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Shadewraiths over Pandaria
Shadewraiths over Pandaria
Shadewraiths over Pandaria
Ebook58 pages53 minutes

Shadewraiths over Pandaria

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This short story takes place roughly forty years before A Dream of Storms (Book 1 of the In the Shadow of the Black Sun series) and the author highly recommends that you read that book before Shadewraiths over Pandaria.

Within the city of Lauden, the old man Trune is known as the village drunk, mostly useless and full of make-believe stories of his past. He is usually ignored and his tales dismissed. Shadewraiths over Pandaria delves into this character's true and unbelievable past.

From a childhood across The Edge to the training grounds of the knights of Harquinn, follow young Trune's tragic tale and discover how he wound up in an out of the way town like Lauden. What lies hidden within the ruins of Pandaria? What are Trune's ties to the dark lord Mournenhile? How did he fall so far?

Are all of Trune's tales imaginary?

I think not.

The writer recommends that you read A Dream of Storms before reading this short story.

Release dateAug 24, 2013
Shadewraiths over Pandaria

William Kenney

William Kenney is an American writer of fantasy fiction. He writes mainly dark epic fantasy and has also written in the horror genre. Kenney began writing while in high school, trying his hand at novels in the science fiction and fantasy genre. After reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, he began to focus on epic fantasy. In the year 2000 Kenney wrote A Dream of Storms, the first book of the In the Shadow of the Black Sun trilogy. This book was eventually published in July of 2011, with its sequel Shards of S'Darin being released a year later. 2014 saw the release of the final book in the trilogy called Mournenhile.William Kenney has also written 2 books in his Tales of Embremere series aimed at younger readers. Book one is entitled Embremere, with Return to Embremere being its sequel.Kenney has also published a horror novella called Undergrowth as an homage to H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, a horror novel called Ingheist and Die Dead Enough, a story of the zombie apocalypse.With co-author Stefain, William has created Maidenjade, a dark fantasy anthology series featuring thieves and assassins in a desperate city. Two books have been released so far.William Kenney is also an accomplished artist, having painted the covers to his own books as well as many by independent authors. He currently lives in the St. Louis area, is married and has two children.Twitter- @WilliamJKenneyBlog- AuthorWilliamKenney.blogspot.comWriters Circle- SkulldustCircle.blogspot.comVisit the Facebook page for A Dream of Storms at

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    Book preview

    Shadewraiths over Pandaria - William Kenney




    William Kenney

    (A story taking place some four decades before A Dream of Storms.)

    Copyright 2013 William Kenney

    Smashwords edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Other books by William Kenney:

    The In the Shadow of the Black Sun series

    Book 1: A Dream of Storms

    Book 2: Shards of S'Darin

    Book 3: Mournenhile (late 2013)

    The Tales of Embremere series

    Book 1: Embremere

    Book 2: Return to Embremere

    Undergrowth (A horror novella)


    Die Dead Enough

    Visit my blog at the following link:

    Copyright 2013

    William Kenney


    Why do you have to go? asked the young girl, pulling on his shirt sleeve, her bright orange hair in her eyes. It’s not fair, Trune.

    There’s nothing I can do, Breah. My parents have decided, he mumbled as he prepared for the long, dusty walk back home. We’re moving to Harquinn. They say that it’s too dangerous for children on this side of The Edge. Half of this town is already on Mournenhile’s side.

    Don’t say his name, she scolded, slapping his arm.

    He was destroyed years ago, or so they say. What is saying his name going to do? You know I don’t believe that rubbish, Breah.

    Just because you don’t believe, doesn’t mean he’s not real, Trune, Breah added as she stopped at the fence line. Night was coming and she was not allowed off of her family’s property after dark. Pith had been seen in the region a few nights prior and the adults were all on edge. The animalistic things had even been brave enough to make off with several of Drin Kabinnin’s rams, their mutilated carcasses found a league away in the foothills.

    The appearance of Pith stragglers could only mean that those of the east were gathering an army once more, to what end no one could be sure. Luckily, their small town of Thaerym was sheltered from the eyes of Mournenhile by the Vorian Mountains and the inhabitants most often ignored. Somehow these mindless creatures had found their way through the mountain passes and into their town.

    It was happening far too often for Trune’s parents. Moving away was largely his mother’s decision, his father arguing to the very last, but eventually giving in and making the arrangements. They were lucky, Trune’s family, for they had enough money to make the move to Harquinn. Most, like Breah’s parents, could not afford such things.

    It’s because you’re too curious, isn’t it, Trune? You’re always getting into something that you shouldn’t, Breah said with a shake of her head.

    Trune bit his lip and shrugged.

    You went to the caves even though your parents had forbidden it, she added. When someone claimed to have seen a demon in the forest, you had to see for yourself.

    It wasn’t a demon. When I-

    She cut him off.

    That’s not the point, Trune. One day, your curiosity is going to backfire on you. Your parents are trying to protect you, said Breah.

    So, you’re on their side? he asked, one hand on his hip.

    Of course not. I would never take sides against you, you know that. You’re just too nosey for your own good, Breah said.

    It’s just the way I am, Trune explained as he stared into the distance.

    And it’s the reason that you have to leave this place and your friends. She paused for a moment, turning her face away. "It’s the reason you have to leave me."

    They stood together for several moments in silence, lost in thoughts of hopelessness. They were just children and this was completely out of their control. Trune found himself regretting the decisions that she had spoken of. If he had only ignored the stories, stayed away from the caves and the forest, perhaps he could have remained with Breah in Thaerym. He found himself hating his parents for taking him away.

    "The day after

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