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Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium
Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium
Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium

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This book will take you on a journey into the life of modern day mystic Arlene Braswell. See what it is really like to be a psychic, medium and healer. She talks about communication with loved ones that had crossed into spirit such as people, pets, spirit guides and angels. Healing, readings, reincarnation, spirit and ghosts.
How synchronicity plays a large part in following our life plans. Ascension is gradual and how our vibrations are our vehicle to other dimensions. Ways to increase our vibrational rate. This book also has many insights into reasons people do the things they do and how to promote changes. It shows one how we are all interconnected in the web of life. Join me as we cross the bridge into a glimpse of life as a spiritual medium.

Release dateNov 13, 2013
Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium

Arlene Braswell

I was empathic, intuitive and had psychic abilities ever since I can remember. I became a medium at the age of 13 when I started seeing spirits and began having precognitive dreams.I started doing psychic healing at an early age. it just came naturally to me and years later took reiki classes and other healing modalities.I decided to study alternative healing and devoted most of my life to enhancement of my ability to work with the bioenergy fields.I am clairvoyant and clairaudient and a medium. I have also been an intuitive tarot reader for years. I was given my first ta.through evidence of life after death from your loved ones and pets. I also receive messages from spirit guides and can channel the higher realms. I have brought through channeled messages from ascended masters, star beings and beings of the higher realms.I am the author of 4 published books.

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    Bridge Between Worlds; My Life As A Psychic Medium - Arlene Braswell


    We are multi-dimensional being and we are more than our physical material bodies. Meditating gives us access to our multi-dimensional selves. It leads us to discover hidden realms and ancient knowledge; for our true selves have access to this. In reality we are all One. It is as being a drop in the ocean; well we are all drops in the ocean of consciousness. We all have access to the ocean; as the ocean is our true nature. The other droplets that form the ocean are also part of us. The subconscious minds of all are our link; for through the subconscious we have access to the super conscious which is linked to all there is.

    While I was in meditation I was shown a vision. I will recant it here. I saw myself standing on the earth; then I saw a large eye and it was looking at me. I was looking at it as it looked at me. Then the eye blinked and it transmuted itself into the earth. I saw the earth and then I saw it change into all the forms on earth. Then I saw the eye again and it was looking at me.

    I tried to put into words what I had seen but words are a poor description of the magnificence I had seen. I contemplated in mediation and asked for the true meaning of this vision and it came to me. The Great Spirit manifests into all the forms of everything on the earth and in all the universes, galaxies and in all the dimensions. All is the One manifest into form so the rock truly is our brother; the bird our sister and all are our relations. The Earth is a conscious being that is aware. Everything we see is a part of us and we are a part of the One. We are all co-creators with God.

    As I walk along the path I ask where does this path lead?

    How will my journey end?

    Will my journey be filled with laughter or pain?

    Why do you want to know? I hear this in the wind.

    I say: brother wind I have traveled long and far along the way

    I need to know how my journey ends.

    Brother wind whispers these words: my child, do you not know

    each day you choose how your path will go.

    Be it rough or smooth it is made by you.

    For it is not written in the wind or carved in stone.

    The choices you had made on other days

    are what you will find along the way.

    How your journey ends is the result of your own dreams.

    What is in the mind will come about in time.

    What you see today are the choices

    you made on another day along the way!

    The Way

    By Arlene Braswell





    I’ll start at the beginning with a little background information. My family originated in Eastern Europe with both my parents born in the USA. MY family accepted being intuitive and seeing spirits. My Parents were both Catholic and my mother was very spiritual. My father was a nature lover and was very in tune with the earth and growing things. Even though my mother was a Catholic she was also a Spiritualist and occasionally attended a local Spiritualist Church. She had many psychic friends at that time of her life. One of my mother’s psychic friends gave me a reading when I was almost 13 years old. She told me I am very psychic and a medium and that when I get older I would be even more so. She told me that I would be doing what she did. I remember hearing ghost stories from my mother as a child. I was told of my mother’s near death experience when she was only 7 years old and very ill with a raging fever. She told me how she had left her body and that she saw Mary the Holy Mother. She had told her to go back and that she would be made well again. I remember my mother talking about a spirit guide she used to call upon occasionally to help when she was ill Blue Feather was his name. My mother was very intuitive and little got past her and little was secret to her. She told me her own mother was like this intuitive. She told me how a great aunt worked with spirit and did readings for people. She also told me that two of my father’s sisters could see spirit and that they were afraid of them. I suppose it goes further back, but these are the relatives I had been told about. I guess I should have seen it coming and that I would not escape my heritage.

    As a child I still remember my first days at school. I was a very empathic child. It was very hard for me to know what emotions were mine and what was coming from someone else. It took me awhile to figure it out. I did by realizing when I focused on this child or that one I would feel different things. I had learned to distinguish energy even though I didn’t quite understand it

    A time when my life changed was at age 13. It was a time when I was very busy going to school and hurrying to the stables to work with the horses and trying to gently introduce my green broke colt into allowing me to ride him. This was the main highlight in my life at that time. He was a high spirited horse a beautiful golden brown with a large white blaze going down the front of his face. I named him Sam and he was beautiful so full of life. He had never been ridden having been taken from field to auction. A man who boarded his horse at the stable bought him at auction and gave him to me. He wanted to save him from the slaughter house. He knew I would give him a good home and how much I longed to own a horse.

    I have always had good communication with animals ever since a young child. I remember as a child all types of animals coming to me even some considered wild. I remember a box turtle which would come to me every day. I would talk to her and did not find this out of the ordinary. I also had a wild rabbit come to me every so often. That along with having dogs and sometimes cats follow me home from school. My mother thought I would become a veterinarian when I grew up but life had other plans for me.

    I would put my new colt on a long lead rope that I would hold and he would walk in a circle for training and exercise. We began getting to know one another. Training begins; I put the under padding for the saddle on Sam and I would lean my body over him to get him used to my body weight. I did this every day for a week. I slowly began to coax him into letting me put more weight on him. Occasionally I put just the saddle on him and walked him to get him used to the saddle. As I was leading him one day something must have spooked him. He suddenly twisted and raised his hooves in the air. I remember seeing stars and waking up on the ground as a friend was stirring me to awaken. I found out that I had been kicked around the temple area of my head. I guess I was lucky I did wake up from this experience. My friend put my horse back in his stall and took care of him while I recovered. A week later I went to the stable to care for my horse and Sam was not there. I found out that my mother

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