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How To Manage Depression Without Drugs
How To Manage Depression Without Drugs
How To Manage Depression Without Drugs
Ebook65 pages59 minutes

How To Manage Depression Without Drugs

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About this ebook

Depressive tendencies made it hard for me to get out of bed. When I looked at the world, I saw dullness, grayness. While there were situations in my life that were crappy, issues with my health, family, and job, I was beyond just being sad. I needed to research, consider, read, and select actions for my life that would bring about change. And I wanted to do it without drugs. Was it possible? I found uninspiring resources online. So I embarked on a journey with a therapist, a naturopathic doctor, and a yoga instructor. How to Manage Depression Without Drugs is a concise overview of the five steps I took to re-write my story, to implement change, to continue on a path toward mental, emotional and physical health. Each chapter includes a simple visual game plan designed to motivate and inspire. This is the book I could not find when I needed it, a story told without shame and attached to concrete strategies for managing depression without drugs.

Release dateApr 18, 2014
How To Manage Depression Without Drugs

Janna Marlies Maron

A self-proclaimed “woman in progress,” I am most passionate about creativity and the power of the written word. I see myself as something of a creative curator—a facilitator, if you will. I enjoy almost nothing more than piecing together smaller components (both tangible and abstract) and rearranging them until they meld into a larger, cohesive whole.If I had to sum up what I’m all about in two words they would be: authentic storytelling. That’s the core of why I write, why I publish stories and why I teach others to write their story. I tell stories that challenge and inspire people to pursue the potential of their creativity; I nurture creativity by making space for exploring and showcasing creativity.My past professional experience includes time as a staff writer for a weekly community newspaper in El Dorado Hills, California; time as the managing editor for a company that publishes community magazines in the greater Sacramento area; and time as an independent freelance writer and editor.These days, you could call me a Jill-of-all-trades. I run a coworking space in Downtown Sacramento with my husband; I publish a quarterly literary arts journal; I take on select editing projects; I have an MA in creative writing, and teach at two college campuses. Oh, and, I also have my own writing to pursue. My writing appears in all different forms: blog posts, weekly emails, ebooks, editor’s letters in Under the Gum Tree, feedback for my students and clients, even craigslist ads. You can read more of my personal journey on my blog at

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    How To Manage Depression Without Drugs - Janna Marlies Maron


    How To Manage Depression Without Drugs

    "Solutions for depression do exist without drugs! An insightful journey by someone who had the courage, willingness, and tenacity to change her own story to lift out of depression. "

    Ann Boroch, C.N.C, author of The Candida Cure and Healing Multiple Sclerosis

    Talking about depression is always a delicate subject, especially for those who pursue creative and independent careers on top of life’s regular worries. Sadly, depression is often discussed in negative tones with negative stories and negative methods like drugs. Thank goodness for Janna. In this book, Janna does a beautiful job of sharing her own personal journey with depression in a vivid, hopeful, and motivational manner. I found great comfort in her words about how to overcome depressive tendencies with healthy and holistic life choices. In a world that seems to feature the darker sides of life, Janna's book is a refreshing burst of sunlight that illuminates a better way forward. Thank you Janna for your courage in writing this book.

    -Matt Gartland, Winning Edits & Author MBA Podcast

    "‘Authentic storytelling,’ something to which Janna is very committed, is not mutually-exclusive to ‘truthful living.’ And in this ebook, Janna weds the two in powerful, palpable ways. She tells her own incredible truestory and in so doing, invites us right into her authentic life. I couldn't put it down. I wanted more. And most of all, I want what she's having: telling, living, experiencing."

    -Ronna Detrick, Writer & Truth-Teller

    "How to Manage Depression Without Drugs offers practical ideas for managing depression. Janna recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all remedy for depression, but here she walks us through her personal journey and what worked for her. The focus on art, diet, and ritual resonates deeply with me. I applaud both the courage she mustered to share her story with us, and her generosity in doing so. "

    -James Stafford, Executive Editor, The Good Men Project

    How To Manage Depression Without Drugs

    by Janna Marlies Maron

    Copyright 2014 Janna Marlies Maron

    Smashwords Edition

    Some rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You are free to share, copy and redistribute this work in any medium or format under the following terms: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in anyway that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

    This ebook is a work of nonfiction, based solely on the author's personal experience. It is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. If you have specific questions or concerns about your mental or physical health, please consult a qualified healthcare provider.





    Chapter 1: The Story

    Chapter 2: The Music

    Chapter 3: The Food

    Chapter 4: The Rituals

    Chapter 5: The Resources

    About the Author


    Several people in my life have made it possible for me to publish this book: my therapist Ken Pense, who helped me change my story; my friend Kate Asche and the other writers in her workshop groups who read early chapter drafts; my parents Ken and Linda Santoro, who pray for me every day; my aunt Susan Martz, who teaches me about using essential oils to support my health; my editor and friend Robin Martin, who shaped this book into what it was meant to be; and my husband Jeremy, the only person who sees me in the depths of depression and loves me anyway.


    Today I googled the power of story. 2.03 billion results. A search for Beyonce yields a paltry 75 million.

    I just told you a story about story. Stories are everywhere. Everybody’s got one. Starbucks makes a fortune off of people sitting in cafes telling stories to each other. Turns out our brains are wired for story. My brain knows a story when it hears one and locks onto to it like a laser guided missile. Data and facts put me to sleep, but I’ll stay up all night for a compelling story.


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