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Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series)
Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series)
Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series)
Ebook82 pages59 minutes

Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series)

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WARNING: this book is NOT for the faint of heart! It depicts realistic violence with vile and malicious activities, and delve into the darkness of the human heart and mind.
When we hear about a Serial Killer, we never consider the sex, we would immediately assume a man...right? but that's not always the case! Females are for the most part, the loving and caring protectors of our species and the ones that are more susceptible to danger. However, they are in fact the most dangerous because they are the least suspected of the Serial Killers. Like their male counterparts, they show no remorse and have no mercy for their victims. Should we still call them the weaker sex?
"Women Who Kill is a journey into the minds of female serial killers--their motives, their acts, their thought process. Parker gives an overview and then delves into various stories about individual killers. I found myself horrified but also completely captivated."
- Bestselling author, Michele Scott
Women Who Kill explains and defines the various types of Female Serial Killers and contains over twenty criminal dossiers, including:

Gertrude Baniszewski
Margie Barfield
Martha Beck
Lizzie Borden
Judias Buenoano
Christine Falling
Caril Ann Fugate and Charles Starkweather (Couple)
Delfina and Maria de Jesus Gonzalez (Sisters)
Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo (Wife and Husband)
Dorothea Puente
Marybeth Tinning
Rosemary and Fred West (Wife and Husband)
"If you're looking for some gruesome, real-life stories of deadly women, look no further. Parker has collected, and documented, tales of murder and mayhem from the, uh, fairer sex. Hard to believe some people can do such heinous acts. A mind-boggling collection"
- Alan Orloff

PublisherRJ Parker
Release dateOct 31, 2011
Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series)

RJ Parker

RJ Parker Ph.D, has written 30 true crime books which are available in eBook, paperback and audiobook editions and have sold in over 100 countries. He holds Certifications in Serial Crime and Criminal Profiling. "Parker amazes his readers with top notch writing and idealist research. The Canadian writer has a better grasp of criminology and the psyche of a serial killer's mind than most people who spend a lifetime in a professional field chasing criminals and diabolic fiends." -- John Douglas (Retired FBI Agent - Behavioral Science) RJ Parker Publishing represents several authors in the genres of True Crime and Crime Fiction. CONTACT INFORMATION ~~ Facebook Email - AuthorRJParker@Gmail.Com Email - Website - Twitter - @RealRJParker

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    Book preview

    Women Who Kill (Serial Killers Series) - RJ Parker

    Women Who Kill

    The Bitches from Hell

    By RJ Parker

    Copyright © 2014 by RJ Parker at Smashwords

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Smashword eBook Edition

    Author Note

    The following stories of vile and malicious activities were gleaned from a variety of resources. They show the murky depths to which a human being can and will succumb. The people featured in this book are the dregs of society and are gathered here in this book like so much sewage at a treatment plant. Enjoy!

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    Praise for Women Who Kill

    "Women Who Kill- True Life Serial Killers, by RJ Parker is a comprehensive look into the different classifications of women killers. A breathless decent into the least likely of killers, Black Widows, Angels of Death, and even women who are sexual predators, are brought to life through their psychological motivations and calculations. Included, is the Charles Manson team of women killers. A penetrating look and highly recommended."

    ~ Glenn Langohr

    I enjoyed this book immensely. From one of my favorite cases (Lizzie Borden) to the story of Aileen Wuornos, R.J goes into the dark secrets and the details behind the crimes committed by some of our most notorious serial killers. This is a well crafted book that has obviously been researched extensively. The females serial killer is relatively rare in contrast to her male counterpart, but when a woman kills, she can be just as vicious and deadly. If you are a true-crime aficionado, do yourself a favor and grab a copy of this book. Fascinating, creep, and extremely informative.

    ~ Carl Hose


    Female serial killers often remain unobserved, hiding in the background, masked by her male equal. Her acts are unusual and uncommon, but never fail. She behaves in a more delicate and precise manner, and is deadly and merciless. The most common of her monstrous crimes have not yet been comprehended. The theory of the female serial killer herself still lies within the specialty of uncertainty. It is time, however, to capture this hushed serial killer and bring her crimes to our attention.

    What is the difference between a serial murderer from any other murderer? A murderer is usually defined as someone who takes the life of another person. A serial murderer usually murders more than three people.

    Although the time phase within which the killer is performing may be the subject of debate, criminologists and researchers usually agree on a definition of serial murderer as a person who engages in the murdering of three or more people in a period of thirty days or more.

    Although this definition is adequate in the identification of a serial murderer, it does not differentiate between male and female perpetrators. There are however, differences between the sexes. The average period of vigorous killing for females is eight years. For males, it is only about four years. Female serial killers seldom torture their victims or commit any violence on their victims’ bodies. Female killers prefer weapons that are difficult to distinguish, such as poison, fatal injections, and induced accidents.

    The sort of victims chosen by female serial killers further reveal a dissimilar typology from male serial murders. Male killers, usually acting as sexual predators, tend to mark adult female victims. Female killers, however, seldom choose their prey based on sex, and usually attack victims that are familiar to her, such as children, relatives, and spouses. Sometimes, if she does turn against a stranger, it is usually one who can be conquered easily, such as an older person under her care or even a child.

    The average age of the female serial killer’s first victim is fourteen to sixty-four. The typical female serial murderer commences killing after the age of twenty-five. The female serial killer is more multifaceted than the male and is often harder to catch. Since the definition of the serial killer

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