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Enduring To The End
Enduring To The End
Enduring To The End
Ebook81 pages46 minutes

Enduring To The End

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Starting any race is easy. Enduring to the end is a whole other story. Christianity is no different. Whilst it is not a race, it requires endurance and perseverance. Even the most seasoned veterans get discouraged sometimes and it’s easy to lose sight of the goal and give up. In this volume of the Soul Food Series, you can find bursts of wisdom that will help you get to the end. Every page is filled with words that are meant to encourage, instruct and push you forward.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

PublisherJoana James
Release dateMar 20, 2014
Enduring To The End

Joana James

Joana James is a young Christian author from the island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean.

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    Book preview

    Enduring To The End - Joana James

    Enduring To The End

    (Soul Food Series Part 3)

    Joana James


    Smashwords Edition


    Copyright © 2013 Joana James

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    For my mother who continues to inspire and influence me even after she is gone.

    I will never forget her sacrifice.


    Enduring to the End is the final volume of the Soul Food series. All of the books in this series came as a result of the situations that I face daily as a Christian. I began to realize that I was not alone in my struggle and I penned these words as a form of encouragement to others to keep going forward.

    My prayer is that someone will find strength to keep going through these words.

    Be Blessed.

    Table of Contents

    Write Your Vision: Making a List

    Can You just be in God’s Presence

    Stay Alert

    Grateful for Forgiveness

    Passive or Aggressive

    Do You Influence Others

    Do You Have Self Control?

    We Serve A God That Hears Us

    Thanking God for Your Past

    Worship God with Your Life

    Test? Or Testimony?

    How Does Love Turn to Hate?

    Leaning On the Everlasting Arm

    What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

    God Is On your Side

    The Big Picture


    Overcoming Pain Through Praise

    When God Doesn’t Make Sense

    Using Discernment

    Starting Over

    Avoiding Self-Inflicted Depression

    Wearing Kindness Around Your Neck

    Feather-Weight Christianity

    Obsessed With Our Desires

    All Things Work Together For Our God

    Write Your Vision: Making a List

    Having a clear vision is important for any organization. It's something that we see in real life almost everywhere. Every successful organization that you walk into has a vision and mission statement that's prominently displayed. They teach it to their staff, explain the way forward and then expect people to work toward those goals. This is a good example of a biblical principle used in the world successfully. (Habakkuk 2:2)

    So I began to wonder, what if I applied this to myself? I mean, I have goals for my own life; there are things that I'd like to see happen in my life. So why not write down my own vision? Why not create for myself a statement that says where I want to go and how I plan to get there? Sounds like a good idea, right?

    So, here I get down to the real subject of this devotion: Making a list. See, as a much younger Christian, I was taught that giving God a list was a no-no. I guess the reasoning behind that was based on the God is not our bellboy theory. Over the years I've learned that presenting God with a list has some merit. I still believe that God isn't my bellboy and I can't just go asking him for this, that or the other just because I feel like it, however,  I believe that making a list is simply a matter of gathering your thoughts clearly on paper. Some things don't make sense until we write them down.

    Goals, visions, plans etc. should always align with what God has in store for us so writing this stuff down should basically be saying, Lord, this is what I desire for myself. If you've been in a close relationship with God, communicating with Him daily, then it will be a no-brainer to have your plans line up with His. Communion means communication, this usually adds up to agreement. We Christians tend to have the belief that God knows what I want and we don't verbalize anything. Yes, God knows our thoughts, but I believe

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