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Halloween Hunk
Halloween Hunk
Halloween Hunk
Ebook78 pages1 hour

Halloween Hunk

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About this ebook

Don Rutherford is starting completely over.

New job. New town. New life.

Marcos has an undeniable attraction for the hunk who just moved in. He’s just getting over a bad break up and a jealous boyfriend, but it’s time to move on and Don has a set of green eyes he could lose himself in. His strawberry blond hair falls to his shoulders and is reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian and he has a body to match the warrior’s. He wants a piece of it and is looking forward to getting to know his neighborly Halloween Hunk.

The men hit it off well, until Marcos’s ex makes a move on him at the party of the year and Don sees them lock lips in a heartbreaking kiss. His heart is instantly shattered, and Marcos has mountains to climb to earn his trust or a chance to have his heart again.

Please note: This 16,000+ word short story is followed by an exclusive preview to Haunted Hearts, an ebook by Maverick Hawkeye


If you have read Halloween Hunk, I hope you will consider leaving feedback or a review for me as an author about what you may have enjoyed or didn’t like so much. I love hearing from my readers and it helps to keep encouraging me to continue writing the characters you love and improve my craft.

Books are my babies, but without the encouragement and a few kind words from you every once in a while they would never see the light of day and remain buried in the dust on my hard drive.

You helped bring this book into the world as much as I did writing it and without you it wouldn't exist. So, thank you my friends and loyal readers.

~Mercedes Black

Release dateMar 21, 2013
Halloween Hunk

Mercedes Black

Mercedes Black writes interracial romance bringing men and women of different colors and cultures together in the bedroom. You can follow her quest to become a published author on her blog.

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    Halloween Hunk - Mercedes Black

    Halloween Hunk


    Mercedes Black

    Copyright @ 2012 by Mercedes Black

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    Halloween Hunk is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Halloween Hunk may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Halloween Hunk

    A Hot Tropica Books Publication

    September 2012

    Copyright ©2012 Mercedes Black

    Cover illustration copyright © Missy Lyons

    ISBN 13: 978-1481226721

    ISBN 10: 148122672X

    All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher.

    All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

    Published by: Hot Tropica Books

    Halloween Hunk


    Donovan Rutherford is starting completely over.

    New job. New town. New life.

    Marcos has an undeniable attraction for the hunk who just moved in. He’s just getting over a bad break up and a jealous boyfriend, but it’s time to move on and Don has a set of green eyes he could lose himself in. His strawberry blond hair falls to his shoulders and is reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian and he has a body to rival the warrior’s. Marcos wants a piece of it and is looking forward to getting to know his neighborly Halloween Hunk.

    The men hit it off well, until Marcos’s ex makes a move on him at the party of the year. Don witnesses them lock lips in a heartbreaking kiss. His heart is instantly shattered, and Marcos has mountains to climb to earn his trust or have a chance to break his wounded heart again.

    Halloween Hunk

    by Mercedes Black

    Copyright ©2012 Mercedes Black

    Chapter One

    Don Rutherford was new to the New Orleans. After a string of loveless relationships, Don was ready for a do over. He started a job at the local television station doing a featured series on physical fitness. It was the big break he had been hoping for years and the opportunity came at exactly the right time. He needed to change his life for the better.

    Don had high hopes of finding someone special in his life when he moved to the predominantly gay college neighborhood. It was lively and colorful and he liked the way everyone was so open about their sexuality here. He loved the positive energy from the neighborhood and the quirky people. It was unlike anyplace he ever lived before, and in a word it was paradise. He didn’t have to hide who or what he was here. He would be comfortable about sharing his sexuality as he was about everything else in his life.

    The men were mostly young and easy on his eyes, and the few women he came across were really hopeful he wasn’t as gay. He of course, had to disappoint them.

    Nobody knew he was a fitness geek here. Don was six foot two and could bench press nearly twice his body weight, so the fact was sadly obvious. He still expected most guys to take one look at his body and drool over the imagined nights of sweaty sticky hound dog sex they would undoubtedly find in his bed. Yet, he was missing something in his relationships because of that. He really wanted more than sex at this point of his life. The hot sex was always nice but he wanted more and deserved more than that. Don hoped he would find the guy that he wanted to spend of his life with. He needed someone he could fall in love with and that respected him as much for his brain as his body.

    Don still believed in love even after all his bad luck with men.

    Don found an awesome flat that was already furnished, so moving in consisted of unpacking his clothes and filling up the fridge.

    Don planned on working on that as soon as possible. He spent hours in the local health store and at the farmers market getting some very yummy looking fresh fruits and vegetables.

    His arms were full of groceries as he fumbled for his key in his pocket when one of his neighbors stopped him. Hey, you’re the new guy right?

    Don looked up only to stare down the most dazzling pair of sweet doe brown eyes he ever saw. Short dark hair swept behind his ears and he had a rough beard that made it seem like he forgot to

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