembled guests a moment, he then began to talk.

    Welcome all, to a banquet in honor of the return of our son Nathanial, whom we never thought to see again. He gestured to his son who stood amidst applause from those gathered at the tables. Nate gave the crowd a short bow, and then retook his seat.

    We are also here to honor and recognize those who helped bring this about. Miko, who befriended Nate in the mines, as well as James and Jiron who were instrumental in orchestrating his return. We give them our heartfelt thanks and wish them only the best.

    At this, the crowd broke into another thunderous applause. At Nate’s father’s direction, James, Miko, and Jiron stood and gave the crowd a bow before returning to their seats. James looked over and saw Meliana giving him a big smile and seemed to be clapping harder than the rest.

    Once the clapping had subsided, Nate’s father said Now, let us celebrate with food, drink, and entertainment. Signaling a servant standing at the edge of the room, he said Let the celebration, begin.

    At that, the band struck up a merry tune and doors opened as servants entered bearing trays overflowing with food. Roast pig, chickens, a veritable cornucopia of food began to be laid upon the tables. Servants with pitchers passed among the tables to fill everyone’s glass.

    One came and filled James’ with a sweet, smooth wine, reminiscent of the one he’d became plastered with back when he’d first met Miko in Bearn. Memories of the hangover that had plagued him throughout the following day made him take only small sips during the meal.

    Miko filled his plate to overflowing, much to the amusement of Nate, as he tried to eat some of everything placed before him.

    During dinner, entertainers came and performed within the open area surrounded by the tables. Acrobats, magicians, and dancers came and went as the meal progressed.

    Once most of the guests had slowed down on their consumption of the bounty, the entertainers were cleared away and people begin moving toward the center of the floor as the band struck up a waltz like tune and everyone began to dance.

    The dance was similar in nature to those James had seen in old movies of England, all structured and choreographed. The dancers moved in a pattern, weaving and bobbing in time to the music.

    When the first dance had ended and the musicians were preparing to begin the next set, Miriam came to James and said, Why don’t you ask Meliana to dance?

    He glanced over to her and saw her looking eagerly over to him. He turned back to Miriam and with face a shade redder said, I don’t know any of these dances.

    Don’t be silly, she said. They’re not hard.

    He felt a nudge in the ribs and heard Jiron say, Let’s go!

    He grabbed James’ arm as he propelled him to the dance floor. Meliana saw him leaving his table and when she got a nod from Miriam, said something to her father. She made her way toward him through the crowded dance floor.

    When she reached his side and got into position to dance with him, he told her, I can’t dance!

    Relax and just follow me, she said to him. It’s easy. I’ll show you what to do.

    He stood nervously with Meliana standing in line across from him and Jiron in position to his right. When the music started, he tried to followed Meliana’s lead and felt like he was making a big spectacle of himself in front of everyone.

    But as he began to learn the steps and the pattern of the dance, he was able to relax and started enjoying himself. By the time the dance was over, he had the pattern figured out and found that he actually liked dancing. Of course, the fact he was dancing with as beautiful a girl as Meliana helped some too.

    Once the dance was over, Meliana took him over to her table where she sat with her family. Momma, she said to the woman sitting next to her father, this is James.

    She gave him the critical once over all mothers give those their daughters have an interest in. Then she gave him a warm smile as she said, Nice to meet you, James.

    You too, ma’am, he replied, blushing slightly under her stare.

    You dance well, she said. I just wish I could get my husband out there.

    Turning to her, her husband said, You know I hurt my leg this morning!

    Nodding, she said, Yes, dear. She gave James a knowing look and continued, He’ll do anything to get out of dancing.

    Meliana’s father just gave her an annoyed look and didn’t take the bait.

    The band was in the middle of another dance number and when they finished, Meliana took James’ arm. With a quick farewell to her parents, she dragged him back to the dance floor before the band had a chance to start up again.

    They danced all evening, occasionally taking a break for drinks or just to talk. She didn’t leave his side all night. At the end of one dance, her mother came to them and said, We need to be leaving now. She turned to James and said, Would you be so kind as to escort Meliana home when she is ready?

    Yes ma’am, he assured her. I’d be happy to.

    Good, she replied. Turning to her daughter, she said, Your father’s leg is hurting, so we must leave. Don’t stay out all night, dear.

    I won’t mother, she assured her.

    Good evening, James, she said to him. It was good to meet you.

    You too, ma’am.

    Her mother returned to their table where she helped her father to his feet and they left the hall.

    The rest of the evening was spent dancing and talking as they shared past experiences. During one such break from the dance floor, James saw Miriam had gotten Miko out on the dance floor. How she did it, he’d like to know. Miko looked positively frightened and lost out there. When the dance was over, he beat a retreat back to his seat next to Nate.

    Miriam saw James watching and gave him a mischievous smile. He smiled back and then resumed talking with Meliana.

    When most of the guests had left, James figured it was about time to take her home. He went to Miko and said, I’m taking Meliana home, would you like to come with us?

    Shaking his head, Miko replied, I’m going to see Nate to his room and then stay there for a while before turning in.

    Very well, James said, disappointed. As much as he liked Meliana, he was just a little scared of being alone with her. He saw Jiron over to the side of the dance floor talking to a couple girls and made his way over to him.

    When he asked if he’d like to go with them, he just said No.

    But what will her parents think if she’s with me all by herself?

    They wouldn’t have asked you to take her home if they were concerned about you.

    Oh, I suppose you’re right, he admitted, the thought never having occurred to him. He looked over to where Meliana and Miriam stood talking near the front doors.

    He left Jiron and made his way over to them. They stopped speaking when he approached. As he joined them, Miriam said, Well, I better go and see how Nate’s doing.

    Miko is going to see him to his room and stay with him for a while.

    I better check anyway, she said. She gave Meliana a hug and said, Goodbye. I’m so glad you were able to come.

    Glancing briefly at James, Meliana gave a little smile and said, Me too.

    She slid her arm through James’ as they walked out into the warm summer evening. Where do you live? he asked, feeling good with her on his arm.

    Oh, it’s not too far from here. Pointing down the street to the right, she said, It’s several blocks that way.

    Turning into the indicated direction, he slowly strolled along the street. There were other guests from the banquet walking along the street as well, while others rode in carriages on their way home.

    It’s too bad you’re leaving in the morning, Meliana said with disappointment as she laid her head on his shoulder.

    Yeah, I know, he replied. It’s been nice being here.

    Maybe you could stay longer? she asked hopefully.

    I wish I could, but I’m unable to, he explained. I need to help get Jiron and Miko out of the Empire and back home.

    I understand, she said. Maybe when things change, you could came back and visit?

    Perhaps, he said, but that is highly unlikely.

    Disappointment colored her word when she said, I suppose you’re right.

    Arm in arm, they walked down the street until they came to her house. A light was on in the front room. Mother is waiting up for me, it looks like, she said as they came to the front door.

    I guess this is where we say goodbye.

    Suddenly, she embraced him and placed her lips upon his, giving him a warm and eager kiss.

    When she disengaged, James was left breathless and more than a little flustered. I’ll miss you, she told him.

    I’ll miss you too, he said when he finally got his voice working again.

    She turned and opened the door when she paused and said, Goodbye, James.

    Goodbye, Meliana, he replied as he watched her enter and close the door.

    Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, he made his way back toward Nate’s family estate. Visions of Meliana and the way her lips felt on his filled his mind until he realized he stood before the door to his room. He didn’t even remember walking back, he must’ve been on autopilot.

    Opening the door, he found Jiron snuggled in his bed with one of the serving girls he’d been seeing.

    How’d it go? he asked from the bed, not the least bit embarrassed.

    It went well, James replied. Want me to leave?

    Don’t have to if you don’t want to, he replied. We’re done anyway.

    James went over to his bed and got undressed in the dark and then slipped under the covers. Thoughts of Meliana kept him awake long into the night before he finally fell asleep.

    Chapter Two

    The next morning, James discovered the girl who had shared Jiron’s bed the night before had already left. Jiron lay there sleeping so peacefully, he almost didn’t want to wake him up. Almost. He and his girlfriend woke James up twice during the night and he found it incredibly difficult to fall back to sleep while ‘that’ was going on in the bed next to him.

    He got up and walked over to Jiron with a mischievous smile upon his face. Grabbing hold of his mattress, he upended it, spilling Jiron onto the floor with a thud.

    After hitting the ground, Jiron got to his feet quickly with a knife in his hand. Looking around, he saw James standing there with the mattress still in his hand. Get up, James told him. We’ve got a ship to catch.

    What did you do that for! he yelled, anger in his eyes.

    For keeping me awake all night, he said as he replaced the mattress.

    The anger quickly disappeared and a grin took its place, Sorry about that. She was a randy one, she was.

    Returning to his bedside, he dressed. Jiron followed suit.

    James noticed him putting his new clothes inside his pack and asked, Taking them with you?

    Jiron glanced over to him and nodded, saying, Yeah, I think Tersa would like to see me in them. You?

    Shaking his head, he replied, Green just isn’t my color. Jiron laughed.

    After they were dressed and ready, they shouldered their packs and left the room. James left the box of slugs; he already had enough, what with his belt filled and a small pouch of them within his pack. Out in the hallway, they turned toward the stairs and went up to Miko’s room. Finding it empty, they checked Nate’s room where they found Miko saying goodbye to his friend.

    Come on, Miko, James told him. We gotta go.

    Bye, Nate, he said to him as he went over and gave his friend a hug.

    Patting him on the back, Nate said, You take care, Miko. Come back if you can.

    I will, promise, Miko said as he fought back rising emotion. The last week with Nate had been one of the best of his life. He really felt bad about leaving him.

    You take care of him, Nate said as he looked to James.

    As best I can, you can rest assured.

    Jiron shook Nate’s hand and then they left his room. Going back down the stairs, they made their way along the corridor toward the main door.

    On their way, they were stopped by Miriam who gave them each a sack. What’s this? James asked.

    It’s traveling money, she explained. My parents thought it an ample reward for saving their son.

    There must be over fifty golds in here, Jiron said as he felt the sack.

    Actually, seventy-five.

    Miko just stared at the sack that held more coins than he ever had thought to hold. Thanks! he said as he put the sack in his pack.

    You’re welcome, she replied and then proceeded to give each a goodbye hug. When she got to James, she gave him a peck on the check and whispered, From Meliana. Then to the others, You better hurry, Captain Caril won’t like it if you keep him waiting.

    I will, he said to her. Say goodbye to Meliana for me.

    Next time I see her, she said. She said goodbye to both Jiron and Miko, with an extra special hug and kiss for Jiron.

    Take care of yourself, she told him.

    I will, he replied.

    Come on, James said. Let’s go.

    She walked them to the front door. On the way they saw Essin who Miko gave a handshake and good bye to.

    Walking down the street toward the dock, James said, I hope this Captain Caril won’t have sailed without us.

    I doubt it, replied Jiron. He’s doing it for Nate’s family, so I think he would at least give us the courtesy of waiting a little bit.

    How long do you think it’ll be before we’re back to Cardri? Miko asked.

    Probably a couple weeks, James explained. We’re not going straight there, but are hitching a ride as they go along their trade route.


    Sails could be seen on the horizon as they neared the docks. Once there, they asked the Harbor Master which ship was Captain Caril’s and he directed them to a two-masted vessel, farther down.

    Thank you, James said as they proceeded to the ship.

    When they arrived at the Foam Breaker, James hollered, Permission to come aboard?

    A man, obviously the captain by his dress, came to the gangplank and looked down at them standing there on the dock. Are you James?

    James nodded. That’s me, and this is Miko and Jiron. he said, indicating them standing next to him.

    Come aboard, the captain said before turning and moving back away from the gangplank.

    As they started up the gangplank, the captain began shouting orders to his crew and the lines were cast off. Once they were on board, the gangplank was pulled in. The mainsail got unfurled and the ship began to move as the wind filled it. The helmsman turned the wheel and the ship pulled away from the dock on its way to open water.

    We appreciate you taking us on, James said.

    You’re welcome, he replied in between barking orders. Turning his attention back to them, he said, There’s a room at the stern you can use while you’re aboard. There are some goods stored there too, sorry about that, but it’s normally used as an auxiliary storage compartment.

    Thank you, James said. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

    Nodding, the captain added, Just stay out of the crew’s way and we’ll get you where you need to go.

    Which way’s the stern, Miko asked.

    The captain pointed to the rear of the ship.

    They headed in that direction and came to a door leading into the raised portion at the end of the ship. Opening the door, they found a small room half filled with boxes and bolts of colored cloth. They must keep this stuff here so it won’t be ruined by the rain, suggested James.

    Probably, Jiron said as they entered. Within, they found three hammocks slung one above the other, hanging between the walls. Miko eyed them suspiciously when James informed him, They’re for sleeping.

    Miko went to them and said incredulously, You’re kidding! He took a hold of the bottom one and pushed it. He just stared at it as it swung back and forth.

    No, seriously, James said as he sat down on the middle one and proceeded to lie down. In tight quarters such as on a ship, this is the only way to maximize space for the crew and still have plenty of space for the cargo.

    Eyeing them dubiously, he set his pack down in the corner. Miko came to the lowest one and opened it up, sitting down on it. Attempting to lie down, he suddenly flipped over backward and landed on the floor.

    Jiron burst out laughing.

    James flashed him an annoyed look and he soon stopped. Turning his attention back to Miko who had gotten up from the floor red faced, he said, It takes some practice. Hopping down from his hammock, he held Miko’s open for him and said, Here, sit down then lift one leg over.

    Miko hesitated a moment, but then came over and did as James said. Once he straddled the hammock, James said, Now, lie back and nestle in between the sides. Once you’re secure, bring your feet up together so you remain balanced.

    Nervous about hitting the floor again, Miko took it slow and laid back until he was nestled in the hammock. James kept a firm hold of it while he got in. Then, lifting his feet, he brought them into the hammock until he was completely settled

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