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Robot and Raygun 2
Robot and Raygun 2
Robot and Raygun 2
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Robot and Raygun 2

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About this ebook

Robot and Raygun features all kinds of science fiction, from post apocalyptic worlds to starships travelling through the voids of space and all that lies between. It is our aim to help fire your imagination and to envision the many futures that lay before us.

Each issue is made up of a selection of short stories to help you discover great new writers of science fiction.
Issue 2:
Some We Eat and Some We Keep by Brent Knowles
MEDS by Aaron Gudmunson
Aliens Ate my Anti-grav Speeder by Jeremy Szal
Wefting the Warp by Mark Webb
Dig the Slowness by Richard Zwicker

Release dateMar 18, 2014
Robot and Raygun 2

Christopher Ford

Robot and Raygun Science fiction Magazine

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    Robot and Raygun 2 - Christopher Ford

    Robot and Raygun

    Issue 2 – April 2014

    Edited by Christopher Ford

    Published by Christopher Ford

    Copyright 2014 Christopher Ford

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please visit or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the authors.

    Table of Contents

    Dig the Slowness

    Aliens Ate my Anti-Grav Speeder

    Some We Eat and Some We Keep

    Wefting the Warp


    Connect with Robot and Raygun

    Artwork Credits

    Dig the Slowness

    By Richard Zwicker

    Amy Waitz nervously pointed the gun at Todd Stanky’s heart, her finger twitching against the trigger. Stanky stared at her in mock fright, six feet away. His unruly hair and prematurely lined face made him look like a clown with an agenda.

    Maybe you should say something melodramatic, Stanky said. Like ‘Todd, you’ve lied to me for the last time’ or ‘This is going to hurt me more than it does you.’

    Why can’t you fire it? Amy asked. The gun needed to be pointed at its target to scan and lock in on its victim, but after it did that, the sensors in the bullet took effect. It could be fired at any time, from any place.

    Stanky relaxed and laid his mitt-like hands on her slender shoulders. Do you trust me?

    It was a loaded question. From a scientific standpoint, Amy had nothing but admiration for Stanky’s ability, work ethic, and dedication. From an emotional standpoint, however, she didn’t trust him at all. They’d worked together on this slow bullet project for eleven months. During that time Stanky had shown unmistakable indications of inappropriate affection toward her. When confronted, Stanky balked, insisting the only time he’d thought of her unprofessionally was when ensconced in his home, the door locked, and the lights out. As they often worked in his home, that didn’t reassure her.

    Closing her eyes, Amy pressed the trigger. The gun emitted an unimpressive click. Her shaking arms drooped. The gun appeared to have jammed. After a few seconds, however, the tip of a bullet emerged from the barrel, like an amorous slug. Stanky’s face cracked a smile as the tiny projectile disengaged from the downward-pointing gun and hung in the air. The two scientists watched spellbound as the bullet adjusted its direction, inching upward at a 150-degree angle, toward Stanky’s chest. Amy fingered the recall lever on the gun.

    Not yet! Stanky hissed. The bullet climbed until it brushed against Stanky’s shirt. He laughed.

    Are you all right? Amy demanded.

    Stanky chuckled. I’m better than all right. He gasped, as if jabbed. Press the recall.

    Amy did. The bullet reversed direction and inched back into the gun barrel.

    Stanky’s eyes lit up as if he’d just hit a hole in one. Now for part two.


    What did he mean by part two? asked Emilio Petrus, owner of Jungle Gym – Hartford’s Favorite Workout and Amy Waitz’s lover. He sat on a bench, pulling against a two-handed tensionizer. Amy frequented the gym herself and, though she was comfortable using its equipment, she always thought people straining against wireless weights looked ridiculous. It didn’t bother some of the shapely, young women who snuck glances at the buff gym owner, however.

    I don’t know, but he’s always maintained that if this slow bullet was a success, he’d make a real woman out of me.

    Emilio scowled. I don’t like the sound of that.

    He does. He’s said it several times.

    Emilio grunted, placing the tensionizer on the floor. And what was your response?

    That my heart belongs to a certain gym owner, who has ready access to other parts.

    Maybe it’s time you looked for another job.

    We’re presenting this slow bullet to Advanced Weapons Systems next week. I have mixed feelings about the weapon, but after we get credit for it, I’ll be able to write my own ticket.

    Emilio nodded his head of bristly dark hair. Just make sure he doesn’t write it first.

    As Amy walked out of the gym, one of the regulars walked in, a muscular young woman who could give Emilio a run for his money in arm wrestling. Amy glanced back at her lover.

    Don’t you find this place distracting?

    Emilio flashed his photogenic smile. I only have eyes for you, my dear.

    He was so trite. That was what she loved about him.


    Stanky and Amy demonstrated their slow bullet in front of five seated officials.

    Could you explain how it works, in layperson’s terms? asked the head of AWS, a bristly-haired, middle-aged woman named Powers.

    Certainly, Stanky said. The slow bullet is made up of millions of nanorobots, its sensors tuned to its target. It looks and acts like an old-fashioned slug, only slower.

    Powers shook her head. We normally prefer faster weapons with bigger bangs.

    The beauty of the SB is its difference, Stanky continued. Most bullets are not edifying to the people they’re aimed at. If they hit their target, end of story. If they miss, it’s over so fast the target doesn’t have time to think about it. With the SB, all he has is time…to make mistakes, lead us to places he doesn’t want us to discover, and wear him down to the point he’ll do anything to rid himself of his relentless pursuer.

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