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Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key
Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key
Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key
Ebook132 pages52 minutes

Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key

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For a man, success of marriage relies heavily on his selection of woman for the partnership. For this, the man is required to discover himself before making a choice of the compatible woman. After the marriage, he is required to understand basics of womanhood and the chosen woman, and then adjust his conduct accordingly. Here, while characteristics of the woman are to be adhered to for remolding his conduct overlooking his own characteristics. These five steps form the five sections of this book with each section carrying relevant articles.
Section A : Understand Your Self
A1-Basic Characteristic Needs of Human Life, A2-Flow of Life – from Person to Family, to Society, and to Work, A3-All that Attracts for Interactions, A4-A Relationship is An Accumulation of Feelings, A5-Psychological Perspectives of Love, A6-In Women's Body, What Attracts the Men, A7-Feminine Touch for the Sense of Security,
Section B : Look for a Compatible Woman
B1-Supplementary and Complementary Characteristics for a Relationship, B2-Three Aspects of Love : Romanticism, Sensuality and Sexuality, B3-Man-Woman Relational Compatibility, B4- Understand the Depth of Beauty,
Section C : Make a Choice
C1-Selecting a Life Partner, C2-Way to Win Sweetness in a Relationship, C3-Lust, Passion and Love Mechanisms, C4-A Goal is Essential for a Relationship, C5-Marriages and Divorces,
Section D : Understand Womanhood and the Woman
D1-Psychology behind taking Women to Bed with Pleasure, D2-Why Women Misunderstand Men, D3-What does a Woman want from her Man, D4-Love is not a Destination but a Journey, D5-How to Recover Womanhood in Peril,
Section E : Readjust Yourself
E1-How to be Favourite of your Chosen Woman, E2-Blend Friend, Lover and Spouse into One, E3-How to Be an Effective Lover, E4-Maintaining a Love Relationship, E5-Balancing between Individuality and Relationships, E6-Boost up Your Love Life, E7-Secrets and Ways for Long-Term Love

Thus, characteristics of the woman and conduct of the man are at work in maintaining sweetness of the relationship.

PublisherRam Bansal
Release dateMar 23, 2014
Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key

Ram Bansal

An Engineering Graduate from University of Roorkee, India (now an IIT) of 1971 batch, has served Engineering Profession for 35 years, now devoted to Social Engineering, Research into Vaidic Scriptures, and Authorship for changing the humanity - the way it thinks.

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    Book preview

    Marriage for Lifetime, Selection of Woman is the Key - Ram Bansal

    Marriage for Lifetime

    Selection of Woman is the Key


    Ram Bansal

    ISBN: 9781310858734

    Copyright Ram Bansal 2014

    Published at Smashwords

    Author's Key Websites

    'Vedic Life and Ayurveda'

    'Celebration LIFE'


    Five Steps of having a Lifelong Partnership with your Woman

    Section A : Understand Your Self

    A1-Basic Characteristic Needs of Human Life

    A2-Flow of Life – from Person to Family, to Society, and to Work

    A3-All that Attracts for Interactions

    A4-A Relationship is An Accumulation of Feelings

    A5-Psychological Perspectives of Love

    A6-In Women's Body, What Attracts the Men

    A7-Feminine Touch for the Sense of Security

    Section B : Look for a Compatible Woman

    B1-Supplementary and Complementary Characteristics for a Relationship

    B2-Three Aspects of Love : Romanticism, Sensuality and Sexuality

    B3-Man-Woman Relational Compatibility

    B4- Understand the Depth of Beauty

    Section C : Make a Choice

    C1-Selecting a Life Partner

    C2-Way to Win Sweetness in a Relationship

    C3-Lust, Passion and Love Mechanisms

    C4-A Goal is Essential for a Relationship

    C5-Marriages and Divorces

    Section D : Understand Womanhood and the Woman

    D1-Psychology behind taking Women to Bed with Pleasure

    D2-Why Women Misunderstand Men

    D3-What does a Woman want from her Man

    D4-Love is not a Destination but a Journey

    D5-How to Recover Womanhood in Peril

    Section E : Readjust Yourself

    E1-How to be Favourite of your Chosen Woman

    E2-Blend Friend, Lover and Spouse into One

    E3-How to Be an Effective Lover

    E4-Maintaining a Love Relationship

    E5-Balancing between Individuality and Relationship

    E6-Boost up Your Love Life

    E7-Secrets and Ways for Long-Term Love

    About the Author : Ram Bansal


    Five Steps of Lifelong Partnership with Your Woman

    A right woman is the sweetest thing in a man's life. But finding such a woman is tricky, and keeping the relationship with the chosen woman is more tricky. Women are more fluid by nature, hence are less decisive and more drifty. Therefore, It is the man who is required to work for maintaining the sweetness in his and her life through making adjustments in himself to suit the desired woman. There are five steps for keeping sweetness within a couple, beginning from premarital stage to the end of their common lifespan.

    Understand Your Self

    It is a step needed by the man before he steps into a full-fledged life after his boyhood. Up to this time, the nature of the man is fully developed and he has the ability to understand the world as well as himself. As for choosing a woman, he is required to understand himself first - what he is, his merits and demerits, and how he would be happy with. The most important factor of these is to know weaknesses of the self which need be covered up for a wholesome life.

    Nobody is perfect from any conceivable standards, therefore weaknesses in the self must be accepted as usual things present in every individual like him. There is no need of hiding these or feeling shy for these. Let these be there in the personality like the many strengths of the personality. But knowing these is very important for the person, not to confront a situation in which his weakness would become cause of his failure.

    Life is a series of battles everyone of us is required to fight. If you know your weak and strong points, you will always be successful through avoiding a battle field of your weakness and driving the battle to a field where you are strong. This is how winners choose their working fields.

    Look for Complementary Woman

    Men are the fundamental units of humanity with women made and naturally designed to complement the men through filling voids of weaknesses of their respective men. With this notion in mind, and with knowledge of own weaknesses, the man is required to look for a woman who would fill voids in his personality, thus the couple becoming a whole unit by complementing each other.

    Some persons may opine to accord a supplementary role to the woman in which case the strong points of the man would be further strengthened through the woman, but his voids would remain voids forever which may sometimes become causes of his failures. Therefore, I strongly opine for according a complementary role to the woman companion.

    Make a Choice

    Look for a woman having attributes complementary to those of the self and have a frank and fair communication in between to prepare the woman to play the complementary role in his life actively. Once, the communication is complete and the deal is through, go for a partnership. For this, some ruthlessness with the self and some hard decisions may be necessary.

    The choice so made is purely on technical grounds, with emotions of youthful attractions buried down in the interest of a successful happy wholesome life ahead. Remember, notions like 'love at first sight', 'love of births before the birth', etc exist in the foolish world only. Truly humans are made to be intellectuals, and intellectuals have no place for such emotional jerks.

    Understand the Womanhood and the Woman

    Finding and coming to understanding for partnership with a woman of complementary attribute is not the end of the process but only the first step of the life-long process for the man. Women are made biologically, emotionally and intellectually different from men, and men rarely understand these differences. Ignorance of these differences may cost heavily for the planned happy life ahead. Therefore, firstly understand the womanhood in general and then the woman of your choice in particular.

    Womanhood is like a soft sweet fruit which need to be taken utmost care of by the man in-charge of to prevent any decay. Such fruits prove their worth through usage only, therefore, womanhood is to be respectfully used by the manhood sexually, emotionally, intellectually and in practical applications in life.

    Spouses of most of us come from family and social background of the selves, therefore they are not expected to mold themselves instantly to suit our lifestyles. Moreover, women are more fluid by their nature and may drift easily and quickly from the chosen path. Taking care of them and let them share each aspect of our lives is essential to keep them involved on the path of a fulfilled life.

    Readjust Yourself

    Some social psychologists may opine that women are more adjustable than men, but I have an opinion contrary to this. Women for being soft by nature are incapable of taking rigid stands on any issue, which are essential for a person or a set of persons for moving ahead on a chosen

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