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Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy
Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy
Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy
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Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy

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In this all-in-one volume containing all four Swapping Spouses books, we follow the swap of two pairs of neighbours. In the first book, Swapping Spouses, Bobby initiates the swap and details his night spent with Stephanie. In Swapping Spouses: The Other Couple, Bobby's wife, Carrie, shares her experiences with Tyler, the hottie who lives next door. Swapping Spouses: The Aftermath details Stephanie's time with Bobby and explores what she goes through in the days following the swap. The last book in the series, Swapping Spouses: One Year Later, shares Tyler's view of how the swap went and his ensuing obsession with Carrie, a fixation that peaks one year after the initial swap.
Enjoy all four best selling books in the Swapping Spouses series for one low price.
Warning - 18+ only due to graphic sexual detail.

PublisherZoe Waters
Release dateMar 24, 2014
Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy

Zoe Waters

Zoe Waters is a freelance writer by day and an erotic novel writer by night. She has been writing and publishing mainstream fiction for over a decade but prefers the titillation of erotic fiction. When not writing, Zoe is scuba diving, hiking with her dog, or trying out the stuff she writes about, if only in her mind. Zoe can be reached at zoewaters13 at Follow her on Twitter @ZoeWaters13

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    Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy - Zoe Waters

    Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy

    By Zoe Waters

    Copyright 2014 Zoe Waters

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover art by Kristaps B.

    Swapping Spouses Quadrilogy

    Table of Contents:

    Swapping Spouses

    Swapping Spouses: The Other Couple

    Swapping Spouses: The Aftermath

    Swapping Spouses: One Year Later

    Swapping Spouses

    I’ve always wanted to fuck my next-door neighbor. She reminds me of a Greek goddess; barely-tanned skin, a head of flowing blonde curls, legs that go on forever, and a pair of tits that would fill my hands and mouth perfectly. I see her almost every morning when she leaves her house at 6:35 to go for a run. I make sure I’m sipping my morning mug of coffee and looking out my front bay window by 6:30 so I don’t miss my daily Stephanie sighting.

    She always wears the same thing – skimpy shorts that end just below her superb ass cheeks, a sleeveless t-shirt that clings to her perky rack, and ear buds tangling below her neck. She is oblivious to the fact that I watch her, which is the only reason I don’t feel like a total creeper.

    I’ve been married for just over a decade. I love my wife but I often fantasize about how happy my dick would be with some pussy variety. My wife is decent in the sack but it’s still the same pussy all the time.

    An idea has been running through my mind for almost a month, inspired by Stephanie’s husband, Tyler. I was outside doing yard work when Carrie, my wife, left to go meet a girlfriend for lunch. She was dolled up in one of her revealing sundresses with its short skirt and plunging neckline. When Carrie leaned toward me to give me a good-bye kiss, I caught sight of Tyler. He was looking at Carrie with a mixture of lust and envy, the same expression I probably have on my face when I watch Stephanie. It dawned on me at that moment that Tyler probably wanted my wife as much as I coveted his so why not swap wives for a few hours?

    I’ve pondered the idea off and on and as much as I don’t like the thought of another man’s dick in my wife, the thought of my cock in a new pussy is worth the trade-off. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of a swap. But how do I convince the others?

    Carrie and I are on friendly terms with Stephanie and Tyler but I wouldn’t say we are anything more than acquaintances. We chat about the weather when we pass one another outside but that’s about it. Tyler and I shared a beer in his driveway once when he rolled up in his new Corvette but that’s the extent of our interactions. Despite not knowing the guy, I wanted to run the idea by him before the ladies. That way if he was totally against it, I wouldn’t have to have the difficult discussion with Carrie and risk sleeping on the couch for a few nights.

    The next evening Carrie had to work late so I pulled out the lawn mower and set about cutting the already-short grass; I wanted to catch Tyler when he rolled up in his driveway as I didn’t have his cell number. I was halfway through mowing the yard a second time when he pulled up in his Vette. I killed the power to the mower and jogged to the yard next door. Hey, Tyler, I said, aiming for a nonchalant tone but feeling the nerves kick in. For all I knew, he could punch me in the face in the next couple of minutes.

    Hey Bobby. What’s up?

    I was hoping to talk to you for a second.

    Tyler put his briefcase back in his car, looked at his watch, and said, Sure. What’s up?

    I want to run something by you. I know this is coming out of left field but I wondered if you are attracted to my wife.

    Tyler just looked at me with an eyebrow raised, as if I had sprouted another set of ears. Why do you ask? he finally said, breaking the awkward silence that had developed.

    There’s no easy way to say this so I’m just going to put it out there. I was wondering if you’d be interested in swapping wives for a night? Or a couple hours…

    A goofy grin spread across Tyler’s face. Hell yeah, he said, raising his hand for a high five. I slapped his palm with mine and breathed a massive sigh of relief that he had a favourable reaction to my suggestion.

    There’s just one problem, he said.

    What’s that?

    How do we get the ladies to agree?

    I’ve thought about that. I know Carrie will take some convincing but I hope she’ll eventually be on board. How about Stephanie?

    Tyler ran his hand through his perfectly-tousled hair. I don’t know. I have no idea how she will react.

    Shall we get it over with and ask the girls tonight?

    Sounds good. Tyler pulled his cell phone from his pocket. What’s your number?

    I fired off the ten digits as I took out my phone and asked him the same question.

    Good luck, I said.

    You too. Let me know how it goes.

    I cut back across my lawn and took my mower back to the shed. I pondered the best approach to take with Carrie. I would downplay how excited the idea made me, of course, and try to make it sound like no big deal. Perhaps I’d take her out for a romantic dinner first, get a few drinks in her, and loosen her up a bit. That sounded like a great plan.

    I peeled off my sweaty shirt as I took the stairs to our bedroom two at a time, aiming to shower and get cleaned up for our spontaneous date night. But Carrie cornered me first.

    What were you and Tyler talking about? she asked.

    I tossed my shirt in the general direction of the clothes hamper. How about I take a quick shower and then we’ll go out for a nice dinner to discuss it?

    Carrie looked at me with suspicion. Let’s skip the dinner and how about we discuss it right now? I recognized the tone – she wasn’t suggesting it, she was ordering it.

    I took her hand and led her to the bed where we both sat down. I wasn’t sure how to start.

    Bobby, out with it, Carrie said, exasperation lining her words.

    What would you think of swapping for a night with Tyler and Stephanie?

    She looked at me blankly for a few seconds. What do you mean? House swapping?

    No, bed swapping. You spend a night with Tyler and I’d hang with Stephanie.

    I could tell the second she got what I was referring to. She slid her hand out of mine, stood, and walked to the window. She pulled the curtains open all the way and ironically looked into Tyler’s back yard. I didn’t say anything, giving her time to digest the idea.

    After a few agonizing minutes, she said, Are you okay with that?

    I am. You and I have been talking about spicing things up.

    True. You would be okay with having sex with me afterwards?

    I pretended to ponder it although I knew my answer was an unequivocal yes. I would be okay with it, I said.

    Okay. Let’s do it.

    I wanted to do a happy dance but I managed to stop myself. I walked over to where she stood silhouetted in the window. I’ve never loved my wife more than I did at that moment.

    I love you, baby, I said, running my hand up and down her bare arm.

    I love you, too. She leaned toward me and I met her halfway, her lips parting under mine as they always did. I pulled Carrie closer and felt her relax and press her body into me. Her arms circled my shoulders and her hands buried themselves in my hair.

    I imagined it was Stephanie in my arms and felt myself instantly get hard. Having the chance to fuck her was so close to becoming a reality that I let myself enjoy the fantasy.

    Carrie was wearing the dress she’d worn to work and I pulled it up far enough to snake my hand underneath it. I went for her crotch, my hand hindered only by her panties. I pushed them to one side and held them there with my thumb as I plunged two fingers into her. I knew just how she liked to be rubbed to ensure she got as wet as fast as possible. All this talk of swapping spouses had me horny as hell and I just wanted to get my dick in a wet pussy.

    For once Carrie didn’t seem to need her minimum 15 minutes of foreplay before she was ready for cock action. Emboldened by how far I’d been able to push the boundaries tonight with my wife, I pushed Carrie to her knees, hoping she’d take the hint and blow me. I loved getting blow jobs - what man didn’t? - but Carrie wasn’t into giving or receiving oral sex so she only blew me once every six months or so. Those were probably only given out of guilt although I didn’t care why.

    She reached her hand into my boxers and slowly pumped my hard cock. As usual, she didn’t use enough pressure but it was better than nothing.

    I pulled my shorts and boxers down to my ankles and kicked them off. Carrie took the head of my dick in her mouth, albeit tentatively. I wished she would attack my cock but hoping for a sliver of enthusiasm from her was pointless when it came to blow jobs.

    She ran her lips two-thirds of the way down my shaft, as far as she ever let herself go. I wanted to shove the back of her head just to see if she could take all of me in her mouth but she’d probably get pissed off and stop blowing me altogether.

    I let her continue sucking me as my mind wandered next door. I wondered if Stephanie was into blow jobs – I couldn’t wait to find out. I’ll bet she gave killer blow jobs, the kind that made you feel like you could blow your load to the ceiling.

    Stephanie. I wondered how she would look naked. She was thin like Carrie but she seemed to be curvier. Her waist tucked in a bit more and her boobs stuck out further. With her clothes off, she’d probably be perfectly proportioned. I’ll bet her tits were still perky. I couldn’t wait to squeeze them and bury my face between them.

    The thoughts of Stephanie were driving me crazy. I wanted to fuck her so bad. My cock was throbbing with need for her and Carrie puttering around in my crotch area wasn’t getting me anywhere.

    I picked Carrie up off the floor and threw her onto the bed. I flipped her over so she was on her front, grabbed her by the hips, and pulled her ass up in the air. I lifted her dress and tossed it upward. The hem landed on top of her head, the dress keeping her covered from the waist up. I ripped off her panties, spread her ass cheeks apart with my hands so my aim would be spot-on, and plunged my cock into her pussy. She gasped, more of a painful sound then a thrilled moan, but I was so focused on the horniness running through my body and mind that I didn’t care.

    As I continued to picture Stephanie naked underneath me and writhing in my arms, my body and hands doing stimulating things to her, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. Less than a minute after I started fucking Carrie, I blew my load inside her, a massive outpouring of jism.

    As the last of my cum oozed out of me while I slowly pumped in and out of Carrie a few more times, the reality of what I’d done to my wife started to hit me. Shit – that was a pretty brutal fuck for her and I knew she likely didn’t get off. While I wanted to roll over and take a nap and not care about anyone else’s needs, I knew I had to keep Carrie happy so she didn’t change her mind about the swap.

    I pulled out of her and flopped down on bed, pulling Carrie into my arms. Sorry, honey, I said. Sometimes you make me so horny.

    Nice try. That had nothing to do with me.

    Damn, she sounded bitter. We both knew she was right but I wasn’t about to admit it. That’s not true, I said.

    She actually humphed in response, obviously not believing the crap I was shoveling her way.

    I gave up trying to talk my way out of it; a mind-blowing orgasm of her own might do the trick. I turned my attention to her neck and began sucking and kissing it the way I knew she liked. But even after a couple minutes of neck play, she was still as stiff as a mannequin, showing no reaction. I peeled away the top half of her dress until it was bunched around her waist. I went to work on her tits. Once I’d finished playing with her boobs, her nipples were hard as stones and Carrie’s body finally started to relax. One of her hands moved from a fist at her side to rest on my back.

    When I moved my lips back up her chest, over her neck, and up to her earlobe, she finally gave a groan (albeit a small one) of pleasure. I had a long way to go but I was feeling especially generous tonight since she gave the go-ahead for the swap.

    Still feeling like pushing the boundaries, I whispered in her ear, What do you want? Anything you want, I can do.

    I want you to want me like you used to.

    Crap. I felt like a total schmuck. I hadn’t thought my waning desire for my wife was apparent to her. She was a beautiful woman who turned heads in public and she still turned me on; things had just gotten a little boring between the sheets lately.

    I always want you, baby, I said. You’re a total turn on.

    You’re making out with me now and I’m half naked and you don’t even have a hard on.

    I just blew my load! I can’t recover like I did when I was a teenager. Give me a couple minutes.


    She looked like she wanted to cry and Carrie wasn’t the crying type. This was going from bad to worse.

    I’ll show you how much I want you. You and only you.


    Wait here. I’ll be right back.

    She merely nodded in my general direction.

    I pushed myself off the bed and hurried to the garage to get the box I’d hidden under my socket set. I tucked it under my arm and ran back to the bedroom before Carrie changed her mind. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her still curled up on the bed.

    "I was saving this for your birthday but this

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