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Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"
Ebook63 pages54 minutes

Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"

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Part IV of the Of Vinegar and Honey romance series.

Desire is the root of all suffering . . .

He had almost made it to the top of the stairs when a movement caught his eye in the mirror on the wall, and his finger slipped off the lift button bringing it to a standstill.
The mirror was right across her open bedroom door, and the movement that caught his eye, was Maddy’s reflection. His smile suddenly froze, and then faded, because what he saw in the mirror stunned him and rendered him completely speechless.
Madelaine appeared in view wrapped only in a white towel. It was clear she’d just exited her shower since her body still glistened with droplets, and her black curls were nearly straight. In the mirror, he watched her rush to her armoire before she threw open the doors and took out a delicate spaghetti strap undershirt.
She hadn’t heard the lift, so she was completely oblivious she’d gained herself a stunned audience of one.
He held his breath. His heart was thumping hard in his chest and he felt a little dizzy. He finally exhaled as he watched a miracle unfold in the hall mirror, transforming a simple girl into a sexy goddess right before his starving eyes.

Her passion awakens . . .

She had her lashes down. With one hand, she was now using the washcloth to wipe away the musky streaks from his body, and with the other, her slender fingers carefully wiped away the pearly droplets from her face.
“I’m sorry,” he said, breathlessly. She shook her head as if to say he didn’t need to, but he wouldn’t let her get away with that. “No, Maddy,” he said, waiting for her to look at him. She looked a little embarrassed. “I really am. I didn’t mean to. I had no control.”
“I know,” she said softly. “That’s why there’s no need to apologize.” She reached by him and shut off the water as his eyes followed; watching her flushed face. “I need to get some fresh towels,” she said before she turned and left him as his lips tightened and he closed his eyes with a troubled frown. He really hoped he hadn’t offended her.
As she stood in front of the linen closet in his walk-in, she paused. She raised a hand and touched fingertips to her lips. It was as if she could still feel the thick, warm droplets of his passion lingering there. She gently wiped that corner of her mouth, and paused again. Then, with quiet curiosity, she slipped her fingertips between her lips, and closed her eyes softly, tasting him.

Release dateNov 16, 2011
Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV: "Bittersweet"

Catharina Shields

{PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE LIST OF MY AVAILABLE E-BOOKS} I've always enjoyed storytelling, ever since I was a child. My love for storytelling has evolved from hand-drawn comic strips, to creating hand-puppets - "Meemies and Fluffies" - for my younger brother and sisters' morning puppet show, to writing stories in longhand in spirals armed with only a Penmate pen while battling a stiff hand and dreaming of a day when I'd finally own a typewriter. Today, in my peaceful Southern California home near the mountains, I can't go a day without my computer and I now enjoy storytelling via my e-books, specializing in mystery, drama, Young Adult and paranormal romance. If you've read one of my books and like them, please leave a review, good or bad, and add me as a favorite author {a single click on a button to your left is all it takes}. Remember . . . reviews are tips for Authors.

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    Book preview

    Of Vinegar and Honey, Part IV - Catharina Shields

    Of Vinegar and Honey

    Part IV


    F:\001 MY DOCUMENTS\A-Story--Of Vinegar and Honey e-books\SMASHWORDS\01_BCTitle_(Rory_House)_96dpi_400x259_PNG.png

    Published by Catharina Shields at SMASHWORDS

    2nd Edition

    © 2014 by Catharina Shields

    Cover Design by Catharina Shields

    Edited by D.C.Greenes

    All Rights Reserved


    Author’s Note / Disclaimers


    This is an original work of fiction.

    All characters, organizations, and events portrayed herein are either

    products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are

    18 years of age or older.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook Retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Happy reading!

    And remember, reviews are tips for authors



    {please click on Chapter headings to return here}


    Chapter 13: Lust and Falling in Love

    Chapter 14: Courtship Belated

    Chapter 15: Touched


    Of Vinegar and Honey Parts Listing

    Other Titles by Catharina Shields

    Connect with Catharina Shields

    About the Author


    Chapter 13


    Lust and Falling in Love

    Later that afternoon, with Madelaine upstairs quietly cleaning, Rory was left alone to entertain himself. He was listlessly flipping through what seemed to be an infinite number of channels flashing by on his plasma television. His handsome face stood stark and grim. His deep-set blue eyes glared at endless flickering scenes, and at first glance he looked as if he was angry with the cable company’s programming.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. It was true he was angry, but only with himself.

    He was in deep and troubled thought, replaying the events of that morning in a loop in his mind as if he could change the outcome. But no matter how many times that event recycled around in his brain, nothing changed. Nothing improved. He couldn’t find reprieve from the constant nagging in his heart and the searing guilt of his conscience.

    There just wasn’t any way he could excuse himself for being so horrible toward her.

    Idiot, he hissed beneath his breath, lowering his eyelashes under a troubled frown. You goddamned numbskull, he added with more venom.

    He was dressed, dapper as always, in an ebony dress shirt, white tee, black slacks, socks, and shining black Italian shoes. He had chosen this ensemble the night before so he’d look sharp enough to go out for some fresh air, perhaps pay some old friends a visit…take her shopping and have a light brunch, maybe see a movie. Just the two of them. But he blew it. His temper got the better of him, and he fucking blew it.

    There’d be no taking her out to the city now. Why would she even want to spend the day with him? After the way he had treated her? She would be crazy to say yes and for all the flaws Maddy had, she wasn’t foolish. And although he knew she would go should he ask, he was well aware that she’d only do it to appease him, and would defeat his purpose—his purpose being, to please her not himself even if it would beneficial to him, too.

    He rarely left his house those days after coming home from the hospital and rehabilitation center. In fact, he never left it. He was home all day, every day, and it really never bothered him before since he was convinced there was nothing out there for him anymore. But he felt differently about that, now.

    The plasma television he wasn’t even interested in at that moment had been his only connection to the outside world. And for a long time, that was all he needed. Well, that, Ron, and the few escorts he’d pay to feel like a man again.

    He couldn’t recall the last time he had any desire to seek out other people, though. Including his concerned family. He couldn’t remember the last time he had wanted to take a pointless stroll in the mild spring, summer, autumn, whatever weather in whatever season. All he remembered, ever since awakening in the hospital a quadriplegic, was his frantic and hopeless search for a doctor, a specialist, anyone who might know about some little-known spinal cord injury

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