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Kicking Against The Goads
Kicking Against The Goads
Kicking Against The Goads
Ebook41 pages38 minutes

Kicking Against The Goads

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A down and out man takes his dog Boomer and goes on a road trip to Vegas to find work. Things go worse for him as he finds himself in an automobile accident on the blinding snow covered roads of Utah, the future for he and his family looks bleak as he lays injured in a hospital room of a nearby small town.

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PublisherDarrel Bird
Release dateJun 2, 2011
Kicking Against The Goads

Darrel Bird

Darrel Bird has written and published 47 short stories. He attended Bakersfield college, and is an avid motorcyclist.

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    Book preview

    Kicking Against The Goads - Darrel Bird

    Kicking against the Goads

    by Darrel Bird

    Copyright 2010 by Darrel Bird

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    Part 1

    On that cold November morning, Joe Blankenship awoke before dawn, as usual, and shivered. He hurried into the living room, opened the door on the earth stove, and stirred the glowing coals. He tossed in some small kindling and shoved a log of firewood on top of it. He pulled on his socks and shoes against the cold floor and headed for the coffee pot. Nobody but Joe would drink his coffee because he made it so strong that it would melt the proverbial horseshoe. He puttered around the house for a few minutes until the coffee was ready. Unlike Jena, his wife, the minute he woke up, he was awake and ready to go. His wife was a sleepyhead who would not awaken for another couple of hours.

    He and his wife had been married for a long time. He had married her when she was at the bottom of the ninth of seventeen, just about to head for first base on eighteen, and he was still in the service. They had had nothing in common and still didn’t, except a love of kids and dogs and a deep, enduring love for each other that had overcome the hardships of the years.

    Joe grabbed the pot and poured himself a cup of coffee. He slopped in some milk from the refrigerator, then walked over and sat down in the overstuffed chair by the wood stove. The fire had begun to give off welcome heat. The crackle of the fire was a prelude to the clatter of the rest of the family. As usual, when he was the only one up, his mind began to work on two or three subjects at once, and he felt a depression roll over him like a black cloud.

    This was one day Joe had dreaded seeing arrive, because today he would be leaving their home alone. No matter how bad it had ever previously gotten, Joe and Jena had always found their hands seeking out each other’s as they stood together against the world. As he sat and sipped his coffee, he felt the hot liquid warm his body as he reflected on the events that had brought him here this morning.

    They had bought this house with its three acres two years ago, and they had had such dreams. It seemed to be a gift from the Lord. Then, two years ago, he agreed to work

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