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From the Darkness They Came
From the Darkness They Came
From the Darkness They Came
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From the Darkness They Came

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About this ebook

Join in as Prince Michael, and Princess Emily wed; only to find themselves moments later in the clutches of utter chaos. Travel across the lands with a heroic group of adventurers in search of the kidnapped princes, only to find there is much more going on in the world than they could have ever believed. From somewhere far away, a sinister, dark danger threatens all of the races upon the world. Will heroism prevail, or will the darkness finally have its day?

Release dateMar 17, 2014
From the Darkness They Came

Michael Beverly

Michael Beverly, Columbia Sc.I am a South Carolinian desperately seeking Colorado. However, my wife and my families live here so I am stuck dreaming of Colorado and the vast expanse of it's beautiful scenery. I have been actively writing for the past six years as a hobby of sorts, and just recently decided to take things to the next level. I enjoy intellectual conversations, and learning about the many great mysteries of life, and the world we call home.Having been an avid fantasy reader since childhood, I decided to embark upon my own quest; to design my own world, and create my own memorable characters.

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    From the Darkness They Came - Michael Beverly

    From The Darkness They Came

    By Michael Beverly

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Michael Beverly

    Edited by Michael Beverly

    Cover Design by Michael Beverly

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspaper, magazine or journal.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is coincidental.

    This book contains adult language, themes, and situations, and is intended for a mature audience.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11



    About the Author


    Like a swarm of locust, unfathomable in size, THROUGH THE DARKNESS THEY CAME. Outlines were all that were discernible at first, next came specks of star light reflecting off of beady eyes, as the creatures poured out of the blackness. Then entire shapes could be made out as the moons light illuminated them. Before them in all of its glory hovered the planet they intended to conquer. Earth is what they had learned the inhabitants called it. Evil grins could be seen on the alien faces for only a moment as it seemed the countless years of hard work, mathematical planning, and dire sacrifices had finally come to fruition. The grins died as quickly as they came though, as in horror, they realized, floating all about them, were the carcasses of their brethren from previous attempts. Then, the quite sudden realization that they could not breathe showed on their faces for just a moment before the agony and horror of floating in space ended their plans just as quickly as they had begun.


    The Gathering

    Enzar and Ezmerelda watched in silence as the barely visible dark spot that had been blocking part of the moons light dissipated. They looked at each other with deep concern for a moment before turning to face the waiting crowd. Enzar, King of all Dragonkind marveled at the sight before him. Upon the summit of Mt. Siverin, (the highest mountain in all the lands) were over a thousand dragons from all the corners of the world. The blue dragons of Clan Trevister from the far north, and Clan Pervinicus from the far south, were huddled together with their respective clans to the east and west of Enzar. Their leaders Numetak of Clan Trevister and Misfah of Clan Pervinicus stood before Enzar looking out warily upon the horde of dragons. The Emerald dragons from the great rainforests of the east were perched upon the cliffs that rose slightly off the summit. Their leader Grumbay stood silently to Enzars right and also watchfully scanned the crowd of dragons for signs of trouble. Then there were the red dragons of Smoldertop Mountains to the west. They stood and lay in the center of the summit, as the constant outpouring of sulfurous smoke from their breathing always got in the way of others being able to see. Their leader, Frake, stood to Enzar’s left, silently scanning the crowd. This would normally have been the extent of the dragons that came but due to the severity of the situation Enzar called upon the great silver dragons of Pregoria as well. It was rumored that these dragons lived in the clouds and that their color was from the absorption of the moons light. Only three showed to the meeting, but the constant stares they received showed how much they were revered, and in some instances hated. Their leader, Mondschein, stood ceremoniously between Enzar and Ezmerelda. The two that came with him stood silently behind Enzar and company. There were black dragons in the world as well but no respectable dragon would ever associate with those filth.

    Enzar roughly cleared his throat before addressing his kin. The time is nearing at an increasingly alarming rate. It will not be long before they get things right and pop right into this world. No, not long at all now! As they seem to try this invasion once every human year I surmise they will have gotten it right within three years of now. As we all know, we may not have the power needed to stifle the coming invasion on our own. Frake snorted a little at the comment which garnered a long stare from Enzar before he went on. We are many and very powerful Frake, but their numbers will dwarf us. As you all know, the silvers are able to fly on the edge of space and Mondschein has been doing so for quite some time now. I will let him inform you all of his findings. Mondschein you have the floor, Enzar said as he turned to look at him. Thank you kindly Enzar. Enzar and Ezmerelda stepped back so that Mondschein was in full view.

    I have flown the edge of space more times than I can recall as of late, on Enzar’s order, and I assure you, though it be hard to fathom, that with the amount of bodies floating about up there it is amazing that we can see the moon and stars at all. There are quite literally millions upon millions of them, and I completely agree with Enzars hypothesis. They will have figured out how to transport right onto our world sooner than later. They have gotten closer with every single attempt and with the amount of beings that they send through each time, knowing it might be a failure, speaks volumes to the fact that the world they come from is much, much, larger than our own. As I am sure many of you are curious, they are very strange creatures. If I had to compare them to something from this world they would be a cross between dwarves and bats. They are mostly short and stocky like our dwarves, but there skin is grey and heavily wrinkled, and their faces have a lot of similarities with a bat’s face. A few of them are rather tall, but I have only seen a few hundred of that type floating about up there.

    As best as I can tell, they have several types of armor and weapons. The armor does not look much different than the leathers and metals the humans here use, but the weapons are a whole other matter. They have things that look like swords but they are much more gruesome in appearance, and they glow red. They have weapons that look like pikes but instead of metal points they have some sort of crystal attached. There are other weapons I cannot even begin to describe, nor can I say with full certainty that they are weapons at all. As for weaknesses, they seem to dislike bright light, or just light in general. On one occasion I was lucky enough to watch them pop into space, and they all seemed to flinch when the moons light hit them. Otherwise, as of now, I’d only be speculating on any other possible weaknesses. It is the not knowing that makes this inevitable attack so concerning. These creatures may be weak and a handful of us could easily take out thousands of them, or, those unknown weapons of theirs may very well be powerful enough to wipe out hundreds of us at a time. There is also a matter of not knowing where exactly they will pop into this world, when they do so. If we could know, we could lay in wait and launch a surprise attack. Mondschein paused for a moment for effect before continuing. I think that covers the knowledge I have gleamed of the creatures and I’ll now be honored to hear from Enzar again.

    With a slight bow to Mondschein, Enzar and Ezmerelda stepped forward again. Enzar looked out slowly at all the dragons before him and continued speaking, but with a much higher sense of urgency. You have heard it from Mondschein and you all know that I agree. I cannot make you understand reason, but I hope you now see and understand the severity of this precarious situation. I pray they are weak and easily slaughtered, but we cannot, and will not assume that is the case. We must be united in this endeavor. I am aware we have had our scrapes in the past. Yet, unlike the black dragons that we loath, we have always maintained a decorum of peace and sociability.

    We cannot afford to have a bunch of rogues running amuck attempting to cause strife! Enzar scanned the entire congregation very slowly making sure that all were paying attention, and knew that what was said next was of utmost importance. I have been speaking with your clan leaders for many moons now as you well know, and an agreement has been made betwixt us. Until the coming invasion is resolved, we are all agreed to work with each other. If you step out of line, or are caught planning or conspiring for anarchy, mutiny, or misleading, you will be dealt with, by your own clan, in the worst way possible. Yes, I am speaking of blaxteing! Your wings will be removed, and you will be released into the lands of the black dragons to suffer the cruelest of fates! A massive rumbling of whispers began between the dragons, that was cut short when Enzar and Ezmerelda raised their heads high above the others about them, and all of the leaders of the clans spoke together in unison as one forceful voice. WE ARE AGREED TO THIS! DO NOT CROSS US! DO NOT CROSS ENZAR THE MIGHTY! DO NOT CROSS QUEEN EZMERELDA, OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!

    Enzar waited a moment for the reverberating of the last statement to end and for the dragons before him to quiet down and continued. "Therefore my brethren, as much as it pains me to say this, we must unite with the others of this world. We must put our differences behind us and unite, or we may all likely die! We each have reason to hate the pesky humans, the filthy trolls, the oft drunk dwarves of Brinsbane Mountain, and the slobbering giants of Yorgan and Bliggin Mountains. Thankfully we have an accord with the elves of Silverspring, but as you know that accord is shaky at best.

    Enzar looked at Mondschein and gave a slight bow. Mondschein, I would like for you to persuade the elves, as of all dragon kind they like yours the most. Their superior skill with the bow and affinity with animals will be a great asset to the cause. Mondschein bowed deeply. Your wish shall be my mission as always Enzar.

    Enzar then turned to Frake and gave a slight bow. Frake I need you to turn the dwarves to our side, or at the least get them to agree to help. They relate to your kind the most, for you are strong, defiant, surprisingly loyal, and you too live within, love, and require the smoldering earth. Qualities all respectable dwarves have. Frake bowed deeply despite the murmuring of his clan, and with a very low rumbling voice, full of power, agreed to do all that he could to befriend the dwarves, though he didn’t seem pleased to be excepting such an assignment. Enzar knew the magnitude and strangeness of what he was asking of them but he also knew, that they knew, it was needed.

    Enzar then looked to Misfah and Numetak of the blue dragon clans and gave a slight bow. Misfah I request that you figure out a way to make peace with the giants of Bliggin Mountain. They are big and a bit slow of mind, but mostly, they are big, and extremely strong. A quality that will very likely be much needed. Misfah bowed deep. I and mine shall do all that we can to complete your request my Lord. Numetak, I ask that you try to do the same with the giants of Yorgan Mountain. I know that you have made a peace pact with them and I hope you can use that to your advantage. Numetak bowed deeply. Yes my Lord, we do indeed have a peace pact with them and I and mine will do all that we can to impress upon them the severity of the coming situation and get them to join the cause.

    Enzar then turned to Grumbay and gave a slight bow. Grumbay I request probably the toughest challenge of them all of you. I need you to somehow turn the trolls to our side. How, is truly beyond me, but as you live in the same lands I suspect you have some idea of how to accomplish it. Grumbay bowed deeply. Indeed it will be an almost impossible task Master, but as you well know, I will do everything within my power to make it happen. Enzar then looked upon the crowd again. And Ezmerelda and I will be responsible for bringing the, all too smart for their own good, humans into the alliance.

    Enzar sighed heavily it has been a long and exhausting night. So, we are going to wrap this up. I thank you all for your attendance. You all know what must be done now, and to the best of my knowledge, what is coming for us eventually. Please sleep on this knowledge and let your wit run rampant while you sleep. Figure out a way to get your targets to join. Your leaders will welcome your suggestions, no matter how odd, with an open mind. You will be constantly updated as new information becomes available. You are now free to leave. With that, all of the leaders rose up on hind legs and looked upon the crowd expectantly. All of the dragons on the summit yelled in unison. Hail King Enzar, Hail Queen Ezmerelda. Almost instantly after the chant there was a brief erupting noise of flapping wings as the entire summit became devoid of life, save for Enzar and Ezmerelda .

    I always love watching how quickly they leave, and how slowly they show up, Enzar said. Ezmerelda laughed maniacally and gave Enzar a gentle head bunt. I hope they are able to accomplish the goals set for them my dearest Enzar. If they fail I fear for the worst. Enzar solemnly looked to the stars and then to his wife. Yes my love. We are on the precipice, and it all hinges on their, and our, success. We should get some rest my dear. We have a lot to do, and little time to do it in. Yes Enzar, sleep does call. It is strange though. What is strange my love, Enzar replied. Ezmerelda looked into the night sky at the plethora of stars shinning and Enzar followed her gaze. When I look at them now, all I can think about is millions of corpses floating about up there. It’s a bit, well, unnerving. Millions, maybe even billions of alien corpses floating about our planet and only we dragons seem to know about it. Yes dear it is very unnerving. Now try not to think of it anymore and get some sleep Ezmerelda. With that the two golden dragons curled into each other and within minutes were sound asleep.


    The Royal Wedding

    It had been a gorgeous spring day. The flowers throughout the kingdom of Riel were in full bloom. Blues, pinks, yellows, and purples dotted every corner of the kingdom, and the birds flitted about in groups far too large to count, filling the air with their harmonious songs. A plethora of sweet smells from the flora and fauna filled the nostrils, while the sun overhead warmed the soul within. It was the most perfect of perfect days for the royal wedding taking place in the main court yard. Thousands were in attendance to watch Prince Michael Elvinton from the kingdom of Priola and Princess Emily Listrain of Riel wed.

    King Listrain and King Elvinton sat quietly upon the massive stone worked dais behind where the vows would be exchanged. Their wives who were sitting beside the kings were speaking quietly, but ecstatically to each other. Smiles etched across their faces, and tears filled their eyes, even though the wedding hadn’t yet started. The kings regarded each other as the greatest of friends, as brothers. They had known each other since childhood, and because of this, they were able to run their kingdoms without worry of one another. In fact, the vast majority of all the laws were the same in both kingdoms. They also shared the same currency, and their armies were joined like one. They had been waiting for this day for many years and couldn’t have been happier than they were then.

    Both Kings were flabbergasted by the way Captain Bartholamu of Riel and Captain Vier of Priola had managed to get the soldiers to act in such glorious unison, and also that the men managed to stand at all given the sheer weight of the attire they wore. King Listrains men lined the right side of the bride’s path, and King Elvintons men lined the left side. The soldiers were like statues, resplendent in the finest parade armor the kingdoms could make. They all wore pure silver, full breast plates, the arm guards were silver as well, but there were multiple lines of gold running the length. Their leg and feet armor was also pure silver, with traces of gold here and there. Their helmets, with Pegasus wings running up and over the sides, were exquisite works of art made of pure silver and gold. They each bore a halberd that had been covered in gold, with heads encrusted in sapphires and rubies. The captains were identical to the men with the exception of their helmets which would be likened unto that of a bears head, and the lack of a halberd. The guards, which numbered one hundred, lined the path at attention with halberds pulled close.

    The captains stood at attention upon the dais looking out upon their men. They each had a two-handed sword, five feet in length, which they leaned upon with both hands resting on the pommel. The massive crowds were spread out behind the guards along the path. One would have easily assumed that every able bodied person in both kingdoms had shown up for the event, and there were a few non able bodied people in attendance as well.

    King Listrain was going to comment on the planned after party to King Elvinton, but was interrupted by the sound of the first horns of festivities. It was a high pitched shrill, like that of a crying babe, and with its sound came the jesters, and the ribbon twirlers. Hundreds of jesters, in the most ridiculous outfits ever imagined, came forward from the processions start; performing every funny act one could think of along the way. The procession started nearly a mile from where the kings sat. Behind the jesters came the ribbon twirlers, who twirled ribbons of every known color, in all manner of shape and design, whilst frolicking all along the way. When the two groups reached the halfway mark the second horn sounded.

    It was like the sound of many waves crashing upon the shore. With it came the bards and artists of the lands. The bards had been practicing together for only a month, but had magnificently managed to combine all of their differences in music, into one beautiful masterpiece. They all played a rendition of the Knight of Hollow Hill, which was a song written about a lowly commoner, that rose to kingdomship through his many selfless acts, and his power and bravery, on the field of battle in Hollow Hill, that saved the kingdom from slavery. It was a reminder for all, that anyone could become something if they put their best effort into it. Generally, the song was sung as a solo or duet performance, but the bards were each playing an individual part, and twisting everything together to match their hundreds of voices. Everyone was mystified by the onslaught of the myriad of beautiful tones, and many, many, tears fell as they passed.

    The artists, that were mixed in randomly with the bards, either carried, or had oxen pulling display pads for their extravagant art work. They had statues, and paintings, of past and present queens and kings, princes and princesses, highly regarded nobles, and inventors and military personnel. There were also many pieces resembling every animal and plant known to be in the lands.

    One artist, Perntia Olomar had gone all out for this event, despite the complaints of his wife, who thought it would be far too much. His display pad was pulled slowly by a team of ten oxen, and upon the platform stood a life sized statue of Nezrighun, and his slayer, Coner of Perculus. Nazrighun was the mightiest of all black dragons, and for reasons no one knows of even to this very day, he decided to lay siege to the then lands of Perculus, which were now the lands of Reil. Conor was the Knight Captain of King Haruud, and was on duty the day Nazrighun came. Nazrighun flew over the city walls letting out a mighty roar, and then he went on a random killing spree. Women, children, young and old, none of that mattered to the dragon, and he unmercifully killed any he could get his claws, teeth, or acid on. By the time Conor and his soldiers arrived at the large scene from the castle, the dragon had already flown off. Hundreds upon hundreds of innocents lay dead, ripped to shreds, upon the ground. Their blood was splattered upon everything the eye could see. The stench of acid eating away skin, was more than many could bare. Something snapped in Conor that day, and despite the request from King Haruud to stay and wait for back up, Conor left on his own, to slay the dragon. None know how he did it, but a week later he returned with the head of Nazrighun being pulled behind his horse. Conor had left shortly after he arrived without saying a word to anyone, and was never seen again. It was rumored that he had made a horrific sacrifice of his soul for the power to slay the dragon.

    Everyone that saw the impressive statue had to repress the fear that rose within them. By the time the Bards and Artists reached the halfway point the jesters and ribbon twirlers were within sight of the Royal Dias, where they spent extra time performing a grand show before all the royalty. King Listrain nearly fell out of his seat as a group of jesters were attempting to form a human pyramid, but were tripped up by the ribbon twirlers passing by. They all fell wildly upon the ground and immediately jumped up pointing fingers at each other because they each assumed the other had caused the mishap.

    When the bards and artist got to the half way point the jesters and ribbon twirlers departed and the third horn sounded. It was like a call to battle and with its sound came the Royal Guard and the Royal Cavalry. These were hand selected, very special men, and the occasional woman, that were taken from their families, willfully, at a very young age, and raised exclusively by the knight captain of their lands. Normal soldiers received a year of training before joining the guard. However, the royal guard and cavalry were trained from the age of six until death. For this, they were treated as royalty, and were highly respected wherever they went. Many of their faces, and bodies, were heavily scarred from learning the hard way how to dodge or parry a blade. Aleriana however, had no scars, and was quite easily one of the most beautiful women in all the lands.

    She led the procession upon a brilliant white stallion called Esturium,

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