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"You're so sexy, you make me..." Not completing my thought, I was amazed when Chelsea completed it for me

"Want to kiss you, feel you and make love to you." Turning she brought her delightful breasts right up to my face, but I only blubbered my misfortune.

"Yes, but I'm stuck living with a two-timer I don't love anymore." Sobbing, I hugged Chelsea, and then buried my head in her breasts.

Holding me tight, Chelsea whispered. "Let it out, Mandy. It's not that bad."

Crying on her delicious tits, I instinctively took a nipple into my mouth, sucking gently on what she offered and feeling her stiffen as I calmed.

Running her fingers through my hair, she reassured me, "Now you're getting it, sweetheart, things aren't that bad, are they." Tilting my head up, she let her lips find mine.

For the first time, my tongue danced with a woman's. Lithe and quick, Chelsea's tongue flirted with mine, a difference I found intriguing over the crushing, taking entrance of a man's tongue. Like warm and supple wet satin, her tongue explored my mouth and licked at my lips.

Release dateNov 19, 2009

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    Book preview

    Tattoos - Laura Aahton

    New Dawning Bookfair



    Laura Ashton

    Copyright 2008 Laura Ashton

    Published by

    New Dawning Books at Smashwords

    PART 1

    I dread happy hour at Mojos. Especially Fridays. Everyone gets off work and heads for the bar to loosen up after a week of frustration, tension or who knows what. And while everyone warms up for the weekend with a few rounds and free hors de'ovres, I'm busting ass. True the tips are great, but while everyone else is chilling out, I'm getting wound up like a clock.

    Hi Chelsea. Turning toward the voice, I'm greeted by the sight of Mandy, flashing a friendly smile as she stepped up to the bar. Classy, Amanda Carter, was the one bright spot in the Friday happy hour chaos. At five-five with past the shoulder length, auburn hair, deep, blue-green eyes and movie star good looks, she was not only one of the hottest lady's to frequent Mojo's, but with a personality that matched, she was one of the most fun to be around.

    I placed a cocktail napkin in front of her. Hi Mandy. Good to see a friendly face. Get any wrongly accused criminals off lately? Amanda was a public defender in the LA county public defender's office.

    Don't you look great tonight. She dug around in her purse and pulled out a pack of gum. Got one off yesterday. Unfortunately, he wasn't so innocent. You still seeing that handsome Architect?

    Fraid not. You knew he was separated didn't you?

    Dropping a piece of gum in her mouth, she nodded.

    Well, he went back to the Mrs. last week.

    "What a son-of-a-bitch. How long were

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