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Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles
Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles
Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles
Ebook658 pages7 hours

Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles

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An unlikely chain of events transports Oklahoma businessman, Dan Walker, and his family to a strange new world filled with knights, druids and dragons.
Finding himself in a storybook isn’t enough though, as Dan realizes that his business and several thousand acres of Oklahoma prairie came with him.
Tossed into the middle of a fledgling conflict between two kingdoms, the Walker family soon discovers that, while there are some advantages to modern weapons in a land of swords and spears, their new world doesn’t care one bit about the caliber of their rifles. On the contrary, it’s the new mysterious abilities they discover in themselves that make the difference
Dan’s wife can bend wood like it was putty; his sister has a lion for a best friend and his daughter talks to dragons! The Walkers soon find themselves changed both physically and spiritually as they make a life-changing journey of self-discovery and sacrifice.

Release dateMar 19, 2014
Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles

David Welliver

David is a retired Air Force Master Sergeant, avid reader, decent racquetball player and amateur chef. He lives in Weston Missouri with his wife Cara and his dog Hamlet.

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    Children of the Sun; The Walker Chronicles - David Welliver

    Children of the Sun

    The Walker Chronicles

    Book One

    By David Welliver

    Text Copyright 2014 David C. Welliver

    All Rights Reserved

    Cover Art from

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife Cara.

    Without your love and support, this book would likely never have been written.

    I love you most.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    There shall come a time when the Dark Dragons rise again and mankind will tremble in fear. Neither the armies of men nor the druids of the forest shall hold the key to their demise. No, that honor shall belong to one of their own.


    A flicker of movement from the ground beneath him caused the great black dragon to adjust the angle of his wings and, with a quick snort of irritation, scan the ground below with renewed interest. Already on edge from an unexplained and massive change in the air pressure a few minutes prior, Malafyre was beginning to believe there were forces at work this morning that were beyond his experience and not at all to his liking.

    Gliding along the eastern edge of the forest, called The Glasswood by humans, the young dragon scanned the area for whatever it was that had caught his eye a moment ago. Hunger made him irritable and the unusual events of the morning had done nothing to ease his discomfort but the thought of feasting on one of the fat deer from the forest had him eager for the hunt.

    The prey here had other ideas, evidently, as there was no repetition of the movement from earlier. So, pumping his wings long enough to gain sufficient altitude to catch the current, he began his search anew. As he reached the warmer airflow, he turned to the east in order to observe a small grove of trees just outside the main body of the forest. Perhaps he could startle a deer, or maybe even a human or two, and finally fill his empty belly.

    As he levelled out above the grove, he was startled to see an abrupt change in the appearance of the shrubbery and grassland below. A sudden feeling of wrongness assailed his senses, and he banked sharply to the west to escape the gut-wrenching nausea that sprang to life in his gullet. There was no sign of the source of the terrible sensation so he winged to the northwest and considered searching for a meal further north along the edge of the wood. Still a little dazed, he quickly discarded this thought. Whatever prey was to be found here was not worth spending another moment near this cursed land!

    He would seek easier prey to the north and perhaps return here at a later time to investigate the strange sensation he had experienced. Caution in the land of men was always recommended, and Malafyre had no intention of making himself an easy target for any wandering knight.


    The small clearing was quiet, except for the creaking of the trees, as a westerly wind blew through the branches. The sun was a few hours past its zenith and shafts of light angled through the branches to spot the carpet of leaves covering the ground below. Waking, his mind foggy as if he had slept too long and been awakened suddenly, the man pushed himself into a sitting position and looked around the wooded area. He could see the edge of the woods about a hundred yards from his position in the clearing; low rolling hills were visible just outside the ring of Bur oaks he currently occupied and beyond the hills a mountain range with snow-capped peaks. Where am I? He thought to himself.

    Dressed in simple leather breeches and a cotton shirt the man was unremarkable in most every way. With unadorned knee length boots of doeskin and a plain leather belt, he could have passed unnoticed in any gathering. The only item in his possession was a hunting knife in a simple sheath attached to his belt. His skin was tanned and weathered, his hands calloused and hard. His hair had been cut very close to his head, showing some gray at the temples and his eyes were blue. There was a calmness to him that belied the confusion in his thoughts. It was as if simple problems, like not knowing where he was at the moment, bothered him not in the least. Dan, my name is Dan. Well at least I know that much.

    He stood, brushing leaves and twigs off his leather breeches … leather breeches! "What the hell is going on?" the man asked no one in particular. He didn’t understand why the fact that he was wearing breeches was an issue, but it just felt… wrong!

    As he stood, he saw that he was not alone. Across the clearing were three individuals lying on the ground, one was a young man and the other two were clearly women. The man was dressed in very similar fashion as himself, right down to the knife on the belt. He appeared to be in his late teens, about six feet tall, very fit with shoulder length brown hair. The women were… well stunning. Both had brown hair with traces of red that appeared when the sun touched them. The older of the two was small, maybe five foot two, slim and fit with short hair just covering her ears. The younger appeared to be in her early twenties, perhaps six inches taller than the other and showed muscular shoulders and forearms. She looks like a volleyball player he thought as he walked towards the three. The boy looks like a swimmer, maybe a gymnast? It was apparent they were related somehow; the younger two shared the facial features of the older woman.

    As he reached the trio, he stopped and looked around again to get his bearings. There was no indication of what they, or he for that matter, were doing in this clearing and that disturbed him more than a little.

    I can’t remember how I got here, heck I can barely remember my own name! As he looked back to the figures on the ground, the woman stirred, eyes fluttering, and a low moan escaped her lips. Easy there darling he said as he knelt by her side. Eyes opening, she threw her hands up in front of herself as if to ward off a blow and Dan stood and stepped back a step, not wanting to alarm her further.

    Easy, easy, no one is going to hurt you, he said softly. Looking around sharply, she appeared confused as she sat up and took in her surroundings, finally resting her gaze on Dan. She looks as confused as I felt when I woke. Dan thought. Who are you? she asked after a moment.

    Doing his best to appear non-threatening, he knelt slowly so he was squatting on his heels. My name is Dan and I woke in this clearing just a few moments before you. I have no idea where I am or how I got here, do you?

    Standing slowly, she touched her forehead with one petite hand like a mother checking a child’s temperature. No, she replied I do not.

    Well then do you remember your name? Dan asked.

    This question seemed to cause her some discomfort and suddenly tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him I…I… Cara! My name is Cara! She cried exultantly. The small victory apparently brought her some relief and she wiped the back of her hands across her eyes to wipe away the tears. I’m sorry, she said with a shy smile, it’s just that it’s a little disconcerting to wake up in a strange place with a strange man and not know how I got here.

    He laughed what he hoped was a reassuring laugh. I agree, perhaps in time we will remember more and we can figure out what to do next.

    At that moment a huge shadow passed overhead and Dan ducked out of instinct. What is that? asked Cara, shielding her eyes from the sun and watching a massive shape fly silently away above the tree tops.

    No idea, but it was huge and I didn’t even hear it until it was right over our heads.

    Well it’s gone now; let’s just hope it doesn’t come back, she replied with just a hint of a tremble in her voice.

    Dan tuned his attention to the two figures on the ground and asked, Do you know these two? Cara looked at the pair and shook her head. No, do you?

    No ma’am, I don’t. Forgive me for saying so, but they look like they might be related to you. Cara gave a small laugh at that and before he could ask what she thought was funny she said, I was going to say the same thing to you!

    ----------- -----------

    Dan Walker was having a fantastic day. The final touches to his new home were almost complete and the project manager had informed him they would be prepared for inspection by the end of the week. As Dan climbed the last few steps leading to the above ground section of the complex, he could hear his wife Cara on the phone with her mother in England. Alright Mum, love you and we will see you in a few days.

    As he emerged from the hallway and entered the office, Cara smiled at him as she tried to get off the phone. Dan knew that might be a twenty minute struggle so, with a sympathetic smile, he moved towards the kitchen to find a drink and something to snack on.

    Walking into the living room he stopped to enjoy the view as he gazed at the house that had been their single overwhelming passion for the past eighteen months. The structure was nothing special, at least the above ground portion anyway. Below ground was another story altogether. A two thousand square foot ranch house with a wraparound porch and a large deck in the back yard, the house was comfortable and plenty big for the four of them. If it were just the four of us this would be perfect.

    As Dan smeared mayonnaise across a slice of homemade honey-wheat bread, he thought about the series of events that brought them to this point. It was the kind of story they made for romantic comedies or after school specials.

    Two years ago an F5 tornado had wrought death and destruction on a scale that was hard to imagine but that the Walker family had witnessed firsthand. The twister struck Moore Oklahoma at 2:50 PM and cut a swath from the southwest corner of the city to the northeast corner and continued on into Oklahoma City and the suburb of Edmond. Twenty-two dead, mostly children, and billions of dollars in damage to homes, schools, businesses; the tornado had left a scar on central Oklahoma that would be hard to heal.

    For Cara, the most terrifying part of the day had been the realization that had the path of the storm diverted two hundred yards to the south, then she and the children, eighteen year old Ryan, and twenty year old Meagan, would have been victims as well. With no storm shelter the family had rode out the storm in the bathroom tub with blankets and pillows for protection. Their oldest daughter Casey was up in Stillwater about an hour’s drive north and had a close call of her own. For Dan, who was on a business trip to Washington DC, it had been the most helpless he had ever felt as he sat in an airport terminal watching the news reports come out of Oklahoma.

    A family meeting the following week, when Dan returned from his business trip, had resulted in a commitment to building a storm shelter before the next storm season began. Cara made her argument, but truth be told, Dan would have insisted had she not pushed him to it anyway. The following Saturday, they sat down with Cara’s sister Jolene and her husband Darin and looked over plans and prices for storm shelters. Darin and Jolene Green lived in Edmond, Oklahoma and their four bedroom ranch-style home had suffered significant storm damage when a neighbor’s tree had been uprooted and tossed into their living room, sticking there like a dart in the dart board.

    During the family meeting to discuss shelters, Dan came across an online advertisement selling old nuclear silos as well as moth-balled command control and communications bunkers. Dan remembered thinking that with some effort and significant refurbishing; one of those would make a heck of a tornado-proof home. The two sticking points were the location and the price. Starting at half a million just for the property, these locations were well out of Dan’s price range. As for locations, these sites were found in remote areas and none were close enough to Oklahoma City where Dan’s business was located. Pushing that idea to the back of the queue, Dan and Darin quickly came to a consensus on which shelter would work best for their needs and within two weeks the crews were onsite and working to install the lifesaving containers in the floor of their garages.

    Life has a funny way of teaching you not to get too comfortable Dan remembered thinking more than once. Forty three days after the completion of the storm shelters, their life changed in a way that none of them ever expected. The Powerball jackpot was 343 million dollars when Cara’s late-night stop at the local convenience store culminated in a purchase of three lottery tickets and three scratch-off tickets.

    That night found the family sitting in their living room after a dinner of hamburgers and potato salad and a movie rented from the cable service. After the movie, when the local TV. Powerball girl pulled the final ball and the numbers were checked, it took a few seconds for the reality to sink in. But, when it did, the room exploded in screams and cheers so raucous that their Red Heeler, Hamlet, ran to the back hallway and crouched down in confusion.

    After the publicity faded and the enormity of their good fortune finally sunk in, Dan left his job with a security guard contractor and Cara left her job as a store manager for a local clothing boutique. It had been seven years since Dan had retired from the US Air Force as a Security Forces Master Sergeant and he had not been without employment since he was 12 years old with his first paper route.

    Spending money was easy and Dan, Cara and the kids threw themselves into it with a vengeance! New cars, new clothes and new toys for all, they bought all the things they had dreamt of their whole lives. The money aside, Dan struggled with his new circumstances. The absence of a need to work was not something Dan knew how to deal with and he could tell Cara was concerned for him as he began to display a moodiness that was uncommon to him.

    Knowing there were a hundred financial traps waiting for someone in his position was disconcerting and he spent many nights on the computer and many conversations with Cara looking for a cause to throw himself into. Then, late one night while Dan was researching Earth Homes on the computer, he came across the same pop-up advertisement for old nuclear missile silos that he had read when researching storm shelters.

    He had long been what he considered a small government, low taxes kind of guy. The idea of being self-sufficient and able to live without undue interference from the government was very attractive to him. He was not what he would have called a prepper, one of those individuals who prepare for one end-of-the-world scenario or another but he did like the idea of being independent. The added benefit of a silo being extremely effective shelter against tornadoes was icing on the cake.

    The advertisement for the silo was what got his imagination flowing and the very next day he called Darin. Dan could recall that first conversation with Darin like it was yesterday. I want to buy an old silo, refurbish it as a living space and create a living compound free of any need for government assistance, public utilities and outside influences, he said to his brother in law as they sat sipping beer on Darin’s back patio.

    Look Dan, if that’s what makes you happy then go for it. It’s not like you can’t afford it, said Darin.

    But what will Cara and the kids think about this kind of move? Dan replied.

    Well, said Darin, only one way to find out now isn’t there, ask her! You can always hire a helicopter to take her to civilization now and then right?

    Your right, your right, Dan had answered.

    If you would though, I would like you to consider something. Darin said with a sly grin. Jolene and I don’t have much tying us to this place and Mom is going to be with you guys, so, if it’s cool, perhaps you let us tag along and be part of your team?

    Why didn’t I think of that? Dan wondered. Another sip of his beer was all the time he needed to make that decision. You bet brother, the more the merrier!

    That remark had turned out to be truer than any of them would have imagined. By the time Dan had convinced Cara, Ryan, Meagan, and her boyfriend Steve that the plan would work; two more families had asked to be included. Dan’s younger brothers Garrett and James had responded to Dan’s online social media post with enthusiastic requests to be included. When the dust settled there were twenty-six men, women and children asking to be part of what was now affectionately called…The Farm

    -------------- --------------

    Dan walked out of the kitchen and found Cara on the couch in the living room. She was staring out the large sliding glass doors on the north side of the room, watching Ryan and Meagan work with Jan as she began the task of examining the horses. Dan’s sister Jan and her fiancé Ben had arrived the day before and she had been eager to get started with the herd as soon as possible.

    A large animal vet living in Florida, Jan had been through a rough divorce from her husband Neil in 2010. Shortly after the divorce her only child, Allison, had died as the result of a swimming accident in the Gulf of Mexico. Desperate to get away from bad memories in Florida, Jan had convinced her fiancé Ben to move with her to the compound in Oklahoma. As a horse trainer/breeder, Ben was the perfect fit to help raise and care for the thirty quarter horses Dan had purchased. Jan would provide on-site care for the horses and the other livestock on the compound so the pair was a godsend.

    Whatcha thinking my love? He asked quietly.

    Cara smiled as he sat down beside her and took his hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. Not much, just worried about Mum, she said. The flight will be hard on her and I am still worried that we are a long way from medical help if we need it."

    Dan patted her hand as he responded, I know, I know, but remember, we have Lacy here and she is one heck of a nurse. Cara sighed and then smiled up at him. You’re right, I just worry is all.

    Well stop it, he said in his most reassuring tone. She is thrilled to be coming and very excited to have all these young ones around to love on.

    Standing suddenly, he held his hand out to her. Let’s get to the patio. The boys ought to have the grill working by now.


    They look like me? Hearing him say that made Cara look to the two young people at their feet and re-examine them. Yes, it’s pretty clear, there is a family resemblance here she thought as she looked back to Dan’s face. I don’t know what this means but yes, they look like you as well. Dan began rubbing his head through his short hair, massaging his scalp as if doing so might eliminate his problem like a sore muscle. The gesture sparked something in Cara, some memory, like a dream she had just woke from that teased at the edges of her mind but refused to be captured. Dan, this may sound odd, but I get the feeling I know you too. Yeah, he replied. I am getting that as well. More and more I feel like I should know you and these two as well, he added, nodding towards the still unmoving youngsters.

    We can’t just stand here and wait for answers. We need to do something to prepare for nightfall if we are going to be here much longer.

    Okay Cara, the memories will return on their own it seems. Let’s get some wood gathered for a fire and maybe look for some water. She nodded in agreement and they both moved to the edge of the clearing and began to gather twigs and branches from the floor of the woods. There were abundant amounts of wood available which told Cara that the area had been untended for quite some time.

    Dan took a moment to trim a wrist-thick length of wood he found on the ground. A staff was better than nothing when you’re stranded in the woods she thought. Within a few short minutes they had a sizable stack of logs and kindling gathered. So how are we going to get a fire going without matches? she asked as they stood next to the pile of wood. Oh, leave that to me, he laughed, I was an eagle scout back in the day. With that he bent to undo the laces on his left boot, but before he could untie the laces he suddenly felt dizzy! There was a loud whooshing sound inside his head and with a sudden snap! His memories flooded back!


    The work on the old launch control facility, or LCF, was finally complete, as was the construction of the firing range, above ground residences, leech field, generator farm, wells and farm buildings. Dan stood in the classroom located in the front of the massive weapons training facility and looked out at the faces of the twenty-five men, women and children who would live and work on the compound.

    First, I want to say to all of you that I am proud to know all of you and so very impressed with your efforts these last several months. What started as a dream has become a reality but also something so much more. Pausing to collect himself, Dan felt a surprisingly strong sense of love for the people gathered in front of him and an equally strong sense of pride and accomplishment.

    Now everyone here knows I like nothing more than the sound of my own voice, but I promised Cara I would keep this short and sweet. A low rumble of laughter passed briefly through the group. We’ve accomplished a great thing here, something we will be able to pass on to our children and something to be proud of for generations. The training facility here that the twins have put so much effort into will keep us in the black all on its own. The horse trail and stables that Jan and Ben spearheaded, as well as the ATV trails that Steve and Ryan developed, will add some income. All of you who helped to make those facilities viable have our thanks and appreciation. So now, before my lovely wife’s eyes burn a hole in me, let’s go eat this food and celebrate!

    July 2012, Sinchon North Korea


    Doctor Dae-Ho Kan was afraid. Not the kind of fear you face when you are in physical danger or the fear you feel when someone jumps from hiding and startles you. No, this was the fear you feel when you are about to do something you know cannot be undone and that will affect the future of all mankind.

    Looking around the control room, Dae-Ho considered the circumstances that had brought him to this point. Not a religious man he couldn’t blame his present circumstances on an uncaring god so he blamed fate instead. The amount of machinery and electronics in the control room created a terrible dry heat and Dae-Ho wished for a cup of tea as he stood waiting for the supervisor to begin.

    A graduate of Hamhung University with a degree in advanced Theoretical Physics, Dae-Ho would never have imagined himself in his present circumstances if he weren’t actually here living the nightmare.

    Six years ago he had been out of school for only a month when the government men had come for him. Whisked away to the top-secret underground facility east of Sinchon, he had been assigned to a think-tank and tasked with creating a weapon that would end the domination of the West and establish North Korea as a world power once and for all. His political leaders truly believed that their destiny was to rule the world. Despite rampant poverty and hunger, they poured every resource into the country’s fledgling nuclear arsenal and into the facility at Sinchon. North Korea could never hope to go toe-to-toe with America with simple nuclear weapons. No, the Great Leader had other ideas that made nuclear winter look like a day at the park.

    Working with a group of physicists, chemical, electric and mechanical engineers, and the ever present political monitors, Dae-Ho bent to the task at hand with fervor. Not what his friends would call a true believer, Dae-Ho nonetheless knew that until he finished the assigned task, he and the other academics would never be allowed to leave this miserable warren of laboratories, offices, and bleak hallways. While the food was good and the company of like-minded peers was enjoyable, Dae-Ho wanted to pursue true scientific research and before he could do that, he needed to discover the next great weapon.

    The discovery, when it came, was something of a surprise. While the science was sound, years of experiments and dozens of disappointments had made a skeptic out of Dae-Ho and his co-workers. The current version of the weapon was nicknamed The Riceball for its remarkable similarity to a large ball of rice. The test model was a dirty white color, about two feet in circumference, and round with shallow grooves on the surface. If he didn’t know what lurked inside he would have thought it a large ball of rice. The problem was, he did know and that was the source of his fear this day.

    The test was set for two o’clock in test cell number three. Buried far below the surface, about 8 miles from the compound, the test cell was an impenetrable globe buried five hundred feet underground and accessible only by the small elevator tube. With remote cameras and sensors dotting the inner surface of the chamber, the ground around the cell and on the surface above, it was designed to be monitored from the control center in the main compound. Dae-Ho had consulted on the construction of the test cell and he knew that, barring some terrible string of events, here in the control center they were safe from the theoretical effects of the test weapon.

    Standing at the back of the control center, Dae-Ho looked to his left at his friend Eun. Eun was also a graduate of Hamhung University and had arrived at the compound only a few days before Dae-Ho. Eun returned his glance and smiled what he was sure she thought was a reassuring smile. He smiled back and mouthed a silent good luck. Eun was an engineer and it was her job today to start the chain of events that would lead to the test firing of the Riceball.

    Ready to proceed, she declared. By her side the ever stoic General Hyo simply nodded and continued to stare at the bank of monitors that showed the empty test cell. Eun pushed a simple switch on the console in front of her and, without a sound, started the weapon’s journey to the test cell. As he stood watching the clock on the wall count the seconds, Dae-Ho thought that a moment as monumental as this should be accompanied by ceremony or celebration. And that simple switch on the console! Shouldn’t there be a massive lever or a large red button? Dae-Ho knew his thoughts were ridiculous but then, wasn’t the whole affair an exercise in the ridiculous? Would they really start a war if this weapon worked? Would they risk nuclear retaliation and the end of their nation? Dae-Ho was brought back to the present as Eun’s voice sounded in his ears with the declaration that the Riceball had reached the test cell.

    Proceed, said Hyo. Eun nodded her assent and with a brief glance at the several gauges on her station, turned the dial on her control panel. Dae-Ho knew that they would not be able to see anything at first, but once the interference from the weapon’s detonation had cleared they should have a relatively good view of the aftermath. As expected, there was no sound but simultaneously the cameras went black and the gauges on the several control panels sprang to life.

    The small group waited for what seemed to Dae-Ho to be an eternity, but what in fact were just a few minutes. Finally, when no image returned to the camera monitors, General Hyo turned to Eun and asked, Is this expected? Eun cleared her throat and with a nervous gesture to the control-panel said, Not exactly sir. Knowing the scientific explanation would go over the General’s head, she struggled to simplify her response without sounding condescending. The instruments read essentially what we expected although at much higher levels. The signals seem to have registered upon detonation and then ceased. The cameras should be providing a clear picture of the test cell and I have no explanation as to why they are not. Eun made a few adjustments on her panel and then looked at the monitors again with consternation. Let me try the aerial view from the drone.

    When the monitor flickered to life it took them all a few seconds to register what they were seeing. When it became clear, Dae-Ho knew they had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. A crater stood where the test cell had been buried. The crater was perfectly round and perhaps two miles across and the devastation was complete. General Hyo just smiled, Eun looked ill and Dae-Ho wasn’t sure if he should clap, bow or run.


    I remember! Dan took a few steps towards Cara and took her hand. I remember who I am and I remember who you are too! A short laugh escaped Cara’s lips as Dan stood there beaming like a five year old who just finished his first jigsaw puzzle. What do you remember? she asked, dying for some hint of who they were and what they were doing here. Well for one thing, we won’t need this wood for a fire. Dan nudged the pile of sticks at his feet and spun to face the edge of the clearing to what Cara somehow knew was the east. Our farm is less than a mile in that direction. We just can’t see it because of those low hills.

    A look of consternation came over his face when he looked towards the mountain peak. That’s not right though. There shouldn’t be a mountain there, Cara ground her teeth with frustration. Well, we can deal with that later. Who am I and who are these two? Cara looked over at the youngsters on the ground, wondering what part they played in her life and why she felt a deep concern for their well-being. Dan looked back to her and smiled a mischievous smile. You are my wife, and those are our two of our children, Ryan and Meagan.

    At the mention of the names and with the realization that they were married, memories started to flow into Cara’s mind with startling quickness. Oh my god! Dizziness, followed by a mild nausea, struck her and Dan moved to hold her by the elbows until it passed. Dan, what’s going on?

    I don’t know baby, but I intend to find out. Dan said.

    Cara motioned for him to let her sit and she lowered herself to the ground with his help. We need to find the others Dan. There’s no telling what could have happened to them if they are in the same state as Ryan and Meagan!

    She has a point Dan thought as he looked at his children lying there, appearing for all intents and purposes as if they were simply asleep. Just then he saw a flicker of movement in Ryan’s eyes, and then they opened! As if this were a cue to his sister, Meagan stirred as well and they both began to sit up and look around. Dan was prepared for their questions this time and took a step back to allay their fears as he worked to calm them. Twenty minutes and one tearful reunion later, the four of them moved towards the Farm, wondering what awaited them there.

    A short walk later and Dan saw his brother Garret walking towards them. The first thing Dan noticed was that Garret was armed to the teeth; AR-15 in his hands, Smith and Wesson nine millimeter in a shoulder holster, extra magazines for both and a bowie knife on his hip that looked like a small sword. Glad you guys finally showed up, he said, we were about to send out a search party. Garret shook Dan’s hand and pulled him into a half-hug that was complicated by the rifle in his left hand.

    So now that your back, maybe we can talk about the weird happenings that have been going on here.

    Dan sensed his brother was talking about more than just the normal happenings and Garret confirmed this with his next remark. Y’all experience anything strange or see anything odd? The second part of his question gave Dan pause.

    Well now that you mention it, yes, we did have an odd experience. Dan quickly explained his waking in the clearing and Cara and the kids added their version of the afternoon’s events. What did you mean when you asked if we had seen anything odd? Dan asked.

    Garret took on a look of watchfulness, scanning the wood line and of all things, the sky. Well most everyone had a similar experience to yours. Unconsciousness, memory loss, nausea, but the twins say they saw a very large bird or something flying to the west; described the darn thing like it was a dragon out of a story-book of all things. Then there is that mountain, Garret said, pointing towards the peaks that Dan knew darn good and well did not belong in southwest Oklahoma.

    The twins Garrett had mentioned were their nephews, Nick and Carl Walker. Sons of Dan’s now deceased older brother Horace, the twins had both served six year enlistments in the military. Nick had joined the Army and become a cavalry scout stationed at Fort Hood Texas. Three tours in Iraq in six years had been all he could stomach and when his enlistment finished he left the Army and went back to school to study mechanical engineering. Carl had chosen the Air Force and spent his six years as a logistics specialist at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. He took advantage of the 100% tuition assistance and worked his way to a degree in History. When his service was complete he returned to Stillwater and went to work at the city purchasing department.

    Both were excited about the possibilities and agreed to work at the compound’s Indoor/Outdoor firing range teaching weapons classes and running the range. The firing range was intended to be used by the compound residents only, but interest by the locals had been so intense that Dan agreed to open it to the public as a commercial endeavor. Nick and Carl moved to the compound immediately, working through the many licenses, fees, and certifications with an infectious enthusiasm. Their presence in the nearby town of Eldorado caused quite a stir amongst the single ladies.

    Dan looked to the distant peak and nodded in agreement. Yeah, that’s a little odd; then there are these clothes. Garret eyed Dan and the others and replied, Well, you’re not the only ones that showed up in that kind of outfit. Anyone who was found outside after the… well whatever that event was, woke up in similar garb and everyone in the Silo or the out-buildings was wearing their regular clothes when they woke. What do you suppose that means?

    I dunno brother, I dunno. Putting his arm around Cara, Dan started towards the training facility. Let’s get inside and gather the others, we need to talk this out and try to figure out what’s going on. I have a feeling everyone will have a story to tell and maybe together we can come up with some answers.

    Twenty minutes later the entire group was gathered in the large classroom of the firearms training facility. The room was set up with four long rows of tables, four tables per row, with two chairs per table. There were two large dry erase boards on the front wall with a digital projector hanging from the center of the ceiling. The north wall was lined with lockers for equipment and the east wall held weapons cleaning stations and a workbench. Dan sent his nephew, James Jr., and Garrett’s son, Nate, to the gate on the west side of the compound to watch the road that led to the Farm. He instructed Nate to send James Jr. if they saw anything or anyone approaching. Nate was equipped with a megaphone from the firing range, binoculars, and an AR-15 just in case things got weird. Garret cautioned them to keep one eye on the sky in case whatever it was the twins had seen made an appearance.

    Alright everybody, settle down said Dan as the boys ran out the door of the classroom. We likely all have some questions and I think we should compare notes on our last few hours to see if we can come up with some answers. Garrett, why don’t you start then I will throw in my two cents.

    Garrett rose from his seat in the second row and walked to the front of the classroom. Well, my part is pretty simple, he remarked as he ran his hands through his hair. I was in the lower storeroom of the silo when the lights went out. When I say the lights went out, I mean when I was knocked out by something. He smiled a little smile and said, must have been something powerful to knock out a mighty specimen like myself. That earned him a few smiles and Nick and Carl gave out a pair of barking laughs. These folks look like they could use a little humor thought Dan. Well done brother.

    When I came around, I was lying flat on my back with a pair of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) on my face and a pack of toilet paper on my chest. I remember not knowing who I was or how I got there. It was a little disconcerting to say the least. I worked my way up the stairs and outside and then ran into Jan and Ben looking as confused as I was. From there it was just a matter of time and we all started to get our bearings and then the memories came flooding back.

    Jan and Ben nodded in agreement as he described their meeting. We didn’t even know each other, Jan said looking at Ben. Well I know you now babe, Ben replied with the kind of stupid grin you only see on people totally smitten with each other. Jan rested her head on his chest and patted his cheek, Yes we do hon.

    After that, each member of the family told their story and they were remarkably similar. Dan’s oldest daughter, Casey, and son-in-law, Joel, had been riding horses with their three children when the event happened. Their oldest, Maycin, had suffered a wrenched knee when he fell from the horse he was riding, but, aside from that and a few bruises, scrapes and scratches, everyone was essentially unharmed. The one common thread was the change to the clothing of all those caught outside when they passed out. How to explain that one thought Dan. And the mountains, what is that all about? Do we just not remember or is there something else at work here?

    Dan was just about to call on Nick and Carl to describe the bird they saw earlier when James Jr. came rushing into the room. Riders coming up the road!

    August 22nd, Juarez Mexico

    Park Wo

    Captain Park Wo was way out of his element. A third generation pilot in the Korean People’s Army Air Force, or KPAF, Wo was most comfortable in the cramped cockpit of his Mig-29, but today he was sitting on a collection of crates in a dilapidated aircraft hangar just outside of Juarez Mexico. Park’s bowels cramped for what seemed like the hundredth time since breakfast. They had eaten only six hours ago, and he was certain he would not survive another trip to the Mexican version of a toilet.

    Whatever he had eaten last night had definitely disagreed with him. He hadn’t been able to distinguish the ingredients in the dish of red and brown goo they put in front of him. All he knew was that it was hotter than kimchi and had twisted his insides into a massive knot of pain and nausea. What was I thinking eating that mess? I know my orders said to not offend our host, but this is crazy!

    Across the hangar he watched his fellow pilots discussing the upcoming mission with the Mexican tacticians. Park saw Colonel Chi smile, nod and then bow briskly before turning to walk towards Park’s position across the hangar with the other two Korean pilots in his wake.

    Captain Wo, said Colonel Chi, do you think you are up to the return drive to our quarters? Wo knew the only sensible answer. Of course, Colonel, whenever you are ready sir. Chi smiled again and looked down at him with what Park was sure was his most sympathetic face but only served to deepen his concern. Then let us proceed back to our hovel. We can go over the latest intelligence on the ride back.

    Park nodded and stood gingerly, pausing to let his limbs stop shaking. Colonel Chi started for the hangar door and the three Captains followed him to the small bus that waited for them outside the hangar. The ride back was torture for Park, but at least when it was over he was back in his room with a place to sit and a toilet close by. During the ride Colonel Chi had brought him up to speed on the minor changes to the information they had on their targets and the status of their aircraft. Park knew they were as ready as they would ever be if only he could convince his digestive system that the mission was critical and that his gut should return to its normal, passive state.

    As they had exited the bus, Captain Kan-lee, Park’s closest friend and, in his humble opinion, the best fighter pilot in their unit, had handed him a bottle of water from their personal stock and wished him a swift recovery. Once in his room, clutching the bottle like a life preserver, Park lay down on his cot and prepared for a miserable night’s rest. He tried to go to sleep but the twisting in his gut kept him awake as did thoughts of the mission to come.

    Park still couldn’t believe he had been honored to participate in what he truly believed would be the greatest blow against the Americans since Pearl Harbor. If all went as planned, they would show the ignorant capitalists exactly where they stood in the current world order! The weapons were the only unknown factor in this plan. Delivered separately from their aircraft early this morning, the bombs looked like nothing more than huge rice balls. There were no markings on the surface and they had been forbidden from marking them in any way by Colonel Chi.

    If the weapons worked, by this time tomorrow the United States would be in chaos and Park would have helped deliver the first blow in a conflict that would bring the Americans to their knees!


    Dan stepped out of the cool confines of the house into the oven-like heat of an Oklahoma summer. Another hot one with no letup in sight, Dan adjusted his ball cap and headed for the corral where his sister Jan was checking one of the mares that had presented a limp earlier in the day.

    As he made his way across the yard, he saw Cara and the kids walking over from the archery range. Meagan and Ryan were carrying baskets and talking with their heads together as they walked. Cara waved at him and turned to intercept his path to the corral. They met at the gate and Dan bent to wrap his arms around her, picking her up and kissing her quickly. Cara laughed and tipped his cap back with a huge smile on her face. Put me down Walker.

    Well yes Ma’am he replied with a grin of his own. Ryan grimaced and said get a room you two, jeez!

    We are going blackberry picking sweetie. Want to come with us? Cara asked.

    Dan started to say no but the look on his wife’s face changed his mind. Let me check with Jan real quick and I will catch up with you.

    Okay love, Cara replied in that sweet English accent Dan loved so much, don’t be too long.

    Dan and his brother in law Darin had both been stationed with the US Air Force at RAF Alconbury, in the East Anglia region of England, during the late 80’s; Dan as a Law Enforcement specialist and Darin as a jet engine mechanic. They had met the Nellis sisters separately but within weeks of each other and within 2 years, both were married and on their way to the United States. Jolene was the older of the two by 3 years and worked as a hairdresser. Cara, the only other child of Val and Dave Nellis, worked as an administrative assistant in an engineering firm until Dan’s military orders took them back to the US. Darin had finished his career at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City and he had come to love the area.

    After both Dan and Darin’s retirement from the Air Force they had both decided to settle near Oklahoma City. So the two sisters, thousands of miles from their homeland and a decade removed from their departure from England, found themselves living 20 miles apart in central Oklahoma.

    Cara gestured for Ryan and Meagan to follow and then sauntered off towards the tree line to the West, looking back over her shoulder with a wicked grin. Dan waved and then turned hurriedly to the corral to find his sister. If I get this done quickly I can catch them before they get into the woods.

    By the time Dan walked into the corral his sister had already finished examining the mare. Anything serious?

    Turning to face him, Jan scrunched her nose up in a thoughtful grimace and replied, No, I don’t think so. We’ll keep an eye on it for a few days and see what develops before we move to the next step. Wiping her hands on a shop towel while turning to look off towards the woods where Cara and the kids were heading, Jan asked, Cara doing some berry picking?

    Yep, we should have some awesome cobbler after dinner tonight! said Dan.

    Well you better hurry on over there big brother. She is going to need your big strong arms to carry that basket! she said with a laugh. Dan smiled and turned towards the gate, increasing his pace until he was walking quickly towards the woods.

    Cara, Ryan, and Meagan were just entering the woods when Dan caught up with them. He had jogged the last 50 yards in order to catch them and was a little out of breath when they turned and greeted him at the edge of the woods. Man, I need to exercise more. I shouldn’t be out of breath so quickly he thought as he put his arm around Cara’s shoulders.

    Hey dad, look at that. Ryan was pointing to the sky just south and west of them at what appeared to be an airplane. There was a significant trail of black smoke behind the craft and it was banking hard and losing altitude at an alarming rate. Just as Dan was about to start towards the area on the horizon that the plane was aiming for, he saw a round object detach from the bottom of the aircraft and drop quickly towards their position.

    What do you think that is? he said to nobody in particular. Spare fuel tank may… Then the world went black.

    ------------- -------------

    Park knew he was in trouble. The flight to the border had gone off without a hitch and he and his team were racing towards their targets as scheduled. Then, just prior to the Oklahoma/Texas border, his Mig-29 had lurched and bucked in a terrifying fashion. Alarms began to sound, lights were blinking and he was losing power quickly.

    Park heard a loud banging from the engine and then felt a deep, alarming shudder run through the aircraft! The Mig jerked in his hands and pulled hard to the left and down towards the ground. Park knew he was in trouble and he had to act quickly! He could not land and let the weapon fall into the hands of the Americans so he had to drop the precious cargo now before it

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