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Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women
Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women
Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women
Ebook217 pages

Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Women comprise at least half the world, and usually more than half the church, but so often Christian teaching to women either fails to move beyond a discussion of roles or assumes a particular economic situation or stage of life. This all but shuts women out from contributing to God’s kingdom as they were designed to do. Furthermore, the plight of women in the Majority World demands a Christian response, a holistic embrace of all that God calls women and men to be in his world. The loudest voices speaking into women’s lives in the twenty-first century thus far come from either fundamentalist Islam or radical feminism. And neither can be allowed to carry the day. The Bible contains the highest possible view of women and invests women’s lives with cosmic significance regardless of their age, stage of life, social status, or culture. Carolyn Custis James unpacks three transformative themes the Bible presents to women that raise the bar for women and calls them to join their brothers in advancing God’s gracious kingdom on earth. These new images of what can be in Christ free women to embrace the life God gives them, no matter what happens. Carolyn encourages readers with a positive, kingdom approach to the changes, challenges, and opportunities facing women throughout the world today.

Release dateApr 19, 2011

Carolyn Custis James

Carolyn Custis James (MA, Biblical Studies) travels extensively as a popular speaker for women's conferences, churches, colleges, seminaries, and other Christian organizations. Her ministry organization, WhitbyForum, promotes thoughtful biblical discussion to help men and women serve God together. Carolyn founded and is president of the Synergy Women’s Network. She is a consulting editor for Zondervan's Exegetical Commentary Series on the New Testament and author of When Life and Beliefs Collide and Lost Women of the Bible. Carolyn and her husband live in Sellersville, Pennsylvania. They have one grown daughter.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hear their cries and arise!Five StarsIn her three previous books James laid the Biblical foundation for a better understanding of God's vision for women. In Half the Church, she continues in that vein but also shifts her focus so that her mission has now become twofold. First, she aims to widen the reader's scope of understanding from a primarily middle class Western worldview to a much broader international view. To do so she takes the reader through snapshots of the lives of individual girls and women identifying each by name and describing her circumstances in light of the societal context in which she lives. Although she spares the reader of some details too horrific to repeat, there remains enough information to cause the reader to be sickened by the knowledge that events so tragic happen in epidemic proportions in the 21st century. Second, James draws from the Biblical foundations spelled out in her previous body of work to bring to the attention of the reader, whether male or female, God's explicit call on women to join alongside her brothers as ezer-warriors. To illustrate how both men and women benefit when the sexes join together to battle the enemy, James retells events that happened in the lives of great ezer-warriors both in scripture and in more recent history. Once the reader has gained that understanding and has heard the cries of the helpless, the author shifts her focus to call "half the church" to arise and go forth into their destinies. The book is well structured. James's research and writing point readers to the bigger picture of the church's mission. She intentionally does not take sides on troublesome issues debated by Biblical scholars. Rather, she urges readers to dig deeper into God for answers on those passages of scripture. The topic is certainly thought-provoking and worthy of self-reflection. Through her writing, James seeks to awaken the sleeping giantess one reader at a time. NOTE: I requested and received a copy of this title via but made no commitment to review it.

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Half the Church - Carolyn Custis James




for Women


With love

to my cousin Karen Custis Wilson

who is better than a sister to me


to the women of Synergy—

a growing company of ezers-warriors who are

blessing the church and the world with their gifts.



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There is more to us than we know.

If we can be made to see it,

perhaps for the rest of our lives

we will be unwilling to settle for less.¹

Sometimes when you’re searching for answers, you get more than you bargained for. My search for answers began in earnest in the years after college when I landed in a stretch of singleness I didn’t see coming that dragged on for years. It was the first of many chapters in my story where the plot read differently from what I was expecting and where I was pulled unwillingly into a struggle with God and into questions about my purpose as a woman. I’ve been asking questions ever since.

I am not alone. Other women are asking hard questions too. The reality that we are living in a fallen world confronts us every day. Still, we can’t help wondering why God is silent when that brokenness invades our lives. Every day we are bombarded with new questions as the twenty-first century hurtles forward at a wild speed that has everyone hanging onto their hats and scrambling to keep up with the changes. During the latter half of the twentieth century, doors swung open for women (some after significant effort) that had been bolted shut for previous generations. In her book When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present,² New York Times op-ed columnist Gail Collins escorts the reader on a mind-boggling journey from the 1960s to the present and examines the revolutionary changes that women in America currently enjoy and that young women today simply take for granted. In many ways for so many Western women, it is an exciting time to be alive.

Yet at the same time, like a nagging cough, the same old problems have traveled with us into this new era and leave us wondering if some things will ever change. Questions and uncertainty over a woman’s identity, purpose, and calling persist. We are constantly bewildered over God’s mysterious ways and unnerved by his silence when we need him most. And, of course, the ongoing struggles between the sexes have a sticking power that seems to resist our best attempts to resolve them.

It is perhaps ironic that in the twenty-first century we are looking for answers in an ancient Middle Eastern book —a book produced in a society that is alien to our postmodern Western world in time, culture, and a million other ways. But as Christians we owe it to ourselves and to our daughters to find out if the ancient message for women in the Bible is still relevant in the twenty-first century or if, as many suggest, we have outgrown its message. Does God’s vision for his daughters equip us to move boldly into the future or summon us to retreat into the past? Does it break down when things go wrong for us, or is it robust enough to remain intact no matter what happens? Is his vision big enough to include every woman’s story from the beginning to the final chapter?

These questions have propelled my work. Listening to the questions of other women and girls has stretched the parameters of my search, for although I am passionate about finding answers for myself, I can’t put my weight down on answers that collapse under other women’s stories. It also became apparent to me early on that this conversation is dangerously incomplete and certain to produce flawed conclusions if we exclude our sisters in other cultures around the world. The conversation about God’s vision isn’t American or Western or middle class. It is global. I knew that going in.

Even though the journey has been agonizing for me at many points, I wouldn’t trade those eye-widening moments of discovery for anything, and I have had many. The winding path of questions eventually led me to a rich, wide-open space where God is spreading before his daughters a vast global vision that frees us to follow wherever he leads.

The thrill of each new discovery has been tempered every time by a weight of grief that to this day hasn’t lifted. I grieve over the opportunities and blessings I have wasted because I didn’t know about God’s vision for his daughters — I didn’t realize God expected so much of me. I grieve the loss to the church when so many Christian women believe it’s possible to subsist on an anorexic spiritual diet. I grieve that far too many women and girls are living with small visions of themselves and of their purpose. I grieve the loss to our brothers who are shouldering burdens we were created to share and are doing kingdom work without us when God means for us to build his kingdom together.

When half the church holds back—whether by choice or because we have no choice—everybody loses and our mission suffers setbacks. Tragically, we are squandering the opportunity to display to an embattled world a gospel that causes both men and women to flourish and unites us in a Blessed Alliance that only the presence of Jesus can explain. Grief in me created a burning in my bones because we are not trumpeting this message within our ranks and to those outside. I knew I had to do something.

A trilogy of books — When Life and Beliefs Collide, Lost Women of the Bible, and The Gospel of Ruth—chronicle my journey and the discoveries I have made along the way. Each book led me deeper in my search into the Scriptures and opened up more of God’s ever-widening vision for his daughters. The book you hold in your hand is the fourth. But it is different from the others and requires a bit of explaining.

At first my purpose in writing this book was simply to put into a single volume the ideas that were simmering and evolving in those first three books but are scattered in different chapters. Much as I hope others will take that journey with me and read the first three books, I wanted to put a stake in the ground with this book to say this is where I’ve come so far in my understanding of God’s vision for us. Little did I realize that although I have done exactly that, even this book has taken on a life of its own and pushed me further down the road. As I said, sometimes you get more than you bargain for.

In September 2009, my husband handed me a New York Times review of a newly released book authored by Pulitzer Prize-winning authors and husband/wife team, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. A quick online visit to Amazon. com, a couple of mouse clicks, and in a matter of days I was pouring over Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. It was a watershed moment for me.

Half the Sky is a disturbing exposé of the world’s dark and largely forgotten underbelly where the misery and abuse of women and girls break the scales of human suffering. If you haven’t read it already, it belongs on your reading list. Sex trafficking, female genocide, genital mutilation, and honor killings are but a few of the atrocities against millions of women and girls that the book brings to light. These may not be normal topics of polite conversation or suitable bedtime reading, but Kristof and WuDunn fearlessly identify a battlefield of epic proportions that the civilized world needs to engage. Here evil has gained the upper hand and countless souls are trapped, helpless to break free without significant outside help.

Although I was already becoming aware of this global tragedy, the book still shocked me in many ways, including a stubborn thread of hope that ran the full length of the book —a thread I didn’t expect to find that surfaced in unbelievable stories of women who have been beaten down but are fighting back and courageously advocating for others. But I am at a total loss for words to describe the feeling that swept over me at the end of the book where, while recognizing that Christian organizations are deployed in this fight, the authors threw down the gauntlet for the rest of the church to step up to the plate. I was jolted to read, Americans of faith should try as hard to save the lives of African women as the lives of unborn fetuses.³

What troubled me most about this open challenge to the church was that Christians are not the loudest voices to sound the alarm, nor are we the most visible at the forefront in addressing this humanitarian crisis. As I wrestled with this question, I recalled that historically, Jesus’ followers have been known for their ministries of compassion and justice. In the fourth century, the Roman emperor Julian wrote with amazement that Christians support not only their poor, but ours as well.⁴ In the early centuries Christians were renowned for their active opposition to infanticide. They scoured dung heaps for baby girls who had been thrown out to die, took them home, and raised them as their daughters.

I also remembered stories my mother told me when I was a little girl. Over a hundred years ago (in 1903, to be exact), an earlier version of Half the Sky was published. Things as They Are: Mission Work in Southern India was a compilation of letters that a Christian missionary named Amy Wilson-Carmichael wrote to tell her supporters back home about atrocities against women and girls that she was discovering as she visited villages and attempted to evangelize.

In 1895, a young Amy Carmichael arrived in Bangalore (Bengaluru, Karnataka) in southern India for a missionary career that lasted until her death fifty-five years later. As I was growing up, my mother spoke so frequently of this Irish missionary, she almost seemed like a member of our family. I remember my mother’s collection of blue books (all written by Amy Carmichael) and the stories she told me of Amy’s valiant efforts to rescue little girls whose families were dedicating them to the Hindu temple and of the tragic accident in Amy’s sixties, from which she never recovered. Mainly I remember that although Amy Carmichael was already a prolific writer before her accident, she produced other books from her bed of pain that have offered spiritual strength and comfort to countless believers in times of suffering.

When I read Half the Sky, I thought of her again—only this time in a different light. Her rescue of little girls from dedication to the temple was a daring declaration of war against marriage to the gods, which was a euphemism for sex trafficking of little girls into a life of temple prostitution. She wasn’t writing as a journalist but as a determined ezer-warrior⁵ in the smoking hell of battle.⁶ The book that chronicled the truth about what was happening is, in her own words, a battle-book, written from a battle-field where the fighting is not pretty play but stern reality.

Amy received strong opposition from Christian supporters on the home front for her candid (although hardly graphic by today’s standards) letters reporting the things happening to little girls and other atrocities, such as honor killings and the abuse of widows. At one point, her supporters contemplated recalling her from the field. She was exasperated and dumbstruck when she was told to edit her reports and to focus on successes instead of upsetting everyone with harsh realities that her supporters did not want to hear. She was unbending to the pressure and prayed instead that her words, written out of the heat of battle would be fire-words. "We are so afraid to offend, so afraid of stark truth, that we write delicately, not honestly. Our smoothness glides over souls. It does not spur them to action, even though they be Christians to whom the thought of the glory of the Lord being given to another ought to be unendurable."

Her biographer and friend, Frank Houghton, joined Amy in raising the alarm when, sounding much like Kristof and WuDunn, he wrote, Christians everywhere in India, men and women of goodwill everywhere … must care until their own souls are scorched in the fire from which they determine to deliver the little ones.

This book is not like the other books I have written, although like those other books, this book is still very much about you, the reader. The work I’ve done previously has been building a biblical foundation for a better understanding of women. This book is the inevitable progression from those earlier books because it moves us from knowledge to action. One can’t simply learn the truth and sit on it. Truth not only changes how we see ourselves, it changes what we do and how we live. Those first three books have birthed this one. However, the differences in this book are significant and result largely because of the impact of books like Things as They Are and Half the Sky.

First, the discussion has widened yet again to include a new group of female faces who join us from the outer edges of human society, where suffering and oppression are crushing realities from which there is no easy escape. We need these women in this discussion as much as they need us, for if the questions we ask and the answers we embrace do not give them the same hope and kingdom purpose we seek for ourselves, then our conclusions cannot be trusted.

Second, the emphasis is global, so the stories and illustrations are drawn largely from other cultures. We have made many mistakes in drawing conclusions and making assertions from the Bible in isolation from the rest of the world. I cannot alone remedy that problem, and there is much work to be done in this regard. But I can at least raise the issue and make sure that in my work, I am making an effort to engage a global perspective.

Because many of the illustrations point to abuses, it is important to clarify that my intention is not to demonize some cultures and exonerate others. Every culture has plusses and minuses, and every culture (including our own) is complicit in atrocities against women. Women and girls are trafficked in America. Our newspapers regularly carry stories of violence and abuse against women and girls, often hidden in plain sight. In the dressing room of a women’s clinic in the Florida suburbs, I saw a poster about domestic abuse with tear-off tags across the bottom containing a help-line phone number to slip inside your shoe. It was chilling to see that most of the tags had been torn off by previous patients.

Third, God’s vision for his daughters is an implicit call to a full-orbed gospel. Amy Carmichael’s ministry embodied that gospel. She intended to devote her life to evangelizing the lost. God expanded her efforts to encompass physical acts of rescue, taking care of scores of babies and little children, and bold efforts to draw government attention to atrocities against little girls—in essence, to be a force for God’s justice for the helpless. This shift was not a distraction from the gospel but a centering on its fullness. Whenever anyone argued with her that the gospel was only proclamation and didn’t also include acts of mercy and social justice, she was emphatic: God didn’t make you all mouth.¹⁰

But what takes my breath away is that what looked to supporters and at times even to Amy herself like a detour from her original mission to proclaim the gospel actually turned out to be a brilliantly subversive tactic against the Enemy. For several years, she had tried relentlessly to break through the unyielding iron gates of the Hindu caste system with the gospel. With the help of a seven-year-old girl, God showed her to a side door. A ministry that might have produced only a handful of believers ended up generating hundreds of Christians who still today are rescuing children and spreading the gospel in India.

In my search for answers, one of the outcomes I didn’t anticipate was that God’s vision for his daughters is taking us somewhere. God’s vision for us doesn’t just reassure us that we matter and that our lives do count for something. God’s

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