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Kinky Mom: Maid Service
Kinky Mom: Maid Service
Kinky Mom: Maid Service
Ebook51 pages31 minutes

Kinky Mom: Maid Service

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About this ebook

It's another Kinky Day for our Kinky Mom, Molly.
She awakes to find a handsome stranger sleeping on her couch...
And it seems that he daughter's boyfriend has spent the night...
And a sexy maid arrives to do some unscheduled spring 'cleaning'
Yes, it's another Kinky Day for our Kinky Mom, Molly.
In the strange little town of Serenade Springs.

PublisherMolly Prude
Release dateNov 25, 2013
Kinky Mom: Maid Service

Molly Prude

Molly Prude is the star of her own erotic fantasies, she wants you to star in them, too.A native of Philadelphia, a mom and an avid writer, Molly's adventures have recently taken her to the erotic, supernatural community of Serenade Springs. She's always looking for company, so why not tag along and see how kinky a Kinky Mom can really be...

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    Book preview

    Kinky Mom - Molly Prude

    Molly Prude's

    Kinky Mom

    Part 4:

    Maid Service

    Copyright © 2013 by Molly Prude

    Smashwords Edition

    Chapter 1

    You're what? Molly exclaimed, appalled.

    I'm yours, Jerry said, holding his arms wide, presenting himself.

    But...I don't want you... Molly shook her head, pulling her bathrobe tight to herself.

    Sure you do, Jerry dismissed. You wanted me the pool.

    That was- Molly started and stopped. She bit at her lower lip, realizing that explaining the difference between yesterday by the pool and Jerry in Molly's house would be almost impossible. "Where did Coco find you on such short notice?" Molly asked instead.

    There's a factory on the other side of town, Jerry smirked. They crank us out by the dozen.

    Molly was in no mood for jokes. Just...whatever you think this is, Jerry, it isn't, okay? Yesterday was fun, but... Molly stepped forward and began to push Jerry towards the front door.

    Come on, you can't just kick me out! Jerry protested. Is there something wrong? Don't I measure up?

    No, it's not that.

    Then what?

    Jerry's back bumped up against the closed front door. Molly reached around his rock-hard midsection for the handle.

    If there's something you don't like, it can be changed, Jerry mistook Molly's attempt to open the door as attempt to initiate and embrace. Blonde? Brunette? Green eyes? Brown?

    No! Molly had the handle. She simultaneously manged to pull the door open and wriggle out of Jerry's embrace. It's not you, it's me really. Molly tried on the platitude and instantly regretted it. With everything else that's going on...I don't need you complicating things right now.

    Molly gave Jerry a shove. He stagged back out over the threshold.

    I'm not leaving! he yelled loud for the neighbors to hear, obviously attempting to make as big a scene as possible.

    Fine! Molly yelled back. What did she care? Then just...wait there. she pointed at the stoop.

    I will, Jerry said, with no small amount of pride.

    Fine. Molly started to swing the door closed.

    Fine, Jerry said to the closing door.

    The door slammed shut. Fine, he said again to its beige stain.

    Perhaps he was expecting it to reopen, or for Molly to regret her tone...

    But the door remained firmly shut...

    So Jerry waited...

    And waited and waited.

    Good morning, Mrs. Prude, another male voice said behind Molly. She had her eye to the peephole of the door and almost leapt out of her skin. For an instant, she thought Jerry had somehow magically teleported himself inside the house. What with everything else, it would not have come as that much of a surprise.

    Instead, a young man was standing at the foot of the hall stairs, dressed in pajama bottoms and a tank top. It took Molly's brain a moment to reconcile his presence. His face was somehow familiar.

    Cory? Molly raised an eyebrow in surprise. His presence

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