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The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette
The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette
The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette

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About this ebook

The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette is the dos, the don’ts and the things one must never do for the Warrior Gentlemen living in the 21st Century. It’s a must read book for all men and an insight for those who are curious about the lifestyle, value systems and self-mastery that goes toward creating the rare but ever so dynamic man thought of today as a Warrior and Gentleman. The focus falls on three main areas using examples of those who have trodden the path of personal strength, development and human polish on their journey.
These areas are: Women and the Warrior Gentleman Importance of self development, and Self-defence for the Warrior Gentleman. The book is wonderfully crafted by self-defence instructor, philosopher, warrior and gentleman’s etiquette advocate Mr Cooper Ali-Shabazz.
This book makes up the first part of a trilogy of works known as "The Warrior Series". In the second book, "Warrior
Mysticism", the acquisition of power looks deeper into the soul and how to develop the mind to acquire uncommon
abilities. The third part "Self Defence For The Warrior Gentleman" will be a DVD focusing on physical security, self
defence philosophy and techniques that has made the author a world champion martial artist for several years running.
Release dateMar 17, 2014
The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyed has a lot of wisdom for young men and how /o avoid certain situations

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The Warrior’s Guide to Gentleman’s Etiquette - Cooper Ali-Shabazz


The Seven Attributes of

a Warrior Gentleman

1. Heroism

A hero is someone that you idolise or want to be like. They are dynamic, excellent at what they do and just by copying how they do things, it makes you a better person.

Heroism is the act of being a hero.

2. Determination

If you want to be a winner, you must be determined. There are others who will oppose you, but you have to set your eyes on your goals and run towards them with determination, in every area of your life.

To achieve greatness in life, you must be determined.

This involves setting goals and focusing your energies on achieving that goal.

You’ve got to be hungry!

3. Fearlessness

Think about the positive things you could do if you only were fearless enough to do them.

You must take responsibility for your own life. You cannot continue to run on automatic waiting for life to act on you… you must act on life.

Warriors may feel fear but they push aside that emotion and are courageous in battle.

When you are experiencing self-doubt, bring to mind the things you have done and achieved to remind yourself there is personal proof that you can achieve your goals and will again!

4. Generosity

The more success you achieve, the greater generosity of your time, spirit and energy; you must learn to give as people yearn to touch you, associate with you, listen to you, learn from you, or take a moment of your life away with them.

There will be times that you don’t want this attention, but your generosity must rise above your own feelings of self. This is an ancient attribute of the warrior.

Native Americans measured a leader’s greatness by his generosity of mind and spirit. The great hunter returned and shared the spoils with the tribe. These warriors knew the value of sharing.

5. Spiritual awareness

Spiritual awareness is cultivating the knowledge of religion, spirituality or philosophy – and understanding of a higher power and moral excellence.

This is learned through the study of modern and ancient texts. It is also achieved by having a teacher who can instruct and pass their wisdom to you.

This journey is not one that you can take alone because you will need guidance. You will learn along the way to develop higher, noble qualities, integrity, morality and truthfulness.

It is also the study of the power of thought. It helps us to explain the things in life that we know and feel. Warriors of all ages have understood this and called upon their spiritual strength in times of great challenge.

6. Respectfulness

Respectfulness is treating others with consideration in your words and actions. Most importantly, it’s being mindful not to offend.

Set your respect levels high, particularly in the company of strangers and, most importantly, in the company of women, children, elders and superiors.

What you do and say becomes a benchmark for others and is never private.

7. Resourcefulness

All around you is opportunity. Noticing the opportunity and knowing what to do with it to improve your life is resourcefulness.

A resourceful person doesn’t have to be school smart. They need to be practical smart. They can look around themselves and see the resources that are available to them and that can be turned into a solution or a life improvement.


Why is this book written and for whom? Another book on etiquette? Yes…and why not? The market is not flooded with books on gentleman’s etiquette, proper behaviour or manners.

This book has been written because I believe there is an overwhelming body of evidence that suggests that good model behaviour, grace and aspiring to be a dignified man are qualities that have nearly disappeared in this early part of the 21st century.

The public is crying out for decent role models who are, and who exude, the qualities of a gentleman.

Who are our role models today? Who were they in the past?

When I was a boy growing up in the 1960s, my role models were sporting heroes, football and basketball players and actors. I looked up to them, hung their pictures on the walls of my room and emulated them. I tried to walk, talk and be like them.

As a rule, we, the public, looked up to them and respected them, and their behaviour on and off camera was rarely questioned.

Today that has all changed.

Our sporting heroes are being accused and tried for rape and there are numerous reports of indecent and disrespectful, drunken behaviour. Some of our top actors and entertainers are in and out of jail for drug and alcohol abuse and the list goes on and on.

The world has changed from when I was a boy. Certain words that were considered offensive a time ago are now fashionable.

So what is a gentleman? Where does one go to find one? What does he look like? What is his behaviour like? How is he to be recognised? How does he sit and how does he walk?

There are few men who come to mind whom I consider gentlemen. Actors Sean Connery, Hugh Jackman and Sidney Poitier, singer Tony Bennett and martial arts superstar Bruce Lee are some examples.

What these men have in common is their dignified manner and charm. Primarily people like them because of their achievements and their behaviour.

To sum it up, a gentleman is a man of character, strength, grace, dignity and conviction: a ‘gentle’ man.

We can agree that such qualities have diminished over the years, yet they are eternally attractive. Therefore, learning how to become a gentleman should be the aspiration of the intelligent class of men who see the value in polishing themselves through introspection and study.

The best way to develop gentlemanly behaviour and qualities is to find a man whom you admire and respect and who you consider to be a gentleman. Learn from him, study his ways and emulate him.

To emulate does not mean to just copy someone. It means to take what he has to offer and then blend it with your personal sense of morality and integrity so that you equal or excel.

For those who do not know such a person, I recommend study. Take a course; enrol in a drama or modelling school as a good place to start the process of changing yourself.

If tutoring doesn’t exist in your area, or isn’t for you, then this book will serve as an excellent guide.

Use it as a source of reference and as a manual for your own personal development. I’ve tried to make it informative, entertaining, funny, serious and an all-round easy read.

I hope this book can be of great value to you, the aspiring gentleman. Good luck on your path to enlightenment and personal development.

Mr Cooper Ali-Shabazz

Men and women belong to different species, and communication between them is a science still in its infancy.


Part I

Women and the Warrior Gentleman

This chapter will cover different types of women that you may encounter, including those females that you want to pursue. It will touch on women who are strong, have children, and are difficult and who at times just need your male friendship and support.

Women are all around you in your world, and they all want a man to stand up and be a warrior gentleman.

Dating or getting to know the lady of your choice is a first step to having a lengthy relationship. What you do, how you behave, what you say and don’t say, will determine your success.

The first date is the most important, for obvious reasons. It determines whether you will see the lady again or not. It is said that you don’t get a second chance at first impressions.

If you are serious and want to establish a genuine, long-term relationship, be mindful of your behaviour and aware of your intentions.

Use the following chapters as a reference point to help guide you through this emotional challenge, particularly as you find yourself in circumstances where a true gentleman is called upon to act.

Through these pages we examine some stories that will invigorate you and others that will warn you against making mistakes and being caught up in embarrassing situations.

Turn the page and begin to arm yourself with knowledge. Only then will you feel power and confidence in dealing with different types of women. I wish you well in this endeavour.

The seeds of chivalry

The seed of chivalrous behaviour was planted in my mind as a child.

When I was a boy of nine-years-old, my best friend TJ and I were friends with an older boy named Scott. Scott was a 13-year-old and a bit of a bully.

One day Scott pushed TJ and made him cry.

We both left the playground where we had been playing basketball and went to TJ’s house for milk and cookies and his mother’s sympathetic ear.

A while later, TJ’s dad, Mr Jackson, arrived. Mrs J (as TJ’s friends were affectionately allowed to call her) told her husband what had happened and reminded him that this was not the first time Scott had picked on TJ.

Mr Johnson wasn’t a big man but he was an ex-marine and he had served time in the military during the Korean War. He became quite angry at what had happened to his son.

He stood up and in a deep fatherly voice said, Right, you two. Take me to that boy’s house!

Mrs J became concerned and made Mr Johnson promise to not get into any trouble. He grabbed her right hand, kissed the back of it and gently said, I promise, my love, I’m just going to talk to the boy’s father.

The three of us walked down the street to Scott’s house, through the wooden gate and up the stairs. Mr Johnson knocked on the white front door.

A chubby man with a cigar in his mouth opened up.

My name is John Johnson, and this is my son TJ, Mr Johnson said. "He’s come home several times crying because your son has been beating up on him.

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