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Killing Machine & Tails from Prison
Killing Machine & Tails from Prison
Killing Machine & Tails from Prison
Ebook87 pages2 hours

Killing Machine & Tails from Prison

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The story of a drug dealer, killer, and hit man in New York City. Sigmund L. Wortherly not only killed for busy, but for pleasure. Spending most of his adult life in prison, he met others just like him including members of the Mafia. His tails from his time on the streets of New York City and prison will shock you to the point of disbelief.
Release dateFeb 24, 2014
Killing Machine & Tails from Prison

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    Killing Machine & Tails from Prison - Sigmund L. Wortherly


    The gunfire was deafening, in the small room. Cordite went into the nose and mouth of the shooter, but he accepted it as just a part of accomplishing what he had set out to do……kill someone who had crossed him! When the sound and fury was over, he found he liked it. In fact, he could smell and taste cordite for several days after the event took place. Of course, after the event was over, he did as he always did, ruminate about it. He always thought of his victim’s final day on earth. He would begin with the morning and go all the way, up to whether his victim enjoyed a good meal or had sex that day. In this case, his victim had just finished off a sizable meal before his demise came about. He saw the remnants of the meal on the portable table tray in the room. It was there because his victim had the TV on when he came in. He had come to his victim’s house to take him off the planet because he had warned his victim not to do him wrong or cross him. His victim had gone and disobeyed that cardinal rule! Not only had his victim crossed him, but went on to brag about how he was using our subject like a yo-yo, or taking him for a playboy. He had made a vow that if someone crossed him, he would kill them. This part of what made him so dangerous. He seemed to be a killer without reason, he sure was not! He was very serious and would act on impulse. He was a thinker, but tended to be somewhat impetuous. For, after he had wounded this victim, he stepped into the next room to make sure there was no one else in the apartment, because if there was, he would kill them too. He was determined not to leave any witnesses to put him back into prison.

    While speaking about the deeds and actions of our subject, it is important to delve into his mind at times. By doing this, it will let the reader know some of the whys of why these actions took place. The subject of this novel was driven by certain demons of his mind, he was driven to overcome various insecurities, but I reality, one never overcomes one’s insecurities, and one just suppresses them! Therefore, in order to set about accomplishing all types of acts of violence, one has to immerse one’s self in the feeling of it is alright or one can truly lose one’s mind!

    So now, we return to our subject and his final murder. He goes on with the feeling of invincibility, which eventually led to his arrest, due to trusting a so-called friend. When he returned to prison this time, he began to ruminate on why and how he came to be where he was. He took it as both a blessing and a curse. He considered it a blessing because he found out who his friends were and were not and he considered it a curse because he did not relish being incarcerated. Prison was not the same as it was in the 60’s and 70’s. Prisons are now cesspools of throwaways that have no code of honor. Inmates live by me first and fuck everyone else. It is I got mine, you get yours. Of course, the help ethic is still there, amongst whites, Hispanics and Asians. This is because they have to be together against blacks. Prison had become a place where snitchers ruled. It was that way in the streets too! It was who could get to the distinct attorney first, if there were two or more confederates in crime. Telling had become an art form, so to speak! With so many different factions in the prisons, prison became a very dangerous place to be. Say, if a person got into a fight with a gang member and was victorious, he could later be killed. It is quite possible he could or would be hurt or killed, even if he was not victories!

    Therefore, when our subject returned to prison, he began to read extensively, to courses in psychology and taught a course in anti-violence, wrote lots and many letters, to various newspapers and magazines and plenty of private citizens and so called friends, so you can see, his time was well occupied. Of course, he went to either the gym or the yard to take his doses of iron, workout with the weights that is. Our subject was a regular attendee of the prison library. He read most of the New City daily papers and he would read papers from other cities in New York State and other states of the United States. No worthy news got by him because he would also listen to a 24 hour a day station on the radio. Hey, do not forget TC news! Therefore, you see one can accomplish a lot in prison, if one wants too. However, one can also vegetate and not rot away if that is as far as one’s desire goes. Our subject did a great deal of introspection and made certain vows to himself, vows he would keep! He knew that when he made up his mind to accomplish something, it would be done. Being positive was one of his strong suits…..loyalty was another.

    As he got back into his last bit, he thought about how and why he arrived where he was. He thought about his drive and his determination, to make himself into a dedicated and strong individual, one who would not back down or away from a commitment. Once he said he was in he was in and there would be no turning back. When he was previously incarcerated, he had read several books, which he used as his guides, The Art of War, The Count of Monte Cristo and The Prince. However, while he was on this bit, he added one more book to his repertoire, Will". So now, he had four books with which to guide him in life. Books, which showed him how to be positive, which he needed to reach heights others, could not! Once he locked on to a situation, he would go all the way. It was full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes! The all the way decision was made because he saw that most people only were willing to go halfway or only part of the way. To go all out or all the way was a horse of another color!

    While doing this bit, which was his third, our subject decided to do a great deal of thinking, reading and figuring. He wanted to hone his mind more so than ever before. Therefore, he read many books on his favorite subjects, murder and crime! He wanted to make himself into a super criminal, or at least one who was not caught. He had already been through this phrase, the phase of not being caught. In fact, he had committed so many murders up to this point he had begun to feel murder was legal. Therefore, he gave himself the designation of 0010….license to kill.

    Of course, his ruminations brought him back to his childhood, in the state of South Carolina. He thought back to when his house had no indoor plumbing, no bathtub and no toilet! He remember having to take baths on the porch, in a large tin tub and using the outhouse in the yard when one had to go to the bathroom or as they would say up north….the restroom. He thought about many things; especially how he came to be in the state prison….again. This was his third trip and his second for killing someone. He thought about how he had come to a decision to become a hit man. About how he had decided that once he got into a drastic situation, he would go all the way.

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